예제 #1
 public static uint CalculateRaw(string buf, int len, XXHash32Block context, int startFrom = int.MaxValue)
     fixed(char *buffer = buf)
         return(CalculateInline((byte *)buffer, len * sizeof(char), context, startFrom));
예제 #2
                public static uint Calculate(string value, Encoding encoder, XXHash32Block context, int startFrom = int.MaxValue)
                    var buf = encoder.GetBytes(value);

                    fixed(byte *buffer = buf)
                        return(CalculateInline(buffer, buf.Length, context, startFrom));
예제 #3
                public static uint Calculate(int[] buf, int len, XXHash32Block context, int startFrom = int.MaxValue)
                    if (len == -1)
                        len = buf.Length;

                    fixed(int *buffer = buf)
                        return(CalculateInline((byte *)buffer, len * sizeof(int), context, startFrom));
예제 #4
                public static unsafe uint CalculateInline(byte *buffer, int len, XXHash32Block context, int startFrom = int.MaxValue)
                    Contract.Requires(buffer != null);
                    Contract.Requires(context != null);
                    Contract.Requires(len >= 0);
                    Contract.Requires(startFrom < len || startFrom == int.MaxValue);

                        uint h32;

                        byte *bEnd = buffer + len;
                        if (len >= 16)
                            byte *limit = bEnd - 16;

                            int iterations = Math.Min((int)((bEnd - buffer) / (4 * sizeof(uint))), startFrom / (4 * sizeof(uint)));

                            int bucketNumber = Math.Min(iterations, context.Values.Length);

                            // Retrieve the preprocessed context
                            var state = context.Values[bucketNumber];

                            // Advance the buffer to the position
                            buffer += iterations * 4 * sizeof(uint);

                            while (buffer <= limit)
                                state.V1 += *((uint *)buffer) * XXHash32Constants.PRIME32_2;
                                buffer   += sizeof(uint);
                                state.V2 += *((uint *)buffer) * XXHash32Constants.PRIME32_2;
                                buffer   += sizeof(uint);
                                state.V3 += *((uint *)buffer) * XXHash32Constants.PRIME32_2;
                                buffer   += sizeof(uint);
                                state.V4 += *((uint *)buffer) * XXHash32Constants.PRIME32_2;
                                buffer   += sizeof(uint);

                                state.V1 = Bits.RotateLeft32(state.V1, 13);
                                state.V2 = Bits.RotateLeft32(state.V2, 13);
                                state.V3 = Bits.RotateLeft32(state.V3, 13);
                                state.V4 = Bits.RotateLeft32(state.V4, 13);

                                state.V1 *= XXHash32Constants.PRIME32_1;
                                state.V2 *= XXHash32Constants.PRIME32_1;
                                state.V3 *= XXHash32Constants.PRIME32_1;
                                state.V4 *= XXHash32Constants.PRIME32_1;

                            h32 = Bits.RotateLeft32(state.V1, 1) + Bits.RotateLeft32(state.V2, 7) + Bits.RotateLeft32(state.V3, 12) + Bits.RotateLeft32(state.V4, 18);
                            h32 = context.Seed + XXHash32Constants.PRIME32_5;

                        h32 += (uint)len;

                        while (buffer + 4 <= bEnd)
                            h32    += *((uint *)buffer) * XXHash32Constants.PRIME32_3;
                            h32     = Bits.RotateLeft32(h32, 17) * XXHash32Constants.PRIME32_4;
                            buffer += 4;

                        while (buffer < bEnd)
                            h32 += (uint)(*buffer) * XXHash32Constants.PRIME32_5;
                            h32  = Bits.RotateLeft32(h32, 11) * XXHash32Constants.PRIME32_1;

                        h32 ^= h32 >> 15;
                        h32 *= XXHash32Constants.PRIME32_2;
                        h32 ^= h32 >> 13;
                        h32 *= XXHash32Constants.PRIME32_3;
                        h32 ^= h32 >> 16;

예제 #5
 public static unsafe uint Calculate(byte *buffer, int len, XXHash32Block context, int startFrom = int.MaxValue)
     return(CalculateInline(buffer, len, context, startFrom));