private static void measure() { _connectedMtwData.Clear(); foreach (var detectedDevices in _xda._DetectedDevices) { _measuringDevice = _xda.getDevice(detectedDevices.deviceId()); _measuringDevice.gotoMeasurement(); var deviceIds = _measuringDevice.children(); for (uint i = 0; i < deviceIds.size(); i++) { var trackingDevice = new XsDevice(; var callback = new MyMtCallback(); var mtwData = new ConnectedMtData(); _connectedMtwData.Add(trackingDevice.deviceId().toInt(), mtwData); // connect signals callback.DataAvailable += new EventHandler <DataAvailableArgs>(_callbackHandler_DataAvailable); trackingDevice.addCallbackHandler(callback); _measuringMts.Add(trackingDevice, callback); logger.Log($"Completed setting up tracker {trackingDevice.deviceId().toInt().ToString()} for measuring."); } logger.Log($"Completed setting up device {detectedDevices.deviceId().toInt().ToString()} for measuring."); } }
protected override void onProgressUpdated(SWIGTYPE_p_XsDevice dev, int current, int total, XsString identifier) { XsDevice device = new XsDevice(dev); if (ProgressUpdate != null) { ProgressUpdate(this, new ProgressUpdateArgs(device.deviceId(), current, total, identifier.toString())); } }
protected override void onError(SWIGTYPE_p_XsDevice dev, XsResultValue error) { XsDevice device = new XsDevice(dev); if (DeviceError != null) { DeviceError(this, new DeviceErrorArgs(device.deviceId(), error)); } }
protected override void onLiveDataAvailable(SWIGTYPE_p_XsDevice dev, XsDataPacket packet) { XsDevice device = new XsDevice(dev); XsDataPacket pack = new XsDataPacket(packet); if (DataAvailable != null) { DataAvailable(this, new DataAvailableArgs(device, pack)); } }
protected override void onInfoResponse(SWIGTYPE_p_XsDevice dev, XsInfoRequest request) { XsDevice device = new XsDevice(dev); if (request == XsInfoRequest.XIR_BatteryLevel) { int batteryLevel = device.batteryLevel(); if (BatteryLevelChanged != null) { BatteryLevelChanged(this, new BatteryLevelChangedArgs(device.deviceId(), batteryLevel)); } } }
private void CheckForMTWConnections() { if (_acceptNewMTWs) { int nextCount = _masterDevice.childCount(); if (nextCount != _totalConnectedMTWs) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Number of connected MTWs: " + nextCount); _totalConnectedMTWs = nextCount; XsDevicePtrArray deviceIds = _masterDevice.children(); for (uint i = 0; i < deviceIds.size(); i++) { XsDevice dev = new XsDevice(; UnityEngine.Debug.Log(string.Format("Device {0} ({1})", i, dev.deviceId().toInt())); } } } }
protected override void onDeviceStateChanged(SWIGTYPE_p_XsDevice dev, XsDeviceState newState, XsDeviceState oldState) { XsDevice device = new XsDevice(dev); switch (newState) { case XsDeviceState.XDS_Config: if (oldState != XsDeviceState.XDS_Initial) { if (MeasurementStopped != null) { MeasurementStopped(this, new DeviceIdArg(device.deviceId())); } } break; case XsDeviceState.XDS_Measurement: if (MeasurementStarted != null) { MeasurementStarted(this, new DeviceIdArg(device.deviceId())); } break; case XsDeviceState.XDS_WaitingForRecordingStart: if (WaitingForRecordingStart != null) { WaitingForRecordingStart(this, new DeviceIdArg(device.deviceId())); } break; case XsDeviceState.XDS_Recording: if (RecordingStarted != null) { RecordingStarted(this, new DeviceIdArg(device.deviceId())); } break; default: break; } }
private void ScanForStations() { List <MasterInfo> _stations = new List <MasterInfo>(); _xda.scanPorts(); if (_xda._DetectedDevices.Count > 0) { foreach (XsPortInfo portInfo in _xda._DetectedDevices) { if (portInfo.deviceId().isWirelessMaster() || portInfo.deviceId().isAwindaStation()) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("found wireless connector"); _xda.openPort(portInfo); MasterInfo ai = new MasterInfo(portInfo.deviceId()); ai.ComPort = portInfo.portName(); ai.BaudRate = portInfo.baudrate(); _stations.Add(ai); break; } } if (_stations.Count > 0) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Found station: " + _stations[0].ToString() + " ... creating master device."); _masterDevice = _xda.getDevice(_stations[0].DeviceId); if (!_masterDevice.gotoConfig()) { throw new UnityException("could not enter configuration mode of created master device"); } UnityEngine.Debug.Log("master device created successfully, ready to enable radio"); } else { throw new UnityException("no station could be found, make sure drivers are installed correctly"); } } }
internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(XsDevice obj) { return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr); }
protected override void onConnectivityChanged(SWIGTYPE_p_XsDevice dev, XsConnectivityState state) { XsDevice device = new XsDevice(dev); if (state == XsConnectivityState.XCS_Wireless) { lock (_ConnectedMtws) { _ConnectedMtws.Add(device.deviceId()); } } else { lock (_ConnectedMtws) { _ConnectedMtws.Remove(device.deviceId()); } } switch (state) { case XsConnectivityState.XCS_Disconnected: /*!< Device has disconnected, only limited informational functionality is available. */ if (MtwDisconnected != null) { MtwDisconnected(this, new DeviceIdArg(device.deviceId())); } break; case XsConnectivityState.XCS_Rejected: /*!< Device has been rejected and is disconnected, only limited informational functionality is available. */ if (MtwRejected != null) { MtwRejected(this, new DeviceIdArg(device.deviceId())); } break; case XsConnectivityState.XCS_PluggedIn: /*!< Device is connected through a cable. */ if (MtwPluggedIn != null) { MtwPluggedIn(this, new DeviceIdArg(device.deviceId())); } break; case XsConnectivityState.XCS_Wireless: /*!< Device is connected wirelessly. */ if (MtwWireless != null) { MtwWireless(this, new DeviceIdArg(device.deviceId())); } break; case XsConnectivityState.XCS_File: /*!< Device is reading from a file. */ if (MtwFile != null) { MtwFile(this, new DeviceIdArg(device.deviceId())); } break; case XsConnectivityState.XCS_Unknown: /*!< Device is in an unknown state. */ if (MtwUnknown != null) { MtwUnknown(this, new DeviceIdArg(device.deviceId())); } break; default: if (MtwError != null) { MtwError(this, new DeviceIdArg(device.deviceId())); } break; } }
void Update() { if (_drawBoneOrientations) { _poseUpdater.DrawIMUBoneOrientations(); } CheckForMTWConnections(); if (_acceptNewMTWs) { return; } if (!_MTWsInitialized) { _connectedMtwData.Clear(); if (!_masterDevice.gotoMeasurement()) { throw new UnityException("could not enter measurement mode"); } _masterDevice.clearCallbackHandlers(); XsDevicePtrArray deviceIds = _masterDevice.children(); for (uint i = 0; i < deviceIds.size(); i++) { XsDevice mtw = new XsDevice(; MyMtwCallback callback = new MyMtwCallback(); uint deviceId = mtw.deviceId().toInt(); if (_imuOrder.Contains(deviceId)) { XsIMUMeasurement mtwData = new XsIMUMeasurement(); _connectedMtwData.Add(deviceId, mtwData); callback.DataAvailable += new System.EventHandler <DataAvailableArgs>(DataAvailableCallback); mtw.addCallbackHandler(callback); _measuringMts.Add(mtw, callback); } } _MTWsInitialized = true; UnityEngine.Debug.Log(string.Format("Initialized {0} MTWs", _measuringMts.Keys.Count)); } if (_MTWsInitialized) { // draw IMU measurements in Unity // bake mesh so that we can get updated vertex positions _meshRenderer.BakeMesh(_currentMesh); foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, XsIMUMeasurement> data in _connectedMtwData) { if (_drawIMUOriAsBoneOri) { _poseUpdater.setBoneOrientation(_imuIdToBoneName[data.Key], _connectedMtwData[data.Key].quat); } data.Value.Draw(_meshRenderer.transform.position + _currentMesh.vertices[_imuIdToVertex[data.Key]], _drawAcceleration); } if (_drawIMUOriAsBoneOri) { _poseUpdater.setBoneOrientation("Head", _connectedMtwData[_headId].quat); } // send IMU measurements to inference server and display the results if (_getModelPrediction) { GetAndDisplayModelPrediction(); } else { // make sure the head sensor is levelled // only compute this when model inference not toggled float pitch = getPitch(_connectedMtwData[_headId].quat); float roll = getRoll(_connectedMtwData[_headId].quat); if (Mathf.Abs(pitch) < 5.0f && Mathf.Abs(roll) < 5.0f) { _calibrationEnabled = true; UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Calibration ENABLED"); } else { _calibrationEnabled = false; UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Head sensor not levelled, pitch: " + pitch + " roll: " + roll); } } } }
