public static string EnsurePrefixRegistrationOfNamespace([NotNull] this XElement element, [NotNull] XNamespace @namespace) { if (element == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(element)); } if (@namespace == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(@namespace)); } string result; if (@namespace.Equals(XNamespace.None)) { result = null; } else { var document = element.Document; result = document.Root.GetPrefixOfNamespace(@namespace); if (result == null) { result = document.Root.FindUnusedPrefixForNamespace(); document.Root.SetAttributeValue(XNamespace.Xmlns + result, @namespace); } } return(result); }
public void NamespaceOperators() { // Implicit conversion from string. XNamespace ns = (XNamespace)(string)null; Assert.Null(ns); ns = (XNamespace)"foo"; Assert.Equal("foo", ns.NamespaceName); // Operator + XName name; Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => (XNamespace)null + "localname"); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => ns + (string)null); name = ns + "localname"; Assert.Equal("localname", name.LocalName); Assert.Equal("foo", name.Namespace.NamespaceName); // Equality, which should be based on reference equality. XNamespace ns1 = (XNamespace)"foo"; XNamespace ns2 = (XNamespace)"foo"; XNamespace ns3 = (XNamespace)"bar"; XNamespace ns4 = null; Assert.NotNull(ns1); Assert.NotNull(ns2); Assert.NotNull(ns3); Assert.Same(ns1, ns2); Assert.True(ns1.Equals(ns2)); Assert.NotSame(ns1, ns3); Assert.False(ns1.Equals(ns3)); Assert.NotSame(ns2, ns3); Assert.False(ns2.Equals(ns3)); Assert.True(ns1 == ns2); // equal Assert.False(ns1 == ns3); // not equal Assert.False(ns1 == ns4); // not equal Assert.False(ns1 != ns2); // false Assert.True(ns1 != ns3); // true Assert.True(ns1 != ns4); // true }
public void GetDefaultNamespace(string xml, string defNSString) { XNamespace defNS = defNSString == null ? null : XNamespace.Get(defNSString); XElement e = XElement.Parse(xml); XNamespace df = ((XElement)e.LastNode).GetDefaultNamespace(); Assert.Same(defNS, df); Assert.True(defNS.Equals(df)); }
public void NamespaceForPrefix(string xml, string prefix, string ns) { XNamespace NS = ns == null ? null : XNamespace.Get(ns); XElement e = XElement.Parse(xml); XNamespace df = (e.FirstNode as XElement).GetNamespaceOfPrefix(prefix); Assert.Same(NS, df); if (NS != null) { Assert.True(NS.Equals(df)); } }
private static XElement CopyWithoutNamespace(XElement source, XNamespace namespaceToRemove) { XNamespace sourceNs = source.Name.Namespace; XName newName = sourceNs.Equals(namespaceToRemove) ? source.Name.LocalName : source.Name; XElement copy = new XElement(newName); if (!sourceNs.Equals(namespaceToRemove) && sourceNs != source.Parent.Name.Namespace && source.Attribute(XName_Xmlns) == null && (sourceNs == Namespaces.Xhtml.NamespaceName || sourceNs == Namespaces.Svg.NamespaceName)) { copy.Add(new XAttribute(XName_Xmlns, source.Name.Namespace)); } copy.Add(source.Attributes().Where(a => a.Name.Namespace == namespaceToRemove) .Select(a => new XAttribute(a.Name.LocalName, a.Value))); Func <XAttribute, bool> isNotHtmlRelatedNsDeclaration = ns => !ns.IsNamespaceDeclaration || (ns.Value != Namespaces.Xhtml.NamespaceName && ns.Value != Namespaces.Svg.NamespaceName); copy.Add(source.Attributes().Where(a => a.Name.Namespace != namespaceToRemove && isNotHtmlRelatedNsDeclaration(a)) .Select(a => new XAttribute(a.Name, a.Value))); foreach (XNode child in source.Nodes()) { if (child is XElement) { copy.Add(CopyWithoutNamespace(child as XElement, namespaceToRemove)); } else { copy.Add(child); } } return(copy); }
