예제 #1
 protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     XsltArgumentList argsList = new XsltArgumentList();
     argsList.AddParam("calories", "", TextBox1.Text);
     Xml1.TransformArgumentList = argsList;
     Xml1.Visible = true;
예제 #2
    public static string Transform(string xsltFile, string xml, XsltArgumentList xslArg)
        string result = "";
        try {

        XslCompiledTransform xslt = new XslCompiledTransform();
        // XmlWriterSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration

        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
        xmlDoc.Load(new StringReader(xml));

        XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
        settings.Indent = true;
        settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;
        settings.NewLineOnAttributes = true;

        using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()) {
        using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(sw, settings)) {
            xslt.Transform(xmlDoc, xslArg, writer);
        result = sw.ToString();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
        return result;
예제 #3
    public static object GetData(StageParams config)
        XmlDocument input = Util.Validate<XmlDocument>( config.data, "XSLTStage" );

        string xslPath = config.context.Server.MapPath( config.map );
        if (!File.Exists(xslPath))
            throw new FileLoadException(String.Format("Style sheet {0} is not found", xslPath));

        XslCompiledTransform transform = new XslCompiledTransform();
        transform.Load(xslPath, new XsltSettings(false, true), new XmlUrlResolver());

        XsltArgumentList al = new XsltArgumentList();

        int index = 0;
        foreach (XmlNode node in config.stage)
            if ( node.Attributes["type"] != null )
                al.AddParam( node.Name, "", config.allParams[index++]);

        if (!config.last)
            MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();
            transform.Transform(input, al, output);
            return output;
            transform.Transform(input, al, config.outputStream);
            return null;
예제 #4
        internal XmlQueryContext(XmlQueryRuntime runtime, object defaultDataSource, XmlResolver dataSources, XsltArgumentList argList, WhitespaceRuleLookup wsRules) {
            this.runtime = runtime;
            this.dataSources = dataSources;
            this.dataSourceCache = new Hashtable();
            this.argList = argList;
            this.wsRules = wsRules;

            if (defaultDataSource is XmlReader) {
                this.readerSettings = new QueryReaderSettings((XmlReader) defaultDataSource);
            else {
                // Consider allowing users to set DefaultReaderSettings in XsltArgumentList
                // readerSettings = argList.DefaultReaderSettings;
                this.readerSettings = new QueryReaderSettings(new NameTable());

            if (defaultDataSource is string) {
                // Load the default document from a Uri
                this.defaultDataSource = GetDataSource(defaultDataSource as string, null);

                if (this.defaultDataSource == null)
                    throw new XslTransformException(Res.XmlIl_UnknownDocument, defaultDataSource as string);
            else if (defaultDataSource != null) {
                this.defaultDataSource = ConstructDocument(defaultDataSource, null, null);
예제 #5
 public XsltArgumentList ToXsltArgumentList()
     XsltArgumentList result = new XsltArgumentList();
     for(int i=0; i<mKeys.Count; i++){
         result.AddParam((string)mKeys[i], "", (string)mVals[i]);
     return result;
예제 #6
    protected void imgSearchIcon_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
        string helpCultureName = _cultureCookie != null ? _cultureCookie.Value : string.Empty;
        string rootUrl = HelpSiteMapProvider.GetProviderRootUrlByCultureName(helpCultureName);
        string contentIndexName = "HelpContentIndex:" + rootUrl;
        ContentIndex myContentIndex = null;
        ContentSearchResult mySearchResult = null;
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        XslCompiledTransform xslt = new XslCompiledTransform();
        XsltArgumentList xsltArgs = new XsltArgumentList();
        StringWriter xsltResult = null;
        string exprPageTitle = @"(?si)(?:(?<=<meta\s*name\s*=\s*(?:""|')menuText(?:""|')\s*content\s*=\s*(?:""|'))(?<contentAttribute>.*?[^(?:"")]*)(?=(?:"")[^>]*>)|(?<=<meta\s*content\s*=\s*(?:""|'))(?<contentAttribute>.*?[^(?:"")]*)(?=(?:"")\s*name\s*=\s*(?:""|')menuText(?:""|')\s*[^>]*>))";

        if (txtSearch.Text.Length > 0)
                myContentIndex = Application[contentIndexName] as ContentIndex;
                if (myContentIndex == null)
                    myContentIndex = new ContentIndex(Page.MapPath(rootUrl), exprPageTitle);
                    Application[contentIndexName] = myContentIndex;

                mySearchResult = myContentIndex.Search(txtSearch.Text);
                xsltArgs.AddParam("hrefPrefix", string.Empty, Request.Url.GetLeftPart(System.UriPartial.Path) + "?page=Help&content=");
                xsltArgs.AddParam("relativeURL", string.Empty, rootUrl);
                xsltArgs.AddParam("mappedURL", string.Empty, Page.MapPath(rootUrl));

                xsltResult = new StringWriter();
                xslt.Transform(doc, xsltArgs, xsltResult);

                litMainContent.Text = xsltResult.ToString();
            catch (XmlException xmlEx)
                if (xmlEx.Message.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("root"))
                {   //Missing root element.
                    litMainContent.Text = String.Format(GetLocalResourceObject("NoContentFound").ToString(), txtSearch.Text);
                    litMainContent.Text = String.Format(GetLocalResourceObject("UnableToSearch").ToString(), xmlEx.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                litMainContent.Text = String.Format(GetLocalResourceObject("UnableToSearch").ToString(), ex.Message);
                if (xsltResult != null)
예제 #7
    public static void Transform(string sXmlPath, string sXslPath)
        try {
        XPathDocument myXPathDoc = new XPathDocument(sXmlPath);
        XslCompiledTransform myXslTrans = new XslCompiledTransform();
        XsltArgumentList xslArgs = new XsltArgumentList();
        Utils classPtr = new Utils();
        xslArgs.AddExtensionObject("urn:util", classPtr);
        XmlTextWriter myWriter = new XmlTextWriter("result.xml", null);
        myXslTrans.Transform(myXPathDoc, xslArgs, myWriter);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.ToString());
예제 #8
    private void ProcessMenuRequest()
        Ektron.Cms.ContentAPI myContent = new Ektron.Cms.ContentAPI();
        Ektron.Cms.CommonApi AppUI = new Ektron.Cms.CommonApi();
        Ektron.Cms.API.User.User myUser = new Ektron.Cms.API.User.User();

        long contentId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["contentId"]);
        int languageId = -1;
        long taxonomyOverrideId = 0;
        if (Request.QueryString["dmsLanguageId"] != null)
            if (Request.QueryString["dmsLanguageId"] != String.Empty)
                languageId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["dmsLanguageId"]);
                if (languageId == Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.CONTENT_LANGUAGES_UNDEFINED || languageId == Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.ALL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES)
                    languageId = AppUI.DefaultContentLanguage;
                AppUI.ContentLanguage = languageId;
                myContent.ContentLanguage = languageId;

        //createIeSpecificMenu is an argument passed to the constructor of the DMSMenuContentAPI class
        //This arg tells DMSMenuContentAPI whether or not to include the IE specific functionality
        //namely, this funcitonality is the office-specific stuff (Edit In Microsoft Office, View in Microsoft Office).
        Boolean createIeSpecificMenu = false;
        if (Request.QueryString["createIeSpecificMenu"] != String.Empty)
            createIeSpecificMenu = Convert.ToBoolean(Request.QueryString["createIeSpecificMenu"]);

        string dmsMenuType = String.Empty;
        string dmsMenuSubtype = String.Empty;
        long communityGroupID = 0;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["communityDocuments"]))
            // Dms community menus may carry additional data (i.e. group id).
            string[] splitDmsMenuTypeInfo = Request.QueryString["communityDocuments"].Split(
                new char[] { '_' },

            dmsMenuType = splitDmsMenuTypeInfo[0];

            if (splitDmsMenuTypeInfo.Length == 2)
                long.TryParse(splitDmsMenuTypeInfo[1], out communityGroupID);

        Ektron.Cms.ContentData myContentData = new Ektron.Cms.ContentData();
        Ektron.Cms.API.Content.Content apiCont = new Ektron.Cms.API.Content.Content();
        Ektron.Cms.ContentStateData stateData = apiCont.GetContentState(contentId);
        if (stateData.Status == "A")
            myContentData = apiCont.GetContent(contentId, Ektron.Cms.ContentAPI.ContentResultType.Published);
            myContentData = apiCont.GetContent(contentId, Ektron.Cms.ContentAPI.ContentResultType.Staged);

        string dmsMenuGuid;
        XsltArgumentList myDMSMenuArguments = new XsltArgumentList();
        Ektron.Cms.Workarea.Dms.DmsMenu myDMSMenu;
        if (dmsMenuType != "")
            bool queryDynamicContentBox = false;
            string controlID = String.Empty;

            if (Request.QueryString["dynamicContentBox"] != null)
                queryDynamicContentBox = Convert.ToBoolean(Request.QueryString["DynamicContentBox"]);
                if (dmsMenuType.ToLower() == "communityuser" || dmsMenuType.ToLower() == "communitygroup" && EkConstants.IsAssetContentType(myContentData.ContType, true) && myContentData.ContType !=(int) EkEnumeration.CMSContentType.Multimedia)
                    if (myContentData.AssetData != null && !EkFunctions.IsImage("." + myContentData.AssetData.FileExtension) && myContentData.Type !=(int) EkEnumeration.CMSContentType.Multimedia)
                        queryDynamicContentBox = false;

                myDMSMenuArguments.AddParam("dynamicContentBox", String.Empty, queryDynamicContentBox);
            if (Request.QueryString["dmsEktControlID"] != null)
                controlID = Request.QueryString["dmsEktControlID"].ToString();
                myDMSMenuArguments.AddParam("dmsEktControlID", String.Empty, controlID);
            if (Request.QueryString["taxonomyOverrideId"] != null)
                taxonomyOverrideId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["taxonomyOverrideId"]);

        if (Request.QueryString["dmsMenuGuid"] != null)
            dmsMenuGuid = Request.QueryString["dmsMenuGuid"].ToString();
            myDMSMenuArguments.AddParam("dmsMenuGuid", String.Empty, dmsMenuGuid);

        Boolean IsPhotoGallery = true;
        if (Request.QueryString["dmsMenuSubtype"] != null)
            dmsMenuSubtype = Request.QueryString["dmsMenuSubtype"].ToString();
            myDMSMenuArguments.AddParam("dmsMenuSubtype", String.Empty, dmsMenuSubtype);
            IsPhotoGallery = (dmsMenuSubtype == "photo");

        string fromPage = String.Empty;
        if (Request.QueryString["fromPage"] != null)
            fromPage = Request.QueryString["fromPage"].ToString();
            myDMSMenuArguments.AddParam("fromPage", String.Empty, fromPage);

        switch (dmsMenuType.ToLower())
            case "taxonomy":
                //Taxonomy Implementation
                //Use Taxnonomy constructor overload
                //public DmsMenu(ektronDmsMenuMenuType menuType, int contentId, int userId, int contentLanguage, int folderId, int contentType, Boolean createIESpecificMenu, int taxonomyOverrideId)
                if (Request.QueryString["communityGroupid"] != null)
                    long.TryParse(Request.QueryString["communityGroupid"].ToString(), out communityGroupID);
                myDMSMenu = new Ektron.Cms.Workarea.Dms.DmsMenu(ektronDmsMenuMenuType.Taxonomy,
                    contentId, myUser.UserId, languageId, myContentData.FolderId,
                    myContentData.Type, createIeSpecificMenu, taxonomyOverrideId, communityGroupID);
            case "communityuser":
                //Community User Implementation
                //Use Community User constructor overload
                //public DmsMenu(ektronDmsMenuMenuType menuType, int contentId, int userId, int contentLanguage, int folderId, int contentType, Boolean createIESpecificMenu, Boolean isPhotoGallery)
                myDMSMenu = new Ektron.Cms.Workarea.Dms.DmsMenu(ektronDmsMenuMenuType.CommunityUser,
                    contentId, myUser.UserId, languageId, myContentData.FolderId,
                    myContentData.Type, createIeSpecificMenu, IsPhotoGallery);
            case "communitygroup":
                //Community Group Implementation
                //Use Community Group constructor overload
                //public DmsMenu(ektronDmsMenuMenuType menuType, int contentId, int userId, int contentLanguage, int folderId, int contentType, Boolean createIESpecificMenu, int taxonomyOverrideId, int communityGroupId, Boolean isPhotoGallery)
                myDMSMenu = new Ektron.Cms.Workarea.Dms.DmsMenu(ektronDmsMenuMenuType.CommunityGroup,
                    contentId, myUser.UserId, languageId, myContentData.FolderId, myContentData.Type,
                    createIeSpecificMenu, taxonomyOverrideId, communityGroupID, IsPhotoGallery, fromPage);
            case "favorites":
                //Favorites Menu Implementation
                //Use Favorites constructor overload
                //public DmsMenu(ektronDmsMenuMenuType menuType, int contentId, int userId, int contentLanguage, int folderId, int contentType, Boolean createIESpecificMenu, int taxonomyOverrideId, int communityGroupId, Boolean isPhotoGallery)
                myDMSMenu = new Ektron.Cms.Workarea.Dms.DmsMenu(ektronDmsMenuMenuType.Favorites,
                    contentId, myUser.UserId, languageId, myContentData.FolderId,
                    myContentData.Type, createIeSpecificMenu, taxonomyOverrideId,
                    communityGroupID, IsPhotoGallery, fromPage);
            case "workarea":
                //Workarea Implementation
                //Use Workarea constructor overload
                //public DmsMenu(ektronDmsMenuMenuType menuType, int contentId, int userId, int contentLanguage, int folderId, int contentType, Boolean createIESpecificMenu)
                myDMSMenu = new Ektron.Cms.Workarea.Dms.DmsMenu(ektronDmsMenuMenuType.Workarea,
                    contentId, myUser.UserId, languageId, myContentData.FolderId,
                    myContentData.Type, createIeSpecificMenu, fromPage);

        DMSMenu.Text = myDMSMenu.GetDmsMenu(myDMSMenuArguments);
            public static MvcHtmlString RenderXslt(string xslPath, string xmlString, List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> parameters = null)
                string xsltResult = string.Empty;

                    // XML Settings
                    XmlReaderSettings xmlSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                    xmlSettings.XmlResolver = null;
                    xmlSettings.IgnoreComments = true;
                    xmlSettings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore;
                    xmlSettings.ValidationType = ValidationType.None;

                    // Attaches an action to the valiation event handler. This will write out error messages in the Output pane.
                #if DEBUG
                    xmlSettings.ValidationEventHandler += (sender, e) =>
                        Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}({1},{2}): {3} - {4}", e.Exception.SourceUri, e.Exception.LineNumber, e.Exception.LinePosition, e.Severity, e.Message));

                    // XSLT Settings
                    XmlReaderSettings xsltSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                    xsltSettings.XmlResolver = null;
                    xsltSettings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore;
                    xsltSettings.ValidationType = ValidationType.None;

                    // Attaches an action to the valiation event handler. This will write out error messages in the Output pane.
                #if DEBUG
                    xsltSettings.ValidationEventHandler += (sender, e) =>
                        Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}({1},{2}): {3} - {4}", e.Exception.SourceUri, e.Exception.LineNumber, e.Exception.LinePosition, e.Severity, e.Message));

                    // Init params
                    XsltArgumentList xslArgs = new XsltArgumentList();
                    if (parameters != null)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> param in parameters)
                            xslArgs.AddParam(param.Key, string.Empty, param.Value);

                    // Load XML
                    using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xmlString), xmlSettings))
                        // Load XSL
                        XsltSettings xslSettings = new XsltSettings(true, true); // Need to enable the document() fucntion

                        using (XmlReader xslSource = XmlReader.Create(xslPath, xsltSettings))
                            XslCompiledTransform xsltDoc = new XslCompiledTransform();
                            xsltDoc.Load(xslSource, xslSettings, new XmlUrlResolver());

                            // Transform
                            using (var sw = new UTF8StringWriter())
                                XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
                                settings.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                                settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;

                                using (var xw = XmlWriter.Create(sw, settings))
                                    xsltDoc.Transform(reader, xslArgs, sw);