public DataAvailableArgs(XsDevice device, XsDataPacket packet) { Device = device; Packet = packet; }
public MtwEventArgs(XsDevice mtw, bool connected) { Mtw = mtw; Connected = connected; }
private void btnScan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { rtbSteps.Text = "Scanning for devices..."; btnScan.Enabled = false; Update(); GT_Senxda.m_object.reset(); GT_Senxda.m_object.scanPorts(); if (GT_Senxda.m_object._DetectedDevices.Count > 0) { rtbSteps.Text = string.Format("Found {0} device(s)\n", GT_Senxda.m_object._DetectedDevices.Count); XsPortInfo portInfo = GT_Senxda.m_object._DetectedDevices[0]; if (portInfo.deviceId().isMtMk4() || portInfo.deviceId().isFmt_X000() || portInfo.deviceId().isMt9c() || portInfo.deviceId().isLegacyMtig()) { rtbSteps.Text += "Opening port...\n"; GT_Senxda.m_object.openPort(portInfo); MasterInfo ai = new MasterInfo(portInfo.deviceId()); ai.ComPort = portInfo.portName(); ai.BaudRate = portInfo.baudrate(); _measuringDevice = GT_Senxda.m_object.getDevice(ai.DeviceId); ai.ProductCode = new XsString(_measuringDevice.productCode()); // Print information about detected MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device rtbSteps.Text += string.Format("Found a device with id: {0} @ port: {1}, baudrate: {2}\n", _measuringDevice.deviceId().toXsString().toString(), ai.ComPort.toString(), ai.BaudRate); // Create and attach callback handler to device _myMtCallback = new MyMtCallback(); _measuringDevice.addCallbackHandler(_myMtCallback); ConnectedMtData mtwData = new ConnectedMtData(); // connect signals _myMtCallback.DataAvailable += new EventHandler <DataAvailableArgs>(_callbackHandler_DataAvailable); // Put the device in configuration mode rtbSteps.Text += "Putting device into configuration mode...\n"; if (!_measuringDevice.gotoConfig()) // Put the device into configuration mode before configuring the device { rtbSteps.Text = "Could not put device into configuration mode. Aborting."; return; } // Configure the device. Note the differences between MTix and MTmk4 rtbSteps.Text += "Configuring the device...\n"; if (_measuringDevice.deviceId().isMt9c() || _measuringDevice.deviceId().isLegacyMtig()) { XsOutputMode outputMode = XsOutputMode.XOM_Orientation; // output orientation data XsOutputSettings outputSettings = XsOutputSettings.XOS_OrientationMode_Quaternion; // output orientation data as quaternion XsDeviceMode deviceMode = new XsDeviceMode(100); // make a device mode with update rate: 100 Hz deviceMode.setModeFlag(outputMode); deviceMode.setSettingsFlag(outputSettings); // set the device configuration if (!_measuringDevice.setDeviceMode(deviceMode)) { rtbSteps.Text = "Could not configure MTix device. Aborting."; return; } } else if (_measuringDevice.deviceId().isMtMk4() || _measuringDevice.deviceId().isFmt_X000()) { XsOutputConfigurationArray configArray = new XsOutputConfigurationArray(); if (_measuringDevice.deviceId().isMtMk4_1() || _measuringDevice.deviceId().isMtMk4_10() || _measuringDevice.deviceId().isMtMk4_100() || _measuringDevice.deviceId().isFmt1010()) { configArray.push_back(new XsOutputConfiguration(XsDataIdentifier.XDI_PacketCounter, 0)); configArray.push_back(new XsOutputConfiguration(XsDataIdentifier.XDI_SampleTimeFine, 0)); configArray.push_back(new XsOutputConfiguration(XsDataIdentifier.XDI_DeltaV, 100)); configArray.push_back(new XsOutputConfiguration(XsDataIdentifier.XDI_DeltaQ, 100)); configArray.push_back(new XsOutputConfiguration(XsDataIdentifier.XDI_MagneticField, 100)); } else { configArray.push_back(new XsOutputConfiguration(XsDataIdentifier.XDI_PacketCounter, 0)); configArray.push_back(new XsOutputConfiguration(XsDataIdentifier.XDI_SampleTimeFine, 0)); configArray.push_back(new XsOutputConfiguration(XsDataIdentifier.XDI_Quaternion, 100)); configArray.push_back(new XsOutputConfiguration(XsDataIdentifier.XDI_DeltaV, 100)); configArray.push_back(new XsOutputConfiguration(XsDataIdentifier.XDI_DeltaQ, 100)); configArray.push_back(new XsOutputConfiguration(XsDataIdentifier.XDI_MagneticField, 100)); configArray.push_back(new XsOutputConfiguration(XsDataIdentifier.XDI_StatusWord, 0)); } if (!