예제 #1
        public void DeserializeFromXml_Reader()
            using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(GetGraphFilePath(TestGraphFileName)))
                AdjacencyGraph <string, EquatableEdge <string> > adjacencyGraph = reader.DeserializeFromXml(
                    r => new AdjacencyGraph <string, EquatableEdge <string> >(),
                    r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                    r => new EquatableEdge <string>(
                        r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                        r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute")));
                    (v1, v2, weight) => new EquatableEdge <string>(v1, v2));

            using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(GetGraphFilePath(TestGraphFileName)))
                BidirectionalGraph <string, EquatableEdge <string> > bidirectionalGraph = reader.DeserializeFromXml(
                    r => new BidirectionalGraph <string, EquatableEdge <string> >(),
                    r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                    r => new EquatableEdge <string>(
                        r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                        r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute")));
                    (v1, v2, weight) => new EquatableEdge <string>(v1, v2));

            using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(GetGraphFilePath(TestGraphFileName)))
                UndirectedGraph <string, EquatableTaggedEdge <string, double> > undirectedGraph = reader.DeserializeFromXml(
                    r => new UndirectedGraph <string, EquatableTaggedEdge <string, double> >(),
                    r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                    r => new EquatableTaggedEdge <string, double>(
                        r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                        r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"),
                            r.GetAttribute("weight") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have weight attribute"))));
                    (v1, v2, weight) => new EquatableTaggedEdge <string, double>(v1, v2, weight));
예제 #2
        public void DeserializeFromXml_Reader_Throws()
            // ReSharper disable ReturnValueOfPureMethodIsNotUsed
            // ReSharper disable AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(
                () => ((XmlReader)null).DeserializeFromXml(
                    r => new AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> >(),
                    r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                    r => new Edge <string>(
                        r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                        r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"))));

            using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(GetGraphFilePath(TestGraphFileName)))
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => reader.DeserializeFromXml <string, Edge <string>, AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> > >(
                                                          r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                                                          r => new Edge <string>(
                                                              r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                                                              r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"))));

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => reader.DeserializeFromXml <string, Edge <string>, AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> > >(
                                                          r => new AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> >(),
                                                          r => new Edge <string>(
                                                              r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                                                              r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"))));

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => reader.DeserializeFromXml <string, Edge <string>, AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> > >(
                                                          r => new AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> >(),
                                                          r => r.GetAttribute("id"),

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(
                    () => reader.DeserializeFromXml(
                        r => r.Name == "vertex",
                        r => r.Name == "edge",
                        r => new AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> >(),
                        r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                        r => new Edge <string>(
                            r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                            r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"))));

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(
                    () => reader.DeserializeFromXml(
                        r => r.Name == "graph",
                        r => r.Name == "edge",
                        r => new AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> >(),
                        r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                        r => new Edge <string>(
                            r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                            r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"))));

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(
                    () => reader.DeserializeFromXml(
                        r => r.Name == "graph",
                        r => r.Name == "vertex",
                        r => new AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> >(),
                        r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                        r => new Edge <string>(
                            r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                            r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"))));

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => reader.DeserializeFromXml(
                                                      r => new AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> >(),
                                                      r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                                                      r => new Edge <string>(
                                                          r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                                                          r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"))));

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => reader.DeserializeFromXml(
                                                      r => new AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> >(),
                                                      r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                                                      r => new Edge <string>(
                                                          r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                                                          r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"))));

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => reader.DeserializeFromXml(
                                                      r => new AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> >(),
                                                      r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                                                      r => new Edge <string>(
                                                          r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                                                          r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"))));

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => reader.DeserializeFromXml(
                                                      r => new AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> >(),
                                                      r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                                                      r => new Edge <string>(
                                                          r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                                                          r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"))));

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => reader.DeserializeFromXml(
                                                      r => new AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> >(),
                                                      r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                                                      r => new Edge <string>(
                                                          r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                                                          r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"))));

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => reader.DeserializeFromXml(
                                                      r => new AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> >(),
                                                      r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                                                      r => new Edge <string>(
                                                          r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                                                          r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"))));

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => reader.DeserializeFromXml(
                                                          r => new AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> >(),
                                                          r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                                                          r => new Edge <string>(
                                                              r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                                                              r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"))));

                // No graph node found
                Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => reader.DeserializeFromXml(
                                                              "g", // No node named "g" for the graph
                                                              r => new AdjacencyGraph <string, Edge <string> >(),
                                                              r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                                                              r => new Edge <string>(
                                                                  r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                                                                  r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"))));
            // ReSharper restore AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
            // ReSharper restore ReturnValueOfPureMethodIsNotUsed
        public void DeserializeFromXml()
            XPathDocument document = new XPathDocument(GetGraphFilePath("repro12273.xml"));
            UndirectedGraph <string, TaggedEdge <string, double> > undirectedGraph = document.DeserializeFromXml(
                nav => new UndirectedGraph <string, TaggedEdge <string, double> >(),
                nav => nav.GetAttribute("id", ""),
                nav => new TaggedEdge <string, double>(
                    nav.GetAttribute("source", ""),
                    nav.GetAttribute("target", ""),
                    int.Parse(nav.GetAttribute("weight", ""))));

            using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(GetGraphFilePath("repro12273.xml")))
                UndirectedGraph <string, TaggedEdge <string, double> > undirectedGraph2 = reader.DeserializeFromXml(
                    r => new UndirectedGraph <string, TaggedEdge <string, double> >(),
                    r => r.GetAttribute("id"),
                    r => new TaggedEdge <string, double>(
                        r.GetAttribute("source") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have source attribute"),
                        r.GetAttribute("target") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have target attribute"),
                        int.Parse(r.GetAttribute("weight") ?? throw new AssertionException("Must have weight attribute"))));

                Assert.AreEqual(undirectedGraph.VertexCount, undirectedGraph2.VertexCount);
                Assert.AreEqual(undirectedGraph.EdgeCount, undirectedGraph2.EdgeCount);