                                xsltResult = sw.ToString();
                catch { } // custom error handling here

                // Return result
                return MvcHtmlString.Create(xsltResult);
 public void Transform(System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable input, XsltArgumentList arguments, System.IO.Stream results)
예제 #11
    private string Transform(string xml, string xsl, XsltArgumentList argsList)
        XDocument selectedXml = XDocument.Parse(xml);
        XslCompiledTransform xmlTransform = new XslCompiledTransform();

        StringBuilder htmlOutput = new StringBuilder();
        XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(htmlOutput);

        xmlTransform.Transform(selectedXml.CreateReader(), argsList, writer);

        return htmlOutput.ToString();
예제 #12
	private static void Main2() {
		if (opts.dumptemplate) {
		if (opts.source == null || opts.source == "" || opts.dest == null || opts.dest == "")
			throw new ApplicationException("The source and dest options must be specified.");
		// Load the stylesheets, overview.xml, and resolver
		XslTransform overviewxsl = LoadTransform("overview.xsl");
		XslTransform stylesheet = LoadTransform("stylesheet.xsl");
		XslTransform template;
		if (opts.template == null) {
			template = LoadTransform("defaulttemplate.xsl");
		} else {
			try {
				XmlDocument templatexsl = new XmlDocument();
				template = new XslTransform();
			} catch (Exception e) {
				throw new ApplicationException("There was an error loading " + opts.template, e);
		XmlDocument overview = new XmlDocument();
		overview.Load(opts.source + "/index.xml");

		ArrayList extensions = GetExtensionMethods (overview);
		// Create the master page
		XsltArgumentList overviewargs = new XsltArgumentList();
		overviewargs.AddParam("ext", "", opts.ext);
		overviewargs.AddParam("basepath", "", "./");
		Generate(overview, overviewxsl, overviewargs, opts.dest + "/index." + opts.ext, template);
		overviewargs.RemoveParam("basepath", "");
		overviewargs.AddParam("basepath", "", "../");
		// Create the namespace & type pages
		XsltArgumentList typeargs = new XsltArgumentList();
		typeargs.AddParam("ext", "", opts.ext);
		typeargs.AddParam("basepath", "", "../");
		foreach (XmlElement ns in overview.SelectNodes("Overview/Types/Namespace")) {
			string nsname = ns.GetAttribute("Name");

			if (opts.onlytype != null && !opts.onlytype.StartsWith(nsname + "."))
			System.IO.DirectoryInfo d = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(opts.dest + "/" + nsname);
			if (!d.Exists) d.Create();
			// Create the NS page
			overviewargs.AddParam("namespace", "", nsname);
			Generate(overview, overviewxsl, overviewargs, opts.dest + "/" + nsname + "/index." + opts.ext, template);
			overviewargs.RemoveParam("namespace", "");
			foreach (XmlElement ty in ns.SelectNodes("Type")) {
				string typefilebase = ty.GetAttribute("Name");
				string typename = ty.GetAttribute("DisplayName");
				if (typename.Length == 0)
					typename = typefilebase;
				if (opts.onlytype != null && !(nsname + "." + typename).StartsWith(opts.onlytype))

				string typefile = opts.source + "/" + nsname + "/" + typefilebase + ".xml";
				if (!File.Exists(typefile)) continue;

				XmlDocument typexml = new XmlDocument();
				if (extensions != null) {
					DocLoader loader = CreateDocLoader (overview);
					XmlDocUtils.AddExtensionMethods (typexml, extensions, loader);
				Console.WriteLine(nsname + "." + typename);
				Generate(typexml, stylesheet, typeargs, opts.dest + "/" + nsname + "/" + typefilebase + "." + opts.ext, template);
 public void Transform(System.Xml.XmlReader input, XsltArgumentList arguments, System.IO.Stream results)
예제 #14
        private QueryReaderSettings readerSettings; // If we create reader out of stream we will use these settings

        /// <summary>
        /// This constructor is internal so that external users cannot construct it (and therefore we do not have to test it separately).
        /// </summary>
        internal XmlQueryContext(XmlQueryRuntime runtime, object defaultDataSource, XmlResolver dataSources, XsltArgumentList argList, WhitespaceRuleLookup wsRules)
            this.runtime         = runtime;
            this.dataSources     = dataSources;
            this.dataSourceCache = new Hashtable();
            this.argList         = argList;
            this.wsRules         = wsRules;

            if (defaultDataSource is XmlReader)
                this.readerSettings = new QueryReaderSettings((XmlReader)defaultDataSource);
                this.readerSettings = new QueryReaderSettings(new NameTable());

            if (defaultDataSource is string)
                // Load the default document from a Uri
                this.defaultDataSource = GetDataSource(defaultDataSource as string, null);

                if (this.defaultDataSource == null)
                    throw new XslTransformException(Res.XmlIl_UnknownDocument, defaultDataSource as string);
            else if (defaultDataSource != null)
                this.defaultDataSource = ConstructDocument(defaultDataSource, null, null);
 public void Transform(System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator input, XsltArgumentList args, System.Xml.XmlWriter output)
예제 #16
        static IMessage MakeMessageInternal(TextMessageCapture capture, XmlFormatInfo formatInfo, IRegex bodyRe, ref IMatch bodyReMatch,
                                            MessagesBuilderCallback callback, XsltArgumentList transformArgs, DateTime sourceTime, ITimeOffsets timeOffsets)
            for (; ;)
                StringBuilder messageBuf = new StringBuilder();
                messageBuf.AppendFormat("<root {0}>", formatInfo.NSDeclaration.ToString());
                messageBuf.Append(capture.HeaderBuffer, capture.HeaderMatch.Index, capture.HeaderMatch.Length);
                if (bodyRe != null)
                    if (!bodyRe.Match(capture.BodyBuffer, capture.BodyIndex, capture.BodyLength, ref bodyReMatch))
                    messageBuf.Append(capture.BodyBuffer, bodyReMatch.Index, bodyReMatch.Length);
                    messageBuf.Append(capture.BodyBuffer, capture.BodyIndex, capture.BodyLength);

                callback.SetCurrentPosition(capture.BeginPosition, capture.EndPosition);

                //this.owner.xslExt.SetSourceTime(this.owner.MediaLastModified); todo?

                string messageStr = messageBuf.ToString();

                using (FactoryWriter factoryWriter = new FactoryWriter(callback, timeOffsets))
                    using (XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(messageStr), xmlReaderSettings))
                            if (formatInfo.IsNativeFormat)
                                factoryWriter.WriteNode(xmlReader, false);
                                formatInfo.Transform.Transform(xmlReader, transformArgs, factoryWriter);
                        catch (XmlException)
                            if (capture.IsLastMessage)
                                // There might be incomplete XML at the end of the stream. Ignore it.
                                // Try to parse the next messsage if it's not the end of the stream

                        var ret = factoryWriter.GetOutput();
                        if (ret == null)
                            throw new XsltException(
                                      "Normalization XSLT produced no output");

                        if (formatInfo.ViewOptions.RawViewAllowed)
                            ret.SetRawText(StringSlice.Concat(capture.MessageHeaderSlice, capture.MessageBodySlice).Trim());

                        if (formatInfo.ViewOptions.WrapLineLength.HasValue)

예제 #17
        public void Transform(ProgressState progressState)
            _progressState = progressState;
            using (Stream outputStream = File.Create(OutputFilePath))
                var inputDocument = new XmlDocument {
                    PreserveWhitespace = true

                var transform = new XslCompiledTransform();
                    //all this just to allow a DTD statement in the source xslt
                    var readerSettings = new XmlReaderSettings {
                        DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Parse

                    _progressState.StatusLabel = "Preparing...";
                    using (Stream stream = _xsltStream)
                        using (XmlReader xsltReader = XmlReader.Create(stream, readerSettings))
                            XsltSettings settings = new XsltSettings(true, true);
                            transform.Load(xsltReader, settings, new XmlUrlResolver());


                    _progressState.StatusLabel = "Processing...";
                    int         entriesCount  = 1;
                    XmlNodeList nodeCountList = inputDocument.SelectNodes(_xpathToCountSteps);
                    if (nodeCountList != null)
                        entriesCount = nodeCountList.Count;

                    _progressState.TotalNumberOfSteps = entriesCount;
                    if (_xsltArguments == null)
                        _xsltArguments = new XsltArgumentList();

                    _xsltArguments.XsltMessageEncountered += OnXsltMessageEncountered;
                    transform.Transform(inputDocument, _xsltArguments, outputStream);

                    outputStream.Close();                     //let the next guy get at the file
                    Debug.Assert(_progressState.NumberOfStepsCompleted <= entriesCount,
                                 "Should use up more than we reserved for ourselves");
                    _progressState.NumberOfStepsCompleted = entriesCount;
                    _progressState.State = ProgressState.StateValue.Finished;
                catch (CancelingException)                 //not an error
                    _progressState.State = ProgressState.StateValue.Finished;
                catch (Exception err)
                    //currently, error reporter can choke because this is
                    //being called from a non sta thread.
                    //so let's leave it to the progress dialog to report the error
                    //                Reporting.ErrorReporter.ReportException(args,null, false);
                    _progressState.ExceptionThatWasEncountered = err;
                    _progressState.State = ProgressState.StateValue.StoppedWithError;
#if NET461
                    _progressState.StatusLabel = "Cleaning up...";
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Метод запускает задание выгрузки файловового контента в исходящую папку
        /// </summary>
        public void Execute()
                    "Запуск задания... Key:  {0}, Storage: '{1}', SnapshotType: '{2}', Change Type: '{3}', Destination: '{4}', Package Size: {5}",
                    Key, StorageName, SnapshotType, ChangeType, Destination, PackageSize));

            // Проверка на доступность объекта
            if (Enabled)
                    // Определение TempPath
                    var _tempPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ECR.ChangeManager.TempPath");
                    if (_tempPath.Length == 0)
                        _tempPath = Path.GetTempPath();

                    // Определение значения переменной-флага создания журналов отправки
                    var _writeSJ = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ECR.ChangeManager.WriteSJ"));

                    Debug("Копирование в целевую папку...");

                    // Проверка наличия файлов <file_name>.ecrchg$ в temp
                    var di = new DirectoryInfo(_tempPath);

                    // ... основной поток данных
                    var _files = di.GetFiles(ChangeType + "_*_" + StorageName + ".xml.ecrchg$");
                    if (_files.Length > 0)
                        for (var i = 0; i < _files.Length; i++)
                            File.Copy(_tempPath + _files[i].Name, Destination + _files[i].Name.Replace(".ecrchg$", string.Empty), true);
                            Debug(string.Format("Файл '{0}' скопирован в папку '{1}'", _files[i].Name.Replace(".ecrchg$", string.Empty), Destination));
                            File.Delete(_tempPath + _files[i].Name);
                            Debug(string.Format("Файл '{0}' удален", _files[i].Name.Replace(".ecrchg$", string.Empty)));

                    // ... журналы отправок
                    if (_writeSJ)
                        // "otSendingJournal_ECR_{0}_{1}.xml.ecrchg$"
                        _files = di.GetFiles("otSendingJournal_ECR_*_" + StorageName + ".xml.ecrchg$");
                        if (_files.Length > 0)
                            for (var i = 0; i < _files.Length; i++)
                                File.Copy(_tempPath + _files[i].Name, DestinationSj + _files[i].Name.Replace(".ecrchg$", string.Empty), true);
                                Debug(string.Format("Файл '{0}' скопирован в папку '{1}'", _files[i].Name.Replace(".ecrchg$", string.Empty), Destination));
                                File.Delete(_tempPath + _files[i].Name);
                                Debug(string.Format("Файл '{0}' удален", _files[i].Name.Replace(".ecrchg$", string.Empty)));

                    // Определяем строку соединения с базой данных ECR_Storage<i> по имени хранилища StorageName
                    Debug("Определение строки соединения с базой данных ECR_Storage...");
                    var _storageCnnStr = GetConnectionString(StorageName);

                    Debug("Создание пакета xml...");

                    // Snapshot type
                    switch (SnapshotType)
                    // changeset
                    case "changes":

                        using (var _conn = new SqlConnection(_storageCnnStr))
                            using (var _cmd = new SqlCommand())
                                    Debug("Определение параметров создания пакета...");

                                    _cmd.Connection     = _conn;
                                    _cmd.CommandTimeout = CommandTimeout;
                                    _cmd.CommandType    = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                                    switch (ChangeType)
                                    case "otContentEntity":
                                        _cmd.CommandText = "[ecr].[CollectEntityChanges_Xml]";

                                    case "otContentView":
                                        _cmd.CommandText = "[ecr].[CollectViewChanges_Xml]";

                                    _cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Count", PackageSize);
                                    var _packageId = _cmd.Parameters.Add("@PackageID", SqlDbType.Int);
                                    _packageId.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                                    var _outXml = _cmd.Parameters.Add("@OutXml", SqlDbType.Xml);
                                    _outXml.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                                    _outXml.Size      = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ECR.ChangeManager.MaxOutputFileSize"));

                                    // Имя основного файла
                                    var _xmlFilename = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.xml.ecrchg$", ChangeType, _packageId.Value, StorageName);
                                    // Имя файла для журнала отчета
                                    var _xmlSjFilename = string.Format("otSendingJournal_ECR_{0}_{1}.xml.ecrchg$", _packageId.Value, StorageName);

                                    Debug("Запуск хранимой процедуры создания пакета...");

                                    Debug("Запись данных пакета в файл xml...");
                                    // Формирование основного файла
                                    using (var _writer = new XmlTextWriter(_tempPath + _xmlFilename, Encoding.Default))
                                            _writer.Formatting = Formatting.None;
                                    Debug("Создание основного файла пакета xml завершено успешно");

                                    #region Writing Sending Journals

                                    // Пишем файл журнала отправок
                                    if (_writeSJ)
                                        Debug("Создание файла журнала отправок...");

                                        // Константа xslt-преобразования для получения файла журнала отправок
                                        const string xsltScript = @"<xsl:stylesheet version='1.0' xmlns:xsl='http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'>"
                                                                  + "	<xsl:output method='xml' version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' indent='yes'/>"
                                                                  + " <xsl:param name='mID'></xsl:param>"
                                                                  + " <xsl:param name='origFN'></xsl:param>"
                                                                  + "	<xsl:template match='/'>"
                                                                  + "		<!--Describe message's root element-->"
                                                                  + "		<xsl:element name='Message'>"
                                                                  + "			<xsl:attribute name='MessageId'><xsl:value-of select='$mID'></xsl:value-of></xsl:attribute>"
                                                                  + "			<xsl:attribute name='MessageCreationTime'><xsl:value-of select='//Message/@MessageCreationTime'/></xsl:attribute>"
                                                                  + "			<xsl:attribute name='ObjectOwner'><xsl:text>ECR</xsl:text></xsl:attribute>"
                                                                  + "			<xsl:attribute name='ObjectType'><xsl:text>otSendingJournal</xsl:text></xsl:attribute>"
                                                                  + "			<xsl:attribute name='OriginFileName'><xsl:value-of select='$origFN'></xsl:value-of></xsl:attribute>"
                                                                  + "			<!--Describe object's header element-->"
                                                                  + "			<xsl:element name='Object'>"
                                                                  + "				<xsl:attribute name='MessageId'><xsl:value-of select='//Message/@MessageId'/></xsl:attribute>"
                                                                  + "				<xsl:attribute name='MessagePackageCount'><xsl:value-of select='//Message/@MessagePackageCount'/></xsl:attribute>"
                                                                  + "				<xsl:attribute name='MessagePackageNumber'><xsl:value-of select='//Message/@MessagePackageNumber'/></xsl:attribute>"
                                                                  + "				<xsl:attribute name='MessageCreationTime'><xsl:value-of select='//Message/@MessageCreationTime'/></xsl:attribute>"
                                                                  + "			</xsl:element>"
                                                                  + "		</xsl:element>"
                                                                  + "	</xsl:template>"
                                                                  + "</xsl:stylesheet>";

