/// <summary> /// 根据版本信息,下载相应版本的Config.xml文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="list"></param> protected void DownloadVersion() { try { _appUpdate.ServerVersions.Sort(); int precent = 0; int count = 0; int total = _appUpdate.ServerVersions.Count; foreach (Version v in _appUpdate.ServerVersions) { precent++; string serverconfigurl = _appUpdate.LocalVersion.ServerUrl; serverconfigurl += serverconfigurl.EndsWith("/") ? v.ValueVersion.ToString() : "/" + v.ValueVersion; serverconfigurl += "/Config.xml"; string localconfigpath = _appUpdate.LocalFileDir; localconfigpath += localconfigpath.EndsWith("\\") ? v.ValueVersion.ToString() : "\\" + v.ValueVersion; localconfigpath += "\\Config.xml"; CreateDirtory(localconfigpath); _appUpdate.DownloadFile(serverconfigurl, localconfigpath); XmlFiles xmlconfigfile = new XmlFiles(localconfigpath); XmlNodeList filenodes = xmlconfigfile.GetNodeList("//File"); count += filenodes == null ? 0 : filenodes.Count; VersionProgressChanged(precent); } VersionProgressComplete(count); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowMessage("错误:" + ex.Message); } }
private string serverXmlFile = "http://update.geit.com.cn/UBoardMate/UBoardCamera/update.xml";//服务器XML文档地址(默认中文) //获取服务器上的版本号 public String GetFileNameInfo() { XmlFiles serverXmlFiles = new XmlFiles(serverXmlFile); XmlNodeList newNodeList = serverXmlFiles.GetNodeList("UpdateInfo/AppVersion"); return(newNodeList.Item(0).Value.Trim()); }
static bool CheckNeedUpdate() { string localXmlFile = Application.StartupPath + "\\UpdateList.xml"; string serverXmlFile = string.Empty; string updateUrl = string.Empty; string tempUpdatePath = string.Empty; XmlFiles updaterXmlFiles = null; try { //从本地读取更新配置文件信息 updaterXmlFiles = new XmlFiles(localXmlFile); } catch { return(false); } //获取服务器地址 updateUrl = updaterXmlFiles.GetNodeValue("//Url"); AppUpdater appUpdater = new AppUpdater(); appUpdater.UpdaterUrl = updateUrl + "UpdateList.xml"; //与服务器连接,下载更新配置文件 try { tempUpdatePath = Application.StartupPath + "\\update\\"; //tempUpdatePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Temp") + "\\" + "_" + updaterXmlFiles.FindNode("//Application").Attributes["applicationId"].Value + "_" + "y" + "_" + "x" + "_" + "m" + "_" + "\\"; if (!appUpdater.DownAutoUpdateFile(tempUpdatePath)) { return(false); } } catch { return(false); } //获取更新文件列表 Hashtable htUpdateFile = new Hashtable(); serverXmlFile = tempUpdatePath + "UpdateList.xml"; if (!File.Exists(serverXmlFile)) { return(false); } int availableUpdate = 0; availableUpdate = appUpdater.CheckForUpdate(serverXmlFile, localXmlFile, out htUpdateFile); if (availableUpdate > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutXmlFiles(int id, XmlFiles xmlFiles) { if (id != xmlFiles.Fid) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(xmlFiles).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!XmlFilesExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
public async Task <ActionResult <XmlFiles> > PostXmlFiles(XmlFiles xmlFiles) { _context.XmlFiles.Add(xmlFiles); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction("GetXmlFiles", new { id = xmlFiles.Fid }, xmlFiles)); }
private void FormView_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string strFileName; XmlAttributeCollection Attr; listViewFiles.Clear(); listViewFiles.View = View.List; listViewFiles.Scrollable = true; listViewFiles.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending; listViewFiles.SmallImageList = imageListStatus; //first add files from manifest file try{ strFileName = string.Format("{0}\\{1}_{2}_{3}_manifest.xml", m_strDownloadDirectory, m_strCustomerCode, m_strSiteCode, m_strManifestNumber); XmlDocument manifest = new XmlDocument(); XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(strFileName); manifest.Load(reader); XmlNode filesnode = manifest.SelectSingleNode("/serverDownloadInfo/files"); foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode XmlFiles in filesnode.ChildNodes) { XmlNode PDFFile = XmlFiles.SelectSingleNode("pdfFile"); Attr = PDFFile.Attributes; AddFileToListItems(Attr.GetNamedItem("size").Value, Attr.GetNamedItem("formId").Value, ".pdf"); XmlNode XfdfFile = XmlFiles.SelectSingleNode("xfdfFile"); Attr = XfdfFile.Attributes; AddFileToListItems(Attr.GetNamedItem("size").Value, Attr.GetNamedItem("FormInstanceID").Value, ".xfdf"); } }catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("No download results are available to show.", "Download Manager"); this.Close(); } }
