예제 #1
        public static void GetShinyFrames(ulong seed, out int[] frames, out uint[] type, out List <uint[, ]> IVs, SeedCheckResults mode)
            int shinyindex = 0;

            frames = new int[3];
            type   = new uint[3];
            IVs    = new List <uint[, ]>();
            bool foundStar   = false;
            bool foundSquare = false;

            var rng = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed);

            for (int i = 0; ; i++)
                uint _         = (uint)rng.NextInt(0xFFFFFFFF); // EC
                uint SIDTID    = (uint)rng.NextInt(0xFFFFFFFF);
                uint PID       = (uint)rng.NextInt(0xFFFFFFFF);
                var  shinytype = GetShinyType(PID, SIDTID);

                // If we found a shiny, record it and return if we got everything we wanted.
                if (shinytype != 0)
                    if (shinytype == 1)
                        foundStar = true;
                    else if (shinytype == 2)
                        foundSquare = true;

                    if (shinyindex == 0 || mode == SeedCheckResults.FirstThree || (foundStar && foundSquare))
                        frames[shinyindex] = i;
                        type[shinyindex]   = shinytype;
                        GetShinyIVs(rng, out uint[,] frameIVs);


                    if (mode == SeedCheckResults.ClosestOnly || (mode == SeedCheckResults.FirstStarAndSquare && foundStar && foundSquare) || shinyindex >= 3)

                // Get the next seed, and reset for the next iteration
                rng  = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed);
                seed = rng.Next();
                rng  = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed);
예제 #2
    private static int GetFramesForward(ulong s0, ulong s1, ulong n0, ulong n1, int loop)
        var rand = new Xoroshiro128Plus(s0, s1);

        for (int i = 0; i < loop; i++)
            _ = rand.Next();
            if (rand.GetState() == (n0, n1))
예제 #3
    public static bool IsOriginalSeed(this Spawner8a spawner, ulong groupSeed)
        var rand = new Xoroshiro128Plus(groupSeed);

        for (int i = 0; i < Spawner8a.EntryCount; i++)
            var entry = spawner[i];
            if (entry.IsEmpty != 0)

            if (entry.GenerateSeed != rand.Next())
            if (entry.AlphaSeed != rand.Next())

        return(rand.Next() == spawner.Meta.GroupSeed);
예제 #4
        public static int GetNextShinyFrame(ulong seed, out uint type, out int star, out int square)
            star   = -1;
            square = -1;
            var rng = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed);

            for (int i = 0; ; i++)
                uint _      = (uint)rng.NextInt(0xFFFFFFFF); // EC
                uint SIDTID = (uint)rng.NextInt(0xFFFFFFFF);
                uint PID    = (uint)rng.NextInt(0xFFFFFFFF);
                type = GetShinyType(PID, SIDTID);
                if (star == -1)
                    if (type == 1)
                        star = i;

                if (square == -1)
                    if (type == 2)
                        square = i;

                // Get the next seed, and reset for the next iteration
                rng  = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed);
                seed = rng.Next();
                rng  = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed);

                if (i > 100_000)
                    return(star & square);
                else if (star != -1 && square != -1)
                    return(star & square);
예제 #5
        public static int GetNextShinyFrame(ulong seed, out uint type)
            var rng = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed);

            for (int i = 0; ; i++)
                uint _      = (uint)rng.NextInt(0xFFFFFFFF); // EC
                uint SIDTID = (uint)rng.NextInt(0xFFFFFFFF);
                uint PID    = (uint)rng.NextInt(0xFFFFFFFF);
                type = GetShinyType(PID, SIDTID);
                if (type != 0)

                // Get the next seed, and reset for the next iteration
                rng  = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed);
                seed = rng.Next();
                rng  = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed);
예제 #6
        public static void SpecificSeedSearch(DenUtil.RaidData raidInfo, out long frames, out ulong seedRes, out ulong threeDay, out string ivSpread)
            threeDay = seedRes = 0;
            frames   = 0;
            ivSpread = string.Empty;
            ulong seed = raidInfo.Den.Seed;
            var   rng  = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed);

            for (long i = 0; i < raidInfo.SearchRange; i++)
                if (i > 0)
                    rng  = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed);
                    seed = rng.Next();
                    rng  = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed);

                uint EC        = (uint)rng.NextInt(0xFFFFFFFF);
                uint SIDTID    = (uint)rng.NextInt(0xFFFFFFFF);
                uint PID       = (uint)rng.NextInt(0xFFFFFFFF);
                uint shinytype = GetShinyType(PID, SIDTID);

                if (shinytype == (uint)raidInfo.Shiny)
                    rng = GetIVs(rng, raidInfo.IVs, raidInfo.GuaranteedIVs, out uint[,] allIVs, out bool IVMatch);
                    if (!IVMatch)

                    GetCharacteristic(EC, allIVs, raidInfo.GuaranteedIVs - 1, out bool charMatch, raidInfo.Characteristic);
                    if (!charMatch)

                    rng = GetAbility(rng, raidInfo.Den.IsEvent ? raidInfo.RaidDistributionEncounter.Ability : (uint)raidInfo.RaidEncounter.Ability, out uint abilityT);
                    bool abilityMatch = raidInfo.Ability == AbilityType.Any ? abilityT != (uint)raidInfo.Ability : abilityT == (uint)raidInfo.Ability;
                    if (!abilityMatch)

                    rng = GetGender(rng, raidInfo.Ratio, raidInfo.Den.IsEvent ? raidInfo.RaidDistributionEncounter.Gender : (uint)raidInfo.RaidEncounter.Gender, out uint genderT);
                    bool genderMatch = raidInfo.Gender == GenderType.Any ? genderT != (uint)raidInfo.Gender : genderT == (uint)raidInfo.Gender;
                    if (!genderMatch)

                    GetNature(rng, raidInfo.Den.IsEvent ? raidInfo.RaidDistributionEncounter.Species : raidInfo.RaidEncounter.Species, raidInfo.Den.IsEvent ? raidInfo.RaidDistributionEncounter.AltForm : raidInfo.RaidEncounter.AltForm, out uint natureT);
                    bool natureMatch = raidInfo.Nature == Nature.Random ? natureT != (uint)raidInfo.Nature : natureT == (uint)raidInfo.Nature;
                    if (!natureMatch)

                    ivSpread = DenUtil.IVSpreadByStar(GetIVSpread(allIVs), raidInfo, seed);
                    frames   = i;
                    seedRes  = seed;
                    for (int d = 3; d > 0; d--)
                        seed -= 0x82A2B175229D6A5B;
                    threeDay = seed;

                if (i >= raidInfo.SearchRange)