                                        using (var _writer = new XmlTextWriter(_tempPath + _xmlSjFilename, Encoding.Default))
                                                // Схема трансформации
#pragma warning disable 618,612
                                                var _xslt = new XslTransform();
#pragma warning restore 618,612
                                                _xslt.Load(new XPathDocument(new StringReader(xsltScript)));

                                                // Основной файл
                                                var _xmlSj = new XmlDocument();

                                                // Добиваем нужными параметрами
                                                var _argList = new XsltArgumentList();
                                                _argList.AddParam("mID", "", Guid.NewGuid());
                                                _argList.AddParam("origFN", "", _xmlSjFilename);

                                                // Выполняем трансформацию
                                                _xslt.Transform(_xmlSj, _argList, _writer);

                                                _writer.Formatting = Formatting.None;
                                        Debug("Создание файла журнала отправок завершено успешно");


                                            "Создание файла пакета xml выполнено успешно. Файл: '{0}', PackageId: {1}",
                                            _xmlFilename, _packageId.Value));

                                    if (_conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)

                    // full snapshot - standart
                    case "all":

                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Некорректное значение параметра 'SnapshotType': '{0}'", SnapshotType));

                    _log.Info(string.Format("Задание выполнено успешно, key: '{0}'", Key));
                catch (SqlException e)
                    if (e.Number == 50000)
                        _log.Info(string.Format("Предупреждение при выполнении задания, key: '{0}'", Key), e);
                        _log.Error(string.Format("Ошибка выполнения задания, key: '{0}'", Key), e);
                catch (Exception e)
                    _log.Error(string.Format("Ошибка выполнения задания, key: '{0}'", Key), e);
                // Если объект недоступен, то пишем в лог и выходим
                _log.Warn(string.Format("Задание: {0} заблокировано. Задание неактивно либо доступ запрещен", Key));
예제 #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of the given type from the specified Internet resource.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="htmlUrl">The requested URL, such as "http://Myserver/Mypath/Myfile.asp".</param>
 /// <param name="xsltUrl">The URL that specifies the XSLT stylesheet to load.</param>
 /// <param name="xsltArgs">An XsltArgumentList containing the namespace-qualified arguments used as input to the transform.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The requested type.</param>
 /// <returns>An newly created instance.</returns>
 public object CreateInstance(string htmlUrl, string xsltUrl, XsltArgumentList xsltArgs, Type type)
     return(CreateInstance(htmlUrl, xsltUrl, xsltArgs, type, null));
예제 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads an HTML document from an Internet resource and saves it to the specified XmlTextWriter, after an XSLT transformation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="htmlUrl">The requested URL, such as "http://Myserver/Mypath/Myfile.asp".</param>
 /// <param name="xsltUrl">The URL that specifies the XSLT stylesheet to load.</param>
 /// <param name="xsltArgs">An XsltArgumentList containing the namespace-qualified arguments used as input to the transform.</param>
 /// <param name="writer">The XmlTextWriter to which you want to save.</param>
 public void LoadHtmlAsXml(string htmlUrl, string xsltUrl, XsltArgumentList xsltArgs, XmlTextWriter writer)
     LoadHtmlAsXml(htmlUrl, xsltUrl, xsltArgs, writer, null);
 public System.Xml.XmlReader Transform(System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable input, XsltArgumentList args, System.Xml.XmlResolver resolver)
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the value of the variable specified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xsltContext">Context in which this variable is used</param>
        /// <returns>Value of the variable</returns>
        public object Evaluate(XsltContext xsltContext)
            XsltArgumentList args = ((ExtendedXPathFunctions)xsltContext).ArgumentList;

            return(args.GetParam(Name, ""));
 public void Transform(System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable input, XsltArgumentList args, System.Xml.XmlWriter output, System.Xml.XmlResolver resolver)
예제 #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nametable"></param>
 /// <param name="Args"></param>
 public ExtendedXPathFunctions(NameTable nametable, XsltArgumentList Args)
     : base(nametable)
     ArgumentList = Args;
예제 #25
    /// <summary>
    /// Transforms the <see cref="XmlDocument"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="document">The document to be transformed.</param>
    /// <returns>Returns the resulting <see cref="XmlDocument"/>.</returns>
    public XmlDocument Transform(XmlDocument document)
        XslTransform xslt = new XslTransform();
        XsltArgumentList args = new XsltArgumentList();
        if (HttpContext.Current == null)
            xslt.Load(System.IO.Path.Combine(basePath,this.Type) + ".xslt");
            xslt.Load(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(this.Type + ".xslt"));

        foreach (string key in HttpContext.Current.Request.Params.AllKeys) {
            try {
                args.AddParam(key, String.Empty, HttpContext.Current.Request.Params[key]);
            } catch (Exception ex) { }
        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
        xslt.Transform(document, args, ms);
        XmlDocument output = new XmlDocument();
        return output;
예제 #26
		public bool Generate()
					throw new Exception("Did not find the input xml file.  passed was: " + PathHelpMe);
                    throw new Exception("Did not find the tree xsl file.  passed was: " + PathTreeXsl);
					throw new Exception("Did not find the pages xsl file.  passed was: " + PathPagesXsl);
			System.IO.StringWriter stringWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
			System.Xml.XmlDocument xmlPages = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
			System.Xml.XmlNodeList pageNodes;
			string fileName = "";
			string title="";
			System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList args = new XsltArgumentList();
                // this makes the tree...
                xslTree.Transform(this.PathHelpMe, this.PathOut + "\\tree.htm");
                xslTree.Transform(this.PathHelpMe, this.PathOut + "\\tree.htm", null);


            // this makes the html pages in one big xml file...
            xslPages.Transform(this.xmlHelpMe, args, stringWriter);
            xslPages.Transform(this.xmlHelpMe, args, stringWriter, null);
			// save a page for each page in the pages.xml...
			pageNodes = xmlPages.SelectNodes("/root/page");

			// for the index (only used if IsHtmlOutput is true)
			string innerText = "";
			System.Xml.XmlDocument xmlIndex = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
			System.Xml.XmlElement elem;
			System.Xml.XmlCDataSection cdata;
			for(int i=0;i<pageNodes.Count;i++)
				// make and save an htm for each page...
				fileName = pageNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("@name").Value;
				title = pageNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("@title").Value;
				System.IO.StreamWriter streamWriter = System.IO.File.CreateText(this.PathOut + "\\" + fileName);
				streamWriter.Write("<html xmlns:v=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml\">" + pageNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("html").InnerXml + "</html>");

                    // have to do this replace cuz we don't want 
                    // their ]]> (if one is present) to break our cdata section...
                    innerText = pageNodes[i].InnerText.Replace("]]>","]]"); 
                    elem = xmlIndex.CreateElement("page");
                    cdata = xmlIndex.CreateCDataSection(innerText);

                    // add this page to the index...
                xmlIndex.Save(this.PathOut + "\\indexText.xml");
            return true;
예제 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Transform XML from a file and write to file
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xct">Object</param>
 /// <param name="infilename">Path to XML file</param>
 /// <param name="arguments">Arguments for XSLT</param>
 /// <param name="outfilename">Path to output file</param>
 public static void TransformFileToFile(this XslCompiledTransform xct, string infilename, XsltArgumentList arguments, string outfilename)
     File.WriteAllText(outfilename, xct.TransformFileToString(infilename, arguments), Encoding.UTF8);
예제 #28
        internal XmlQueryRuntime(XmlQueryStaticData data, object defaultDataSource, XmlResolver dataSources, XsltArgumentList argList, XmlSequenceWriter seqWrt)
            Debug.Assert(data != null);
            string[]             names   = data.Names;
            Int32Pair[]          filters = data.Filters;
            WhitespaceRuleLookup wsRules;
            int i;

            // Early-Bound Library Objects
            wsRules       = (data.WhitespaceRules != null && data.WhitespaceRules.Count != 0) ? new WhitespaceRuleLookup(data.WhitespaceRules) : null;
            _ctxt         = new XmlQueryContext(this, defaultDataSource, dataSources, argList, wsRules);
            _xsltLib      = null;
            _earlyInfo    = data.EarlyBound;
            _earlyObjects = (_earlyInfo != null) ? new object[_earlyInfo.Length] : null;

            // Global variables and parameters
            _globalNames  = data.GlobalNames;
            _globalValues = (_globalNames != null) ? new object[_globalNames.Length] : null;

            // Names
            _nameTableQuery = _ctxt.QueryNameTable;
            _atomizedNames  = null;

            if (names != null)
                // Atomize all names in "nameTableQuery".  Use names from the default data source's
                // name table when possible.
                XmlNameTable nameTableDefault = _ctxt.DefaultNameTable;
                _atomizedNames = new string[names.Length];

                if (nameTableDefault != _nameTableQuery && nameTableDefault != null)
                    // Ensure that atomized names from the default data source are added to the
                    // name table used in this query
                    for (i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                        string name = nameTableDefault.Get(names[i]);
                        _atomizedNames[i] = _nameTableQuery.Add(name ?? names[i]);
                    // Enter names into nametable used in this query
                    for (i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                        _atomizedNames[i] = _nameTableQuery.Add(names[i]);

            // Name filters
            _filters = null;
            if (filters != null)
                // Construct name filters.  Each pair of integers in the filters[] array specifies the
                // (localName, namespaceUri) of the NameFilter to be created.
                _filters = new XmlNavigatorFilter[filters.Length];

                for (i = 0; i < filters.Length; i++)
                    _filters[i] = XmlNavNameFilter.Create(_atomizedNames[filters[i].Left], _atomizedNames[filters[i].Right]);

            // Prefix maping lists
            _prefixMappingsList = data.PrefixMappingsList;

            // Xml types
            _types = data.Types;

            // Xml collations
            _collations = data.Collations;

            // Document ordering
            _docOrderCmp = new DocumentOrderComparer();

            // Indexes
            _indexes = null;

            // Output construction
            _stkOutput = new Stack <XmlQueryOutput>(16);
            _output    = new XmlQueryOutput(this, seqWrt);
 public void Transform(string inputUri, XsltArgumentList arguments, System.IO.TextWriter results)
예제 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Transform xml data based on xslt stylesheet, then save the results to a string writer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlInput">The xml to transform.</param>
        /// <param name="xslTransform">The loaded xslt stylesheet.</param>
        /// <param name="xsltArguments">Xslt arguments for this transform, such as extension objects.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static StringWriter Transform(XmlReader xmlInput, XslCompiledTransform xslTransform, XsltArgumentList xsltArguments)
            // Create StringWriter to store results.
            StringWriter results = new StringWriter();

            // Transform data using xslt stylesheet.
            xslTransform.Transform(xmlInput, xsltArguments, results);
        // Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// This constructor is internal so that external users cannot construct it (and therefore we do not have to test it separately).
        /// </summary>
        internal XmlQueryRuntime(XmlILCommand cmd, object defaultDataSource, XmlResolver dataSources, XsltArgumentList argList, XmlSequenceWriter seqWrt) {
            Debug.Assert(cmd != null, "Command object must be non-null");
            string[] names = cmd.Names;
            Int32Pair[] filters = cmd.Filters;
            WhitespaceRuleLookup wsRules;
            int i;

            this.cmd = cmd;

            // Early-Bound Library Objects
            wsRules = (cmd.WhitespaceRules.Count != 0) ? new WhitespaceRuleLookup(cmd.WhitespaceRules) : null;
            this.ctxt = new XmlQueryContext(this, defaultDataSource, dataSources, argList, wsRules);
            this.xsltLib = null;
            this.earlyInfo = cmd.EarlyBound;
            this.earlyObjects = (this.earlyInfo != null) ? new object[earlyInfo.Length] : null;

            // Global variables and parameters
            this.globalNames = cmd.GlobalNames;
            this.globalValues = (this.globalNames != null) ? new object[this.globalNames.Length] : null;

            // Names
            this.nameTableQuery = this.ctxt.QueryNameTable;
            this.atomizedNames = null;

            if (names != null) {
                // Atomize all names in "nameTableQuery".  Use names from the default data source's
                // name table when possible.
                XmlNameTable nameTableDefault = ctxt.DefaultNameTable;
                this.atomizedNames = new string[names.Length];

                if (nameTableDefault != this.nameTableQuery && nameTableDefault != null) {
                    // Ensure that atomized names from the default data source are added to the
                    // name table used in this query
                    for (i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) {
                        string name = nameTableDefault.Get(names[i]);
                        this.atomizedNames[i] = this.nameTableQuery.Add(name ?? names[i]);
                else {
                    // Enter names into nametable used in this query
                    for (i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                        this.atomizedNames[i] = this.nameTableQuery.Add(names[i]);

            // Name filters
            this.filters = null;
            if (filters != null) {
                // Construct name filters.  Each pair of integers in the filters[] array specifies the
                // (localName, namespaceUri) of the NameFilter to be created.
                this.filters = new XmlNavigatorFilter[filters.Length];

                for (i = 0; i < filters.Length; i++)
                    this.filters[i] = XmlNavNameFilter.Create(this.atomizedNames[filters[i].Left], this.atomizedNames[filters[i].Right]);

            // Prefix maping lists
            this.prefixMappingsList = cmd.PrefixMappingsList;

            // Xml types
            this.types = cmd.Types;

            // Xml collations
            this.collations = cmd.Collations;

            // Document ordering
            this.docOrderCmp = new DocumentOrderComparer();

            // Indexes
            this.indexes = null;

            // Output construction
            this.stkOutput = new Stack<XmlQueryOutput>(16);
            this.output = new XmlQueryOutput(this, seqWrt);
예제 #32
        private void DrawProfilesModule()
            XsltArgumentList args               = new XsltArgumentList();
            long             offset             = 0;
            long             perpage            = 0;
            long             totalcount         = 0;
            long             totalpageremainder = 0;
            long             totalpages         = 0;
            long             startrecord        = 0;
            long             page               = 0;
            string           searchfor          = "";
            string           classgroupuri      = "";
            string           classuri           = "";

            string      fname         = "";
            string      lname         = "";
            string      institution   = "";
            string      department    = "";
            string      division      = "";
            string      sort          = "";
            string      sortdirection = "";
            string      searchrequest = "";
            XmlDocument xmlsearchrequest;

            xmlsearchrequest = new XmlDocument();

            Int16 showcolumns = 0;

            string otherfilters         = "";
            string institutionallexcept = string.Empty;
            string departmentallexcept  = string.Empty;
            string divisionallexcept    = string.Empty;
            string exactphrase          = "false"; // UCSF default value to allow old Mini Search to work

            string searchtype = "";

            Search.Utilities.DataIO data = new Profiles.Search.Utilities.DataIO();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["searchrequest"]) == false)
                searchrequest = data.DecryptRequest(Request.QueryString["searchrequest"]);
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.MasterPage.SearchRequest) == false)
                searchrequest = data.DecryptRequest(base.MasterPage.SearchRequest);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["searchtype"]) == false)
                searchtype = Request.QueryString["searchtype"];
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["searchtype"]) == false)
                searchtype = Request.Form["searchtype"];

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["searchfor"]) == false)
                searchfor = Request.QueryString["searchfor"];
                //exactphrase = Request.QueryString["exactphrase"];  This is causing a bug. We test and set this if present later in this block anyway
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["txtSearchFor"]) == false)
                searchfor = Request.Form["txtSearchFor"];
            else if (xmlsearchrequest.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                    searchfor = xmlsearchrequest.SelectSingleNode("SearchOptions/MatchOptions/SearchString").InnerText;
                catch (Exception)
                    // Do nothing, leave searchfor = null

            if (searchfor == null)
                searchfor = string.Empty;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["lname"]) == false)
                lname = Request.QueryString["lname"];
                lname = Request.Form["txtLname"];

            if (lname == null)
                lname = string.Empty;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["fname"]) == false)
                fname = Request.QueryString["fname"];
                fname = Request.Form["txtFname"];

            if (fname == null)
                fname = string.Empty;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["institution"]) == false)
                institution = Request.QueryString["institution"];

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["department"]) == false)
                department = Request.QueryString["department"];

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["division"]) == false)
                division = Request.QueryString["division"];

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["perpage"]) == false)
                perpage = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["perpage"]);
                if (!(perpage > 0))
                    perpage = 15;

                //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["perpage"])==false)
                //    perpage = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["perpage"]);
                //    perpage = 15;
                perpage = 15; //default