public void chkUpd() { var url = ""; if (!File.Exists("UpdateList.xml")) { Common.HttpHelper.HttpDownload(url, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory); } var appVer = new XmlFiles("UpdateList.xml").GetNodeValue("//Version"); var appNewVer = new XmlFiles(url).GetNodeValue("//Version"); if (appVer.Trim() != appNewVer.Trim()) { if (MessageBox.Show("有新的更新程序", "系统更新", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) != DialogResult.OK) { return; } if (!File.Exists("AutoUpdate.exe")) { MessageBox.Show("更新程序不存在,请联系管理员!"); txbUserPassWd.Enabled = false; return; } System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("AutoUpdate.exe"); Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } }
/*----------display back to the repoStorage menu-----------*/ private void GetTopMenu(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Menu.Items.Clear(); Files.Items.Clear(); SelectedFiles.Items.Clear(); XmlFiles.Clear(); displayMenu(); }
/// <summary> /// Метод переноса файла списка xml на отработку после формирования /// </summary> /// <param name="pathnew">Путь к сформированым спискам </param> public void MoveFile(string pathnew) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(File.Path)) { System.IO.File.Delete(pathnew + File.Name); } System.IO.File.Move(File.Path, pathnew + File.Name); XmlFiles.Remove(XmlFiles.Single(name => name.Path == File.Path)); }
/*----------select files to show in the Selected Files listbox-----------*/ private void Files_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { ButtonBuild.IsEnabled = false; string fileName = Files.SelectedValue as string; if (!SelectedFiles.Items.Contains(fileName)) { SelectedFiles.Items.Add(fileName); XmlFiles.Add(fileName); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Fid,FileName,Xmldata,IsProcessed,ProcessingPercentage,TelegramsCount,CancellationToken")] XmlFiles xmlFiles) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(xmlFiles); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(xmlFiles)); }
/// <summary> /// 检查更新文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="serverXmlFile"></param> /// <param name="localXmlFile"></param> /// <param name="updateFileList"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int CheckForUpdate(string serverXmlFile, string localXmlFile, out Hashtable updateFileList) { updateFileList = new Hashtable(); if (!File.Exists(localXmlFile) || !File.Exists(serverXmlFile)) { return(-1); } XmlFiles serverXmlFiles = new XmlFiles(serverXmlFile); XmlFiles localXmlFiles = new XmlFiles(localXmlFile); XmlNodeList newNodeList = serverXmlFiles.GetNodeList("AutoUpdater/Files"); XmlNodeList oldNodeList = localXmlFiles.GetNodeList("AutoUpdater/Files"); int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < newNodeList.Count; i++) { string[] fileList = new string[3]; string newFileName = newNodeList.Item(i).Attributes["Name"].Value.Trim(); string newVer = newNodeList.Item(i).Attributes["Ver"].Value.Trim(); ArrayList oldFileAl = new ArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < oldNodeList.Count; j++) { string oldFileName = oldNodeList.Item(j).Attributes["Name"].Value.Trim(); string oldVer = oldNodeList.Item(j).Attributes["Ver"].Value.Trim(); oldFileAl.Add(oldFileName); oldFileAl.Add(oldVer); } int pos = oldFileAl.IndexOf(newFileName); if (pos == -1) { fileList[0] = newFileName; fileList[1] = newVer; updateFileList.Add(k, fileList); k++; } else if (pos > -1 && newVer.CompareTo(oldFileAl[pos + 1].ToString()) > 0) { fileList[0] = newFileName; fileList[1] = newVer; updateFileList.Add(k, fileList); k++; } } return(k); }
