private XtraReportFactura CalcularReport() { Factura factura = Factura; factura.Lineas.Clear(); factura.Lineas.AddRange(bsLineas.Cast <LineaFactura>()); factura.CalcularSubtotales(); XtraReportFactura xtraReport = new XtraReportFactura(); var cliente = Cliente ?? new Cliente(); try { using (var ms = new MemoryStream(cliente.ModeloDocumento)) { ms.Position = 0; xtraReport.LoadLayout(ms); } } catch (Exception) { } xtraReport.Factura = factura; xtraReport.RequestParameters = false; ParameterCollection parameters = xtraReport.Parameters; parameters["licenciaMunicipal"].Value = Settings.Default.licencia; parameters["email"].Value =; parameters["Movil"].Value = Settings.Default.movil; parameters["Nif"].Value = Settings.Default.nif; parameters["Telefono"].Value = Settings.Default.telefono; parameters["nombre"].Value = Settings.Default.nombre; parameters["direccion"].Value = Settings.Default.direccion; parameters["poblacion"].Value = Settings.Default.poblacionCP; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Default.Iban)) { parameters["iban"].Value = string.Format("IBAN: {0}", Settings.Default.Iban); } else { parameters["iban"].Value = string.Format("IBAN: {0}", Settings.Default.ccc); } return(xtraReport); }
private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Factura factura = bsFactura.Current as Factura; if (factura != null) { XtraReportFactura xtraReport = new XtraReportFactura { Factura = factura }; ReportDesignTool dt = new ReportDesignTool(xtraReport); // Invoke the Ribbon End-User Designer form modally. dt.ShowRibbonDesignerDialog(); } }
public void Disenyar() { Factura factura = bsFactura.Current as Factura; if (factura != null) { var cliente = Cliente ?? new Cliente(); XtraReportFactura xtraReport = new XtraReportFactura { Factura = factura }; try { using (var ms = new MemoryStream(cliente.ModeloDocumento)) { ms.Position = 0; xtraReport.LoadLayout(ms); } } catch (Exception) { } ReportDesignTool dt = new ReportDesignTool(xtraReport); // Invoke the Ribbon End-User Designer form modally. dt.ShowRibbonDesignerDialog(); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { xtraReport.SaveLayout(ms); ms.Position = 0; cliente.ModeloDocumento = ms.ToArray(); } } }
/// <summary> /// <para> /// If implemented by a class, allows you to handle Printing System commands (listed in the <see cref="T:DevExpress.XtraPrinting.PrintingSystemCommand"/> enumeration). /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="command">A <see cref="T:DevExpress.XtraPrinting.PrintingSystemCommand"/> enumeration value. /// </param><param name="args">An array of <see cref="T:System.Object"/> values, specifying the command arguments. /// </param><param name="printControl">An object implementing the <see cref="T:DevExpress.XtraPrinting.IPrintControl"/> interface (typically, this is a <see cref="T:DevExpress.XtraPrinting.Control.PrintControl"/> instance). /// </param><param name="handled"><b>true</b> if the command has been handled; otherwise <b>false</b>. /// </param> public void HandleCommand(PrintingSystemCommand command, object[] args, IPrintControl printControl, ref bool handled) { if (!CanHandleCommand(command, printControl)) { return; } DocumentViewer documentViewer = printControl as DocumentViewer; if (documentViewer != null) { // Set handled to 'true' to prevent the standard exporting procedure from being called. handled = true; XtraReportFactura xtraReportFactura = documentViewer.DocumentSource as XtraReportFactura; if (xtraReportFactura != null) { Factura factura = xtraReportFactura.Factura; string escritorio = Settings.Default.carpetaSalidaPDF; string nombreFichero = Path.Combine(escritorio, string.Format("Factura-{0}.pdf", factura.Numero)); if (File.Exists(nombreFichero) && XtraMessageBox.Show(string.Format(@"¿Desea sobreescribir el fichero '{0}'?", nombreFichero), string.Format("Exportar a PDF la factura {0}", factura.Numero), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.No) { return; } xtraReportFactura.ExportToPdf(nombreFichero); } } }
private void GenerarFicheroFacturaPdfToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DatosLineaValido()) { return; } bsFactura.EndEdit(); Factura factura = bsFactura.Current as Factura; ActualizarContadoresLineas(); try { XtraReportFactura xtraReport = new XtraReportFactura { Factura = factura }; xtraReport.Parameters["licenciaMunicipal"].Value = Settings.Default.licencia; xtraReport.Parameters["email"].Value =; xtraReport.Parameters["Movil"].Value = Settings.Default.movil; xtraReport.Parameters["Nif"].Value = Settings.Default.nif; xtraReport.Parameters["Telefono"].Value = Settings.Default.telefono; xtraReport.Parameters["nombre"].Value = Settings.Default.nombre; xtraReport.Parameters["direccion"].Value = Settings.Default.direccion; xtraReport.Parameters["poblacion"].Value = Settings.Default.poblacionCP; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Default.Iban)) { xtraReport.Parameters["poblacion"].Value = string.Format("IBAN: {0}", Settings.Default.Iban); } else { xtraReport.Parameters["poblacion"].Value = string.Format("IBAN: {0}", Settings.Default.ccc); } SetTextWatermark(xtraReport); using (ReportPrintTool printTool = new ReportPrintTool(xtraReport)) { // Invoke the Ribbon Print Preview form modally, // and load the report document into it. printTool.ShowRibbonPreviewDialog(); // Invoke the Ribbon Print Preview form // with the specified look and feel setting. printTool.ShowRibbonPreview(UserLookAndFeel.Default); } //(new PdfGenerador(factura)).Run(); } catch (Exception exception) { XtraMessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } if (factura != null) { Settings.Default.ultimaFactura = factura.Numero; } Settings.Default.Save(); }