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["offset"]) == false)
                offset = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["offset"]);
                //if (Request.QueryString["offset"] != string.Empty)
                //    offset = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["offset"]);
                //    offset = 0;
                offset = 0;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["page"]) == false)
                page = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["page"]);
                if (!(page > 0))
                    page = 1;
                //if (Request.QueryString["page"] != string.Empty)
                //    page = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["page"]);
                //    page = 1;
                page = 1;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["classgroupuri"]) == false)
                classgroupuri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["classgroupuri"]);
                classgroupuri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Form["classgroupuri"]);

            if (classgroupuri != null)
                if (classgroupuri.Contains("!"))
                    classgroupuri = classgroupuri.Replace('!', '#');
                classgroupuri = string.Empty;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["classuri"]) == false)
                classuri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["classuri"]);
                classuri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Form["classuri"]);

            if (classuri != null)
                if (classuri.Contains("!"))
                    classuri = classuri.Replace('!', '#');
                classuri = string.Empty;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["sortby"]) == false)
                sort = Request.QueryString["sortby"];

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["sortdirection"]) == false)
                sortdirection = Request.QueryString["sortdirection"];

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["showcolumns"]) == false)
                showcolumns = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["showcolumns"]);
                showcolumns = 1;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["otherfilters"]) == false)
                otherfilters = Request.QueryString["otherfilters"];

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["institutionallexcept"]) == false)
                institutionallexcept = Request.QueryString["institutionallexcept"];

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["departmentallexcept"]) == false)
                departmentallexcept = Request.QueryString["departmentallexcept"];

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["divisionallexcept"]) == false)
                divisionallexcept = Request.QueryString["divisionallexcept"];

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["exactphrase"]) == false)
                exactphrase = Request.QueryString["exactphrase"];

                totalcount = data.GetTotalSearchConnections(this.SearchData, base.Namespaces);

                if (page < 0)
                    page = 1;

                totalpages = Math.DivRem(totalcount, Convert.ToInt64(perpage), out totalpageremainder);

                if (totalpageremainder > 0)
                    totalpages = totalpages + 1;

                if (page > totalpages)
                    page = totalpages;

                startrecord = ((Convert.ToInt32(page) * Convert.ToInt32(perpage)) + 1) - Convert.ToInt32(perpage);

                if (startrecord < 0)
                    startrecord = 1;

                if (searchrequest.Trim() != string.Empty)
                    searchrequest = data.EncryptRequest(searchrequest);

                List <GenericListItem> g = new List <GenericListItem>();
                g = data.GetListOfFilters();

                if (otherfilters.IsNullOrEmpty() && base.BaseData.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/vivo:overview/SearchOptions/MatchOptions/SearchFiltersList/SearchFilter[@Property='http://profiles.catalyst.harvard.edu/ontology/prns#hasPersonFilter']", base.Namespaces) != null)
                    string s = string.Empty;

                    foreach (XmlNode x in base.BaseData.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/vivo:overview/SearchOptions/MatchOptions/SearchFiltersList/SearchFilter[@Property='http://profiles.catalyst.harvard.edu/ontology/prns#hasPersonFilter']", base.Namespaces))
                        s             = data.GetConvertedURIListItem(g, x.InnerText);
                        otherfilters += "," + s;

                switch (searchtype.ToLower())
                case "everything":
                    xmlsearchrequest = data.SearchRequest(searchfor, exactphrase, classgroupuri, classuri, perpage.ToString(), (startrecord - 1).ToString());

                    xmlsearchrequest = data.SearchRequest(searchfor, exactphrase, fname, lname, institution, institutionallexcept, department, departmentallexcept, division, divisionallexcept, "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person", perpage.ToString(), (startrecord - 1).ToString(), sort, sortdirection, otherfilters, "", ref searchrequest);

                this.SearchData               = data.Search(xmlsearchrequest, false);
                this.SearchRequest            = data.EncryptRequest(xmlsearchrequest.OuterXml);
                base.MasterPage.SearchRequest = this.SearchRequest;
                base.MasterPage.RDFData       = this.SearchData;
                base.MasterPage.RDFNamespaces = this.Namespaces;

                // only shows these if we are not doing an everything search, or we are looking at people in the everything search
                if (!"everything".Equals(searchtype.ToLower()) || "http://profiles.catalyst.harvard.edu/ontology/prns#ClassGroupPeople".Equals(classgroupuri))
                    new ORNGSearchRPCService(Page, this.SearchData, xmlsearchrequest, this.Namespaces);
            catch (DisallowedSearchException se)
                litEverythingResults.Text = se.Message;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ex = ex;
                DebugLogging.Log("ERROR" + ex.Message);
                //for now just flip it back to the defaults. This is if someone keys some funky divide by zero stuff in the URL
                // to try and break the system.
                startrecord = 1;
                perpage     = 15;

            args.AddParam("root", "", Root.Domain);
            args.AddParam("perpage", "", perpage);
            args.AddParam("offset", "", offset);
            args.AddParam("totalpages", "", totalpages);
            args.AddParam("page", "", page);
            args.AddParam("searchfor", "", searchfor);
            args.AddParam("exactphrase", "", exactphrase);
            args.AddParam("classGrpURIpassedin", "", classgroupuri);
            args.AddParam("classURIpassedin", "", classuri);
            args.AddParam("searchrequest", "", this.SearchRequest);

            switch (searchtype.ToLower())
            case "everything":
                litEverythingResults.Text = XslHelper.TransformInMemory(Server.MapPath("~/Search/Modules/SearchResults/EverythingResults.xslt"), args, this.SearchData.OuterXml);

            case "people":

                args.AddParam("showcolumns", "", showcolumns.ToString());

                if ((showcolumns & 1) == 1)
                    args.AddParam("institution", "", "true");
                    args.AddParam("institution", "", "false");

                if ((showcolumns & 2) == 2)
                    args.AddParam("department", "", "true");
                    args.AddParam("department", "", "false");

                if ((showcolumns & 8) == 8)
                    args.AddParam("facrank", "", "true");
                    args.AddParam("facrank", "", "false");

                //Profiles.Search.Utilities.DataIO dropdowns = new Profiles.Search.Utilities.DataIO();
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ShowInstitutions"]) == true)
                    args.AddParam("ShowInstitutions", "", "true");
                    args.AddParam("ShowInstitutions", "", "false");

                if (Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ShowDepartments"]) == true)
                    args.AddParam("ShowDepartments", "", "true");
                    args.AddParam("ShowDepartments", "", "false");

                //Faculty Rank always shows
                args.AddParam("ShowFacRank", "", "true");

                args.AddParam("currentsort", "", sort);
                args.AddParam("currentsortdirection", "", sortdirection);

                if (base.BaseData.SelectNodes("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/vivo:overview/SearchDetails/SearchPhraseList", base.Namespaces).Count > 0)
                    args.AddParam("why", "", true);
                    args.AddParam("why", "", false);

                litEverythingResults.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(XslHelper.TransformInMemory(Server.MapPath("~/Search/Modules/SearchResults/PeopleResults.xslt"), args, this.SearchData.OuterXml));
예제 #33
        public static Stream XslTransform(string resource, Stream input, params DictionaryEntry[] entries)
            int t1 = Environment.TickCount;

            Stream s = Util.GetEmbeddedResourceStream(resource);

            int           t2 = Environment.TickCount;
            XPathDocument d  = new XPathDocument(s);

            Util.WriteLog(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "new XPathDocument(1) t={0}", Environment.TickCount - t2));

            int t3   = Environment.TickCount;
            var xslc = new XslCompiledTransform();

            // Using the Trusted Xslt is fine as the style sheet comes from our own assemblies.
            // This is similar to the prior this.GetType().Assembly/Evidence method that was used in the now depricated XslTransform.
            xslc.Load(d, XsltSettings.TrustedXslt, s_resolver);
            Util.WriteLog(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "XslCompiledTransform.Load t={0}", Environment.TickCount - t3));

            // Need to copy input stream because XmlReader will close it,
            // causing errors for later callers that access the same stream
            var clonedInput = new MemoryStream();

            Util.CopyStream(input, clonedInput);

            int       t4  = Environment.TickCount;
            XmlReader xml = XmlReader.Create(clonedInput);

            Util.WriteLog(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "new XmlReader(2) t={0}", Environment.TickCount - t4));

            XsltArgumentList args = null;

            if (entries.Length > 0)
                args = new XsltArgumentList();
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in entries)
                    string key = entry.Key.ToString();
                    object val = entry.Value.ToString();
                    args.AddParam(key, "", val);
                    Util.WriteLog(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "arg: key='{0}' value='{1}'", key, val.ToString()));

            var m = new MemoryStream();
            var w = new XmlTextWriter(m, Encoding.UTF8);


            int t5 = Environment.TickCount;

            xslc.Transform(xml, args, w, s_resolver);
            Util.WriteLog(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "XslCompiledTransform.Transform t={0}", Environment.TickCount - t4));

            m.Position = 0;

            Util.WriteLog(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "XslCompiledTransform(\"{0}\") t={1}", resource, Environment.TickCount - t1));
예제 #34
        /// <summary>
        /// This is used to transform a *.topic file into a *.html file using
        /// an XSLT transformation based on the presentation style.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceFile">The source topic filename</param>
        private void XslTransform(string sourceFile)
            TocEntry           tocInfo;
            XmlReader          reader = null;
            XmlWriter          writer = null;
            XsltSettings       settings;
            XmlReaderSettings  readerSettings;
            XmlWriterSettings  writerSettings;
            Encoding           enc = Encoding.Default;
            FileItemCollection transforms;
            string             content;

            string sourceStylesheet, destFile = Path.ChangeExtension(sourceFile, ".html");

                readerSettings             = new XmlReaderSettings();
                readerSettings.ProhibitDtd = false;
                readerSettings.CloseInput  = true;

                // Create the transform on first use
                if (xslTransform == null)
                    transforms = new FileItemCollection(project, BuildAction.TopicTransform);

                    if (transforms.Count != 0)
                        if (transforms.Count > 1)
                            this.ReportWarning("BE0011", "Multiple topic " +
                                               "transformations found.  Using '{0}'",

                        sourceStylesheet = transforms[0].FullPath;
                        sourceStylesheet = templateFolder + presentationParam + ".xsl";

                    xslStylesheet = workingFolder + Path.GetFileName(sourceStylesheet);
                    tocInfo       = BuildProcess.GetTocInfo(sourceStylesheet);

                    // The stylesheet may contain shared content items so we
                    // must resolve it this way rather than using
                    // TransformTemplate.
                    this.ResolveLinksAndCopy(sourceStylesheet, xslStylesheet, tocInfo);

                    xslTransform = new XslCompiledTransform();
                    settings     = new XsltSettings(true, true);
                    xslArguments = new XsltArgumentList();

                                                       readerSettings), settings, new XmlUrlResolver());

                this.ReportProgress("Applying XSL transformation '{0}' to '{1}'.", xslStylesheet, sourceFile);

                reader                     = XmlReader.Create(sourceFile, readerSettings);
                writerSettings             = xslTransform.OutputSettings.Clone();
                writerSettings.CloseOutput = true;
                writerSettings.Indent      = false;

                writer = XmlWriter.Create(destFile, writerSettings);

                xslArguments.AddParam("pathToRoot", String.Empty, pathToRoot);
                xslTransform.Transform(reader, xslArguments, writer);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new BuilderException("BE0017", String.Format(
                                               CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Unexpected error " +
                                               "using '{0}' to transform additional content file '{1}' " +
                                               "to '{2}'.  The error is: {3}\r\n{4}", xslStylesheet,
                                               sourceFile, destFile, ex.Message,
                                               (ex.InnerException == null) ? String.Empty :
                if (reader != null)

                if (writer != null)

            // The source topic file is deleted as the transformed file
            // takes its place.

            // <span> and <script> tags cannot be self-closing if empty.
            // The template may contain them correctly but when written out
            // as XML, they get converted to self-closing tags which breaks
            // them.  To fix them, convert them to full start and close tags.
            content = BuildProcess.ReadWithEncoding(destFile, ref enc);
            content = reSpanScript.Replace(content, "<$1$2></$1>");

            // An XSL transform might have added tags and include items that
            // need replacing so run it through those options if needed.
            tocInfo = BuildProcess.GetTocInfo(destFile);

            // Expand <code> tags if necessary
            if (tocInfo.HasCodeBlocks)
                content = reCodeBlock.Replace(content, codeBlockMatchEval);

            // Colorize <pre> tags if necessary
            if (tocInfo.NeedsColorizing || tocInfo.HasCodeBlocks)
                // Initialize code colorizer on first use
                if (codeColorizer == null)
                    codeColorizer = new CodeColorizer(shfbFolder + @"Colorizer\highlight.xml",
                                                      shfbFolder + @"Colorizer\highlight.xsl");

                // Set the path the "Copy" image
                codeColorizer.CopyImageUrl = pathToRoot + "icons/CopyCode.gif";

                // Colorize it and replace the "Copy" literal text with the
                // shared content include item so that it gets localized.
                content = codeColorizer.ProcessAndHighlightText(content);
                content = content.Replace(codeColorizer.CopyText + "</span",
                                          "<include item=\"copyCode\"/></span");
                tocInfo.HasProjectTags = true;

            // Use a regular expression to find and replace all tags with
            // cref attributes with a link to the help file content.  This
            // needs to happen after the code block processing as they
            // may contain <see> tags that need to be resolved.
            if (tocInfo.HasLinks || tocInfo.HasCodeBlocks)
                content = reResolveLinks.Replace(content, linkMatchEval);

            // Replace project option tags with project option values
            if (tocInfo.HasProjectTags)
                // Project tags can be nested
                while (reProjectTags.IsMatch(content))
                    content = reProjectTags.Replace(content, fieldMatchEval);

                // Shared content items can be nested
                while (reSharedContent.IsMatch(content))
                    content = reSharedContent.Replace(content, contentMatchEval);

            // Write the file back out with the appropriate encoding
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(destFile, false, enc))
예제 #35
        public static string Transform(string input, PipelineCommand command, ExecutionLog log)
            var xml = string.Empty;
            var xsl = command.GetArgument("xslt");

            // This adds an extension object for XSL transforms
            var arguments = new XsltArgumentList();

            arguments.AddExtensionObject("http://denina", new XsltExtensions());

            // Do we want to pass in a custom extension object?
            if (Pipeline.IsSetGlobally(XSLT_ARGUMENT_VARIABLE_NAME))
                var namespaceName = "ext";
                var className     = Pipeline.GetGlobalVariable(XSLT_ARGUMENT_VARIABLE_NAME).ToString();

                // If they want to specify a custom namespace via "=", split and reassign the namespace and class names.
                if (className.Contains('='))
                    namespaceName = className.Split('=').First();
                    className     = className.Split('=').Last();

                // Try to get the object
                ObjectHandle extensionObject;
                    extensionObject = Activator.CreateInstance(className.Split(',').Last(), className.Split(',').First());
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new DeninaException(String.Format("Unable to load XsltExtension object \"{0}\"", className), e);

                arguments.AddExtensionObject(String.Concat("http://", namespaceName), extensionObject.Unwrap());

            // If there are two arguments, assume the second is XML
            if (command.HasArgument("xml"))
                xml = command.GetArgument("xml");
                // Otherwise, the XML is the input
                xml = input;

            // Set some basic parameters for our XML reading...
            var settings = new XmlReaderSettings()
                IgnoreComments = true,
                IgnoreProcessingInstructions = true,
                IgnoreWhitespace             = true

            // Form the XML doc from the input
            XmlReader xmlReader;

                xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xml), settings);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new DeninaException("Error parsing XML.", e);

            // Form the XSL from the first argument
            XslCompiledTransform transform;

                transform = new XslCompiledTransform();
                transform.Load(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xsl), settings));
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new DeninaException("Error parsing XSL.", e);

            // Do the transform (we're passing in an empty XsltArgumentList as a placeholder, in case we want to do something with it later...)
            var writer = new StringWriter();

                transform.Transform(xmlReader, arguments, writer);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new DeninaException("Error performing XSLT transform.", e);

            return(writer.ToString().Replace("\u00A0", " "));    // This is a bit of a hack. We're replacing NO BREAK SPACE with a regular space. There has to be a way to fix this in the XSLT output.
예제 #36

        /// <summary>
        /// Main program entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command line arguments</param>
        /// <returns>Zero on success or non-zero on failure</returns>
        public static int Main(string[] args)

            // Specify options
            OptionCollection options = new OptionCollection
                new SwitchOption("?", "Show this help page."),
                new ListOption("xsl", "Specify one or more XSL transform files.", "xsltPath")
                    RequiredMessage = "Specify at least one XSL transform file"
                new ListOption("arg", "Specify arguments.", "name=value"),
                new StringOption("out", "Specify an output file. If unspecified, output goes to the " +
                                 "console.", "outputFilePath"),
                new SwitchOption("w", "Do not ignore insignificant whitespace. By default " +
                                 "insignificant whitespace is ignored.")

