public async void UpdateFeaturedChannels() { var service = await YoutubeMethodsStatic.GetServiceAsync(); try { var methods = new YoutubeMethods(); string FeaturedChannelIds = ""; foreach (var Id in channel.BrandingSettings.Channel.FeaturedChannelsUrls) { FeaturedChannelIds += Id + ","; } var getChannels = service.Channels.List("snippet,statistics"); getChannels.Id = FeaturedChannelIds.Remove(FeaturedChannelIds.Length - 1, 1); var featuredChannelsResponse = getChannels.Execute(); foreach (var featuredChannel in featuredChannelsResponse.Items) { featuredChannelsTemp.Add(methods.ChannelToYoutubeChannel(featuredChannel)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Featured channels failed to load"); Log.Error(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(channel)); Log.Error(ex.Message); } }
private async void SearchAddMore() { var youtubeService = await YoutubeMethodsStatic.GetServiceAsync(); if (addingVideos == true) { return; } addingVideos = true; var searchListRequest = youtubeService.Search.List("snippet"); searchListRequest.Q = Constants.MainPageRef.SearchBox.Text; searchListRequest.PageToken = nextPageToken; searchListRequest.MaxResults = 25; // Call the search.list method to retrieve results matching the specified query term. var searchListResponse = await searchListRequest.ExecuteAsync(); nextPageToken = searchListResponse.NextPageToken; ObservableCollection <YoutubeItemDataType> tempList = new ObservableCollection <YoutubeItemDataType>(); var methods = new YoutubeMethods(); foreach (var searchResult in searchListResponse.Items) { if (searchResult.Id.Kind == "youtube#video") { var data = methods.VideoToYoutubeItem(searchResult); tempList.Add(data); SearchResultsList.Add(data); } else if (searchResult.Id.Kind == "youtube#channel") { var data = methods.ChannelToYoutubeChannel(searchResult, youtubeService); SearchResultsList.Add(data); } } methods.FillInViews(tempList, youtubeService); foreach (var item in tempList) { SearchResultsList.Add(item); } addingVideos = false; }