_measuringDevice.setOutputConfiguration(configArray)) { rtbSteps.Text = "Could not configure MTmk4 device. Aborting."; return; } } else { rtbSteps.Text = "Unknown device while configuring. Aborting."; return; } // Put the device in measurement mode rtbSteps.Text += "Putting device into measurement mode...\n"; if (!_measuringDevice.gotoMeasurement()) { rtbSteps.Text = "Could not put device into measurement mode. Aborting."; return; } btnRecord.Enabled = true; } timer1.Interval = 20; timer1.Enabled = true; } else { rtbSteps.Text = "No devices detected. Press 'Scan' to retry."; btnScan.Enabled = true; } }
public void Start() { if (state != XSensState.NotStarted) { Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Cannot call Start twice! Ignoring...\n"); return; } this.UpdateState(XSensState.Starting); _xda.scanPorts(); Debug.LogFormat("[XSensGyroscope] Found {0} device(s)\n", _xda._DetectedDevices.Count); if (_xda._DetectedDevices.Count > 0) { XsPortInfo portInfo = _xda._DetectedDevices[0]; if (portInfo.deviceId().isMtMk4()) { _xda.openPort(portInfo); MasterInfo ai = new MasterInfo(portInfo.deviceId()); ai.ComPort = portInfo.portName(); ai.BaudRate = portInfo.baudrate(); _measuringDevice = _xda.getDevice(ai.DeviceId); ai.ProductCode = new XsString(_measuringDevice.productCode()); // Print information about detected MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device Debug.LogFormat("[XSensGyroscope] Found a device with id: {0} @ port: {1}, baudrate: {2}\n", _measuringDevice.deviceId().toXsString().toString(), ai.ComPort.toString(), ai.BaudRate); // Create and attach callback handler to device _myMtCallback = new MyMtCallback(); _measuringDevice.addCallbackHandler(_myMtCallback); ConnectedMtData mtwData = new ConnectedMtData(); // connect signals _myMtCallback.DataAvailable += new EventHandler<DataAvailableArgs>(DataAvailable); // Put the device in configuration mode Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Putting device into configuration mode...\n"); if (!_measuringDevice.gotoConfig()) // Put the device into configuration mode before configuring the device { Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Could not put device into configuration mode. Aborting."); this.UpdateState(XSensState.Failed); return; } // Configure the device. Note the differences between MTix and MTmk4 Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Configuring the device...\n"); if (_measuringDevice.deviceId().isMt9c()) { XsOutputMode outputMode = XsOutputMode.XOM_Orientation; // output orientation data XsOutputSettings outputSettings = XsOutputSettings.XOS_OrientationMode_Quaternion; // output orientation data as quaternion XsDeviceMode deviceMode = new XsDeviceMode(100); // make a device mode with update rate: 100 Hz deviceMode.setModeFlag(outputMode); deviceMode.setSettingsFlag(outputSettings); // set the device configuration if (!_measuringDevice.setDeviceMode(deviceMode)) { Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Could not configure MTix device. Aborting."); this.UpdateState(XSensState.Failed); return; } } else if (_measuringDevice.deviceId().isMtMk4()) { XsOutputConfiguration quat = new XsOutputConfiguration(XsDataIdentifier.XDI_Quaternion, 0); XsOutputConfigurationArray configArray = new XsOutputConfigurationArray(); configArray.push_back(quat); if (!_measuringDevice.setOutputConfiguration(configArray)) { Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Could not configure MTmk4 device. Aborting."); this.UpdateState(XSensState.Failed); return; } } else { Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Unknown device while configuring. Aborting."); this.UpdateState(XSensState.Failed); return; } // Put the device in measurement mode Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Putting device into measurement mode...\n"); if (!_measuringDevice.gotoMeasurement()) { Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Could not put device into measurement mode. Aborting."); this.UpdateState(XSensState.Failed); return; } this.UpdateState(XSensState.Started); } } }