            // Process options
            ParseArgumentsResult results = options.ParseArguments(args);

            if (results.Options["?"].IsPresent)
                Console.WriteLine("XslTransform [options] xml_file");

            // Check for invalid options
            if (!results.Success)

            // Check for missing or extra input files
            if (results.UnusedArguments.Count != 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Specify one input XML input file.");

            // Set whitespace setting
            bool ignoreWhitespace = !results.Options["w"].IsPresent;

            // Load transforms
            string[] transformFiles           = (string[])results.Options["xsl"].Value;
            XslCompiledTransform[] transforms = new XslCompiledTransform[transformFiles.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < transformFiles.Length; i++)
                string transformFile = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(transformFiles[i]);
                transforms[i] = new XslCompiledTransform();

                XsltSettings transformSettings = new XsltSettings(true, true);

                    transforms[i].Load(transformFile, transformSettings, new XmlUrlResolver());
                catch (IOException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The transform file '{0}' could not be " +
                                                    "loaded. The error is: {1}", transformFile, e.Message);
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The transform file '{0}' could not be " +
                                                    "loaded. The error is: {1}", transformFile, e.Message);
                catch (XsltException e)
                    if (e.InnerException != null)
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The transformation file '{0}' is " +
                                                        "not valid. The error is: {1}", transformFile, e.InnerException.Message);
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The transformation file '{0}' is " +
                                                        "not valid. The error is: {1}", transformFile, e.Message);
                catch (XmlException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The transform file '{0}' is not " +
                                                    "well-formed. The error is: {1}", transformFile, e.Message);

            // Compose the arguments
            XsltArgumentList arguments = new XsltArgumentList();

            if (results.Options["arg"].IsPresent)
                string[] nameValueStrings = (string[])results.Options["arg"].Value;

                foreach (string nameValueString in nameValueStrings)
                    string[] nameValuePair = nameValueString.Split('=');

                    if (nameValuePair.Length != 2)

                    arguments.AddParam(nameValuePair[0], String.Empty, nameValuePair[1]);

            string input = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(results.UnusedArguments[0]);

            // Prepare the reader
            XmlReaderSettings readerSettings = new XmlReaderSettings
                IgnoreWhitespace = ignoreWhitespace,
                CloseInput       = true

            // Do each transform
            for (int i = 0; i < transforms.Length; i++)
                ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Info, "Applying XSL transformation '{0}'.",

                // Get the transform
                XslCompiledTransform transform = transforms[i];

                // Figure out where to put the output
                string output;

                if (i < transforms.Length - 1)
                        output = Path.GetTempFileName();
                        File.SetAttributes(output, FileAttributes.Temporary);
                    catch (IOException e)
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while attempting " +
                                                        "to create a temporary file. The error message is: {0}", e.Message);
                if (results.Options["out"].IsPresent)
                    output = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables((string)results.Options["out"].Value);
                    output = null;

                // Create a reader
                Stream readStream;

                    readStream = File.Open(input, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite |
                catch (IOException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The input file '{0}' could not be " +
                                                    "loaded.  The error is: {1}", input, e.Message);
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The input file '{0}' could not be " +
                                                    "loaded.  The error is: {1}", input, e.Message);

                using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(readStream, readerSettings))
                    // Create a writer
                    Stream outputStream;

                    if (output == null)
                        outputStream = Console.OpenStandardOutput();
                            outputStream = File.Open(output, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read |
                        catch (IOException e)
                            ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The output file '{0}' could not " +
                                                            "be created. The error is: {1}", output, e.Message);
                        catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                            ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The output file '{0}' could not " +
                                                            "be created. The error is: {1}", output, e.Message);

                    // Transform the file
                    using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(outputStream, transform.OutputSettings))
                            transform.Transform(reader, arguments, writer);
                        catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                            // If performing the Add Filenames transform and using GUID naming, the MD5 hashing
                            // algorithm can be blocked if the FIPS policy is enabled.  In such cases, tell the
                            // user to switch to Member Name or Hashed Member Name as the naming method.  This is
                            // rare and using the alternate naming method is easier than replacing the MD5
                            // hashing which would be a significant breaking change.
                            Exception fipsEx = e;

                            while (fipsEx != null)
                                if (fipsEx is InvalidOperationException && fipsEx.Message.IndexOf(" FIPS ",
                                                                                                  StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)

                                fipsEx = fipsEx.InnerException;

                            if (fipsEx == null)

                            ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The FIPS validated cryptographic " +
                                                            "algorithms policy appears to be enabled.  This prevents the MD5 hashing algorithm " +
                                                            "from being used to generate GUID topic filenames.  Change the project's Naming " +
                                                            "Method property to either Member Name or Hashed Member Name which do not rely " +
                                                            "on the MD5 hashing algorithm.");
                        catch (XsltException e)
                            ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred during the " +
                                                            "transformation. The error message is: {0}", (e.InnerException == null) ?
                                                            e.Message : e.InnerException.Message);
                        catch (XmlException e)
                            ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The input file '{0}' is not " +
                                                            "well-formed. The error is: {1}", input, e.Message);

                    // If not using the console, close the output file or we sometimes get "file in use" errors
                    // if we're quick enough and the garbage collector hasn't taken care of it.
                    if (output != null)

                // If the last input was a temp file, delete it
                if (i > 0)
                    catch (IOException ioEx)
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Warn, "The temporary file '{0}' could not " +
                                                        "be deleted. The error message is: {1}", input, ioEx.Message);
                    catch (UnauthorizedAccessException uaEx)
                        // !EFW - Virus scanners can sometimes cause an unauthorized access exception too
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Warn, "The temporary file '{0}' could not " +
                                                        "be deleted. The error message is: {1}", input, uaEx.Message);

                // The last output file is the next input file
                input = output;

                if (Canceled)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "XslTransform task canceled");

            return(Canceled ? 1 : 0);
 public void Transform(System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator input, XsltArgumentList args, System.IO.TextWriter output, System.Xml.XmlResolver resolver)
예제 #38
        protected override void ExecuteTask()
            // ensure base directory is set, even if fileset was not initialized
            // from XML
            if (InFiles.BaseDirectory == null)
                InFiles.BaseDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Project.BaseDirectory);

            StringCollection srcFiles = null;

            if (SrcFile != null)
                srcFiles = new StringCollection();
            else if (InFiles.FileNames.Count > 0)
                if (OutputFile != null)
                    throw new BuildException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                srcFiles = InFiles.FileNames;

            if (srcFiles == null || srcFiles.Count == 0)
                throw new BuildException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,

            if (XsltFile.IsFile)
                FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(XsltFile.LocalPath);

                if (!fileInfo.Exists)
                    throw new BuildException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                           ResourceUtils.GetString("NA1149"), fileInfo.FullName),
                HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(XsltFile);
                if (Proxy != null)
                    request.Proxy = Proxy.GetWebProxy();

                HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    throw new BuildException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                           ResourceUtils.GetString("NA1149"), XsltFile),

            foreach (string srcFile in srcFiles)
                string destFile = null;

                if (OutputFile != null)
                    destFile = OutputFile.FullName;

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(destFile))
                    // TODO: use System.IO.Path (gs)
                    // append extension if necessary
                    string ext    = Extension.IndexOf(".") > -1 ? Extension : "." + Extension;
                    int    extPos = srcFile.LastIndexOf('.');
                    if (extPos == -1)
                        destFile = srcFile + ext;
                        destFile = srcFile.Substring(0, extPos) + ext;
                    destFile = Path.GetFileName(destFile);

                FileInfo srcInfo  = new FileInfo(srcFile);
                FileInfo destInfo = new FileInfo(Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(
                                                                      DestDir.FullName, destFile)));

                if (!srcInfo.Exists)
                    throw new BuildException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                           ResourceUtils.GetString("NA1150"), srcInfo.FullName),

                bool destOutdated = !destInfo.Exists ||
                                    srcInfo.LastWriteTime > destInfo.LastWriteTime;

                if (!destOutdated && XsltFile.IsFile)
                    FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(XsltFile.LocalPath);
                    destOutdated |= fileInfo.LastWriteTime > destInfo.LastWriteTime;

                if (destOutdated)
                    XmlReader  xmlReader = null;
                    XmlReader  xslReader = null;
                    TextWriter writer    = null;

                    try {
                        // store current directory
                        string originalCurrentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

                        // initialize XPath document holding input XML
                        XPathDocument xml = null;

                        try {
                            // change current directory to directory containing
                            // XSLT file, to allow includes to be resolved
                            // correctly

                            // load the xml that needs to be transformed
                            Log(Level.Verbose, "Loading XML file '{0}'.",
                            xmlReader = CreateXmlReader(new Uri(srcInfo.FullName));
                            xml       = new XPathDocument(xmlReader);
                        } finally {
                            // restore original current directory

                        // initialize xslt parameters
                        XsltArgumentList xsltArgs = new XsltArgumentList();

                        // set the xslt parameters
                        foreach (XsltParameter parameter in Parameters)
                            if (IfDefined && !UnlessDefined)
                                                  parameter.NamespaceUri, parameter.Value);

                        // create extension objects
                        foreach (XsltExtensionObject extensionObject in ExtensionObjects)
                            if (extensionObject.IfDefined && !extensionObject.UnlessDefined)
                                object extensionInstance = extensionObject.CreateInstance();

                        try {
                            if (XsltFile.IsFile)
                                // change current directory to directory containing
                                // XSLT file, to allow includes to be resolved
                                // correctly
                                FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(XsltFile.LocalPath);

                            // load the stylesheet
                            Log(Level.Verbose, "Loading stylesheet '{0}'.", XsltFile);
                            xslReader = CreateXmlReader(XsltFile);

                            // create writer for the destination xml
                            writer = CreateWriter(destInfo.FullName);

                            // do the actual transformation
                            Log(Level.Info, "Processing '{0}' to '{1}'.",
                                srcInfo.FullName, destInfo.FullName);

                            XslCompiledTransform xslt = new XslCompiledTransform();
                            string xslEngineName      = xslt.GetType().Name;

                            Log(Level.Verbose, "Using {0} to load '{1}'.",
                                xslEngineName, XsltFile);
                            xslt.Load(xslReader, new XsltSettings {
                                EnableDocumentFunction = true, EnableScript = true
                            }, new XmlUrlResolver());

                            Log(Level.Verbose, "Using {0} to process '{1}' to '{2}'.",
                                xslEngineName, srcInfo.FullName, destInfo.FullName);
                            xslt.Transform(xml, xsltArgs, writer);
                        } finally {
                            // restore original current directory
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        throw new BuildException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                               ResourceUtils.GetString("NA1151"), srcInfo.FullName, XsltFile),
                                                 Location, ex);
                    } finally {
                        // ensure file handles are closed
                        if (xmlReader != null)
                        if (xslReader != null)
                        if (writer != null)
 public void Transform(System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable input, XsltArgumentList args, System.IO.TextWriter output)
예제 #40
        public void Transform(string modelFilePath)
            StreamReader sr;
            string       foDoc;
            MemoryStream ms       = new MemoryStream();
            XmlResolver  resolver = new XmlUrlResolver();

            resolver.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
            XmlTextReader        doc       = new XmlTextReader(modelFilePath);
            XslCompiledTransform transform = new XslCompiledTransform();

            transform.Load(this.stylesheetFilesPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "PdfRtfExport.xsl", null, resolver);

            XsltArgumentList al = new XsltArgumentList();
            AssemblyName     an = this.GetType().Assembly.GetName();

            al.AddParam("version", "", an.Version.ToString(3));
            al.AddParam("outputType", "", "withLink");
            al.AddParam("description", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Description"));
            al.AddParam("notes", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Notes"));
            al.AddParam("relatedDocs", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "RelatedDocuments"));
            al.AddParam("model", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Model"));
            al.AddParam("actor", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Actor"));
            al.AddParam("goals", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Goals"));
            al.AddParam("useCase", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "UseCase"));
            al.AddParam("package", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Package"));
            al.AddParam("actors", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Actors"));
            al.AddParam("useCases", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "UseCases"));
            al.AddParam("packages", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Packages"));
            al.AddParam("summary", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Summary"));
            al.AddParam("glossary", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Glossary"));
            al.AddParam("glossaryItem", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "GlossaryItem"));
            al.AddParam("stakeholders", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Stakeholders"));
            al.AddParam("stakeholder", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Stakeholder"));
            al.AddParam("preconditions", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Preconditions"));
            al.AddParam("postconditions", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Postconditions"));
            al.AddParam("openIssues", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "OpenIssues"));
            al.AddParam("flowOfEvents", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "FlowOfEvents"));
            al.AddParam("prose", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Prose"));
            al.AddParam("details", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Details"));
            al.AddParam("priority", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Priority"));
            al.AddParam("status", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Status"));
            al.AddParam("level", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Level"));
            al.AddParam("complexity", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Complexity"));
            al.AddParam("implementation", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Implementation"));
            al.AddParam("assignedTo", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "AssignedTo"));
            al.AddParam("release", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Release"));
            al.AddParam("activeActors", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "ActiveActors"));
            al.AddParam("primary", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Primary"));
            al.AddParam("history", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "History"));
            al.AddParam("statusNodeSet", "", this.localizer.GetNodeSet("cmbStatus", "Item"));
            al.AddParam("levelNodeSet", "", this.localizer.GetNodeSet("cmbLevel", "Item"));
            al.AddParam("complexityNodeSet", "", this.localizer.GetNodeSet("cmbComplexity", "Item"));
            al.AddParam("implementationNodeSet", "", this.localizer.GetNodeSet("cmbImplementation", "Item"));
            al.AddParam("historyTypeNodeSet", "", this.localizer.GetNodeSet("HistoryType", "Item"));
            al.AddParam("eventTypeNodeSet", "", this.localizer.GetNodeSet("cmbTriggerEvent", "Item"));
            al.AddParam("triggerEvent", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "TriggerEvent"));
            al.AddParam("triggerDescription", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "TriggerDescription"));
            al.AddParam("categoryNodeSet", "", this.localizer.GetNodeSet("cmbCategory", "Item"));
            al.AddParam("importanceNodeSet", "", this.localizer.GetNodeSet("cmbImportance", "Item"));
            al.AddParam("acceptanceNodeSet", "", this.localizer.GetNodeSet("cmbAcceptanceStatus", "Item"));
            al.AddParam("proposedBy", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "ProposedBy"));
            al.AddParam("benefitTo", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "BenefitTo"));
            al.AddParam("category", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Category"));
            al.AddParam("importance", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Importance"));
            al.AddParam("acceptance", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Acceptance"));
            al.AddParam("mappedUCs", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "MappedUCs"));
            al.AddParam("requirements", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Requirements"));
            al.AddParam("author", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Author"));
            al.AddParam("company", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "Company"));
            al.AddParam("creationDate", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "CreationDate"));
            al.AddParam("exportPrintDate", "", this.localizer.GetValue("Globals", "ExportPrintDate"));
            al.AddParam("now", "", Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now, DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));

            transform.Transform(doc, al, new XmlTextWriter(ms, Encoding.UTF8), resolver);
            ms.Position = 0;
            sr          = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8);
            foDoc       = sr.ReadToEnd();

            this.XmlToPdf(foDoc, this.pdfFilesPath);
 public System.Xml.XmlReader Transform(System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator input, XsltArgumentList args)
예제 #42
        protected override void DoUofToOoxMainTransform(string inputFile, string outputFile, string resourceDir)
            XmlUrlResolver    resourceResolver;
            XPathDocument     xslDoc;
            XmlReaderSettings xrs    = new XmlReaderSettings();
            XmlReader         source = null;
            XmlWriter         writer = null;

