예제 #1
        // have entered the body
        // the header should have finished being parsed and currentNode ready
        // all we do is set up a body visitor and tell it to run through all the statements
        // it handles everything from that point onwards
        public override void EnterBody(YarnSpinnerParser.BodyContext context)
            // if it is a regular node
            if (!rawTextNode)
                BodyVisitor visitor = new BodyVisitor(this);

                foreach (var statement in context.statement())
            // we are a rawText node
            // turn the body into text
            // save that into the node
            // perform no compilation
            // TODO: oh glob! there has to be a better way
                // moving in by 4 from the end to cut off the ---/=== delimiters
                // and their associated /n's
                int    start = context.Start.StartIndex + 4;
                int    end   = context.Stop.StopIndex - 4;
                string body  = context.Start.InputStream.GetText(new Interval(start, end));

                currentNode.sourceTextStringID = program.RegisterString(body, currentNode.name, "line:" + currentNode.name, context.Start.Line, true);
예제 #2
        // have entered the body
        // the header should have finished being parsed and currentNode ready
        // all we do is set up a body visitor and tell it to run through all the statements
        // it handles everything from that point onwards
        public override void EnterBody(YarnSpinnerParser.BodyContext context)
            // if it is a regular node
            if (!RawTextNode)
                // This is the start of a node that we can jump to. Add a label at this point.
                CurrentNode.Labels.Add(RegisterLabel(), CurrentNode.Instructions.Count);

                BodyVisitor visitor = new BodyVisitor(this);

                foreach (var statement in context.statement())
            // we are a rawText node
            // turn the body into text
            // save that into the node
            // perform no compilation
            // TODO: oh glob! there has to be a better way
                CurrentNode.SourceTextStringID = RegisterString(context.GetText(), CurrentNode.Name, "line:" + CurrentNode.Name, context.Start.Line, null);
예제 #3
        // exiting the body of the node, time for last minute work
        // before moving onto the next node
        // Does this node end after emitting AddOptions codes
        // without calling ShowOptions?
        public override void ExitBody(YarnSpinnerParser.BodyContext context)
            // if it is a regular node
            if (!rawTextNode)
                // Note: this only works when we know that we don't have
                // AddOptions and then Jump up back into the code to run them.
                // TODO: A better solution would be for the parser to flag
                // whether a node has Options at the end.
                var hasRemainingOptions = false;
                foreach (var instruction in currentNode.instructions)
                    if (instruction.operation == ByteCode.AddOption)
                        hasRemainingOptions = true;
                    if (instruction.operation == ByteCode.ShowOptions)
                        hasRemainingOptions = false;

                // If this compiled node has no lingering options to show at the end of the node, then stop at the end
                if (hasRemainingOptions == false)
                    Emit(currentNode, ByteCode.Stop);
                    // Otherwise, show the accumulated nodes and then jump to the selected node
                    Emit(currentNode, ByteCode.ShowOptions);

                    if (flags.DisableShuffleOptionsAfterNextSet == true)
                        Emit(currentNode, ByteCode.PushBool, false);
                        Emit(currentNode, ByteCode.StoreVariable, VirtualMachine.SpecialVariables.ShuffleOptions);
                        Emit(currentNode, ByteCode.Pop);
                        flags.DisableShuffleOptionsAfterNextSet = false;

                    Emit(currentNode, ByteCode.RunNode);
예제 #4
        // have entered the body the header should have finished being
        // parsed and currentNode ready all we do is set up a body visitor
        // and tell it to run through all the statements it handles
        // everything from that point onwards
        public override void EnterBody(YarnSpinnerParser.BodyContext context)
            // if it is a regular node
            if (!RawTextNode)
                // This is the start of a node that we can jump to. Add a
                // label at this point.
                CurrentNode.Labels.Add(RegisterLabel(), CurrentNode.Instructions.Count);

                CodeGenerationVisitor visitor = new CodeGenerationVisitor(this);

                foreach (var statement in context.statement())
            // We are a rawText node. Don't compile it; instead, note the string
                CurrentNode.SourceTextStringID = Compiler.GetLineIDForNodeName(CurrentNode.Name);
예제 #5
        // exiting the body of the node, time for last minute work
        // before moving onto the next node
        // Does this node end after emitting AddOptions codes
        // without calling ShowOptions?
        public override void ExitBody(YarnSpinnerParser.BodyContext context)
            // if it is a regular node
            if (!RawTextNode)
                // Note: this only works when we know that we don't have
                // AddOptions and then Jump up back into the code to run them.
                // TODO: A better solution would be for the parser to flag
                // whether a node has Options at the end.
                var hasRemainingOptions = false;
                foreach (var instruction in CurrentNode.Instructions)
                    if (instruction.Opcode == OpCode.AddOption)
                        hasRemainingOptions = true;
                    if (instruction.Opcode == OpCode.ShowOptions)
                        hasRemainingOptions = false;

                // If this compiled node has no lingering options to show at the end of the node, then stop at the end
                if (hasRemainingOptions == false)
                    Emit(CurrentNode, OpCode.Stop);
                    // Otherwise, show the accumulated nodes and then jump to the selected node
                    Emit(CurrentNode, OpCode.ShowOptions);

                    // Showing options will make the execution stop; the
                    // user will have invoked code that pushes the name of
                    // a node onto the stack, which RunNode handles
                    Emit(CurrentNode, OpCode.RunNode);
 /// <summary>
 /// Visit a parse tree produced by <see cref="YarnSpinnerParser.body"/>.
 /// <para>
 /// The default implementation returns the result of calling <see cref="AbstractParseTreeVisitor{Result}.VisitChildren(IRuleNode)"/>
 /// on <paramref name="context"/>.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The parse tree.</param>
 /// <return>The visitor result.</return>
 public virtual Result VisitBody([NotNull] YarnSpinnerParser.BodyContext context)
 /// <summary>
 /// Exit a parse tree produced by <see cref="YarnSpinnerParser.body"/>.
 /// <para>The default implementation does nothing.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The parse tree.</param>
 public virtual void ExitBody([NotNull] YarnSpinnerParser.BodyContext context)