public void TestWriteReadCycle() { data.SetValue(@"test\abc\v1", "v1"); data.SetValue(@"test\v2", "v2"); data.SetValue(@"test\zxy\v3", "3"); XmlFiles xml = new XmlFiles(); xml.SetData(data); xml.WriteData(testFile); string xmlString = xml.ToString(); xml.ReadData(testFile, true); }
/// <summary> /// Метод добавление в Модель Объектов!!! /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Путь к файлам</param> public void AddXmlFile(string path) { XmlFiles.Clear(); lock (Lock) { var filelogica = new FileLogica(); Directory.CreateDirectory(path); foreach (var file in FileLogica.FileinfoMass(path)) { XmlFiles.Add(new ListViewModelXmlFileGenerateProperty { Icon = filelogica.Extracticonfile(file.FullName), Name = file.Name, Path = file.FullName }); } } }
/// <summary> /// When overridden in a derived class, executes the task. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// true if the task successfully executed; otherwise, false. /// </returns> public override bool Execute() { try { if (Directory.Exists(IntermediatePath)) { foreach (var file in new DirectoryInfo(IntermediatePath).GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { file.IsReadOnly = false; } Directory.Delete(IntermediatePath, recursive: true); } var list = new List <ITaskItem>(); var files = ImmutableHashSet.Create <string>(XmlFiles.Select(x => Path.GetFileName(x.ItemSpec)).ToArray()); foreach (var xmlFile in XmlFiles) { var xmlFileInfo = new FileInfo(xmlFile.ItemSpec); var item = ModifyAndGetNewItem(xmlFileInfo.FullName, xmlFile.GetMetadata("OutputSubPath"), out var newDirectory); list.Add(item); foreach (var extraFile in xmlFileInfo.Directory.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { if (extraFile.Extension == xmlFileInfo.Extension && files.Contains(extraFile.Name)) { ModifyExtraXmlFile(newDirectory, extraFile.FullName); } else { CopyExtraFile(newDirectory, xmlFileInfo.Directory.FullName, extraFile.FullName); } } } NewXmlFiles = list.ToArray(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogErrorFromException(ex); return(false); } Log.LogMessage($"XmlUpdate Wrote: '{Value}'"); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 下载文件列表 /// </summary> protected void DownloadFiles() { try { string serverUrl = _appUpdate.LocalVersion.ServerUrl; serverUrl += serverUrl.EndsWith("/") ? "" : "/"; string localDir = _appUpdate.LocalFileDir; localDir += localDir.EndsWith("\\") ? "" : "\\"; foreach (Version v in _appUpdate.ServerVersions) { string localconfigpath = localDir; localconfigpath += v.ValueVersion + "\\Config.xml"; XmlFiles xmlconfigfile = new XmlFiles(localconfigpath); XmlNodeList filenodes = xmlconfigfile.GetNodeList("//File"); List <FileModel> fileList = new List <FileModel>(); foreach (XmlNode node in filenodes) { FileModel model = new FileModel(); model.FileName = Path.GetFileName(node.Attributes["Name"].Value); model.FileUri = serverUrl + v.ValueVersion + "/" + node.Attributes["Name"].Value; model.TempPath = localDir + v.ValueVersion + "\\" + node.Attributes["Name"].Value.Replace("/", "\\"); model.FileVersion = v.StrVersion; model.VersionValue = v.ValueVersion; fileList.Add(model); } DownloadFiles(v, fileList); string localVersionDir = localDir; localVersionDir += localVersionDir.EndsWith("\\") ? v.ValueVersion.ToString() : "\\" + v.ValueVersion; if (CheckMainAppIsRun()) { KillMainApp(); } CopyFile(localVersionDir, Application.StartupPath); UpdateLocalXml(v.StrVersion, v.ValueVersion.ToString()); } _appUpdate.StartMainAppExe(_appUpdate.LocalVersion.EntryPoint); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteException(ex); } }
