예제 #1
        public override void invert(ZMatrixRMaj A_inv)
            double[]    vv = decomp._getVV();
            ZMatrixRMaj LU = decomp.getLU();

            if (A_inv.numCols != LU.numCols || A_inv.numRows != LU.numRows)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected matrix dimension");

            int n = A.numCols;

            double[] dataInv    = A_inv.data;
            int      strideAinv = A_inv.getRowStride();

            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                // don't need to change inv into an identity matrix before hand
                Array.Clear(vv, 0, n * 2);
                vv[j * 2]     = 1;
                vv[j * 2 + 1] = 0;

//            for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) dataInv[i* n +j] = vv[i];
                int index = j * 2;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++, index += strideAinv)
                    dataInv[index]     = vv[i * 2];
                    dataInv[index + 1] = vv[i * 2 + 1];
예제 #2
         * Computes the quality of a triangular matrix, where the quality of a matrix
         * is defined in {@link LinearSolverDense#quality()}.  In
         * this situation the quality is the magnitude of the product of
         * each diagonal element divided by the magnitude of the largest diagonal element.
         * If all diagonal elements are zero then zero is returned.
         * @return the quality of the system.
        public static double qualityTriangular(ZMatrixRMaj T)
            int N = Math.Min(T.numRows, T.numCols);

            double max = elementDiagMaxMagnitude2(T);

            if (max == 0.0)

            max = Math.Sqrt(max);
            int rowStride = T.getRowStride();

            double qualityR = 1.0;
            double qualityI = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                int index = i * rowStride + i * 2;

                double real      = T.data[index] / max;
                double imaginary = T.data[index] / max;

                double r   = qualityR * real - qualityI * imaginary;
                double img = qualityR * imaginary + real * qualityI;

                qualityR = r;
                qualityI = img;

            return(Math.Sqrt(qualityR * qualityR + qualityI * qualityI));
예제 #3
        public static void squareConjugate(ZMatrixRMaj mat)
            int index     = 2;
            int rowStride = mat.getRowStride();
            int indexEnd  = rowStride;

            for (int i = 0;
                 i < mat.numRows;
                 i++, index += (i + 1) * 2, indexEnd += rowStride)
                mat.data[index - 1] = -mat.data[index - 1];

                int indexOther = (i + 1) * rowStride + i * 2;
                for (; index < indexEnd; index += 2, indexOther += rowStride)
                    double real = mat.data[index];
                    double img  = mat.data[index + 1];

                    mat.data[index]          = mat.data[indexOther];
                    mat.data[index + 1]      = -mat.data[indexOther + 1];
                    mat.data[indexOther]     = real;
                    mat.data[indexOther + 1] = -img;
예제 #4
         * Sets all the diagonal elements equal to one and everything else equal to zero.
         * If this is a square matrix then it will be an identity matrix.
         * @param mat A square matrix.
        public static void setIdentity(ZMatrixRMaj mat)
            int width = mat.numRows < mat.numCols ? mat.numRows : mat.numCols;

            Array.Clear(mat.data, 0, mat.getDataLength());

            int index  = 0;
            int stride = mat.getRowStride();

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++, index += stride + 2)
                mat.data[index] = 1;
예제 #5
         * A straight forward transpose.  Good for small non-square matrices.
         * @param A Original matrix.  Not modified.
         * @param A_tran Transposed matrix.  Modified.
        public static void standard(ZMatrixRMaj A, ZMatrixRMaj A_tran)
            int index         = 0;
            int rowStrideTran = A_tran.getRowStride();
            int rowStride     = A.getRowStride();

            for (int i = 0; i < A_tran.numRows; i++)
                int index2 = i * 2;

                int end = index + rowStrideTran;
                while (index < end)
                    A_tran.data[index++] = A.data[index2];
                    A_tran.data[index++] = A.data[index2 + 1];
                    index2 += rowStride;
예제 #6
        public override void solve(ZMatrixRMaj b, ZMatrixRMaj x)
            if (b.numCols != x.numCols || b.numRows != numRows || x.numRows != numCols)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected matrix size");

            int bnumCols = b.numCols;
            int bstride  = b.getRowStride();

            double[] dataB = b.data;
            double[] dataX = x.data;

            double[] vv = decomp._getVV();

//        for( int j = 0; j < numCols; j++ ) {
//            for( int i = 0; i < this.numCols; i++ ) vv[i] = dataB[i*numCols+j];
//            decomp._solveVectorInternal(vv);
//            for( int i = 0; i < this.numCols; i++ ) dataX[i*numCols+j] = vv[i];
//        }
            for (int j = 0; j < bnumCols; j++)
                int index = j * 2;
                for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++, index += bstride)
                    vv[i * 2]     = dataB[index];
                    vv[i * 2 + 1] = dataB[index + 1];
                index = j * 2;
                for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++, index += bstride)
                    dataX[index]     = vv[i * 2];
                    dataX[index + 1] = vv[i * 2 + 1];
예제 #7
         * <p>
         * Returns the magnitude squared of the complex element along the diagonal with the largest magnitude<br>
         * <br>
         * Max{ |a<sub>ij</sub>|^2 } for all i and j<br>
         * </p>
         * @param a A matrix. Not modified.
         * @return The max magnitude squared
        public static double elementDiagMaxMagnitude2(ZMatrixRMaj a)
            int size = Math.Min(a.numRows, a.numCols);

            int    rowStride = a.getRowStride();
            double max       = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                int index = i * rowStride + i * 2;

                double real      = a.data[index];
                double imaginary = a.data[index + 1];

                double m = real * real + imaginary * imaginary;

                if (m > max)
                    max = m;