public void Start() { if (state != XSensState.NotStarted) { Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Cannot call Start twice! Ignoring...\n"); return; } this.UpdateState(XSensState.Starting); _xda.scanPorts(); Debug.LogFormat("[XSensGyroscope] Found {0} device(s)\n", _xda._DetectedDevices.Count); if (_xda._DetectedDevices.Count > 0) { XsPortInfo portInfo = _xda._DetectedDevices[0]; if (portInfo.deviceId().isMtMk4()) { _xda.openPort(portInfo); MasterInfo ai = new MasterInfo(portInfo.deviceId()); ai.ComPort = portInfo.portName(); ai.BaudRate = portInfo.baudrate(); _measuringDevice = _xda.getDevice(ai.DeviceId); ai.ProductCode = new XsString(_measuringDevice.productCode()); // Print information about detected MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device Debug.LogFormat("[XSensGyroscope] Found a device with id: {0} @ port: {1}, baudrate: {2}\n", _measuringDevice.deviceId().toXsString().toString(), ai.ComPort.toString(), ai.BaudRate); // Create and attach callback handler to device _myMtCallback = new MyMtCallback(); _measuringDevice.addCallbackHandler(_myMtCallback); ConnectedMtData mtwData = new ConnectedMtData(); // connect signals _myMtCallback.DataAvailable += new EventHandler <DataAvailableArgs>(DataAvailable); // Put the device in configuration mode Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Putting device into configuration mode...\n"); if (!_measuringDevice.gotoConfig()) // Put the device into configuration mode before configuring the device { Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Could not put device into configuration mode. Aborting."); this.UpdateState(XSensState.Failed); return; } // Configure the device. Note the differences between MTix and MTmk4 Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Configuring the device...\n"); if (_measuringDevice.deviceId().isMt9c()) { XsOutputMode outputMode = XsOutputMode.XOM_Orientation; // output orientation data XsOutputSettings outputSettings = XsOutputSettings.XOS_OrientationMode_Quaternion; // output orientation data as quaternion XsDeviceMode deviceMode = new XsDeviceMode(100); // make a device mode with update rate: 100 Hz deviceMode.setModeFlag(outputMode); deviceMode.setSettingsFlag(outputSettings); // set the device configuration if (!_measuringDevice.setDeviceMode(deviceMode)) { Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Could not configure MTix device. Aborting."); this.UpdateState(XSensState.Failed); return; } } else if (_measuringDevice.deviceId().isMtMk4()) { XsOutputConfiguration quat = new XsOutputConfiguration(XsDataIdentifier.XDI_Quaternion, 0); XsOutputConfigurationArray configArray = new XsOutputConfigurationArray(); configArray.push_back(quat); if (!_measuringDevice.setOutputConfiguration(configArray)) { Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Could not configure MTmk4 device. Aborting."); this.UpdateState(XSensState.Failed); return; } } else { Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Unknown device while configuring. Aborting."); this.UpdateState(XSensState.Failed); return; } // Put the device in measurement mode Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Putting device into measurement mode...\n"); if (!_measuringDevice.gotoMeasurement()) { Debug.Log("[XSensGyroscope] Could not put device into measurement mode. Aborting."); this.UpdateState(XSensState.Failed); return; } this.UpdateState(XSensState.Started); } } }