private static void EnsureValidFindPackagesResponse(Stream stream, string uri) { var message = $"Response from {uri} is not a valid NuGet v2 service response."; try { var xDoc = XDocument.Load(stream); if (!_defaultNamespace.Equals(xDoc.Root.Name.Namespace)) { throw new InvalidDataException( $"{message} Namespace of root element is not {_defaultNamespace.NamespaceName}."); } } catch (XmlException e) { throw new InvalidDataException(message, innerException: e); } }
private static bool CompareXElements(XElement baselineXElement, XElement actualXElement) { // Check whether the XName is the same, this can be done by comparing the two XNames. if (!baselineXElement.Name.Equals(actualXElement.Name)) { // Two nodes could be same even if their localName is not the same. // For example- // Desktop //<GenericBase2OfSimpleBaseDerivedSimpleBaseDerived2zbP0weY4 xmlns:i="" z:Id="i1" xmlns:z="" xmlns=""> // <genericData1 z:Id="i2"> // <BaseData></BaseData> // <DerivedData></DerivedData> // </genericData1> // <genericData2 z:Id="i3"> // <BaseData></BaseData> // <DerivedData></DerivedData> // </genericData2> //</GenericBase2OfSimpleBaseDerivedSimpleBaseDerived2zbP0weY4> // vs CoreCLR. //<GenericBase2OfSimpleBaseDerivedSimpleBaseDerived2RkuXKXCQ z:Id="i1" xmlns="" xmlns:i="" xmlns:z=""> // <genericData1 z:Id="i2"> // <BaseData /> // <DerivedData /> // </genericData1> // <genericData2 z:Id="i3"> // <BaseData /> // <DerivedData /> // </genericData2> //</GenericBase2OfSimpleBaseDerivedSimpleBaseDerived2RkuXKXCQ> // Note the incorrect padding in the end of GenericBase2OfSimpleBaseDerivedSimpleBaseDerived2RkuXKXCQ // The difference is MD5 hashcode applied to the Type.FullName and is because full typeName in desktop and CoreCLR returns different value. // Hack for the above reason. int deskIdx, coreCLRIdx; if (-1 != (deskIdx = baselineXElement.Name.LocalName.IndexOf("zbP0weY4"))) { // Check if the CoreCLR string contains the other. if (-1 != (coreCLRIdx = actualXElement.Name.LocalName.IndexOf("RkuXKXCQ"))) { // Check whether the substring before this matches if (0 == string.Compare(baselineXElement.Name.LocalName.Substring(0, deskIdx), actualXElement.Name.LocalName.Substring(0, coreCLRIdx))) { // Check if the namespace matched. if (baselineXElement.Name.Namespace.Equals(actualXElement.Name.Namespace)) { return(true); } } } } string message = string.Format("Namespace difference \n[expected]:{0}\n[actual ]:{1}\n Padding expected elements is {2}", baselineXElement.Name.Namespace, actualXElement.Name.Namespace, actualXElement.Name.LocalName ); Debug.WriteLine("Either padding is different or namespace is not matching.\n" + message); return(false); } // Comparing attributes XAttribute[] deskAtrs = baselineXElement.Attributes().OrderBy(m => m.Value).ToArray(); XAttribute[] coreCLRAtrs = actualXElement.Attributes().OrderBy(m => m.Value).ToArray(); if (deskAtrs.Length != coreCLRAtrs.Length) { Debug.WriteLine("Number of attributes differ.Expected number of attributes are " + deskAtrs.Length.ToString() + " Actual number of attributes are " + coreCLRAtrs.Length.ToString()); return(false); } // At this point the attributes should be all in the same order. for (int i = 0; i < deskAtrs.Length; i++) { if (deskAtrs[i].IsNamespaceDeclaration != coreCLRAtrs[i].IsNamespaceDeclaration) { Debug.WriteLine("Either expected attribute {0} is not namespace declaration or actual attribute {1}", deskAtrs[i].ToString(), coreCLRAtrs[i].ToString()); return(false); } if (deskAtrs[i].IsNamespaceDeclaration) { if (0 != string.Compare(deskAtrs[i].Name.NamespaceName, coreCLRAtrs[i].Name.NamespaceName)) { Debug.WriteLine("Namespaces are different.Expected {0} namespace doesn't match with actual {1} namespace ", deskAtrs[i].Name.NamespaceName, coreCLRAtrs[i].Name.NamespaceName); return(false); } if (0 != string.Compare(deskAtrs[i].Value, coreCLRAtrs[i].Value)) { Debug.WriteLine("Attribute values are different. Expected {0} attribute values doesn't match with actual {1} attribute