public static bool IsNeedUpdate() { bool result = false; try { string FileName = Application.StartupPath + "\\UpdateList.xml"; XmlFiles xdoc = new XmlFiles(FileName); string version = xdoc.GetNodeValue("AutoUpdate/Application/Version"); result = systemMg.IsNeedUpdate(Models.SqlHelper.Session._SystemId, version); } catch (Exception ex) { clsPublic.ShowMessage(ex.Message); result = false; } return(result); }
public GetTokenReturn() { if (File.Exists(xmlFileName)) { xmlFile = new XmlFiles(xmlFileName); id = xmlFile.FindNode("GetTokenReturn/id").InnerText; access_token = xmlFile.FindNode("GetTokenReturn/access_token").InnerText; issued_at = xmlFile.FindNode("GetTokenReturn/issued_at").InnerText; token_type = xmlFile.FindNode("GetTokenReturn/token_type").InnerText; refresh_token = xmlFile.FindNode("GetTokenReturn/refresh_token").InnerText; } else { //Directory.CreateDirectory("XmlModel"); //FileStream NewText = File.Create(xmlFileName); //NewText.Close(); //Directory.CreateDirectory(xmlFileName); File.Create(xmlFileName); //xmlFile = new XmlFiles(xmlFileName); } }
public override void LoadData(object data) { ClearData(); foreach (var resView in ((ResourcesWorkspaceViewModel)data).Resources) { switch (resView.Resource.ResourceType) { // TRN~ abu_dhabi.erp is JPK file case "ActorSceneData": case "AISplineData": case "AIBrakeSettings": case "CrowdAnimation": case "CrowdConfig": case "CrowdLODs": case "CrowdPalette": case "CrowdPrpPalette": case "ECA~": case "FFBD": case "IBLConfig": case "PPRP": case "PracticeTA": case "RainfallData": case "Sequence": case "SkidmarksData": case "Spline": case "SURF": case "TimeOfDayConfig": case "TM": case "TrackInfoData": case "TrackSpace": case "TS": case "VCMPD": case "VTF": XmlFiles.Add(new ErpXmlFileViewModel((ErpResourceViewModel)resView)); break; } } DisplayName = "XML Files " + xmlFiles.Count; }
public override void LoadData(object data) { ClearData(); foreach (var resView in ((ResourcesWorkspaceViewModel)data).Resources) { var resource = resView.Resource; foreach (var fragment in resource.Fragments) { try { using var ds = fragment.GetDecompressDataStream(true); if (XmlFile.IsXmlFile(ds)) { XmlFiles.Add(new ErpXmlFileViewModel(resView, fragment)); } } catch { // TODO: log } } } DisplayName = "XML Files " + xmlFiles.Count; }
/*----------clear the listed files in the Selected Files listbox-----------*/ private void ClearSelectedFiles(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SelectedFiles.Items.Clear(); XmlFiles.Clear(); }
public void LoadTypesMembers(Type t, bool forceReload) { if (!forceReload && t.Members.Count > 0) { return; } FileInfo typeXmlFile = XmlFiles.Find( file => file.Name.Remove(file.Name.LastIndexOf(file.Extension)) == t.ID); if (typeXmlFile == null || !typeXmlFile.Exists) { return; } XmlDocument typeDoc = new XmlDocument(); typeDoc.Load(typeXmlFile.FullName); t.Description = typeDoc.SelectSingleNode("/doxygen/compounddef/detaileddescription").InnerXml.Replace("preformatted", "pre"); XmlNodeList baseTypes = typeDoc.SelectNodes("/doxygen/compounddef/basecompoundref"); if (baseTypes != null) { foreach (XmlNode baseType in baseTypes) { t.BaseTypes.Add(baseType.Attributes["refid"].Value); } } XmlNodeList members = typeDoc.SelectNodes("/doxygen/compounddef/sectiondef/memberdef"); if (members == null) { return; } foreach (XmlNode member in members) { string kind = member.Attributes["kind"].Value; string name = GetElementInnerText(member, "name"); string args = GetElementInnerText(member, "argsstring").Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Trim(); List <Parameter> parameters = new List <Parameter>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args) && kind == "function") { string[] argsSplits = args.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string arg in argsSplits) { string[] argParts = arg.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); Parameter p = new Parameter { Type = argParts[0].Trim(), Name = argParts[1].Trim() }; parameters.Add(p); } } if (kind == "function" && name == t.Name) { kind = "ctor"; } Member m = CreateNewMember(kind); if (parameters.Count > 0) { ((Method)m).Parameters = parameters; } m.ID = member.Attributes["id"].Value; m.FullName = string.Format("{0}.{1}", t.FullName, name); m.Name = name; m.Kind = kind; m.Description = GetElementInnerXml(member, "detaileddescription").Replace("preformatted", "pre"); m.AccessModifier = member.Attributes["prot"].Value; m.Parent = t; m.ReturnType = GetElementInnerText(member, "type"); if (m.ReturnType.EndsWith(".")) { m.ReturnType += m.Name; } t.Members.Add(m); } }