                //xrs.ProhibitDtd = true;
                string xslLocation = TranslatorConstants.UOFToOOX_XSL;
                if (outputFile == null)
                    xslLocation = TranslatorConstants.UOFToOOX_COMPUTE_SIZE_XSL;

                if (resourceDir == null)
                    resourceResolver = new ResourceResolver(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(),
                                                            this.GetType().Namespace + "." + TranslatorConstants.RESOURCE_LOCATION + "." + TranslatorConstants.UOFToOOX_WORD_LOCATION);
                    xslDoc          = new XPathDocument(((ResourceResolver)resourceResolver).GetInnerStream(xslLocation));
                    xrs.XmlResolver = resourceResolver;
                    source          = XmlReader.Create(inputFile);
                    resourceResolver = new XmlUrlResolver();
                    xslDoc           = new XPathDocument(resourceDir + "/" + xslLocation);
                    source           = XmlReader.Create(resourceDir + "/" + TranslatorConstants.SOURCE_XML, xrs);
                XslCompiledTransform xslt     = new XslCompiledTransform();
                XsltSettings         settings = new XsltSettings(true, false);
                xslt.Load(xslDoc, settings, resourceResolver);

                XsltArgumentList parameters = new XsltArgumentList();
                parameters.XsltMessageEncountered += new XsltMessageEncounteredEventHandler(MessageCallBack);
                if (outputFile != null)
                    parameters.AddParam("outputFile", "", outputFile);
                    writer = new OoxZipWriter(inputFile);
                    //  writer = new UofZipWriter(inputFile);
                    writer = new XmlTextWriter(new StringWriter());
                xslt.Transform(source, parameters, writer);
                mainOutput = outputFile;
                if (writer != null)
                if (source != null)
예제 #43
        // Construction
        public Processor(
            XPathNavigator doc, XsltArgumentList args, XmlResolver resolver,
            Stylesheet stylesheet, List<TheQuery> queryStore, RootAction rootAction,
            IXsltDebugger debugger
        ) {
            this.stylesheet = stylesheet;
            this.queryStore = queryStore;
            this.rootAction = rootAction;
            this.queryList  = new Query[queryStore.Count]; {
                for(int i = 0; i < queryStore.Count; i ++) {
                    queryList[i] = Query.Clone(queryStore[i].CompiledQuery.QueryTree);

            this.xsm                 = new StateMachine();
            this.document            = doc;
            this.builder             = null;
            this.actionStack         = new HWStack(StackIncrement);
            this.output              = this.rootAction.Output;
            this.permissions         = this.rootAction.permissions;
            this.resolver            = resolver ?? XmlNullResolver.Singleton;
            this.args                = args     ?? new XsltArgumentList();
            this.debugger            = debugger;
            if (this.debugger != null) {
                this.debuggerStack = new HWStack(StackIncrement, /*limit:*/1000);
                templateLookup     = new TemplateLookupActionDbg();

            // Clone the compile-time KeyList
            if (this.rootAction.KeyList != null) {
                this.keyList = new Key[this.rootAction.KeyList.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < this.keyList.Length; i ++) {
                    this.keyList[i] = this.rootAction.KeyList[i].Clone();

            this.scriptExtensions = new Hashtable(this.stylesheet.ScriptObjectTypes.Count); {
                foreach(DictionaryEntry entry in this.stylesheet.ScriptObjectTypes) {
                    string namespaceUri = (string)entry.Key;
                    if (GetExtensionObject(namespaceUri) != null) {
                        throw XsltException.Create(Res.Xslt_ScriptDub, namespaceUri);
                    scriptExtensions.Add(namespaceUri, Activator.CreateInstance((Type)entry.Value,
                        BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, null));

            this.PushActionFrame(this.rootAction, /*nodeSet:*/null);
        protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            trResults.Visible = true;
            string errors = "";

            if (fuFile.HasFile)
                HttpPostedFile PostedFile = fuFile.PostedFile;
                if (!PostedFile.FileName.EndsWith("xls", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && !PostedFile.FileName.EndsWith("xml", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && !PostedFile.FileName.EndsWith("csv", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && PostedFile.FileName.Trim() != "")
                    errors = String.Format(AppLogic.GetString("admin.importProductPricing.InvalidFileType", SkinID, LocaleSetting), CommonLogic.IIF(PostedFile.ContentLength == 0, AppLogic.GetString("admin.common.FileContentsWereEmpty", SkinID, LocaleSetting), AppLogic.GetString("admin.common.CommaDelimitedFilesPrompt", SkinID, LocaleSetting)));
                    if ((AppLogic.ProductIsMLExpress() || AppLogic.ProductIsMLX()) && PostedFile.FileName.EndsWith("xml", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        //not supported in Incartia

                        errors = AppLogic.GetString("admin.importProductPricing.XMLNotSupported", SkinID, LocaleSetting);
                        string filename     = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        string FullFilePath = CommonLogic.SafeMapPath("../images") + "\\" + filename + PostedFile.FileName.ToLowerInvariant().Substring(PostedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf('.'));
                        string xml          = String.Empty;

                        StreamReader sr          = new StreamReader(FullFilePath);
                        string       filecontent = sr.ReadToEnd();

                        if (PostedFile.FileName.EndsWith("csv", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            xml = "<productlist>";
                            string[] rows = filecontent.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray());
                            for (int i = 1; i < rows.Length; i++)
                                if (rows[i].Length > 0)
                                    xml += "<productvariant>";
                                    string   delim = ",";
                                    string[] cols  = rows[i].Split(delim.ToCharArray());
                                    xml += "<ProductID>" + cols[0] + "</ProductID>";
                                    xml += "<VariantID>" + cols[1] + "</VariantID>";
                                    xml += "<KitItemID>" + cols[2] + "</KitItemID>";
                                    xml += "<Name>" + cols[3] + "</Name>";
                                    xml += "<KitGroup>" + cols[4] + "</KitGroup>";
                                    xml += "<SKU>" + cols[5] + "</SKU>";
                                    xml += "<SKUSuffix>" + cols[7] + "</SKUSuffix>";
                                    xml += "<ManufacturerPartNumber>" + cols[6] + "</ManufacturerPartNumber>";
                                    xml += "<Cost>" + cols[8] + "</Cost>";
                                    xml += "<MSRP>" + cols[9] + "</MSRP>";
                                    xml += "<Price>" + cols[10] + "</Price>";
                                    xml += "<SalePrice>" + cols[11] + "</SalePrice>";
                                    xml += "<Inventory>" + cols[12] + "</Inventory>";
                                    xml += "</productvariant>";
                            xml += "</productlist>";
                        else if (PostedFile.FileName.EndsWith("xls", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            xml = Import.ConvertPricingFileToXml(FullFilePath);
                            XslCompiledTransform xForm = new XslCompiledTransform();
                            Localization     ExtObj = new Localization();
                            XsltArgumentList m_TransformArgumentList = new XsltArgumentList();
                            m_TransformArgumentList.AddExtensionObject("urn:aspdnsf", ExtObj);
                            XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();
                            StringWriter xsw = new StringWriter();
                            xForm.Transform(xdoc, m_TransformArgumentList, xsw);
                            xml = xsw.ToString();
                            xml = filecontent;
                        errors = AppLogic.ImportProductList(xml);
                errors = (AppLogic.GetString("admin.importProductPricing.NothingToImport", SkinID, LocaleSetting));

            if (errors.Length == 0)
                ltResult.Text = (AppLogic.GetString("admin.importProductPricing.ImportOK", SkinID, LocaleSetting));
                ltResult.Text = (String.Format(AppLogic.GetString("admin.importProductPricing.ImportError", SkinID, LocaleSetting), errors));
예제 #45
	private static void Generate(XmlDocument source, XslTransform transform, XsltArgumentList args, string output, XslTransform template) {
		using (TextWriter textwriter = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(output, FileMode.Create))) {
			XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(textwriter);
			writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
			writer.Indentation = 2;
			writer.IndentChar = ' ';
			try {
				XmlDocument intermediate = new XmlDocument();
				intermediate.PreserveWhitespace = true;
				intermediate.Load(transform.Transform(source, args, new ManifestResourceResolver(opts.source)));
				template.Transform(intermediate, new XsltArgumentList(), new XhtmlWriter (writer), null);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				throw new ApplicationException("An error occured while generating " + output, e);
예제 #46
        public override void DataBind()
            // Get the report for this module
            if (!this.ValidateDataSource() || !this.ValidateResults())
                this.litContent.Visible = false;
                this.litContent.Visible = true;

                // Get the extension objects
                IEnumerable<ExtensionObjectInfo> extensionObjects =
                var argList = new XsltArgumentList();
                foreach (var extensionObject in extensionObjects)
                    object obj = this.CreateExtensionObject(extensionObject.ClrType);
                    if (obj != null)
                        argList.AddExtensionObject(extensionObject.XmlNamespace, obj);

                // Get the Xslt Url
                var sXsl = SettingsUtil.GetDictionarySetting(this.Report.VisualizerSettings,
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sXsl))
                if (sXsl.ToLower().StartsWith("fileid="))
                    sXsl = Utilities.MapFileIdPath(this.ParentModule.PortalSettings, sXsl);
                else if (!sXsl.ToLower().StartsWith("http"))
                    sXsl = Path.Combine(this.ParentModule.PortalSettings.HomeDirectoryMapPath, sXsl.Replace("/", "\\"));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sXsl))

                // Serialize the results to Xml
                var sbSource = new StringBuilder();
                using (var srcWriter = new StringWriter(sbSource))

                // Load the Transform and transform the Xml
                var sbDest = new StringBuilder();
                var xform = new XslCompiledTransform();
                using (var destWriter = new XmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(sbDest)))
                    xform.Transform(new XPathDocument(new StringReader(sbSource.ToString())), argList, destWriter);

                var objSec = new PortalSecurity();
                this.litContent.Text = objSec.InputFilter(sbDest.ToString(), PortalSecurity.FilterFlag.NoScripting);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Load event of the Page control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // set current directory so paths are relative to this page location
            Environment.CurrentDirectory = this.Server.MapPath(this.TemplateSourceDirectory);

            // set localized Page Title
            this.PageTitle = General.GetString("TAB_TITLE_RAINBOW_HELP", "Rainbow Help", this);
            // add the Help css
            this.RegisterCssFile("help", "css/help.css");
            this.RegisterCssFile("menu", "css/mainmenu.css");

            if (!this.IsAdditionalMetaElementRegistered("ie7"))
                string _ie7     = string.Empty;
                string _ie7Part = string.Empty;

                foreach (string _script in Ie7Script.Split(new char[] { ';' }))
                    _ie7Part = Path.WebPathCombine(Path.ApplicationRoot, _script);
                    _ie7Part = string.Format("<!--[if lt IE 7]><script src=\"{0}\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script><![endif]-->", _ie7Part);
                    _ie7    += _ie7Part + "\n";
                this.RegisterAdditionalMetaElement("ie7", _ie7);

            string      loc         = string.Empty;
            string      src         = string.Empty;
            string      xslt        = string.Empty;
            CultureInfo lang        = this.portalSettings.PortalContentLanguage;
            CultureInfo defaultLang = this.portalSettings.PortalContentLanguage;
            //jes1111 - CultureInfo fallbackLang = new CultureInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DefaultLanguage"]);
            CultureInfo  fallbackLang = new CultureInfo(Config.DefaultLanguage);
            XslTransform xt;

            // grab the QueryString
            NameValueCollection qs = Request.QueryString;

            // Read Location
            if (qs["loc"] != null && qs["loc"].Length != 0)
                loc = qs["loc"];
                loc = defaultLocation;

            // Read Source
            if (qs["src"] != null && qs["src"].Length != 0)
                src = qs["src"];
                src = defaultSource;

            // Read Culture
            if (qs["lang"] != null && qs["lang"].Length != 0)
                try{ lang = new CultureInfo(qs["lang"], false); }
                catch {}

            // Read XSLT Stylesheet
            if (qs["xslt"] != null &&
                qs["xslt"].Length != 0 &&
                xslt = qs["xslt"];
                xslt = defaultXslt;

            // create language sequence
            ArrayList langSequence = new ArrayList(7);

            if (!lang.Equals(defaultLang))
            if (!defaultLang.Equals(fallbackLang))
            langSequence.Add(new CultureInfo(string.Empty));

            // create file sequence
            ArrayList fileSequence = new ArrayList(2);

            fileSequence.Add(Path.WebPathCombine(loc, src));
            fileSequence.Add(Path.WebPathCombine(defaultLocation, defaultSource));

            string filePath         = string.Empty;
            bool   found            = false;
            bool   asRequested      = true;
            string languageReturned = string.Empty;

            // find a file
            foreach (string _file in fileSequence)
                foreach (CultureInfo _language in langSequence)
                    filePath = string.Concat(_file, ".", _language.Name, sourceExtension);
                    filePath = filePath.Replace("..", ".");
                    if (File.Exists(filePath))
                        languageReturned = _language.Name;
                        found            = true;
                    if (_language.TwoLetterISOLanguageName.ToLower().Equals("en"))
                        filePath = string.Concat(_file, sourceExtension);
                        filePath = string.Concat(_file, ".", _language.TwoLetterISOLanguageName, sourceExtension);
                    filePath = filePath.Replace("..", ".");
                    if (File.Exists(filePath))
                        languageReturned = _language.TwoLetterISOLanguageName;
                        found            = true;
                if (found)
                    asRequested = false;

            // if we found something to display
            if (found)
                // get the Transformer
                string transformerCacheKey = string.Concat(cacheKeyRoot, "_", xslt);
                if (Context.Cache[transformerCacheKey] == null)
                        xt   = new XslTransform();
                        xslt = this.Server.MapPath(xslt);
                        XmlUrlResolver xr = new XmlUrlResolver();
                        xt.Load(xslt, xr);
                        Context.Cache.Insert(transformerCacheKey, xt, new CacheDependency(xslt));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Rainbow.Framework.ErrorHandler.Publish(Rainbow.Framework.LogLevel.Error, "Failed in Help Transformer load - message was: " + ex.Message);
                        throw new Exception("Failed in Help Transformer load - message was: " + ex.Message);
                    xt = (XslTransform)Context.Cache[transformerCacheKey];

                // create the ArgList
                XsltArgumentList xa = new XsltArgumentList();
                XslHelper        xh = new XslHelper();
                xa.AddExtensionObject("urn:rainbow", xh);
                xa.AddParam("LanguageRequested", string.Empty, lang.Name);
                xa.AddParam("LanguageReturned", string.Empty, languageReturned);
                xa.AddParam("AsRequested", string.Empty, asRequested.ToString());
                //string rootFolder = Rainbow.Framework.Settings.Path.ApplicationRoot + "/rb_documentation/";
                //xa.AddParam("Location",string.Empty,rootFolder + loc);
                xa.AddParam("Location", string.Empty, loc);
                xa.AddParam("Title", string.Empty, this.PageTitle);
                string tocFile = string.Concat(loc.Substring(0, loc.IndexOf("/")), "/map.", languageReturned, sourceExtension);
                tocFile = tocFile.Replace("..", ".");
                tocFile = string.Concat("../", tocFile);
                xa.AddParam("TOCfile", string.Empty, tocFile);
                xa.AddParam("Viewer", string.Empty, this.Request.Url.AbsolutePath);
                xa.AddParam("myRoot", string.Empty, loc.Substring(0, loc.IndexOf("/")));

                // load up the Xml control
                myXml.DocumentSource        = filePath;
                myXml.Transform             = xt;
                myXml.TransformArgumentList = xa;
                using (Localize errorMsg = new Localize())
                    errorMsg.TextKey = "HELP_VIEWER_ERROR";
                    errorMsg.Text    = "Sorry - no help available";
                    using (HtmlGenericControl container = new HtmlGenericControl("div"))
                        container.Attributes.Add("style", "padding:3em;font-size:1.2em;text-align:center");
예제 #48
        public void DrawProfilesModule()
            DateTime d = DateTime.Now;

