예제 #1
        public void DeleteRangeNullArg()
            XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance("<root><foo><bar/><baz/></foo><next>child<tmp/></next>final</root>");

            nav.MoveToFirstChild(); // <foo>
예제 #2
        public void DeleteRangeInvalidArg()
            XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance("<root><foo><bar/><baz/></foo><next>child<tmp/></next>final</root>");

            nav.MoveToFirstChild(); // <foo>

            XPathNavigator end = nav.Clone();

            end.MoveToNext();       // <next>
            end.MoveToFirstChild(); // child
예제 #3
    static void XPathNavigatorMethods_DeleteRange()
        // XPathNavigator.DeleteRange()

        XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();

        XPathNavigator navigator = document.CreateNavigator();

        XmlNamespaceManager manager = new XmlNamespaceManager(document.NameTable);

        manager.AddNamespace("bk", "http://www.contoso.com/books");

        XPathNavigator first = navigator.SelectSingleNode("/bk:bookstore/bk:book[1]", manager);
        XPathNavigator last  = navigator.SelectSingleNode("/bk:bookstore/bk:book[2]", manager);

예제 #4
        public void DeleteRange()
            XPathNavigator nav = GetInstance("<root><foo><bar/><baz/></foo><next>child<tmp/></next>final</root>");

            nav.MoveToFirstChild(); // <foo>
            XPathNavigator end = nav.Clone();

            end.MoveToNext(); // <next>
            end.MoveToNext(); // final

            AssertNavigator("#1", nav,
                            String.Empty, // Prefix
                            "root",       // LocalName
                            String.Empty, // NamespaceURI
                            "root",       // Name
                            String.Empty, // Value
                            false,        // HasAttributes
                            false,        // HasChildren
                            false);       // IsEmptyElement
예제 #5
        public void CTRL140_10_Clicked(object sender, ClickedEventArgs e)
            XPathNavigator nav2s = this.MainDataSource.CreateNavigator();
            //In the form, these fields are set from the rules of Main/myFields/ProvinceName, querying information from the Tax Calculation
            //list in the site contents of mercury
            double gstRate   = Convert.ToDouble(nav2s.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:GST", NamespaceManager).Value);
            double pstRate   = Convert.ToDouble(nav2s.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:PST", NamespaceManager).Value);
            double gstRebate = Convert.ToDouble(nav2s.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:GSTRebate", NamespaceManager).Value);
            double pstRebate = Convert.ToDouble(nav2s.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:PSTRebate", NamespaceManager).Value);
            //string isThereTax = nav2s.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:isThereTax", NamespaceManager).Value;
            //initialization of tax variables and set to default value of 0
            double subtotal, valueBeforeTax, gst, pst, totalExpense, totalTaxableItems, totalNonTaxableItems;
            string isThereTax;

            subtotal = valueBeforeTax = gst = pst = totalExpense = totalTaxableItems = totalNonTaxableItems = 0;
            subtotal = Convert.ToDouble(nav2s.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:SubTotal", NamespaceManager).Value);
            //tax calculations

            /*if (isThereTax == "true")
             * {
             *  total = Convert.ToDouble(nav2s.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:SubTotal", NamespaceManager).Value);
             *  valueBeforeTax = total / (1 + gstRate + pstRate);
             *  gst = valueBeforeTax * gstRate * (1 - gstRebate);
             *  pst = valueBeforeTax * pstRate * (1 - pstRebate);
             *  totalExpense = valueBeforeTax + gst + pst;
             * }*/
            string pathToTable = "/my:myFields/my:LineItems";
            //points and iterator node to the table of items to iterate through the rows
            XPathNodeIterator iterate = nav2s.Select(pathToTable, NamespaceManager);

            iterate.MoveNext(); //We do this as the first row is blank and not filled with fields

            int numOfRows = iterate.Count;

