예제 #1
        public void UsingXmlDataSample(dynamic TestStep)
            // Prints the entire object graph to the test log

            // Here's how to access values stored in a attribute - just call it by name
            TestLog.WriteLine("TestStep.ID = " + TestStep.ID);
            TestLog.WriteLine("TestStep.Description = " + TestStep.Description);

            Assert.AreEqual <string>("2", TestStep.ID);
            Assert.AreEqual <string>("1st Smoke Test", TestStep.Description);

            // Here's how to access the inner text of an Element - use ".Value" dynamic property
            TestLog.WriteLine("TestStep.Customer.Name.Value = " + TestStep.Customer.Name.Value);
            TestLog.WriteLine("TestStep.Customer.Zip.Value = " + TestStep.Customer.Zip.Value);

            // Do some verification with the data
            Assert.AreEqual <string>("John Jacobs", TestStep.Customer.Name.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual <string>("Chicago", TestStep.Customer.City.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual <string>("IL", TestStep.Customer.State.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual <string>("60641", TestStep.Customer.Zip.Value);

            // Here's how to check to see if a certain Element or Attribute exists or not

            // When there are multiple Elements with the same name, the dynamic property returns List<XmlDataObject>
            List <XmlDataObject> ProductList = TestStep.Orders.Product;

            TestLog.WriteLine("TestStep.Orders.Product[0].ID = " + TestStep.Orders.Product[0].ID);
            TestLog.WriteLine("TestStep.Orders.Product[1].ID = " + TestStep.Orders.Product[1].ID);
            TestLog.WriteLine("TestStep.Orders.Product[2].ID = " + TestStep.Orders.Product[2].ID);

            // Add it up!
            int QuantityTotal = 0;

            foreach (dynamic Product in ProductList)
                QuantityTotal += Int32.Parse(Product.Quantity);
            Assert.AreEqual <int>(6, QuantityTotal);

            // Better yet, use a LINQ extension method!
            Assert.AreEqual <int>(6, ProductList.Sum <dynamic>(Product => Int32.Parse(Product.Quantity)));

            // The XmlDataObject.IsOne() static method detects if there's only one Element returns by a dynamic accessor

            // Type checking accomplishes the same thing...
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(typeof(XmlDataObject), TestStep.Customer);

            // Multiple Elements can be detected using the XmlDataObject.IsMany() static method

            // Type checking shows a List<XmlDataObject> for Elements with multiple children of the same name
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(typeof(List <XmlDataObject>), TestStep.Orders.Product);
예제 #2
        public void HandlingMultipleSameNameElementsPolymorphicallySample(dynamic Order)
            // Whether there is one or many Product Element, this enables us to treat them as Lists
            var ProductList = XmlDataObject.AsList(Order.Product);

            int QuantityTotal = 0;

            foreach (dynamic Product in ProductList)
                QuantityTotal += Int32.Parse(Product.Quantity);

            // All the test data in TestData3.xml has Product Quantities totalling to "6"
            Assert.AreEqual <int>(6, QuantityTotal);