            //If your module performs a data request, based on the DataURI parameter then call ReLoadBaseData
            List <CloudItem> weights = new List <CloudItem>();

            double firsttwenty = 0.0;
            double lasttwenty  = 0.0;

            string cloudweightnode = string.Empty;
            string networklistnode = string.Empty;
            string itemurl         = string.Empty;
            string itemurltext     = string.Empty;
            string itemtext        = string.Empty;

            cloudweightnode = base.GetModuleParamString("CloudWeightNode");
            networklistnode = base.GetModuleParamString("NetworkListNode");
            itemurl         = base.GetModuleParamString("ItemURL");
            itemurltext     = base.GetModuleParamString("ItemURLText");
            itemtext        = base.GetModuleParamString("ItemText");

            if (base.BaseData.SelectNodes(networklistnode, base.Namespaces) != null && cloudweightnode != string.Empty)
                if (cloudweightnode != string.Empty)
                    var items = from XmlNode networknode in base.BaseData.SelectNodes(networklistnode, base.Namespaces)
                                select new
                        weight = Convert.ToDouble(networknode.SelectSingleNode(cloudweightnode, base.Namespaces).InnerText),
                        value  = networknode.SelectSingleNode("./rdf:object/@rdf:resource", this.Namespaces).Value

                    foreach (var i in items)
                        weights.Add(new CloudItem(i.weight, i.value));

                    //foreach (XmlNode networknode in base.BaseData.SelectNodes(networklistnode, base.Namespaces))
                    //    weight = Convert.ToDouble(networknode.SelectSingleNode(cloudweightnode, base.Namespaces).InnerText);
                    //    weights.Add(new CloudItem(weight, networknode.SelectSingleNode("./rdf:object/@rdf:resource", this.Namespaces).Value));
                weights = weights.OrderByDescending(clouditem => clouditem.Weight).ToList();

                firsttwenty = weights.Count * .2;
                lasttwenty  = weights.Count * .8;

                int cnt = 0;
                foreach (CloudItem ci in weights)
                    if (cnt > firsttwenty && cnt < lasttwenty)
                        ci.Rank = "med";
                    if (cnt < firsttwenty)
                        ci.Rank = "big";
                    if (cnt > lasttwenty)
                        ci.Rank = "small";


            XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();

            System.Text.StringBuilder documentdata = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            documentdata.Append(" Columns=\"");
            if (base.GetModuleParamString("BulletType") != string.Empty)
                documentdata.Append(" Bullet=\"");
            documentdata.Append(" InfoCaption=\"");

            documentdata.Append(" Description=\"");

            string item = string.Empty;

            if (base.BaseData.SelectNodes(networklistnode, base.Namespaces) != null)
                var items = from XmlNode networknode in base.BaseData.SelectNodes(networklistnode, base.Namespaces)
                            select new
                    itemurl           = CustomParse.Parse(itemurl, networknode, base.Namespaces),
                    item              = CustomParse.Parse(itemtext, networknode, base.Namespaces),
                    weight            = GetCloudRank(networknode.SelectSingleNode("./rdf:object/@rdf:resource", base.Namespaces).InnerText, weights),
                    connectiondetails = networknode.SelectSingleNode("prns:hasConnectionDetails/@rdf:resource", base.Namespaces),
                    sortorder         = networknode.SelectSingleNode("prns:sortOrder", base.Namespaces),
                    itemxpath         = CustomParse.Parse(itemurltext, networknode, base.Namespaces)

                List <string> orngCallbackItems = new List <string>();

                foreach (var i in items)
                    //foreach (XmlNode networknode in base.BaseData.SelectNodes(networklistnode, base.Namespaces))


                    if (itemurl != string.Empty)

                        documentdata.Append(" ItemURL=\"");

                        if (cloudweightnode != string.Empty)
                            documentdata.Append(" Weight=\"");

                        if (i.connectiondetails != null)
                            if (base.BaseData.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description[@rdf:about='" + i.connectiondetails.InnerText + "']/prns:isAlsoCoAuthor", base.Namespaces) != null)
                                documentdata.Append(" CoAuthor=\"");
                                documentdata.Append(base.BaseData.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description[@rdf:about='" + i.connectiondetails.InnerText + "']/prns:isAlsoCoAuthor", base.Namespaces).InnerText);
                            if (i.sortorder != null)
                                documentdata.Append(" sortOrder=\"");

                        string itemxpath = i.itemxpath;
                        if (itemxpath != string.Empty)
                            item = base.BaseData.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description[@rdf:about= '" + itemxpath + "']/rdfs:label", base.Namespaces).InnerText;

                        documentdata.Append(" ItemURLText=\"");
                        documentdata.Append(item.Replace("\"", "'"));

                new ORNGNetworkListRPCService(Page, orngCallbackItems);

            document.LoadXml(documentdata.ToString().Replace("&", "&amp;"));

            XsltArgumentList args = new XsltArgumentList();
            string           xmlbuffer;

            if (base.GetModuleParamString("SortBy").Equals("Weight"))
                xmlbuffer = XslHelper.TransformInMemory(Server.MapPath("~/Profile/Modules/NetworkList/SortIntermediateByWeight.xslt"), args, document.OuterXml);
                xmlbuffer = XslHelper.TransformInMemory(Server.MapPath("~/Profile/Modules/NetworkList/SortIntermediate.xslt"), args, document.OuterXml);
            litListView.Text = XslHelper.TransformInMemory(Server.MapPath("~/Profile/Modules/NetworkList/NetworkList.xslt"), args, xmlbuffer);

            Framework.Utilities.DebugLogging.Log("Network List MODULE end Milliseconds:" + (DateTime.Now - d).TotalSeconds);
 public void Transform(System.Xml.XmlReader input, XsltArgumentList arguments, System.IO.TextWriter results)
예제 #50
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the documentation.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Build(NDoc.Core.Project project)
            int buildStepProgress = 0;

            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Initializing...");

            _resourceDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(
                                                               Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "NDoc"), "NAnt");

            // get assembly in which documenter is defined
            Assembly assembly = this.GetType().Module.Assembly;

            // write xslt files to resource directory
            EmbeddedResources.WriteEmbeddedResources(assembly, "Documenter.xslt",
                                                     Path.Combine(_resourceDirectory, "xslt"));

            // create the html output directories
            try {
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "elements"));
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "functions"));
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "types"));
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "tasks"));
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "enums"));
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "filters"));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new DocumenterException("The output directories could not"
                                              + " be created.", ex);

            buildStepProgress += 10;
            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Merging XML documentation...");

            // load the stylesheets that will convert the master xml into html pages

            // will hold the file name containing the NDoc generated XML
            string tempFile = null;

            try {
                // determine temporary file name
                tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();

                // create the master XML document
                MakeXmlFile(project, tempFile);

                // create a xml document that will be transformed using xslt
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(tempFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) {
                    _xmlDocumentation = new XmlDocument();
            } finally {
                // ensure temporary file is removed
                if (tempFile != null)

            // build the file mapping
            buildStepProgress += 15;
            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Building mapping...");

            // create arguments for nant index page transform
            XsltArgumentList indexArguments = CreateXsltArgumentList();

            // add extension object for NAnt utilities
            NAntXsltUtilities indexUtilities = NAntXsltUtilities.CreateInstance(
                _xmlDocumentation, (NAntDocumenterConfig)Config);

            // add extension object to Xslt arguments
            indexArguments.AddExtensionObject("urn:NAntUtil", indexUtilities);

            buildStepProgress += 15;
            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Creating Task Index Page...");

            // transform nant task index page transform
            TransformAndWriteResult(_xsltTaskIndex, indexArguments, "tasks/index.html");

            buildStepProgress += 10;
            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Creating Type Index Page...");

            // transform nant type index page transform
            TransformAndWriteResult(_xsltTypeIndex, indexArguments, "types/index.html");

            buildStepProgress += 10;
            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Creating Filter Index Page...");

            // transform nant type index page transform
            TransformAndWriteResult(_xsltFilterIndex, indexArguments, "filters/index.html");

            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Creating Function Index Page...");
            // transform nant function index page transform
            TransformAndWriteResult(_xsltFunctionIndex, indexArguments, "functions/index.html");

            buildStepProgress += 10;
            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Generating Task Documents...");

            // generate a page for each marked task
            XmlNodeList typeNodes = _xmlDocumentation.SelectNodes("//class[starts-with(substring(@id, 3, string-length(@id) - 2), '" + NamespaceFilter + "')]");

            foreach (XmlNode typeNode in typeNodes)
                ElementDocType elementDocType = indexUtilities.GetElementDocType(typeNode);
                DocumentType(typeNode, elementDocType, indexUtilities);

            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Generating Function Documents...");

            // generate a page for each function - TODO - change the XPath expression to select more functions
            XmlNodeList functionNodes = _xmlDocumentation.SelectNodes("//method[attribute/@name = 'NAnt.Core.Attributes.FunctionAttribute' and ancestor::class[starts-with(substring(@id, 3, string-length(@id) - 2), '" + NamespaceFilter + "')]]");

            foreach (XmlElement function in functionNodes)
                DocumentFunction(function, indexUtilities);

            OnDocBuildingStep(100, "Complete");
 public void Transform(System.Xml.XmlReader input, XsltArgumentList arguments, System.Xml.XmlWriter results, System.Xml.XmlResolver documentResolver)
        internal static void TransformXml(AbsolutePath sourceXmlPath, AbsolutePath xsltPath, AbsolutePath outputFilePath, XsltArgumentList arguments = null)
            Normal($"Transforming with '{xsltPath}'.");

            var transformation = new XslCompiledTransform();


            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(outputFilePath))
                transformation.Transform(sourceXmlPath, arguments, streamWriter);

            Normal($"Transformation completed. Output file: '{outputFilePath}'.");
 public void Transform(string inputUri, XsltArgumentList arguments, System.IO.Stream results)
예제 #54
        static void Main()
            // assumes directory structure:
            // ofx/                 <--- OFX's read from
            //   - ofxfile1.ofx
            //   - ofxfile2.ofx
            //   - ...
            //   - ofxfileN.ofx
            // csv/                 <--- CSV outputs to
            //   - csvfile1.csv
            //   - csvfile2.csv
            //   - ...
            //   - csvfileN.csv

            var assemblyFileName = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
            var ofxPath          = Path.Combine(assemblyFileName.Directory.FullName, "ofx");
            var csvPath          = Path.Combine(assemblyFileName.Directory.FullName, "csv");

            var transform = new XslCompiledTransform();

            // load XSLT from assembly manifest resource
            using (var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(OFXLoader.Program), "Extractor.xslt"))

            // create CSV output file
            using (var ext = new Ext(Path.Combine(csvPath, String.Format("output_{0:yyyyMMdd}.csv", DateTime.Today))))
                var args = new XsltArgumentList();
                args.AddExtensionObject("uri:extension", ext);

                var srcDir = new DirectoryInfo(ofxPath);

                using (var results = new XmlTextWriter(new MemoryStream(), Encoding.UTF8))
                    // read in OFX files
                    foreach (var file in srcDir.GetFiles("*.ofx"))
                        var sb = new StringBuilder();

                        // load the file; may start with OFX header, so read to the start of the XML
                        using (var stream = File.OpenText(file.FullName))
                            // some OFX file has non-XML content at the top of the file
                            // ignore lines until line starting with "<OFX>"
                            // then load the content as XML

                            var inContent = false;
                            var line      = stream.ReadLine();

                            while (line != null)
                                if (inContent)
                                else if (line.StartsWith("<OFX>"))
                                    inContent = true;
                                line = stream.ReadLine();
                        var dataFile = new XPathDocument(new StringReader(sb.ToString()));
                        transform.Transform(dataFile.CreateNavigator(), args, results);
예제 #55
    private XElement UpdateTreeView(XElement functionMarkupContainer)
        // TODO: Do some compiled xslt caching

        XElement treeInput = CopyWithId(functionMarkupContainer);


        if (_state.AllowSelectingInputParameters)
            CollapseGetInputParamaterFunctionCalls(treeInput, InputParameterNodeIDs);

        // treeInput.Save(Request.MapPath("out.tmp.xml"));

        string xslFilePath = Request.MapPath("functioneditortree.xslt");
        XslCompiledTransform transform = GetTransformation(xslFilePath);

        var xsltTransformArguments = new XsltArgumentList();
        xsltTransformArguments.AddExtensionObject(XsltExtensionObjectNamespace, new TreeRenderingXsltExtensionObject(TreePathToIdMapping));
        xsltTransformArguments.AddParam("SelectedId", string.Empty, SelectedNode.IsNullOrEmpty() ? string.Empty : TreePathToIdMapping[SelectedNode]);

        XDocument transformedDoc = new XDocument();

        using (XmlWriter writer = transformedDoc.CreateWriter())
            transform.Transform(treeInput.CreateReader(), xsltTransformArguments, writer);

        WriteTo(transformedDoc, this.TreePlaceholder);

        return treeInput;
예제 #56
        /// <summary>
        /// Render the specified report definition with the specified view
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Stream Render(BiReportDefinition reportDefinition, string viewName, IDictionary <string, object> parameters)
            foreach (var pol in reportDefinition.MetaData.Demands ?? new List <string>())
                ApplicationServiceContext.Current.GetService <IPolicyEnforcementService>().Demand(pol);

            // Get the view
            var view = string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewName) ? reportDefinition.Views.First() : reportDefinition.Views.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == viewName);

            if (view == null)
                throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Report view {viewName} does not exist in {reportDefinition.Id}");

            // Demand permission to render
            // Start a new root context
            var context = new RootRenderContext(reportDefinition, viewName, parameters, this.m_configuration?.MaxBiResultSetSize);

                using (var tempMs = new MemoryStream())
                    using (var xw = XmlWriter.Create(tempMs, new XmlWriterSettings()
                        CloseOutput = false,
                        Indent = true,
                        NewLineOnAttributes = true
                        Indent = false,
                        OmitXmlDeclaration = true
                        ReportViewUtil.Write(xw, view.Body, context);

                    tempMs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    var retVal = new MemoryStream();

                    XsltArgumentList args = new XsltArgumentList();
                    args.AddParam("current-date", String.Empty, DateTime.Now.ToString("o"));
                    using (var xr = XmlReader.Create(tempMs))
                        if (this.m_isText)
                            using (var xw = new StreamWriter(retVal, Encoding.UTF8, 1024, true))
                                this.m_xsl.Transform(xr, null, xw);
                            using (var xw = XmlWriter.Create(retVal, new XmlWriterSettings()
                                Indent = true,
                                OmitXmlDeclaration = false
                                this.m_xsl.Transform(xr, xw);
                    retVal.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