            string[] arrayOfItems = new string[numOfRows];
            for (int i = 1; i < iterate.Count + 1; i++)
                arrayOfItems[i - 1] = nav2s.SelectSingleNode(pathToTable + "[" + i.ToString() + "]" + "/my:InputAmount", NamespaceManager).Value;
                isThereTax          = nav2s.SelectSingleNode(pathToTable + "[" + (i).ToString() + "]" + "/my:Taxable", NamespaceManager).Value; //this checks if that line item is taxable
                double value = Convert.ToDouble(arrayOfItems[i - 1]);
                if (isThereTax == "true")
                    totalTaxableItems += value;
                    totalNonTaxableItems += value;
            if (totalNonTaxableItems != subtotal)//i.e. means there are tax items
                valueBeforeTax = totalTaxableItems / (1 + gstRate + pstRate);
                gst            = valueBeforeTax * gstRate * (1 - gstRebate);
                pst            = valueBeforeTax * pstRate * (1 - pstRebate);
                totalExpense   = valueBeforeTax + gst + pst;
            for (int i = 1; i < iterate.Count + 1; i++)//this loops through each row item
                //Grabs the inputed amount from the form per row item
                arrayOfItems[i - 1] = nav2s.SelectSingleNode(pathToTable + "[" + i.ToString() + "]" + "/my:InputAmount", NamespaceManager).Value;
                isThereTax          = nav2s.SelectSingleNode(pathToTable + "[" + i.ToString() + "]" + "/my:Taxable", NamespaceManager).Value; //this checks if that line item is taxable
                double value = Convert.ToDouble(arrayOfItems[i - 1]);
                if (isThereTax == "false")                                                                                                    //if no tax then inputted amount = item amount
                    nav2s.SelectSingleNode(pathToTable + "[" + (i).ToString() + "]" + "/my:ItemAmount", NamespaceManager).SetValue(value.ToString());
                if (isThereTax == "true")//changes item amount based on the GST and PST calculations
                    double finalValue = value / totalTaxableItems * totalExpense;
                    double final      = Math.Round(finalValue, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    nav2s.SelectSingleNode(pathToTable + "[" + (i).ToString() + "]" + "/my:ItemAmount", NamespaceManager).SetValue(final.ToString());

            //Now Fill in the TaxTable seen during Finance Review and Entry PageView

            string path = "/my:myFields/my:TaxTable/my:TaxItems";
            // Create a navigator object to point to the root of the data source of the VP form
            XPathNavigator tableNav;

            tableNav = this.MainDataSource.CreateNavigator();
            tableNav.SelectSingleNode(path, NamespaceManager);
            // Navigator object selects a group of nodes, specified by the path
            // Get the Iterator object to point to the table (group of nodes) specified by the path (currently not pointed to the first node in the set of nodes)
            // Object will iterate over the group of nodes
            XPathNodeIterator rows = tableNav.Select(path, NamespaceManager);

            XPathNavigator first = tableNav.SelectSingleNode("//my:myFields/my:TaxTable/my:TaxItems[2]", NamespaceManager);
            XPathNavigator last;

            // If more than one row exists, means the Calculae Tax button has been selected before therefore we need to delete the current rows and add new ones

            if (rows.Count > 1)
                last = tableNav.SelectSingleNode("//my:myFields/my:TaxTable/my:TaxItems[2]", NamespaceManager);
                // Delete the current node (first) to the node specified using "last"

            //Fill in the PSTRebate Row

            // rows.Current causes the XPathNavigator object to point to the current node (row) and selects a node (fields) within that node/row
            rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:TaxTable/my:TaxItems/my:taxName", NamespaceManager).SetValue("PST Rebate");
            string pstGL = nav2s.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:PSTGLCode", NamespaceManager).Value;//grabs the PSTGL code from the Tax Calculation List

            rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:TaxTable/my:TaxItems/my:GLCodeTax", NamespaceManager).SetValue(pstGL);
            if (totalNonTaxableItems != subtotal)
                double rebatePST = Math.Round(valueBeforeTax * pstRate * pstRebate, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                nav2s.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:PSTRebateTotal", NamespaceManager).SetValue(rebatePST.ToString());
                rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:TaxTable/my:TaxItems/my:TaxAmount", NamespaceManager).SetValue(rebatePST.ToString());
                nav2s.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:PSTRebateTotal", NamespaceManager).SetValue("0");
                rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:TaxTable/my:TaxItems/my:TaxAmount", NamespaceManager).SetValue("0");

            //Play around with this section
            // Have the iterator object point to the beginning of the table again by once again assigning a collection of nodes to the iterator
            rows = tableNav.Select(path, NamespaceManager);
            // Add another row by cloning the PST tax row and adding the clones row to the bottom of the table and overriding the original row with a GST row

            //repeat same process for GST Table

            rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:TaxTable/my:TaxItems/my:taxName", NamespaceManager).SetValue("GST Rebate");
            string gstGL = nav2s.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:GSTGLCode", NamespaceManager).Value;

            rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:TaxTable/my:TaxItems/my:GLCodeTax", NamespaceManager).SetValue(gstGL);

            //if (isThereTax == "true")
            double rebateGST = Math.Round(valueBeforeTax * gstRate * gstRebate, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:TaxTable/my:TaxItems/my:TaxAmount", NamespaceManager).SetValue(rebateGST.ToString());
            nav2s.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:GSTRebateTotal", NamespaceManager).SetValue(rebateGST.ToString());
            //    rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:TaxTable/my:TaxItems/my:TaxAmount", NamespaceManager).SetValue("0");
            //    nav2s.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:GSTRebateTotal", NamespaceManager).SetValue("0");

            // Adjust the adjusted amount in the first form to ensure that the sum of the rebates + the adjusted amounts is equal to total of the inputted values
            if (totalNonTaxableItems != subtotal)