예제 #1
        public void TestDiffuser()
            const string helloWorld      = "Hello World!";
            var          helloWorldBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(helloWorld);
            BigInteger   b                = helloWorldBytes.ToBigIntegerFromBigEndianUnsignedBytes();
            Diffuser     d                = new XteaDiffuser();
            var          scrambled        = d.Scramble(b, helloWorldBytes.Length);
            var          unscrambed       = d.Unscramble(scrambled, helloWorldBytes.Length);
            var          unscrambledBytes = unscrambed.ToUnsignedBigEndianBytes();
            string       recovered        = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(unscrambledBytes);

            Assert.AreEqual(helloWorld, recovered);
예제 #2
        private static void Split()
            int degree = Arguments.HasSpecifiedSecurityLevel
                             ? Arguments.SecurityLevel
                             : IrreduciblePolynomial.MaxDegree;

            if (!Arguments.QuietMode)
                Console.Write("Generating shares using a ({0},{1}) scheme with ", Arguments.Threshold, Arguments.Shares);

                if (Arguments.HasSpecifiedSecurityLevel)
                    Console.Write("a {0} bit", Arguments.SecurityLevel);

                Console.WriteLine(" security level.");

                Console.Error.Write("Enter the secret, ");

                if (Arguments.HexMode)
                    Console.Error.Write("at most {0} hex digits: ", degree / 4);
                    Console.Error.Write("at most {0} ASCII characters: ", degree / 8);

            var secret = String.Empty;

            try {
                secret = ReadLineHidden();
            catch {
                Fatal("I/O error while reading secret");

            int securitySize = Arguments.SecurityLevel;

            if (!Arguments.HasSpecifiedSecurityLevel)
                securitySize = Arguments.HexMode
                                   ? 4 * (((secret.Length + 1) & ~1))
                                   : 8 * secret.Length;

                if (!IrreduciblePolynomial.IsValidDegree(securitySize))
                    Fatal("security level invalid (secret too long?)");

                if (!Arguments.QuietMode)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Using a {0} bit security level.", securitySize);

            Diffuser diffuser = new NullDiffuser();

            if (Arguments.EnableDiffusion)
                if (securitySize >= 64)
                    diffuser = new XteaDiffuser();
                    Warning("security level too small for the diffusion layer");

            var secretBytes = MakeSecretBytes(secret, Arguments.HexMode, degree);

            foreach (var share in SecretSplitter.Split(SecretShareType.Message, secretBytes, Arguments.Threshold, diffuser).GetShares(Arguments.Shares))
예제 #3
        private static void Combine()
            if (!Arguments.QuietMode)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter {0} shares separated by newlines:", Arguments.Threshold);

            int polynomialDegree = -1;

            var totalShares = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Arguments.Threshold; i++)
                if (!Arguments.QuietMode)
                    Console.Write("Share [{0}/{1}]: ", i + 1, Arguments.Threshold);

                string currentShare = String.Empty;

                try {
                    currentShare = Console.ReadLine();
                catch {
                    Fatal("I/O error while reading shares");

                SecretShare share;

                if (!SecretShare.TryParse(currentShare, out share))
                    Fatal("invalid syntax");

                if (polynomialDegree < 0)
                    polynomialDegree = share.Point.Y.PrimePolynomial.Degree;
                    if (!IrreduciblePolynomial.IsValidDegree(polynomialDegree))
                        Fatal("share has illegal length");
                else if (polynomialDegree != share.Point.Y.PrimePolynomial.Degree)
                    Fatal("shares have different security levels");


            Diffuser diffuser = new NullDiffuser();

            if (Arguments.EnableDiffusion)
                if (polynomialDegree >= 64)
                    diffuser = new XteaDiffuser();
                    Warning("security level too small for the diffusion layer");

            var recoveredSecret = SecretCombiner.Combine(totalShares, diffuser);

            if (!Arguments.QuietMode)
                Console.Error.Write("Resulting secret: ");

            Console.Error.WriteLine(Arguments.HexMode ? recoveredSecret.RecoveredHexString : recoveredSecret.RecoveredTextString);