/// <summary> /// Exports a gltf file from a meshed model /// </summary> /// <param name="model">The model needs to have the geometry meshes already cached</param> /// <param name="exclude">The types of elements that are going to be omitted (e.g. ifcSpaces).</param> /// <param name="EntityLebels">Only entities in the collection are exported; if null exports the whole model</param> /// <returns></returns> public gltf.Gltf BuildInstancedScene(IModel model, XbimMatrix3D overallTransform, List <Type> exclude = null, HashSet <int> EntityLebels = null) { Init(); Dictionary <int, ShapeComponentIds> geometries = new Dictionary <int, ShapeComponentIds>(); // this needs a previously meshed xbim file. // var s = new Stopwatch(); s.Start(); int iCnt = 0; Random r = new Random(); var excludedTypes = DefaultExclusions(model, exclude); using (var geomStore = model.GeometryStore) using (var geomReader = geomStore.BeginRead()) { // process the materials and styles var sstyleIds = geomReader.StyleIds; foreach (var styleId in sstyleIds) { PrepareStyleMaterial(model, styleId); } int productLabel = 0; var shapeInstances = GetShapeInstancesToRender(geomReader, excludedTypes, EntityLebels); // foreach (var shapeInstance in shapeInstances.OrderBy(x=>x.IfcProductLabel)) gltf.Mesh targetMesh = null; foreach (var shapeInstance in shapeInstances.OrderBy(x => x.IfcProductLabel)) { if (CustomFilter != null) { var skip = CustomFilter(shapeInstance.IfcProductLabel, model); if (skip) { continue; } } // we start with a shape instance and then load its geometry. // a product (e.g. wall or window) in the scene returns: // - a node // - pointing to a mesh, with a transform // - 1 mesh // - with as many mesh primitives as needed to render the different parts // - pointers to the a material and accessors as needed // - 3 accessors per primitive // - vertices, normals, indices // - bufferviews can be reused by different accessors // - data in the buffer, of course if (productLabel != shapeInstance.IfcProductLabel) { // need new product // create node var nodeIndex = _nodes.Count; var entity = model.Instances[shapeInstance.IfcProductLabel] as IIfcProduct; if (entity == null) { // fire error here. } var tnode = new gltf.Node(); tnode.Name = entity.Name + $" #{entity.EntityLabel}"; // instance transformation needs to be expressed in meters // var inModelTransf = XbimMatrix3D.Copy(shapeInstance.Transformation); inModelTransf.OffsetX /= model.ModelFactors.OneMeter; inModelTransf.OffsetY /= model.ModelFactors.OneMeter; inModelTransf.OffsetZ /= model.ModelFactors.OneMeter; // overalltransform is already expressed in meters var tMat = XbimMatrix3D.Multiply(inModelTransf, overallTransform); tnode.Matrix = tMat.ToFloatArray(); // create mesh var meshIndex = _meshes.Count; targetMesh = new gltf.Mesh { Name = $"Instance {productLabel}" }; // link node to mesh tnode.Mesh = meshIndex; // add all to lists _nodes.Add(tnode); _meshes.Add(targetMesh); } // now the geometry // IXbimShapeGeometryData shapeGeom = geomReader.ShapeGeometry(shapeInstance.ShapeGeometryLabel); if (shapeGeom.Format != (byte)XbimGeometryType.PolyhedronBinary) { continue; } // work out colour id; // the colour is associated with the instance, not the geometry. // positives are styles, negatives are types var colId = shapeInstance.StyleLabel > 0 ? shapeInstance.StyleLabel : shapeInstance.IfcTypeId * -1; int materialIndex; if (!styleDic.TryGetValue(colId, out materialIndex)) { // if the style is not available we build one by ExpressType materialIndex = PrepareTypeMaterial(model, shapeInstance.IfcTypeId); styleDic.Add(colId, materialIndex); } // note: at a first investigation it looks like the shapeInstance.Transformation is the same for all shapes of the same product if (shapeGeom.ReferenceCount > 1) { // retain the information to reuse the map multiple times // // if g is not found in the dictionary then build it and add it ShapeComponentIds components; if (!geometries.TryGetValue(shapeGeom.ShapeLabel, out components)) { // mesh var xbimMesher = new XbimMesher(); xbimMesher.AddMesh(shapeGeom.ShapeData); components = AddGeom( xbimMesher.PositionsAsSingleList(model.ModelFactors.OneMeter), xbimMesher.Indices, xbimMesher.NormalsAsSingleList() ); geometries.Add(shapeGeom.ShapeLabel, components); } if (components != null) { // var arr = GetTransformInMeters(model, shapeInstance); AddComponentsToMesh(targetMesh, components, materialIndex); } } else { // repeat the geometry only once // var xbimMesher = new XbimMesher(); xbimMesher.AddMesh(shapeGeom.ShapeData); // var trsf = GetTransformInMeters(model, shapeInstance); var components = AddGeom( xbimMesher.PositionsAsSingleList(model.ModelFactors.OneMeter), xbimMesher.Indices, xbimMesher.NormalsAsSingleList() ); AddComponentsToMesh(targetMesh, components, materialIndex); } iCnt++; if (iCnt % 100 == 0) { Debug.WriteLine($"added {iCnt} elements in {s.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms."); } } } Debug.WriteLine($"added {iCnt} elements in {s.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms."); return(Build()); }