예제 #57
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int DBNId;
        string ResponseFormat, SDMXFormat, Indicator, Area, TimePeriod, Source, Language, DataResponse,Title, Footnote;
        XmlDocument QueryDocument, ResponseDocument;
        bool IsGroupBy=false;
        DBNId = 0;
        ResponseFormat = string.Empty;
        SDMXFormat = string.Empty;
        Indicator = string.Empty;
        Area = string.Empty;
        TimePeriod = string.Empty;
        Source = string.Empty;
        Language = string.Empty;
        DataResponse = string.Empty;
        Title = string.Empty;
        Footnote = string.Empty;
        QueryDocument = new XmlDocument();
        ResponseDocument = new XmlDocument();

        foreach (string QSComponent in Request.QueryString.Keys)
            switch (QSComponent)
                case Constants.WSQueryStrings.p:
                    if (this.Context.Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.p] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Context.Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.p]) && int.TryParse(this.Context.Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.p], out DBNId))
                        this.DIConnection = Global.GetDbConnection(DBNId);
                        this.DIQueries = new DIQueries(this.DIConnection.DIDataSetDefault(), this.DIConnection.DILanguageCodeDefault(this.DIConnection.DIDataSetDefault()));
                        DBNId = Convert.ToInt32(Global.GetDefaultDbNId());
                        this.DIConnection = Global.GetDbConnection(Convert.ToInt32(Global.GetDefaultDbNId()));
                        this.DIQueries = new DIQueries(this.DIConnection.DIDataSetDefault(), this.DIConnection.DILanguageCodeDefault(this.DIConnection.DIDataSetDefault()));
                case Constants.WSQueryStrings.ResponseFormat:
                    if (Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.ResponseFormat] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.ResponseFormat].ToString()))
                        ResponseFormat = Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.ResponseFormat].ToString();
                        ResponseFormat = Constants.WSQueryStrings.ResponseFormatTypes.SDMX;
                case Constants.WSQueryStrings.SDMXFormat:
                    if (Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.SDMXFormat] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.SDMXFormat].ToString()))
                        SDMXFormat = Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.SDMXFormat].ToString();
                        SDMXFormat = Constants.WSQueryStrings.SDMXFormatTypes.StructureSpecificTS;
                case DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.INDICATOR.Id:
                    if (Request.QueryString[DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.INDICATOR.Id] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString[DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.INDICATOR.Id].ToString()))
                        Indicator = Request.QueryString[DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.INDICATOR.Id].ToString();
                case DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.AREA.Id:
                    if (Request.QueryString[DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.AREA.Id] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString[DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.AREA.Id].ToString()))
                        Area = Request.QueryString[DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.AREA.Id].ToString();
                case DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.TIME_PERIOD.Id:
                    if (Request.QueryString[DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.TIME_PERIOD.Id] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString[DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.TIME_PERIOD.Id].ToString()))
                        TimePeriod = Request.QueryString[DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.TIME_PERIOD.Id].ToString();
                case DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.SOURCE.Id:
                    if (Request.QueryString[DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.SOURCE.Id] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString[DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.SOURCE.Id].ToString()))
                        Source = Request.QueryString[DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.Constants.Concept.SOURCE.Id].ToString();
                case Constants.WSQueryStrings.Language:
                    if (Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.Language] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.Language].ToString()))
                        Language = Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.Language].ToString();
                case Constants.WSQueryStrings.GroupByIndicator:
                        IsGroupBy = Convert.ToBoolean(Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.GroupByIndicator]);
                case Constants.WSQueryStrings.Title:
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.Title]))
                        Title = Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.Title]);
                case Constants.WSQueryStrings.FootNote:
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.FootNote]))
                        Footnote = Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString[Constants.WSQueryStrings.FootNote]);

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ResponseFormat))
            switch (ResponseFormat)
                case Constants.WSQueryStrings.ResponseFormatTypes.SDMX:
                    QueryDocument = GetQueryXML(ResponseFormat, SDMXFormat, Indicator, Area, TimePeriod, Source, Language);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SDMXFormat))
                        switch (SDMXFormat)
                            case Constants.WSQueryStrings.SDMXFormatTypes.StructureSpecificTS:
                                ResponseDocument = SDMXUtility.Get_Data(SDMXSchemaType.Two_One, QueryDocument, DataFormats.StructureSpecificTS, DIConnection, DIQueries);
                            case Constants.WSQueryStrings.SDMXFormatTypes.StructureSpecific:
                                ResponseDocument = SDMXUtility.Get_Data(SDMXSchemaType.Two_One, QueryDocument, DataFormats.StructureSpecific, DIConnection, DIQueries);
                            case Constants.WSQueryStrings.SDMXFormatTypes.GenericTS:
                                ResponseDocument = SDMXUtility.Get_Data(SDMXSchemaType.Two_One, QueryDocument, DataFormats.GenericTS, DIConnection, DIQueries);
                            case Constants.WSQueryStrings.SDMXFormatTypes.Generic:
                                ResponseDocument = SDMXUtility.Get_Data(SDMXSchemaType.Two_One, QueryDocument, DataFormats.Generic, DIConnection, DIQueries);
                        ResponseDocument = SDMXUtility.Get_Data(SDMXSchemaType.Two_One, QueryDocument, DataFormats.StructureSpecificTS, DIConnection, DIQueries);

                case Constants.WSQueryStrings.ResponseFormatTypes.JSON:
                    QueryDocument = GetQueryXML(ResponseFormat, null, Indicator, Area, TimePeriod, Source, Language);
                    Response.Write(DATAUtility.Get_Data(QueryDocument, DataTypes.JSON, DIConnection, DIQueries));
                case Constants.WSQueryStrings.ResponseFormatTypes.XML:
                    QueryDocument = GetQueryXML(ResponseFormat, null, Indicator, Area, TimePeriod, Source, Language);
                    Response.Write(DATAUtility.Get_Data(QueryDocument, DataTypes.XML, DIConnection, DIQueries));
                case Constants.WSQueryStrings.ResponseFormatTypes.TABLE:
                    string BaseUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.OriginalString.Split(new string[] { "?" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
                    int index = BaseUrl.IndexOf("libraries");

                    string XsltUrl = string.Empty;
                    if (IsGroupBy)
                        XsltUrl = BaseUrl.Substring(0, index) + "stock/xslt/HTTPRequest_XMLResponse - INDGrp.xslt";
                        //XsltUrl = "../../stock/xslt/HTTPRequest_XMLResponse - INDGrp.xslt";
                        XsltUrl = BaseUrl.Substring(0, index) + "stock/xslt/HTTPRequest_XMLResponse.xslt";
                        //XsltUrl = "../../stock/xslt/HTTPRequest_XMLResponse.xslt";
                    BaseUrl = BaseUrl.Substring(0,index-1);
                    //string PItext = "type='application/xml' href='" + XsltUrl + "'";

                    QueryDocument = GetQueryXML(ResponseFormat, null, Indicator, Area, TimePeriod, Source, Language);

                    string XmlStr = DATAUtility.Get_Data(QueryDocument, DataTypes.XML, DIConnection, DIQueries);

                  //  DataTable DT = new DataTable();
                   // DT.ReadXml(new StringReader(XmlStr));
                    XsltArgumentList ArguList = new XsltArgumentList();
                    ArguList.AddParam("Footnote_Text", "", Footnote);
                    ArguList.AddParam("BaseUrl", "", BaseUrl);
                    XmlStr = this.Transform(XmlStr, XsltUrl, ArguList);
                    XmlStr = XmlStr.Substring(XmlStr.IndexOf("<html>"));
                    //XmlDocument FormattedXml = new XmlDocument();
                    //XmlProcessingInstruction XSLTTag = FormattedXml.CreateProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", PItext);
                    //FormattedXml.InsertBefore(XSLTTag, FormattedXml.SelectSingleNode("Root"));
                    //Response.AddHeader("content-type", "application/xml");
            QueryDocument = GetQueryXML(ResponseFormat, null, Indicator, Area, TimePeriod, Source, Language);
            ResponseDocument = SDMXUtility.Get_Data(SDMXSchemaType.Two_One, QueryDocument, DataFormats.StructureSpecificTS, DIConnection, DIQueries);
예제 #58
        // Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// This constructor is internal so that external users cannot construct it (and therefore we do not have to test it separately).
        /// </summary>
        internal XmlQueryRuntime(XmlQueryStaticData data, object defaultDataSource, XmlResolver dataSources, XsltArgumentList argList, XmlSequenceWriter seqWrt)
            Debug.Assert(data != null);
            string[] names = data.Names;
            Int32Pair[] filters = data.Filters;
            WhitespaceRuleLookup wsRules;
            int i;

            // Early-Bound Library Objects
            wsRules = (data.WhitespaceRules != null && data.WhitespaceRules.Count != 0) ? new WhitespaceRuleLookup(data.WhitespaceRules) : null;
            _ctxt = new XmlQueryContext(this, defaultDataSource, dataSources, argList, wsRules);
            _xsltLib = null;
            _earlyInfo = data.EarlyBound;
            _earlyObjects = (_earlyInfo != null) ? new object[_earlyInfo.Length] : null;

            // Global variables and parameters
            _globalNames = data.GlobalNames;
            _globalValues = (_globalNames != null) ? new object[_globalNames.Length] : null;

            // Names
            _nameTableQuery = _ctxt.QueryNameTable;
            _atomizedNames = null;

            if (names != null)
                // Atomize all names in "nameTableQuery".  Use names from the default data source's
                // name table when possible.
                XmlNameTable nameTableDefault = _ctxt.DefaultNameTable;
                _atomizedNames = new string[names.Length];

                if (nameTableDefault != _nameTableQuery && nameTableDefault != null)
                    // Ensure that atomized names from the default data source are added to the
                    // name table used in this query
                    for (i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                        string name = nameTableDefault.Get(names[i]);
                        _atomizedNames[i] = _nameTableQuery.Add(name ?? names[i]);
                    // Enter names into nametable used in this query
                    for (i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                        _atomizedNames[i] = _nameTableQuery.Add(names[i]);

            // Name filters
            _filters = null;
            if (filters != null)
                // Construct name filters.  Each pair of integers in the filters[] array specifies the
                // (localName, namespaceUri) of the NameFilter to be created.
                _filters = new XmlNavigatorFilter[filters.Length];

                for (i = 0; i < filters.Length; i++)
                    _filters[i] = XmlNavNameFilter.Create(_atomizedNames[filters[i].Left], _atomizedNames[filters[i].Right]);

            // Prefix maping lists
            _prefixMappingsList = data.PrefixMappingsList;

            // Xml types
            _types = data.Types;

            // Xml collations
            _collations = data.Collations;

            // Document ordering
            _docOrderCmp = new DocumentOrderComparer();

            // Indexes
            _indexes = null;

            // Output construction
            _stkOutput = new Stack<XmlQueryOutput>(16);
            _output = new XmlQueryOutput(this, seqWrt);
예제 #59
        private void DocumentType(XmlNode typeNode, ElementDocType docType, NAntXsltUtilities utilities)
            if (typeNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("typeNode");

            if (docType == ElementDocType.None || docType == ElementDocType.FunctionSet)
                // we don't need to document this type

            string classID = typeNode.Attributes["id"].Value;

            if (!classID.Substring(2).StartsWith(NamespaceFilter))
                // we don't need to types in this namespace

            string filename = utilities.GetFileNameForType(typeNode, false);

            if (filename == null)
                // we should never get here, but just in case ...

            if (_writtenFiles.ContainsValue(classID))
                _writtenFiles.Add(filename, classID);

            // create arguments for nant task page transform (valid args are class-id, refType, imagePath, relPathAdjust)
            XsltArgumentList arguments = CreateXsltArgumentList();

            arguments.AddParam("class-id", String.Empty, classID);

            string refTypeString;

            switch (docType)
            case ElementDocType.DataTypeElement:
                refTypeString = "Type";

            case ElementDocType.Element:
                refTypeString = "Element";

            case ElementDocType.Task:
                refTypeString = "Task";

            case ElementDocType.Enum:
                refTypeString = "Enum";

            case ElementDocType.Filter:
                refTypeString = "Filter";

                refTypeString = "Other?";

            arguments.AddParam("refType", string.Empty, refTypeString);

            // add extension object to Xslt arguments
            arguments.AddExtensionObject("urn:NAntUtil", utilities);

            // Process all sub-elements and generate docs for them. :)
            // Just look for properties with attributes to narrow down the foreach loop.
            // (This is a restriction of NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementAttribute)
            foreach (XmlNode propertyNode in typeNode.SelectNodes("property[attribute]"))
                //get the xml element
                string elementName = utilities.GetElementNameForProperty(propertyNode);
                if (elementName != null)
                    // try to get attribute info if it is an array/collection.
                    // strip the array brakets "[]" to get the type
                    string elementType = "T:" + propertyNode.Attributes["type"].Value.Replace("[]", "");

                    // check whether property is an element array
                    XmlNode nestedElementNode = propertyNode.SelectSingleNode("attribute[@name='" + typeof(BuildElementArrayAttribute).FullName + "']");
                    if (nestedElementNode == null)
                        // check whether property is an element collection
                        nestedElementNode = propertyNode.SelectSingleNode("attribute[@name='" + typeof(BuildElementCollectionAttribute).FullName + "']");

                    // if property is either array or collection type element
                    if (nestedElementNode != null)
                        // select the item type in the collection
                        XmlAttribute elementTypeAttribute = _xmlDocumentation.SelectSingleNode("//class[@id='" + elementType + "']/method[@name='Add']/parameter/@type") as XmlAttribute;
                        if (elementTypeAttribute != null)
                            // get type of collection elements
                            elementType = "T:" + elementTypeAttribute.Value;

                        // if it contains a ElementType attribute then it is an array or collection
                        // if it is a collection, then we care about the child type.
                        XmlNode explicitElementType = propertyNode.SelectSingleNode("attribute/property[@ElementType]");
                        if (explicitElementType != null)
                            // ndoc is inconsistent about how classes are named.
                            elementType = explicitElementType.Attributes["value"].Value.Replace("+", ".");

                    XmlNode elementTypeNode = utilities.GetTypeNodeByID(elementType);
                    if (elementTypeNode != null)
                        ElementDocType elementDocType = utilities.GetElementDocType(elementTypeNode);
                        if (elementDocType != ElementDocType.None)
                            DocumentType(elementTypeNode, elementDocType,

            // create the page
            TransformAndWriteResult(_xsltTypeDoc, arguments, filename);
예제 #60
        void ProcessDirectories(List <string> sourceDirectories)
            if (sourceDirectories.Count == 0 || opts.dest == null || opts.dest == "")
                throw new ApplicationException("The source and dest options must be specified.");


            // Load the stylesheets, overview.xml, and resolver

            XslTransform overviewxsl = LoadTransform("overview.xsl", sourceDirectories);
            XslTransform stylesheet  = LoadTransform("stylesheet.xsl", sourceDirectories);
            XslTransform template;

            if (opts.template == null)
                template = LoadTransform("defaulttemplate.xsl", sourceDirectories);
                try {
                    XmlDocument templatexsl = new XmlDocument();
                    template = new XslTransform();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new ApplicationException("There was an error loading " + opts.template, e);

            XmlDocument overview = GetOverview(sourceDirectories);

            ArrayList extensions = GetExtensionMethods(overview);

            // Create the master page
            XsltArgumentList overviewargs = new XsltArgumentList();

            var regenIndex = ShouldRegenIndexes(opts, overview, sourceDirectories);

            if (regenIndex)
                overviewargs.AddParam("ext", "", opts.ext);
                overviewargs.AddParam("basepath", "", "./");
                Generate(overview, overviewxsl, overviewargs, opts.dest + "/index." + opts.ext, template, sourceDirectories);
                overviewargs.RemoveParam("basepath", "");
            overviewargs.AddParam("basepath", "", "../");
            overviewargs.AddParam("Index", "", overview.CreateNavigator());

            // Create the namespace & type pages

            XsltArgumentList typeargs = new XsltArgumentList();

            typeargs.AddParam("ext", "", opts.ext);
            typeargs.AddParam("basepath", "", "../");
            typeargs.AddParam("Index", "", overview.CreateNavigator());

            foreach (XmlElement ns in overview.SelectNodes("Overview/Types/Namespace"))
                string nsname = ns.GetAttribute("Name");

                if (opts.onlytype != null && !opts.onlytype.StartsWith(nsname + "."))

                System.IO.DirectoryInfo d = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(opts.dest + "/" + nsname);
                if (!d.Exists)

                // Create the NS page
                string nsDest = opts.dest + "/" + nsname + "/index." + opts.ext;
                if (regenIndex)
                    overviewargs.AddParam("namespace", "", nsname);
                    Generate(overview, overviewxsl, overviewargs, nsDest, template, sourceDirectories);
                    overviewargs.RemoveParam("namespace", "");

                foreach (XmlElement ty in ns.SelectNodes("Type"))
                    string typename, typefile, destfile;
                    GetTypePaths(opts, ty, out typename, out typefile, out destfile);

                    if (DestinationIsNewer(typefile, destfile))
                        // target already exists, and is newer.  why regenerate?

                    XmlDocument typexml = new XmlDocument();
                    if (extensions != null)
                        DocLoader loader = CreateDocLoader(overview);
                        XmlDocUtils.AddExtensionMethods(typexml, extensions, loader);

                    Console.WriteLine(nsname + "." + typename);

                    Generate(typexml, stylesheet, typeargs, destfile, template, sourceDirectories);