public static void ReadUsersXml()
            var xmlString = File.ReadAllText("../../../xml/users.xml");

            var serializer   = new XmlSerializer(typeof(UserDto[]), new XmlRootAttribute("users"));
            var deserializer = (UserDto[])serializer.Deserialize(new StringReader(xmlString));

            var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.AddProfile <XmlProcessingExerciseProfile>(); });
            var mapper       = mapperConfig.CreateMapper();

            //var users = new List<User>();

            foreach (UserDto userDto in deserializer)
                if (IsValid(userDto) == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid user data");

                var user = mapper.Map <User>(userDto);


                var context = new XmlProcessingExerciseContext();

            Console.WriteLine("Users added successfully!");
        public static void CategoriesByProductCount(XmlProcessingExerciseContext context)
            var result = context.Categories
                         .OrderBy(c => c.CategoryProducts.Count)
                         .Select(c => new CategoryDto_P03
                Name          = c.Name,
                ProductsCount = c.CategoryProducts.Count,
                TotalRevenue  = c.CategoryProducts.Sum(s => s.Product.Price),
                AveragePrice  = c.CategoryProducts
                                .Select(x => x.Product.Price).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Average()

            StringBuilder xmlString  = new StringBuilder();
            string        outputPath = "../../../output/categories-by-products.xml";
            string        xmlRoot    = "categories";

            var xmlNamespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(new[] { XmlQualifiedName.Empty, });
            var serializer    = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CategoryDto_P03[]), new XmlRootAttribute(xmlRoot));

            serializer.Serialize(new StringWriter(xmlString), result, xmlNamespaces);

            File.WriteAllText(outputPath, xmlString.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Data exported to xml succesfully!");
        public static void UsersAndProducts(XmlProcessingExerciseContext context)
//            var result = context.Users
//                .Where(u => u.ProductsSold.Count > 0)
//                .OrderByDescending(u=>u.ProductsSold.Count)
//                .ThenBy(u=>u.LastName)
//                };

//            var users = new UsersDtoP04
//            {
//                Count = context.Users.Count(),
//                Users = context.Users.Select(u => new UserDtoP04
//                {
//                    FirstName = u.FirstName,
//                    LastName = u.LastName,
//                    Age = u.Age,
//                    SoldProducts = u.ProductsSold.Select(sp => new ProductsDtoP04
//                    {
//                        Count = u.ProductsSold.Count(),
//                        ProductDtoCollection = u.ProductsSold.Select(pdc => new ProductDtoP04
//                        {
//                            Name = pdc.Name,
//                            Price = pdc.Price
//                        }).ToArray()
//                    }).ToArray()
//                }).ToArray()
//            };
        public static void SoldProducts(XmlProcessingExerciseContext context)
            var result = context.Users
                         .Where(u => u.ProductsSold.Count > 0)
                         .OrderBy(u => u.LastName)
                         .ThenBy(u => u.FirstName)
                         .Select(u => new UserDto_P02
                FirstName    = u.FirstName,
                LastName     = u.LastName,
                ProductsSold = u.ProductsSold.Select(p => new ProductDto_P02
                    Name  = p.Name,
                    Price = p.Price

            StringBuilder xmlString  = new StringBuilder();
            string        outputPath = "../../../output/users-sold-products.xml";

            var xmlNamespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(new[] { XmlQualifiedName.Empty, });
            var serializer    = new XmlSerializer(typeof(UserDto_P02[]), new XmlRootAttribute("users"));

            serializer.Serialize(new StringWriter(xmlString), result, xmlNamespaces);

            File.WriteAllText(outputPath, xmlString.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Data exported to xml succesfully!");
        public static void ReadCategoriesXml()
            var xmlString = File.ReadAllText("../../../xml/categories.xml");

            var serializer   = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CategoryDto[]), new XmlRootAttribute("categories"));
            var deserializer = (CategoryDto[])serializer.Deserialize(new StringReader(xmlString));

            var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.AddProfile <XmlProcessingExerciseProfile>(); });
            var mapper       = mapperConfig.CreateMapper();

            //var categories = new List<Category>();

            foreach (CategoryDto categoryDto in deserializer)
                if (IsValid(categoryDto) == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid category data");

                var category = mapper.Map <Category>(categoryDto);

                var context = new XmlProcessingExerciseContext();

            Console.WriteLine("Categories added successfully!");
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var context = new XmlProcessingExerciseContext();

            //GenerateCategoriesProducts(new XmlProcessingExerciseContext());

        public static void ReadProductsXml()
            var xmlString = File.ReadAllText("../../../xml/products.xml");

            var serializer   = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ProductDto[]), new XmlRootAttribute("products"));
            var deserializer = (ProductDto[])serializer.Deserialize(new StringReader(xmlString));

            var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.AddProfile <XmlProcessingExerciseProfile>(); });
            var mapper       = mapperConfig.CreateMapper();

            //var products = new List<User>();

            int counter = 0;

            foreach (ProductDto productDto in deserializer)
                if (IsValid(productDto) == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid product data");

                var product = mapper.Map <Product>(productDto);

                int?buyerId  = new Random().Next(1, 30);
                int sellerId = new Random().Next(31, 56);

                if (counter == 4)
                    buyerId = null;
                    counter = 0;


                product.BuyerId  = buyerId;
                product.SellerId = sellerId;

                var context = new XmlProcessingExerciseContext();

            Console.WriteLine("Products added successfully!");
        public static void GenerateCategoriesProducts(XmlProcessingExerciseContext context)
            int productsCount   = context.Products.Count();
            int categoriesCount = context.Categories.Count();

            var categoryProducts = new List <CategoryProduct>();

            for (int productId = 1; productId <= productsCount; productId++)
                var categoryId = new Random().Next(1, categoriesCount + 1);

                var categoryProduct = new CategoryProduct()
                    ProductId  = productId,
                    CategoryId = categoryId

            Console.WriteLine("Category-Products generated succesfully");
        public static void ProductsInRange(XmlProcessingExerciseContext context)
            var result = context.Products
                         .Where(p => p.Price >= 1000 && p.Price <= 2000 && p.BuyerId != null)
                         .OrderBy(p => p.Price)
                         .Select(p => new ProductDto_P01
                Name  = p.Name,
                Price = p.Price,
                Buyer = p.Buyer.FirstName + " " + p.Buyer.LastName ?? p.Buyer.LastName

            StringBuilder xmlString  = new StringBuilder();
            string        outputPath = "../../../output/products-in-range.xml";

            var xmlNamespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(new[] { XmlQualifiedName.Empty, });
            var serializer    = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ProductDto_P01[]), new XmlRootAttribute("products"));

            serializer.Serialize(new StringWriter(xmlString), result, xmlNamespaces);

            File.WriteAllText(outputPath, xmlString.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Data exported to xml succesfully!");