value.", deskAtrs[i].Value, coreCLRAtrs[i].Value); return(false); } // Update the dictionaries s_prefixToNamespaceDesk[deskAtrs[i].Name.LocalName] = deskAtrs[i].Value; s_prefixToNamespaceCoreCLR[coreCLRAtrs[i].Name.LocalName] = coreCLRAtrs[i].Value; } else { if (!deskAtrs[i].Name.Equals(coreCLRAtrs[i].Name)) { Debug.WriteLine("Attribute names are different. Expected name is {0} but actual name is {1}", deskAtrs[i].Name, coreCLRAtrs[i].Name); return(false); } string deskPrefix, coreCLRPrefix; if (IsPrefixedAttributeValue(deskAtrs[i].Value, out deskPrefix)) { if (IsPrefixedAttributeValue(coreCLRAtrs[i].Value, out coreCLRPrefix)) { // Check if they both have the same namespace. XNamespace deskns = baselineXElement.GetNamespaceOfPrefix(deskPrefix); XNamespace coreclrns = actualXElement.GetNamespaceOfPrefix(coreCLRPrefix); if (!deskns.Equals(coreclrns)) { Debug.WriteLine("XML namespace of attribute is different. Expected is {0} but actual is {1}", deskns.NamespaceName, coreclrns.NamespaceName); return(false); } // Update the dictionaries s_prefixToNamespaceDesk[deskPrefix] = deskns.NamespaceName; s_prefixToNamespaceCoreCLR[coreCLRPrefix] = coreclrns.NamespaceName; } else { Debug.WriteLine("Either expected {0} or actual {1} attribute value doesn't have prefix :", deskAtrs[i].Value, coreCLRAtrs[i].Value); return(false); } } } } if (!CompareValue(baselineXElement.Value, actualXElement.Value)) { return(false); } // Serialized values can only have XElement and XText and hence we do not traverse the complete node structures and only the descendants. XElement[] deskChildElems = baselineXElement.Descendants().OrderBy(m => m.Name.NamespaceName).ToArray(); XElement[] coreCLRChildElems = actualXElement.Descendants().OrderBy(m => m.Name.NamespaceName).ToArray(); if (deskChildElems.Length != coreCLRChildElems.Length) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < deskChildElems.Length; i++) { if (!CompareXElements(deskChildElems[i], coreCLRChildElems[i])) { return(false); } } // If we have reached here, XML is same. return(true); }
private static Dictionary <string, MexPolicy> ReadPolicies(XContainer mexDocument) { var policies = new Dictionary <string, MexPolicy>(); IEnumerable <XElement> policyElements = mexDocument.Elements().First().Elements(XmlNamespace.Wsp + "Policy"); foreach (XElement policy in policyElements) { XElement exactlyOnePolicy = policy.Elements(XmlNamespace.Wsp + "ExactlyOne").FirstOrDefault(); if (exactlyOnePolicy == null) { continue; } IEnumerable <XElement> all = exactlyOnePolicy.Descendants(XmlNamespace.Wsp + "All"); foreach (XElement element in all) { XNamespace securityPolicy = XmlNamespace.Sp; XElement auth = element.Elements(XmlNamespace.Http + "NegotiateAuthentication").FirstOrDefault(); if (auth != null) { AddPolicy(policies, policy, UserAuthType.IntegratedAuth, securityPolicy.Equals(XmlNamespace.Sp2005)); } auth = element.Elements(securityPolicy + "SignedEncryptedSupportingTokens").FirstOrDefault(); if (auth == null) { //switch to sp2005 securityPolicy = XmlNamespace.Sp2005; if ((auth = element.Elements(securityPolicy + "SignedSupportingTokens").FirstOrDefault()) == null) { continue; } } XElement wspPolicy = auth.Elements(XmlNamespace.Wsp + "Policy").FirstOrDefault(); if (wspPolicy == null) { continue; } XElement usernameToken = wspPolicy.Elements(securityPolicy + "UsernameToken").FirstOrDefault(); if (usernameToken == null) { continue; } XElement wspPolicy2 = usernameToken.Elements(XmlNamespace.Wsp + "Policy").FirstOrDefault(); if (wspPolicy2 == null) { continue; } XElement wssUsernameToken10 = wspPolicy2.Elements(securityPolicy + "WssUsernameToken10").FirstOrDefault(); if (wssUsernameToken10 != null) { AddPolicy(policies, policy, UserAuthType.UsernamePassword, securityPolicy.Equals(XmlNamespace.Sp2005)); } } } return(policies); }