/// <summary> /// 检查更新文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="serverXmlFile"></param> /// <param name="localXmlFile"></param> /// <param name="updateFileList"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int CheckForUpdate() { string localXmlFile = Application.StartupPath + "\\UpdateList.xml"; if (!File.Exists(localXmlFile)) { return(-1); } XmlFiles updaterXmlFiles = new XmlFiles(localXmlFile); string tempUpdatePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Temp") + "\\" + "_" + updaterXmlFiles.FindNode("//Application").Attributes["applicationId"].Value + "_" + "y" + "_" + "x" + "_" + "m" + "_" + "\\"; this.UpdaterUrl = updaterXmlFiles.GetNodeValue("//Url") + "/UpdateList.xml"; this.DownAutoUpdateFile(tempUpdatePath); string serverXmlFile = tempUpdatePath + "\\UpdateList.xml"; if (!File.Exists(serverXmlFile)) { return(-1); } XmlFiles serverXmlFiles = new XmlFiles(serverXmlFile); XmlFiles localXmlFiles = new XmlFiles(localXmlFile); XmlNodeList newNodeList = serverXmlFiles.GetNodeList("AutoUpdater/Files"); XmlNodeList oldNodeList = localXmlFiles.GetNodeList("AutoUpdater/Files"); int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < newNodeList.Count; i++) { string[] fileList = new string[3]; string newFileName = newNodeList.Item(i).Attributes["Name"].Value.Trim(); string newVer = newNodeList.Item(i).Attributes["Ver"].Value.Trim(); ArrayList oldFileAl = new ArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < oldNodeList.Count; j++) { string oldFileName = oldNodeList.Item(j).Attributes["Name"].Value.Trim(); string oldVer = oldNodeList.Item(j).Attributes["Ver"].Value.Trim(); oldFileAl.Add(oldFileName); oldFileAl.Add(oldVer); } int pos = oldFileAl.IndexOf(newFileName); if (pos == -1) { fileList[0] = newFileName; fileList[1] = newVer; k++; } else if (pos > -1 && newVer.CompareTo(oldFileAl[pos + 1].ToString()) > 0) { fileList[0] = newFileName; fileList[1] = newVer; k++; } } return(k); }
private void UpdateForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string localXmlFile = string.Empty; //商业版与免费版区分 if (Settings.Default.AuthorityUrl.Equals(@"\Template\Authority.XML")) { localXmlFile = Utils.installPath + "\\UpdateList_Ent.xml"; } else { localXmlFile = Utils.installPath + "\\UpdateList.xml"; } string serverXmlFile = string.Empty; try { //从本地读取更新配置文件信息 updaterXmlFiles = new XmlFiles(localXmlFile); } catch { MessageBox.Show("配置文件出错!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); return; } //获取服务器地址 AppUpdater appUpdater = new AppUpdater(); try { updateUrl = updaterXmlFiles.GetNodeValue("//Url"); //商业版与免费版区分 if (Settings.Default.AuthorityUrl.Equals(@"\Template\Authority.XML")) { appUpdater.UpdaterUrl = updateUrl + "/UpdateList_Ent.xml"; } else { appUpdater.UpdaterUrl = updateUrl + "/UpdateList.xml"; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("获取服务器地址失败,失败原因为:" + ex.Message); this.Close(); return; } //与服务器连接,下载更新配置文件 try { string strTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss_fff"); //tempUpdatePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Temp") + "\\" + "_" + updaterXmlFiles.FindNode("//Application").Attributes["applicationId"].Value + "_" + strTime + "\\"; tempUpdatePath = String.Format("{0}\\TempUpdate\\_{1}_{2}\\", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), updaterXmlFiles.FindNode("//Application").Attributes["applicationId"].Value, strTime); appUpdater.DownAutoUpdateFile(tempUpdatePath); } catch { MessageBox.Show("与服务器连接失败,操作超时!