/// <summary> /// Gets the String representation of the Aggregate /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override string ToString() { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); output.Append("GROUP_CONCAT("); if (this._distinct) { output.Append("DISTINCT "); } if (this._expr is XPathConcatFunction) { XPathConcatFunction concatFunc = (XPathConcatFunction)this._expr; for (int i = 0; i < concatFunc.Arguments.Count(); i++) { output.Append(concatFunc.Arguments.Skip(i).First().ToString()); if (i < concatFunc.Arguments.Count() - 1) { output.Append(", "); } } } else { output.Append(this._expr.ToString()); } if (this._customSeparator) { output.Append(" ; SEPARATOR = "); output.Append(this._sep.ToString()); } output.Append(")"); return(output.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Tries to create an XPath Function expression if the function Uri correseponds to a supported XPath Function /// </summary> /// <param name="u">Function Uri</param> /// <param name="args">Function Arguments</param> /// <param name="scalarArgs">Scalar Arguments</param> /// <param name="expr">Generated Expression</param> /// <returns>Whether an expression was successfully generated</returns> public bool TryCreateExpression(Uri u, List <ISparqlExpression> args, Dictionary <String, ISparqlExpression> scalarArgs, out ISparqlExpression expr) { //If any Scalar Arguments are present then can't possibly be an XPath Function if (scalarArgs.Count > 0) { expr = null; return(false); } String func = u.ToString(); if (func.StartsWith(XPathFunctionFactory.XPathFunctionsNamespace)) { func = func.Substring(XPathFunctionFactory.XPathFunctionsNamespace.Length); ISparqlExpression xpathFunc = null; switch (func) { case XPathFunctionFactory.Absolute: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathAbsoluteFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath abs() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.AdjustDateTimeToTimezone: throw new NotSupportedException("XPath adjust-dateTime-to-timezone() function is not supported"); case XPathFunctionFactory.Boolean: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathBooleanFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath boolean() function"); } throw new NotSupportedException("XPath boolean() function is not supported"); case XPathFunctionFactory.Ceiling: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathCeilingFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath ceiling() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.Compare: if (args.Count == 2) { xpathFunc = new XPathCompareFunction(args.First(), args.Last()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath compare() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.Concat: if (args.Count == 2) { xpathFunc = new XPathConcatFunction(args.First(), args.Last()); } else if (args.Count > 2) { xpathFunc = new XPathConcatFunction(args); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath concat() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.Contains: if (args.Count == 2) { xpathFunc = new XPathContainsFunction(args.First(), args.Last()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath contains() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.DayFromDateTime: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathDayFromDateTimeFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath day-from-dateTime() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.EncodeForURI: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathEncodeForUriFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath encode-for-uri() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.EndsWith: if (args.Count == 2) { xpathFunc = new XPathEndsWithFunction(args.First(), args.Last()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath ends-with() function"); } break; #if !NO_WEB case XPathFunctionFactory.EscapeHtmlURI: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathEscapeHtmlUriFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath escape-html-uri() function"); } break; #endif case XPathFunctionFactory.False: if (args.Count == 0) { xpathFunc = new BooleanExpressionTerm(false); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath false() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.Floor: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathFloorFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath floor() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.HoursFromDateTime: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathHoursFromDateTimeFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath hours-from-dateTime() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.LowerCase: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathLowerCaseFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath lower-case() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.Matches: if (args.Count == 2) { xpathFunc = new RegexFunction(args.First(), args.Last()); } else if (args.Count == 3) { xpathFunc = new RegexFunction(args.First(), args[1], args.Last()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath matches() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.MinutesFromDateTime: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathMinutesFromDateTimeFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath minutes-from-dateTime() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.MonthFromDateTime: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathMonthFromDateTimeFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath month-from-dateTime() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.NormalizeSpace: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathNormalizeSpaceFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath normalize-space() function"); } break; #if !NO_NORM case XPathFunctionFactory.NormalizeUnicode: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathNormalizeUnicodeFunction(args.First()); } else if (args.Count == 2) { xpathFunc = new XPathNormalizeUnicodeFunction(args.First(), args.Last()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath normalize-space() function"); } break; #endif case XPathFunctionFactory.Not: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new NegationExpression(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath not() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.Replace: if (args.Count == 3) { xpathFunc = new XPathReplaceFunction(args.First(), args[1], args.Last()); } else if (args.Count == 4) { xpathFunc = new XPathReplaceFunction(args.First(), args[1], args[2], args.Last()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath replace() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.Round: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathRoundFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath round() function"); } break; #if !SILVERLIGHT case XPathFunctionFactory.RoundHalfToEven: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathRoundHalfToEvenFunction(args.First()); } else if (args.Count == 2) { xpathFunc = new XPathRoundHalfToEvenFunction(args.First(), args.Last()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath round-half-to-even() function"); } break; #endif case XPathFunctionFactory.SecondsFromDateTime: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathSecondsFromDateTimeFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath seconds-from-dateTime() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.StartsWith: if (args.Count == 2) { xpathFunc = new XPathStartsWithFunction(args.First(), args.Last()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath starts-with() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.StringJoin: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new NonNumericAggregateExpressionTerm(new XPathStringJoinFunction(args.First())); } else if (args.Count == 2) { xpathFunc = new NonNumericAggregateExpressionTerm(new XPathStringJoinFunction(args.First(), args.Last())); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath string-join() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.StringLength: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathStringLengthFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath string-length() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.Substring: if (args.Count == 2) { xpathFunc = new XPathSubstringFunction(args.First(), args.Last()); } else if (args.Count == 3) { xpathFunc = new XPathSubstringFunction(args.First(), args[1], args.Last()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath substring() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.SubstringAfter: if (args.Count == 2) { xpathFunc = new XPathSubstringAfterFunction(args.First(), args.Last()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath substring-after() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.SubstringBefore: if (args.Count == 2) { xpathFunc = new XPathSubstringBeforeFunction(args.First(), args.Last()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath substring-before() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.TimezoneFromDateTime: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathTimezoneFromDateTimeFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath timezone-from-dateTime() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.Translate: throw new NotSupportedException("XPath translate() function is not supported"); case XPathFunctionFactory.True: if (args.Count == 0) { xpathFunc = new BooleanExpressionTerm(true); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath true() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.UpperCase: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathUpperCaseFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath upper-case() function"); } break; case XPathFunctionFactory.YearFromDateTime: if (args.Count == 1) { xpathFunc = new XPathYearFromDateTimeFunction(args.First()); } else { throw new RdfParseException("Incorrect number of arguments for the XPath year-from-dateTime() function"); } break; } if (xpathFunc != null) { expr = xpathFunc; return(true); } } expr = null; return(false); }