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Close(); return; } //获取更新文件列表 Hashtable htUpdateFile = new Hashtable(); try { //商业版与免费版区分 if (Settings.Default.AuthorityUrl.Equals(@"\Template\Authority.XML")) { serverXmlFile = tempUpdatePath + "\\UpdateList_Ent.xml"; } else { serverXmlFile = tempUpdatePath + "\\UpdateList.xml"; } if (!File.Exists(serverXmlFile)) { return; } availableUpdate = appUpdater.CheckForUpdate(serverXmlFile, localXmlFile, out htUpdateFile); if (availableUpdate > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < htUpdateFile.Count; i++) { string[] fileArray = (string[])htUpdateFile[i]; lvUpdateList.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(fileArray)); } } else { System.IO.Directory.Delete(tempUpdatePath, true); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("更新文件列表更新失败,失败原因为:" + ex.Message); } }
private void FrmUpdate_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string currentDirectory =Environment.CurrentDirectory ; if(!AppConst.GetConfig()) { MessageBox.Show("配置文件读取失败!请确定配置文件放在"+currentDirectory+"该目录下"); return; } panel2.Visible = false; btnFinish.Visible = false; string localXmlFile = currentDirectory + "\\UpdateList.xml"; string serverXmlFile = string.Empty; try { //从本地读取更新配置文件信息 updaterXmlFiles = new XmlFiles(localXmlFile ); } catch { MessageBox.Show("配置文件出错!","错误",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); return; } //获取服务器地址 updateUrl = updaterXmlFiles.GetNodeValue("//Url"); AppUpdater appUpdater = new AppUpdater(); appUpdater.UpdaterUrl = updateUrl + "/UpdateList.xml" + url_postfix; //与服务器连接,下载更新配置文件 try { //临时更新文件目录 tempUpdatePath = currentDirectory+"\\"+AppConst.TempFilePath; appUpdater.DownAutoUpdateFile(tempUpdatePath); } catch { MessageBox.Show("与服务器连接失败,操作超时!","提示",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Close(); return; } //获取更新文件列表 htUpdateFile = new Hashtable(); serverXmlFile = tempUpdatePath + "\\UpdateList.xml"; if(!File.Exists(serverXmlFile)) { return; } availableUpdate = appUpdater.CheckForUpdate(serverXmlFile,localXmlFile,out htUpdateFile); if (availableUpdate > 0) { for(int i=0;i<htUpdateFile.Count;i++) { string [] fileArray =(string []) htUpdateFile[i]; lvUpdateList.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(fileArray)); } } }
public bool IsUpdate() { string updateUrl = string.Empty; string tempUpdatePath = string.Empty; XmlFiles updaterXmlFiles = null; int availableUpdate = 0; string localXmlFile = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "UpdateList.xml"; string serverXmlFile = string.Empty; if (!File.Exists(localXmlFile)) { MessageBox.Show("配置文件不存在!", "错误", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return(false); } try { //从本地读取更新配置文件信息 updaterXmlFiles = new XmlFiles(localXmlFile); } catch { MessageBox.Show("配置文件出错!", "错误", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); //this.Close(); return(false); } //获取服务器地址 updateUrl = updaterXmlFiles.GetNodeValue("//Url"); AppUpdater appUpdater = new AppUpdater(); appUpdater.UpdaterUrl = updateUrl + "/UpdateList.xml"; //与服务器连接,下载更新配置文件 try { tempUpdatePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Temp") + "\\" + "_" + updaterXmlFiles.FindNode("//Application").Attributes["applicationId"].Value + "_" + "y" + "_" + "x" + "_" + "m" + "_" + "\\"; appUpdater.DownAutoUpdateFile(tempUpdatePath); } catch { MessageBox.Show("与更新服务器连接失败,操作超时!", "程序更新提示", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); //this.Close(); return(false); } //获取更新文件列表 Hashtable htUpdateFile = new Hashtable(); serverXmlFile = tempUpdatePath + "\\UpdateList.xml"; if (!File.Exists(serverXmlFile)) { return(false); } try { availableUpdate = appUpdater.CheckForUpdate(serverXmlFile, localXmlFile, out htUpdateFile); } catch { MessageBox.Show("服务器配置文件格式错误", "程序更新提示", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); return(false); } if (availableUpdate > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }