public EOPartyPanel(XNAPanel parent) : base(null, null, parent) { _setSize(parent.BackgroundImage.Width, parent.BackgroundImage.Height); m_removeTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 43); m_buttons = new List<XNAButton>(); //will tint this different colors for health bar and fill a rectangle m_healthBar = new Texture2D[4]; m_healthBar[HP_OUTLINE] = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Party\\hp-outline"); m_healthBar[HP_RED] = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Party\\hp-red"); m_healthBar[HP_YELLOW] = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Party\\hp-yellow"); m_healthBar[HP_GREEN] = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Party\\hp-green"); m_numMembers = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(455, 2, 27, 14), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleRight }; m_numMembers.SetParent(this); m_scrollBar = new ScrollBar(this, new Vector2(467, 20), new Vector2(16, 97), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 7, Visible = true }; m_scrollBar.SetParent(this); World.IgnoreDialogs(m_scrollBar); }
private XNAPanel CreateColumnHeader(string headerText) { XNALabel xnaLabel = new XNALabel(WindowManager); xnaLabel.FontIndex = HeaderFontIndex; xnaLabel.X = 3; xnaLabel.Y = 2; xnaLabel.Text = headerText; XNAPanel header = new XNAPanel(WindowManager); header.Height = xnaLabel.Height + 3; var width = Width / 3; if (DrawListBoxBorders) { header.Width = width + 1; } else { header.Width = width; } header.AddChild(xnaLabel); return(header); }
public EOPartyPanel(XNAPanel parent) : base(null, null, parent) { _setSize(parent.BackgroundImage.Width, parent.BackgroundImage.Height); m_removeTexture = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 43); m_buttons = new List<XNAButton>(); //will tint this different colors for health bar and fill a rectangle m_healthBar = new Texture2D[4]; m_healthBar[HP_OUTLINE] = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Party\\hp-outline"); m_healthBar[HP_RED] = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Party\\hp-red"); m_healthBar[HP_YELLOW] = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Party\\hp-yellow"); m_healthBar[HP_GREEN] = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Party\\hp-green"); m_numMembers = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(455, 2, 27, 14), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.5f) { AutoSize = false, ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0xc8, 0xc8, 0xc8), TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight }; m_numMembers.SetParent(this); m_scrollBar = new EOScrollBar(this, new Vector2(467, 20), new Vector2(16, 97), EOScrollBar.ScrollColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 7, Visible = true }; m_scrollBar.SetParent(this); World.IgnoreDialogs(m_scrollBar); }
public EOPartyPanel(XNAPanel parent) : base(null, null, parent) { _setSize(parent.BackgroundImage.Width, parent.BackgroundImage.Height); m_removeTexture = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 43); m_buttons = new List <XNAButton>(); //will tint this different colors for health bar and fill a rectangle m_healthBar = new Texture2D[4]; m_healthBar[HP_OUTLINE] = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Party\\hp-outline"); m_healthBar[HP_RED] = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Party\\hp-red"); m_healthBar[HP_YELLOW] = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Party\\hp-yellow"); m_healthBar[HP_GREEN] = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Party\\hp-green"); m_numMembers = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(455, 2, 27, 14), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.5f) { AutoSize = false, ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0xc8, 0xc8, 0xc8), TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight }; m_numMembers.SetParent(this); m_scrollBar = new EOScrollBar(this, new Vector2(467, 20), new Vector2(16, 97), EOScrollBar.ScrollColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 7, Visible = true }; m_scrollBar.SetParent(this); World.IgnoreDialogs(m_scrollBar); }
public OldEOPartyPanel(XNAPanel parent) : base(null, null, parent) { _setSize(parent.BackgroundImage.Width, parent.BackgroundImage.Height); m_removeTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 43); m_buttons = new List <XNAButton>(); //will tint this different colors for health bar and fill a rectangle m_healthBar = new Texture2D[4]; m_healthBar[HP_OUTLINE] = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Party\\hp-outline"); m_healthBar[HP_RED] = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Party\\hp-red"); m_healthBar[HP_YELLOW] = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Party\\hp-yellow"); m_healthBar[HP_GREEN] = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Party\\hp-green"); m_numMembers = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(455, 2, 27, 14), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleRight }; m_numMembers.SetParent(this); m_scrollBar = new OldScrollBar(this, new Vector2(467, 20), new Vector2(16, 97), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 7, Visible = true }; m_scrollBar.SetParent(this); OldWorld.IgnoreDialogs(m_scrollBar); }
public override void Initialize() { Name = "PrivateMessageNotificationBox"; BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.CreateTexture(new Color(0, 0, 0, 196), 1, 1); ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(WindowManager.RenderResolutionX - 300, -100, 300, 100); PanelBackgroundDrawMode = PanelBackgroundImageDrawMode.STRETCHED; XNALabel lblHeader = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblHeader.Name = "lblHeader"; lblHeader.FontIndex = 1; lblHeader.Text = "PRIVATE MESSAGE"; AddChild(lblHeader); lblHeader.CenterOnParent(); lblHeader.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblHeader.X, 6, lblHeader.Width, lblHeader.Height); XNAPanel linePanel = new XNAPanel(WindowManager); linePanel.Name = "linePanel"; linePanel.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(0, Height - 20, Width, 1); XNALabel lblHint = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblHint.Name = "lblHint"; lblHint.RemapColor = UISettings.ActiveSettings.SubtleTextColor; lblHint.Text = "Press F4 to respond"; AddChild(lblHint); lblHint.CenterOnParent(); lblHint.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblHint.X, linePanel.Y + 3, lblHint.Width, lblHint.Height); gameIconPanel = new XNAPanel(WindowManager); gameIconPanel.Name = "gameIconPanel"; gameIconPanel.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, 30, 16, 16); gameIconPanel.DrawBorders = false; gameIconPanel.BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.TextureFromImage(ClientCore.Properties.Resources.dtaicon); lblSender = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblSender.Name = "lblSender"; lblSender.FontIndex = 1; lblSender.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(gameIconPanel.Right + 3, gameIconPanel.Y, 0, 0); lblSender.Text = "Rampastring:"; lblMessage = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblMessage.Name = "lblMessage"; lblMessage.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, lblSender.Bottom + 6, 0, 0); lblMessage.RemapColor = AssetLoader.GetColorFromString(ClientConfiguration.Instance.ReceivedPMColor); lblMessage.Text = "This is a test message."; AddChild(gameIconPanel); AddChild(linePanel); AddChild(lblSender); AddChild(lblMessage); base.Initialize(); }
public override void Initialize() { Name = "CheaterScreen"; ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 334, 453); BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.LoadTexture("cheaterbg.png"); var lblCheater = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblCheater.Name = "lblCheater"; lblCheater.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); lblCheater.FontIndex = 1; lblCheater.Text = "CHEATER!"; var lblDescription = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblDescription.Name = "lblDescription"; lblDescription.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, 40, 0, 0); lblDescription.Text = "Modified game files have been detected. They could affect" + Environment.NewLine + "the game experience." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Do you really lack the skill for winning the mission without" + Environment.NewLine + "cheating?"; var imagePanel = new XNAPanel(WindowManager); imagePanel.Name = "imagePanel"; imagePanel.DrawMode = PanelBackgroundImageDrawMode.STRETCHED; imagePanel.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblDescription.X, lblDescription.Bottom + 12, Width - 24, Height - (lblDescription.Bottom + 59)); imagePanel.BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.LoadTextureUncached("cheater.png"); var btnCancel = new XNAClientButton(WindowManager); btnCancel.Name = "btnCancel"; btnCancel.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(Width - 104, Height - 35, 92, 23); btnCancel.Text = "Cancel"; btnCancel.LeftClick += BtnCancel_LeftClick; var btnYes = new XNAClientButton(WindowManager); btnYes.Name = "btnYes"; btnYes.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, btnCancel.Y, btnCancel.Width, btnCancel.Height); btnYes.Text = "Yes"; btnYes.LeftClick += BtnYes_LeftClick; AddChild(lblCheater); AddChild(lblDescription); AddChild(imagePanel); AddChild(btnCancel); AddChild(btnYes); lblCheater.CenterOnParent(); lblCheater.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblCheater.X, 12, lblCheater.Width, lblCheater.Height); base.Initialize(); }
public override void Initialize() { Name = nameof(ChoiceNotificationBox); BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.CreateTexture(new Color(0, 0, 0, 196), 1, 1); ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(0, -boxHeight, 300, boxHeight); PanelBackgroundDrawMode = PanelBackgroundImageDrawMode.STRETCHED; lblHeader = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblHeader.Name = nameof(lblHeader); lblHeader.FontIndex = 1; lblHeader.AnchorPoint = new Vector2(ClientRectangle.Width / 2, 12); lblHeader.TextAnchor = LabelTextAnchorInfo.CENTER; lblHeader.Text = "MAKE A CHOICE"; AddChild(lblHeader); gameIconPanel = new XNAPanel(WindowManager); gameIconPanel.Name = nameof(gameIconPanel); gameIconPanel.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, lblHeader.Bottom + 6, 16, 16); gameIconPanel.DrawBorders = false; gameIconPanel.BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.TextureFromImage(ClientCore.Properties.Resources.dtaicon); AddChild(gameIconPanel); lblSender = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblSender.Name = nameof(lblSender); lblSender.FontIndex = 1; lblSender.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(gameIconPanel.Right + 3, lblHeader.Bottom + 6, 0, 0); lblSender.Text = "fonger"; AddChild(lblSender); lblChoiceText = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblChoiceText.Name = nameof(lblChoiceText); lblChoiceText.FontIndex = 1; lblChoiceText.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, lblSender.Bottom + 6, 0, 0); lblChoiceText.Text = "What do you want to do?"; AddChild(lblChoiceText); affirmativeButton = new XNAClientButton(WindowManager); affirmativeButton.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(ClientRectangle.Left + 8, lblChoiceText.Bottom + 6, 75, 23); affirmativeButton.Name = nameof(affirmativeButton); affirmativeButton.Text = "Yes"; affirmativeButton.LeftClick += AffirmativeButton_LeftClick; AddChild(affirmativeButton); negativeButton = new XNAClientButton(WindowManager); negativeButton.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(ClientRectangle.Width - (75 + 8), lblChoiceText.Bottom + 6, 75, 23); negativeButton.Name = nameof(negativeButton); negativeButton.Text = "No"; negativeButton.LeftClick += NegativeButton_LeftClick; AddChild(negativeButton); base.Initialize(); }
public override void Initialize() { Name = nameof(MissionCompletionNotification); BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.CreateTexture(new Color(0, 0, 0, 196), 2, 2); PanelBackgroundDrawMode = PanelBackgroundImageDrawMode.STRETCHED; rankTextures = new Texture2D[] { AssetLoader.LoadTexture("rankEasy.png"), AssetLoader.LoadTexture("rankEasy.png"), AssetLoader.LoadTexture("rankNormal.png"), AssetLoader.LoadTexture("rankHard.png") }; Width = 300; Height = 60; Y = 200; starIconPanel = new XNAPanel(WindowManager); starIconPanel.Name = nameof(starIconPanel); starIconPanel.Width = 60; starIconPanel.X = UIDesignConstants.EMPTY_SPACE_SIDES; starIconPanel.Y = UIDesignConstants.EMPTY_SPACE_TOP; starIconPanel.Height = Height - starIconPanel.Y - UIDesignConstants.EMPTY_SPACE_BOTTOM; starIconPanel.Width = starIconPanel.Height; starIconPanel.DrawBorders = false; starIconPanel.PanelBackgroundDrawMode = PanelBackgroundImageDrawMode.STRETCHED; starIconPanel.Disable(); AddChild(starIconPanel); lblMissionName = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblMissionName.Name = nameof(lblMissionName); lblMissionName.FontIndex = UIDesignConstants.BOLD_FONT_INDEX; lblMissionName.TextAnchor = LabelTextAnchorInfo.HORIZONTAL_CENTER; lblMissionName.AnchorPoint = new Vector2(Width / 2f, UIDesignConstants.EMPTY_SPACE_TOP); lblMissionName.Text = "MISSION NAME"; AddChild(lblMissionName); lblDescription = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblDescription.Name = nameof(lblDescription); lblDescription.FontIndex = UIDesignConstants.BOLD_FONT_INDEX; lblDescription.TextAnchor = LabelTextAnchorInfo.HORIZONTAL_CENTER; lblDescription.AnchorPoint = new Vector2(Width / 2f, lblMissionName.Bottom + UIDesignConstants.EMPTY_SPACE_TOP * 2); lblDescription.Text = "Completed on Difficulty"; AddChild(lblDescription); base.Initialize(); }
private IXNAPanel GetCreateAccountLabels() { var labelsPanel = new XNAPanel(); for (int srcYIndex = 0; srcYIndex < 6; ++srcYIndex) { var texturePictureBox = new XNAPictureBox { Texture = _labelsTexture, SourceRectangle = new Rectangle(0, srcYIndex * (srcYIndex < 2 ? 14 : 15), 149, 15), DrawPosition = new Vector2(358, (srcYIndex < 3 ? 50 : 241) + srcYIndex % 3 * 51) }; texturePictureBox.SetParentControl(labelsPanel); } return(labelsPanel); }
private IXNAPanel GetCreateAccountLabels() { var labelsPanel = new XNAPanel(); for (int srcYIndex = 0; srcYIndex < 6; ++srcYIndex) { var lblpos = new Vector2(358, (srcYIndex < 3 ? 50 : 241) + srcYIndex % 3 * 51); var labelTexture = new SpriteSheet(_labelsTexture, new Rectangle(0, srcYIndex * (srcYIndex < 2 ? 14 : 15), 149, 15)); var texturePictureBox = new DisposablePictureBox(labelTexture.GetSourceTexture()) { DrawPosition = lblpos }; texturePictureBox.SetParentControl(labelsPanel); } return(labelsPanel); }
public override void Initialize() { Name = "MessageBox"; BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.LoadTexture("msgboxform.png"); XNALabel lblCaption = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblCaption.Text = caption; lblCaption.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, 9, 0, 0); lblCaption.FontIndex = 1; XNAPanel line = new XNAPanel(WindowManager); line.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(6, 29, 0, 1); XNALabel lblDescription = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblDescription.Text = description; lblDescription.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, 39, 0, 0); AddChild(lblCaption); AddChild(line); AddChild(lblDescription); Vector2 textDimensions = Renderer.GetTextDimensions(lblDescription.Text, lblDescription.FontIndex); ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)textDimensions.X + 24, (int)textDimensions.Y + 81); line.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(6, 29, Width - 12, 1); if (messageBoxButtons == XNAMessageBoxButtons.OK) { AddOKButton(); } else if (messageBoxButtons == XNAMessageBoxButtons.YesNo) { AddYesNoButtons(); } else // messageBoxButtons == DXMessageBoxButtons.OKCancel { AddOKCancelButtons(); } base.Initialize(); WindowManager.CenterControlOnScreen(this); }
public EOOnlineList(XNAPanel parent) : base(null, null, parent) { m_onlineList = new List <ClientOnlineEntry>(); //this enables scrolling with mouse wheel and mouseover for parent _setSize(parent.BackgroundImage.Width, parent.BackgroundImage.Height); m_totalNumPlayers = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(455, 2, 27, 14), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.5f) { AutoSize = false, ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0xc8, 0xc8, 0xc8), TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight }; m_totalNumPlayers.SetParent(this); m_scrollBar = new EOScrollBar(this, new Vector2(467, 20), new Vector2(16, 97), EOScrollBar.ScrollColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 7, Visible = true }; m_scrollBar.SetParent(this); m_scrollBar.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOPaperdollDialog)); m_scrollBar.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOChestDialog)); m_filterClick = new Rectangle(2 + DrawAreaWithOffset.X, 2 + DrawAreaWithOffset.Y, 14, 14); Texture2D weirdOffsets = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27, true); for (int i = 0; i < m_filterTextures.Length; ++i) { Rectangle offsetsSource = new Rectangle(i % 2 == 0 ? 0 : 12, i >= 2 ? 246 : 233, 12, 13); m_filterTextures[i] = new Texture2D(EOGame.Instance.GraphicsDevice, 12, 13); Color[] dat = new Color[12 * 13]; weirdOffsets.GetData(0, offsetsSource, dat, 0, dat.Length); m_filterTextures[i].SetData(dat); } }
//parent x,y - 102,330 public EOSettingsPanel(XNAPanel parent) : base(null, null, parent) { _setSize(parent.BackgroundImage.Width, parent.BackgroundImage.Height); w = World.Instance; m_leftSide = new XNALabel[5]; m_rightSide = new XNALabel[5]; for (int i = 0; i < m_leftSide.Length; ++i) { m_leftSide[i] = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(117, 25 + (18*i), 100, 15), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.5f) { ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0xc8, 0xc8, 0xc8) }; m_leftSide[i].SetParent(this); m_rightSide[i] = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(356, 25 + (18*i), 100, 15), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.5f) { ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0xc8, 0xc8, 0xc8) }; m_rightSide[i].SetParent(this); } _setTextForLanguage(); m_buttons = new XNAButton[10]; for (int i = 0; i < m_buttons.Length; ++i) { m_buttons[i] = new XNAButton(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27, true), new Vector2(i < 5 ? 215 : 454, 25 + (18*(i%5))), new Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 15), new Rectangle(19, 0, 19, 15)); m_buttons[i].SetParent(this); m_buttons[i].OnClick += _settingChange; m_buttons[i].OnMouseOver += (o, e) => EOGame.Instance.Hud.SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_BUTTON, DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_SETTINGS_CLICK_TO_CHANGE); } }
private KeyLayout m_keyboard = KeyLayout.English; //this is not stored or loaded //parent x,y - 102,330 public EOSettingsPanel(XNAPanel parent) : base(null, null, parent) { _setSize(parent.BackgroundImage.Width, parent.BackgroundImage.Height); w = World.Instance; m_leftSide = new XNALabel[5]; m_rightSide = new XNALabel[5]; for (int i = 0; i < m_leftSide.Length; ++i) { m_leftSide[i] = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(117, 25 + (18 * i), 100, 15), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.5f) { ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0xc8, 0xc8, 0xc8) }; m_leftSide[i].SetParent(this); m_rightSide[i] = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(356, 25 + (18 * i), 100, 15), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.5f) { ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0xc8, 0xc8, 0xc8) }; m_rightSide[i].SetParent(this); } _setTextForLanguage(); m_buttons = new XNAButton[10]; for (int i = 0; i < m_buttons.Length; ++i) { m_buttons[i] = new XNAButton(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27, true), new Vector2(i < 5 ? 215 : 454, 25 + (18 * (i % 5))), new Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 15), new Rectangle(19, 0, 19, 15)); m_buttons[i].SetParent(this); m_buttons[i].OnClick += _settingChange; m_buttons[i].OnMouseOver += (o, e) => EOGame.Instance.Hud.SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_BUTTON, DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_SETTINGS_CLICK_TO_CHANGE); } }
private KeyLayout m_keyboard = KeyLayout.English; //this is not stored or loaded //parent x,y - 102,330 public OldEOSettingsPanel(XNAPanel parent) : base(null, null, parent) { _setSize(parent.BackgroundImage.Width, parent.BackgroundImage.Height); w = OldWorld.Instance; m_leftSide = new XNALabel[5]; m_rightSide = new XNALabel[5]; for (int i = 0; i < m_leftSide.Length; ++i) { m_leftSide[i] = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(117, 25 + (18 * i), 100, 15), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText }; m_leftSide[i].SetParent(this); m_rightSide[i] = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(356, 25 + (18 * i), 100, 15), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText }; m_rightSide[i].SetParent(this); } _setTextForLanguage(); m_buttons = new XNAButton[10]; for (int i = 0; i < m_buttons.Length; ++i) { m_buttons[i] = new XNAButton(((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27, true), new Vector2(i < 5 ? 215 : 454, 25 + (18 * (i % 5))), new Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 15), new Rectangle(19, 0, 19, 15)); m_buttons[i].SetParent(this); m_buttons[i].OnClick += _settingChange; m_buttons[i].OnMouseOver += (o, e) => EOGame.Instance.Hud.SetStatusLabel(EOResourceID.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_BUTTON, EOResourceID.STATUS_LABEL_SETTINGS_CLICK_TO_CHANGE); } }
public EOOnlineList(XNAPanel parent) : base(null, null, parent) { m_onlineList = new List<ClientOnlineEntry>(); //this enables scrolling with mouse wheel and mouseover for parent _setSize(parent.BackgroundImage.Width, parent.BackgroundImage.Height); m_totalNumPlayers = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(455, 2, 27, 14), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleRight }; m_totalNumPlayers.SetParent(this); m_scrollBar = new ScrollBar(this, new Vector2(467, 20), new Vector2(16, 97), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 7, Visible = true }; m_scrollBar.SetParent(this); World.IgnoreDialogs(m_scrollBar); m_filterClick = new Rectangle(2 + DrawAreaWithOffset.X, 2 + DrawAreaWithOffset.Y, 14, 14); Texture2D weirdOffsets = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27, true); for (int i = 0; i < m_filterTextures.Length; ++i) { Rectangle offsetsSource = new Rectangle(i % 2 == 0 ? 0 : 12, i >= 2 ? 246 : 233, 12, 13); m_filterTextures[i] = new Texture2D(EOGame.Instance.GraphicsDevice, 12, 13); Color[] dat = new Color[12*13]; weirdOffsets.GetData(0, offsetsSource, dat, 0, dat.Length); m_filterTextures[i].SetData(dat); } }
public ActiveSpells(XNAPanel parent, PacketAPI api) : base(null, null, parent) { _api = api; _childItems = new List<ISpellIcon>(SPELL_NUM_ROWS * SPELL_ROW_LENGTH); RemoveAllSpells(); var localSpellSlotMap = new Dictionary<int, int>(); _spellsKey = _tryGetCharacterRegKey(); if (_spellsKey != null) { const string spellFmt = "item{0}"; for (int i = 0; i < SPELL_ROW_LENGTH*4; ++i) { int id; try { id = Convert.ToInt32(_spellsKey.GetValue(String.Format(spellFmt, i))); } catch { continue; } localSpellSlotMap.Add(i, id); } } var localSpells = World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Spells; // ReSharper disable once LoopCanBeConvertedToQuery foreach (var spell in localSpells) { SpellRecord rec = World.Instance.ESF.GetSpellRecordByID(; int slot = localSpellSlotMap.ContainsValue( ? localSpellSlotMap.First(_pair => _pair.Value == : _getNextOpenSlot(); if (slot < 0 || !_addNewSpellToSlot(slot, rec, spell.level)) { EOMessageBox.Show("You have too many spells! They don't all fit.", "Warning", XNADialogButtons.Ok, EOMessageBoxStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); break; } if (slot >= SPELL_ROW_LENGTH*(SPELL_NUM_ROWS/2)) _childItems.Last().Visible = false; } _setSize(parent.DrawArea.Width, parent.DrawArea.Height); _functionKeyGraphics = ((EOGame) Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 58, true); _functionKeyRow1SourceRect = new Rectangle(148, 51, 18, 13); _functionKeyRow2SourceRect = new Rectangle(148 + 18*8, 51, 18, 13); _selectedSpellName = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(9, 50, 81, 13), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Visible = false, Text = "", AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleCenter, ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText }; _selectedSpellName.SetParent(this); _selectedSpellLevel = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(32, 78, 42, 15), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Visible = true, Text = "0", AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText }; _selectedSpellLevel.SetParent(this); var skillPoints = World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Stats.SkillPoints; _totalSkillPoints = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(32, 96, 42, 15), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Visible = true, Text = skillPoints.ToString(), AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText }; _totalSkillPoints.SetParent(this); var buttonSheet = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27, true); _levelUpButton1 = new XNAButton(buttonSheet, new Vector2(71, 77), new Rectangle(215, 386, 19, 15), new Rectangle(234, 386, 19, 15)) { FlashSpeed = 500, Visible = false }; _levelUpButton1.OnClick += LevelUp_Click; _levelUpButton1.SetParent(this); _levelUpButton2 = new XNAButton(buttonSheet, new Vector2(71, 95), new Rectangle(215, 386, 19, 15), new Rectangle(234, 386, 19, 15)) { FlashSpeed = 500, Visible = false }; _levelUpButton2.OnClick += LevelUp_Click; _levelUpButton2.SetParent(this); _scroll = new ScrollBar(this, new Vector2(467, 2), new Vector2(16, 115), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 2 }; _scroll.UpdateDimensions(4); foreach (var child in children.Where(x => !(x is EmptySpellIcon))) World.IgnoreDialogs(child); }
private void InitGameListPanel() { const int gameListPanelHeight = 185; XNAPanel gameListPanel = new XNAPanel(WindowManager); gameListPanel.DrawBorders = false; gameListPanel.Name = nameof(gameListPanel); gameListPanel.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(0, Bottom - gameListPanelHeight, Width, gameListPanelHeight); AddChild(gameListPanel); var lblFollowedGames = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblFollowedGames.Name = nameof(lblFollowedGames); lblFollowedGames.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, 12, 0, 0); lblFollowedGames.Text = "Show game rooms from the following games:"; gameListPanel.AddChild(lblFollowedGames); int chkCount = 0; int chkCountPerColumn = 4; int nextColumnXOffset = 0; int columnXOffset = 0; foreach (CnCNetGame game in gameCollection.GameList) { if (!game.Supported || string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.GameBroadcastChannel)) { continue; } if (chkCount == chkCountPerColumn) { chkCount = 0; columnXOffset += nextColumnXOffset + 6; nextColumnXOffset = 0; } var panel = new XNAPanel(WindowManager); panel.Name = "panel" + game.InternalName; panel.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblFollowedGames.X + columnXOffset, lblFollowedGames.Bottom + 12 + chkCount * 22, 16, 16); panel.DrawBorders = false; panel.BackgroundTexture = game.Texture; var chkBox = new XNAClientCheckBox(WindowManager); chkBox.Name = game.InternalName.ToUpper(); chkBox.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle( panel.Right + 6, panel.Y, 0, 0); chkBox.Text = game.UIName; chkCount++; gameListPanel.AddChild(panel); gameListPanel.AddChild(chkBox); followedGameChks.Add(chkBox); if (chkBox.Right > nextColumnXOffset) { nextColumnXOffset = chkBox.Right; } } }
public override void Initialize() { Name = "GameLoadingLobby"; ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 590, 510); BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.LoadTexture("loadmpsavebg.png"); lblDescription = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblDescription.Name = "lblDescription"; lblDescription.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, 12, 0, 0); lblDescription.Text = "Wait for all players to join and get ready, then click Load Game to load the saved multiplayer game."; panelPlayers = new XNAPanel(WindowManager); panelPlayers.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, 32, 373, 125); panelPlayers.BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.CreateTexture(new Color(0, 0, 0, 128), 1, 1); panelPlayers.DrawMode = PanelBackgroundImageDrawMode.STRETCHED; AddChild(lblDescription); AddChild(panelPlayers); lblPlayerNames = new XNALabel[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { XNALabel lblPlayerName = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblPlayerName.Name = "lblPlayerName" + i; lblPlayerName.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(9, 9 + 30 * i, 0, 0); lblPlayerName.Text = "Player " + i; panelPlayers.AddChild(lblPlayerName); lblPlayerNames[i] = lblPlayerName; } for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++) { XNALabel lblPlayerName = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblPlayerName.Name = "lblPlayerName" + i; lblPlayerName.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(190, 9 + 30 * (i - 4), 0, 0); lblPlayerName.Text = "Player " + i; panelPlayers.AddChild(lblPlayerName); lblPlayerNames[i] = lblPlayerName; } lblMapName = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblMapName.Name = "lblMapName"; lblMapName.FontIndex = 1; lblMapName.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(panelPlayers.Right + 12, panelPlayers.Y, 0, 0); lblMapName.Text = "MAP:"; lblMapNameValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblMapNameValue.Name = "lblMapNameValue"; lblMapNameValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblMapName.X, lblMapName.Y + 18, 0, 0); lblMapNameValue.Text = "Map name"; lblGameMode = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblGameMode.Name = "lblGameMode"; lblGameMode.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblMapName.X, panelPlayers.Y + 40, 0, 0); lblGameMode.FontIndex = 1; lblGameMode.Text = "GAME MODE:"; lblGameModeValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblGameModeValue.Name = "lblGameModeValue"; lblGameModeValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblGameMode.X, lblGameMode.Y + 18, 0, 0); lblGameModeValue.Text = "Game mode"; lblSavedGameTime = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblSavedGameTime.Name = "lblSavedGameTime"; lblSavedGameTime.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblMapName.X, panelPlayers.Bottom - 40, 0, 0); lblSavedGameTime.FontIndex = 1; lblSavedGameTime.Text = "SAVED GAME:"; ddSavedGame = new XNAClientDropDown(WindowManager); ddSavedGame.Name = "ddSavedGame"; ddSavedGame.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblSavedGameTime.X, panelPlayers.Bottom - 21, Width - lblSavedGameTime.X - 12, 21); ddSavedGame.SelectedIndexChanged += DdSavedGame_SelectedIndexChanged; lbChatMessages = new ChatListBox(WindowManager); lbChatMessages.Name = "lbChatMessages"; lbChatMessages.BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.CreateTexture(new Color(0, 0, 0, 128), 1, 1); lbChatMessages.DrawMode = PanelBackgroundImageDrawMode.STRETCHED; lbChatMessages.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, panelPlayers.Bottom + 12, Width - 24, Height - panelPlayers.Bottom - 12 - 29 - 34); tbChatInput = new XNATextBox(WindowManager); tbChatInput.Name = "tbChatInput"; tbChatInput.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lbChatMessages.X, lbChatMessages.Bottom + 3, lbChatMessages.Width, 19); tbChatInput.MaximumTextLength = 200; tbChatInput.EnterPressed += TbChatInput_EnterPressed; btnLoadGame = new XNAClientButton(WindowManager); btnLoadGame.Name = "btnLoadGame"; btnLoadGame.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lbChatMessages.X, tbChatInput.Bottom + 6, 133, 23); btnLoadGame.Text = "Load Game"; btnLoadGame.LeftClick += BtnLoadGame_LeftClick; btnLeaveGame = new XNAClientButton(WindowManager); btnLeaveGame.Name = "btnLeaveGame"; btnLeaveGame.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(Width - 145, btnLoadGame.Y, 133, 23); btnLeaveGame.Text = "Leave Game"; btnLeaveGame.LeftClick += BtnLeaveGame_LeftClick; AddChild(lblMapName); AddChild(lblMapNameValue); AddChild(lblGameMode); AddChild(lblGameModeValue); AddChild(lblSavedGameTime); AddChild(lbChatMessages); AddChild(tbChatInput); AddChild(btnLoadGame); AddChild(btnLeaveGame); AddChild(ddSavedGame); base.Initialize(); sndGetReady = new EnhancedSoundEffect("getready.wav"); sndJoinSound = new EnhancedSoundEffect("joingame.wav"); sndLeaveSound = new EnhancedSoundEffect("leavegame.wav"); sndMessageSound = new EnhancedSoundEffect("message.wav"); MPColors = MultiplayerColor.LoadColors(); WindowManager.CenterControlOnScreen(this); if (SavedGameManager.AreSavedGamesAvailable()) { fsw = new FileSystemWatcher(ProgramConstants.GamePath + "Saved Games", "*.NET"); fsw.EnableRaisingEvents = false; fsw.Created += fsw_Created; fsw.Changed += fsw_Created; } }
public EOInventory(XNAPanel parent, PacketAPI api) : base(null, null, parent) { m_api = api; //load info from registry Dictionary<int, int> localItemSlotMap = new Dictionary<int, int>(); m_inventoryKey = _tryGetCharacterRegKey(); if (m_inventoryKey != null) { const string itemFmt = "item{0}"; for (int i = 0; i < INVENTORY_ROW_LENGTH * 4; ++i) { int id; try { id = Convert.ToInt32(m_inventoryKey.GetValue(string.Format(itemFmt, i))); } catch { continue; } localItemSlotMap.Add(i, id); } } //add the inventory items that were retrieved from the server List<InventoryItem> localInv = World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Inventory; if (localInv.Find(_item => == 1).id != 1) localInv.Insert(0, new InventoryItem {amount = 0, id = 1}); //add 0 gold if there isn't any gold bool dialogShown = false; foreach (InventoryItem item in localInv) { ItemRecord rec = World.Instance.EIF.GetItemRecordByID(; int slot = localItemSlotMap.ContainsValue( ? localItemSlotMap.First(_pair => _pair.Value == : _getNextOpenSlot(rec.Size); if (!dialogShown && !_addItemToSlot(slot, rec, item.amount)) { dialogShown = true; EODialog.Show("Something doesn't fit in the inventory. Rearrange items or get rid of them.", "Warning", XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } } //coordinates for parent of EOInventory: 102, 330 (pnlInventory in InGameHud) //extra in photoshop right now: 8, 31 //current weight label (member variable, needs to have text updated when item amounts change) m_lblWeight = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(385, 37, 88, 18), "Microsoft Sans MS", 8f) { ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 0xc8, 0xc8, 0xc8), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, Visible = true, AutoSize = false }; m_lblWeight.SetParent(this); UpdateWeightLabel(); Texture2D thatWeirdSheet = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27); //oh my gawd the offsets on this bish //(local variables, added to child controls) //'paperdoll' button m_btnPaperdoll = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(385, 9), /*new Rectangle(39, 385, 88, 19)*/null, new Rectangle(126, 385, 88, 19)); m_btnPaperdoll.SetParent(this); m_btnPaperdoll.OnClick += (s, e) => m_api.RequestPaperdoll((short)World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.ID); //'drop' button //491, 398 -> 389, 68 //0,15,38,37 //0,52,38,37 m_btnDrop = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(389, 68), new Rectangle(0, 15, 38, 37), new Rectangle(0, 52, 38, 37)); m_btnDrop.SetParent(this); World.IgnoreDialogs(m_btnDrop); //'junk' button - 4 + 38 on the x away from drop m_btnJunk = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(431, 68), new Rectangle(0, 89, 38, 37), new Rectangle(0, 126, 38, 37)); m_btnJunk.SetParent(this); World.IgnoreDialogs(m_btnJunk); }
public EOCharacterStats(XNAPanel parent) : base(null, null, parent) { c = World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter; }
public OldEOInventory(XNAPanel parent, PacketAPI api) : base(null, null, parent) { m_api = api; //load info from registry Dictionary <int, int> localItemSlotMap = new Dictionary <int, int>(); m_inventoryKey = _tryGetCharacterRegKey(); if (m_inventoryKey != null) { const string itemFmt = "item{0}"; for (int i = 0; i < INVENTORY_ROW_LENGTH * 4; ++i) { int id; try { id = Convert.ToInt32(m_inventoryKey.GetValue(string.Format(itemFmt, i))); } catch { continue; } localItemSlotMap.Add(i, id); } } //add the inventory items that were retrieved from the server List <InventoryItem> localInv = OldWorld.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Inventory; if (localInv.Find(_item => _item.ItemID == 1).ItemID != 1) { localInv.Insert(0, new InventoryItem(amount: 0, itemID: 1)); //add 0 gold if there isn't any gold } bool dialogShown = false; foreach (var item in localInv) { var rec = OldWorld.Instance.EIF[item.ItemID]; int slot = localItemSlotMap.ContainsValue(item.ItemID) ? localItemSlotMap.First(_pair => _pair.Value == item.ItemID).Key : _getNextOpenSlot(rec.Size); List <Tuple <int, int> > points; if (!_fitsInSlot(slot, rec.Size, out points)) { slot = _getNextOpenSlot(rec.Size); } if (!_addItemToSlot(slot, rec, item.Amount) && !dialogShown) { dialogShown = true; EOMessageBox.Show("Something doesn't fit in the inventory. Rearrange items or get rid of them.", "Warning", EODialogButtons.Ok, EOMessageBoxStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } } //coordinates for parent of EOInventory: 102, 330 (pnlInventory in InGameHud) //extra in photoshop right now: 8, 31 //current weight label (member variable, needs to have text updated when item amounts change) m_lblWeight = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(385, 37, 88, 18), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleCenter, Visible = true, AutoSize = false }; m_lblWeight.SetParent(this); UpdateWeightLabel(); Texture2D thatWeirdSheet = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27); //oh my gawd the offsets on this bish //(local variables, added to child controls) //'paperdoll' button m_btnPaperdoll = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(385, 9), /*new Rectangle(39, 385, 88, 19)*/ null, new Rectangle(126, 385, 88, 19)); m_btnPaperdoll.SetParent(this); m_btnPaperdoll.OnClick += (s, e) => m_api.RequestPaperdoll((short)OldWorld.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.ID); //'drop' button //491, 398 -> 389, 68 //0,15,38,37 //0,52,38,37 m_btnDrop = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(389, 68), new Rectangle(0, 15, 38, 37), new Rectangle(0, 52, 38, 37)); m_btnDrop.SetParent(this); OldWorld.IgnoreDialogs(m_btnDrop); //'junk' button - 4 + 38 on the x away from drop m_btnJunk = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(431, 68), new Rectangle(0, 89, 38, 37), new Rectangle(0, 126, 38, 37)); m_btnJunk.SetParent(this); OldWorld.IgnoreDialogs(m_btnJunk); }
public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); Name = "CnCNetOptionsPanel"; chkPingUnofficialTunnels = new XNAClientCheckBox(WindowManager); chkPingUnofficialTunnels.Name = "chkPingUnofficialTunnels"; chkPingUnofficialTunnels.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, 12, 0, 0); chkPingUnofficialTunnels.Text = "Ping unofficial CnCNet tunnels"; AddChild(chkPingUnofficialTunnels); chkWriteInstallPathToRegistry = new XNAClientCheckBox(WindowManager); chkWriteInstallPathToRegistry.Name = "chkWriteInstallPathToRegistry"; chkWriteInstallPathToRegistry.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle( chkPingUnofficialTunnels.X, chkPingUnofficialTunnels.Bottom + 12, 0, 0); chkWriteInstallPathToRegistry.Text = "Write game installation path to Windows" + Environment.NewLine + "Registry (makes it possible to join" + Environment.NewLine + "other games' game rooms on CnCNet)"; AddChild(chkWriteInstallPathToRegistry); chkPlaySoundOnGameHosted = new XNAClientCheckBox(WindowManager); chkPlaySoundOnGameHosted.Name = "chkPlaySoundOnGameHosted"; chkPlaySoundOnGameHosted.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle( chkPingUnofficialTunnels.X, chkWriteInstallPathToRegistry.Bottom + 12, 0, 0); chkPlaySoundOnGameHosted.Text = "Play sound when a game is hosted"; AddChild(chkPlaySoundOnGameHosted); chkNotifyOnUserListChange = new XNAClientCheckBox(WindowManager); chkNotifyOnUserListChange.Name = "chkNotifyOnUserListChange"; chkNotifyOnUserListChange.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle( chkPingUnofficialTunnels.X, chkPlaySoundOnGameHosted.Bottom + 12, 0, 0); chkNotifyOnUserListChange.Text = "Show player join / quit messages" + Environment.NewLine + "on CnCNet lobby"; AddChild(chkNotifyOnUserListChange); chkSkipLoginWindow = new XNAClientCheckBox(WindowManager); chkSkipLoginWindow.Name = "chkSkipLoginWindow"; chkSkipLoginWindow.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle( 276, 12, 0, 0); chkSkipLoginWindow.Text = "Skip login dialog"; chkSkipLoginWindow.CheckedChanged += ChkSkipLoginWindow_CheckedChanged; AddChild(chkSkipLoginWindow); chkPersistentMode = new XNAClientCheckBox(WindowManager); chkPersistentMode.Name = "chkPersistentMode"; chkPersistentMode.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle( chkSkipLoginWindow.X, chkSkipLoginWindow.Bottom + 12, 0, 0); chkPersistentMode.Text = "Stay connected outside of the CnCNet lobby"; chkPersistentMode.CheckedChanged += ChkPersistentMode_CheckedChanged; AddChild(chkPersistentMode); chkConnectOnStartup = new XNAClientCheckBox(WindowManager); chkConnectOnStartup.Name = "chkConnectOnStartup"; chkConnectOnStartup.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle( chkSkipLoginWindow.X, chkPersistentMode.Bottom + 12, 0, 0); chkConnectOnStartup.Text = "Connect automatically on client startup"; chkConnectOnStartup.AllowChecking = false; AddChild(chkConnectOnStartup); chkDiscordIntegration = new XNAClientCheckBox(WindowManager); chkDiscordIntegration.Name = "chkDiscordIntegration"; chkDiscordIntegration.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle( chkSkipLoginWindow.X, chkConnectOnStartup.Bottom + 12, 0, 0); chkDiscordIntegration.Text = "Show detailed game info in Discord status"; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientConfiguration.Instance.DiscordAppId)) { chkDiscordIntegration.AllowChecking = false; chkDiscordIntegration.Checked = false; } else { chkDiscordIntegration.AllowChecking = true; } AddChild(chkDiscordIntegration); var lblFollowedGames = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblFollowedGames.Name = "lblFollowedGames"; lblFollowedGames.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle( chkNotifyOnUserListChange.X, chkNotifyOnUserListChange.Bottom + 24, 0, 0); lblFollowedGames.Text = "Show game rooms from the following games:"; AddChild(lblFollowedGames); int chkCount = 0; int chkCountPerColumn = 5; int nextColumnXOffset = 0; int columnXOffset = 0; foreach (CnCNetGame game in gameCollection.GameList) { if (!game.Supported || string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.GameBroadcastChannel)) { continue; } if (chkCount == chkCountPerColumn) { chkCount = 0; columnXOffset += nextColumnXOffset + 6; nextColumnXOffset = 0; } var panel = new XNAPanel(WindowManager); panel.Name = "panel" + game.InternalName; panel.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(chkPingUnofficialTunnels.X + columnXOffset, lblFollowedGames.Bottom + 12 + chkCount * 22, 16, 16); panel.DrawBorders = false; panel.BackgroundTexture = game.Texture; var chkBox = new XNAClientCheckBox(WindowManager); chkBox.Name = game.InternalName.ToUpper(); chkBox.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle( panel.Right + 6, panel.Y, 0, 0); chkBox.Text = game.UIName; chkCount++; AddChild(panel); AddChild(chkBox); followedGameChks.Add(chkBox); if (chkBox.Right > nextColumnXOffset) { nextColumnXOffset = chkBox.Right; } } }
public HUD(Game g, PacketAPI api) : base(g) { if(!api.Initialized) throw new ArgumentException("Need to initialize connection before the in-game stuff will work"); m_packetAPI = api; DrawOrder = 5; mainFrame = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 1, true); topLeft = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 21, true); sidebar = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 22, true); topBar = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 23, true); filler = new Texture2D(g.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); filler.SetData(new[] {Color.FromNonPremultiplied(8, 8, 8, 255)}); Texture2D mainButtonTexture = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 25); mainBtn = new XNAButton[NUM_BTN]; //set up panels Texture2D invBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 44); pnlInventory = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, invBG.Width, invBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = invBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D spellsBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 62); pnlActiveSpells = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, spellsBG.Width, spellsBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = spellsBG, Visible = false }; pnlPassiveSpells = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, spellsBG.Width, spellsBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = spellsBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D chatBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 28); pnlChat = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, chatBG.Width, chatBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = chatBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D statsBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 34); pnlStats = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, statsBG.Width, statsBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = statsBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D onlineBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 36); pnlOnline = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, onlineBG.Width, onlineBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = onlineBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D partyBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 42); pnlParty = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, partyBG.Width, partyBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = partyBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D settingsBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 47); pnlSettings = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, settingsBG.Width, settingsBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = settingsBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D helpBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 63); pnlHelp = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, helpBG.Width, helpBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = helpBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D newsBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 48); pnlNews = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, newsBG.Width, newsBG.Height)) {BackgroundImage = newsBG}; //for easy update of all panels via foreach List<XNAPanel> pnlCollection = new List<XNAPanel>(10) { pnlInventory, pnlActiveSpells, pnlPassiveSpells, pnlChat, pnlStats, pnlOnline, pnlParty, pnlSettings, pnlHelp, pnlNews }; //pnlCollection.Add(pnlMacro); //if this ever happens... pnlCollection.ForEach(_pnl => World.IgnoreDialogs(_pnl)); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BTN; ++i) { Texture2D _out = new Texture2D(g.GraphicsDevice, mainButtonTexture.Width / 2, mainButtonTexture.Height / NUM_BTN); Texture2D _ovr = new Texture2D(g.GraphicsDevice, mainButtonTexture.Width / 2, mainButtonTexture.Height / NUM_BTN); Rectangle _outRec = new Rectangle(0, i * _out.Height, _out.Width, _out.Height); Rectangle _ovrRec = new Rectangle(_ovr.Width, i * _ovr.Height, _ovr.Width, _ovr.Height); Color[] _outBuf = new Color[_outRec.Width * _outRec.Height]; Color[] _ovrBuf = new Color[_ovrRec.Width * _ovrRec.Height]; mainButtonTexture.GetData(0, _outRec, _outBuf, 0, _outBuf.Length); _out.SetData(_outBuf); mainButtonTexture.GetData(0, _ovrRec, _ovrBuf, 0, _ovrBuf.Length); _ovr.SetData(_ovrBuf); //0-5: left side, starting at 59, 327 with increments of 20 //6-10: right side, starting at 587, 347 Vector2 btnLoc = new Vector2(i < 6 ? 62 : 590, (i < 6 ? 330 : 350) + ((i < 6 ? i : i - 6) * 20)); mainBtn[i] = new XNAButton(new [] { _out, _ovr }, btnLoc); World.IgnoreDialogs(mainBtn[i]); } //left button onclick events mainBtn[0].OnClick += (s,e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Inventory); mainBtn[1].OnClick += (s,e) => World.Instance.ActiveMapRenderer.ToggleMapView(); mainBtn[2].OnClick += (s,e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Active); mainBtn[3].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Passive); mainBtn[4].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Chat); mainBtn[5].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Stats); //right button onclick events mainBtn[6].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Online); mainBtn[7].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Party); //mainBtn[8].OnClick += OnViewMacro; //not implemented in EO client mainBtn[9].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Settings); mainBtn[10].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Help); SpriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(g.GraphicsDevice); state = InGameStates.News; chatRenderer = new EOChatRenderer(); chatRenderer.SetParent(pnlChat); chatRenderer.AddTextToTab(ChatTabs.Global, World.GetString(DATCONST2.STRING_SERVER), World.GetString(DATCONST2.GLOBAL_CHAT_SERVER_MESSAGE_1), ChatType.Note, ChatColor.Server); chatRenderer.AddTextToTab(ChatTabs.Global, World.GetString(DATCONST2.STRING_SERVER), World.GetString(DATCONST2.GLOBAL_CHAT_SERVER_MESSAGE_2), ChatType.Note, ChatColor.Server); newsTab = new ChatTab(pnlNews); chatTextBox = new ChatTextBox(new Rectangle(124, 308, 440, 19), g.Content.Load<Texture2D>("cursor"), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.0f) { Selected = true, Visible = true, MaxChars = 140 }; World.IgnoreDialogs(chatTextBox); chatTextBox.OnEnterPressed += _doTalk; chatTextBox.OnClicked += (s, e) => { //make sure clicking on the textarea selects it (this is an annoying problem in the original client) if (((EOGame)g).Dispatcher.Subscriber != null) ((XNATextBox) (g as EOGame).Dispatcher.Subscriber).Selected = false; (g as EOGame).Dispatcher.Subscriber = chatTextBox; chatTextBox.Selected = true; }; chatTextBox.OnTextChanged += (s, e) => { if (chatTextBox.Text.Length <= 0) { if (modeTextureLoaded && modeTexture != null) { modeTextureLoaded = false; modeTexture.Dispose(); modeTexture = null; currentChatMode = ChatMode.NoText; } return; } if (chatTextBox.Text.Length == 1 && chatTextBox.Text[0] == '~' && World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.CurrentMap == World.Instance.JailMap) { chatTextBox.Text = ""; SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_WARNING, DATCONST2.JAIL_WARNING_CANNOT_USE_GLOBAL); return; } switch (chatTextBox.Text[0]) { case '!': currentChatMode = ChatMode.Private; break; case '@': //should show global if admin, otherwise, public/normal chat if (World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.AdminLevel == AdminLevel.Player) goto default; currentChatMode = ChatMode.Global; break; case '~': currentChatMode = ChatMode.Global; break; case '+': { if (World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.AdminLevel == AdminLevel.Player) goto default; currentChatMode = ChatMode.Admin; } break; case '\'': currentChatMode = ChatMode.Group; break; case '&': { if (World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.GuildName == "") goto default; currentChatMode = ChatMode.Guild; } break; default: currentChatMode = ChatMode.Public; break; } }; ((EOGame)g).Dispatcher.Subscriber = chatTextBox; m_muteTimer = new Timer(s => { chatTextBox.IgnoreAllInput = false; currentChatMode = ChatMode.NoText; m_muteTimer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); }, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); statusLabel = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(97, 455, 1, 1), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 7f); clockLabel = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(558, 455, 1, 1), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 7f); StatusBars[0] = new HudElementHP(); StatusBars[1] = new HudElementTP(); StatusBars[2] = new HudElementSP(); StatusBars[3] = new HudElementTNL(); m_whoIsOnline = new EOOnlineList(pnlOnline); m_party = new EOPartyPanel(pnlParty); m_friendList = new XNAButton(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27, false, true), new Vector2(592, 312), new Rectangle(0, 260, 17, 15), new Rectangle(0, 276, 17, 15)) { Visible = true, Enabled = true }; m_friendList.OnClick += (o, e) => EOFriendIgnoreListDialog.Show(m_packetAPI, false); m_friendList.OnMouseOver += (o, e) => SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_BUTTON, DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_FRIEND_LIST); m_ignoreList = new XNAButton(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27, false, true), new Vector2(609, 312), new Rectangle(17, 260, 17, 15), new Rectangle(17, 276, 17, 15)) { Visible = true, Enabled = true }; m_ignoreList.OnClick += (o, e) => EOFriendIgnoreListDialog.Show(m_packetAPI, true); m_ignoreList.OnMouseOver += (o, e) => SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_BUTTON, DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_IGNORE_LIST); m_expInfo = new XNAButton(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 58), new Vector2(55, 0), new Rectangle(331, 30, 22, 14), new Rectangle(331, 30, 22, 14)); m_expInfo.OnClick += (o, e) => EOSessionExpDialog.Show(); m_questInfo = new XNAButton(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 58), new Vector2(77, 0), new Rectangle(353, 30, 22, 14), new Rectangle(353, 30, 22, 14)); //no need to make this a member variable //it does not have any resources to dispose and it is automatically disposed by the framework // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable EOSettingsPanel settings = new EOSettingsPanel(pnlSettings); }
public override void Initialize() { ReadGameCommands(); Name = "HotkeyConfigurationWindow"; ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 600, 450); BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.LoadTextureUncached("hotkeyconfigbg.png"); var lblCategory = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblCategory.Name = "lblCategory"; lblCategory.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, 12, 0, 0); lblCategory.Text = "Category:"; ddCategory = new XNAClientDropDown(WindowManager); ddCategory.Name = "ddCategory"; ddCategory.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblCategory.Right + 12, lblCategory.Y - 1, 250, ddCategory.Height); HashSet <string> categories = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var command in gameCommands) { if (!categories.Contains(command.Category)) { categories.Add(command.Category); } } foreach (string category in categories) { ddCategory.AddItem(category); } lbHotkeys = new XNAMultiColumnListBox(WindowManager); lbHotkeys.Name = "lbHotkeys"; lbHotkeys.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, ddCategory.Bottom + 12, ddCategory.Right - 12, Height - ddCategory.Bottom - 59); lbHotkeys.PanelBackgroundDrawMode = PanelBackgroundImageDrawMode.STRETCHED; lbHotkeys.BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.CreateTexture(new Color(0, 0, 0, 128), 1, 1); lbHotkeys.AddColumn("Command", 150); lbHotkeys.AddColumn("Shortcut", lbHotkeys.Width - 150); hotkeyInfoPanel = new XNAPanel(WindowManager); hotkeyInfoPanel.Name = "HotkeyInfoPanel"; hotkeyInfoPanel.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lbHotkeys.Right + 12, ddCategory.Y, Width - lbHotkeys.Right - 24, lbHotkeys.Height + ddCategory.Height + 12); lblCommandCaption = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblCommandCaption.Name = "lblCommandCaption"; lblCommandCaption.FontIndex = 1; lblCommandCaption.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, 12, 0, 0); lblCommandCaption.Text = "Command name"; lblDescription = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblDescription.Name = "lblDescription"; lblDescription.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, lblCommandCaption.Bottom + 12, 0, 0); lblDescription.Text = "Command description"; var lblCurrentHotkey = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblCurrentHotkey.Name = "lblCurrentHotkey"; lblCurrentHotkey.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblDescription.X, lblDescription.Bottom + 48, 0, 0); lblCurrentHotkey.FontIndex = 1; lblCurrentHotkey.Text = "Currently assigned hotkey:"; lblCurrentHotkeyValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblCurrentHotkeyValue.Name = "lblCurrentHotkeyValue"; lblCurrentHotkeyValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblDescription.X, lblCurrentHotkey.Bottom + 6, 0, 0); lblCurrentHotkeyValue.Text = "Current hotkey value"; var lblNewHotkey = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblNewHotkey.Name = "lblNewHotkey"; lblNewHotkey.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblDescription.X, lblCurrentHotkeyValue.Bottom + 48, 0, 0); lblNewHotkey.FontIndex = 1; lblNewHotkey.Text = "New hotkey:"; lblNewHotkeyValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblNewHotkeyValue.Name = "lblNewHotkeyValue"; lblNewHotkeyValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblDescription.X, lblNewHotkey.Bottom + 6, 0, 0); lblNewHotkeyValue.Text = HOTKEY_TIP_TEXT; lblCurrentlyAssignedTo = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblCurrentlyAssignedTo.Name = "lblCurrentlyAssignedTo"; lblCurrentlyAssignedTo.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblDescription.X, lblNewHotkeyValue.Bottom + 12, 0, 0); lblCurrentlyAssignedTo.Text = "Currently assigned to:\nKey"; var btnAssign = new XNAClientButton(WindowManager); btnAssign.Name = "btnAssign"; btnAssign.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblDescription.X, lblCurrentlyAssignedTo.Bottom + 24, 121, 23); btnAssign.Text = "Assign Hotkey"; btnAssign.LeftClick += BtnAssign_LeftClick; btnResetKey = new XNAClientButton(WindowManager); btnResetKey.Name = "btnResetKey"; btnResetKey.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(btnAssign.X, btnAssign.Bottom + 12, btnAssign.Width, 23); btnResetKey.Text = "Reset to Default"; btnResetKey.LeftClick += BtnReset_LeftClick; var lblDefaultHotkey = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblDefaultHotkey.Name = "lblOriginalHotkey"; lblDefaultHotkey.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblCurrentHotkey.X, btnResetKey.Bottom + 12, 0, 0); lblDefaultHotkey.Text = "Default hotkey:"; lblDefaultHotkeyValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblDefaultHotkeyValue.Name = "lblDefaultHotkeyValue"; lblDefaultHotkeyValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(lblDefaultHotkey.Right + 12, lblDefaultHotkey.Y, 0, 0); var btnSave = new XNAClientButton(WindowManager); btnSave.Name = "btnSave"; btnSave.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, lbHotkeys.Bottom + 12, 92, 23); btnSave.Text = "Save"; btnSave.LeftClick += BtnSave_LeftClick; var btnResetAllKeys = new XNAClientButton(WindowManager); btnResetAllKeys.Name = "btnResetAllToDefaults"; btnResetAllKeys.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(0, btnSave.Y, 121, 23); btnResetAllKeys.Text = "Reset All Keys"; btnResetAllKeys.LeftClick += BtnResetToDefaults_LeftClick; AddChild(btnResetAllKeys); btnResetAllKeys.CenterOnParentHorizontally(); var btnCancel = new XNAClientButton(WindowManager); btnCancel.Name = "btnExit"; btnCancel.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(Width - 104, btnSave.Y, 92, 23); btnCancel.Text = "Cancel"; btnCancel.LeftClick += BtnCancel_LeftClick; AddChild(lbHotkeys); AddChild(lblCategory); AddChild(ddCategory); AddChild(hotkeyInfoPanel); AddChild(btnSave); AddChild(btnCancel); hotkeyInfoPanel.AddChild(lblCommandCaption); hotkeyInfoPanel.AddChild(lblDescription); hotkeyInfoPanel.AddChild(lblCurrentHotkey); hotkeyInfoPanel.AddChild(lblCurrentHotkeyValue); hotkeyInfoPanel.AddChild(lblNewHotkey); hotkeyInfoPanel.AddChild(lblNewHotkeyValue); hotkeyInfoPanel.AddChild(lblCurrentlyAssignedTo); hotkeyInfoPanel.AddChild(lblDefaultHotkey); hotkeyInfoPanel.AddChild(lblDefaultHotkeyValue); hotkeyInfoPanel.AddChild(btnAssign); hotkeyInfoPanel.AddChild(btnResetKey); if (categories.Count > 0) { hotkeyInfoPanel.Disable(); lbHotkeys.SelectedIndexChanged += LbHotkeys_SelectedIndexChanged; ddCategory.SelectedIndexChanged += DdCategory_SelectedIndexChanged; ddCategory.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { Logger.Log("No keyboard game commands exist!"); } GameProcessLogic.GameProcessExited += GameProcessLogic_GameProcessExited; base.Initialize(); CenterOnParent(); Keyboard.OnKeyPressed += Keyboard_OnKeyPressed; EnabledChanged += HotkeyConfigurationWindow_EnabledChanged; }
public HUD(Game g, PacketAPI api) : base(g) { if (!api.Initialized) { throw new ArgumentException("Need to initialize connection before the in-game stuff will work"); } m_packetAPI = api; DrawOrder = 5; mainFrame = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 1, true); topLeft = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 21, true); sidebar = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 22, true); topBar = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 23, true); filler = new Texture2D(g.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); filler.SetData(new[] { Color.FromNonPremultiplied(8, 8, 8, 255) }); Texture2D mainButtonTexture = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 25); mainBtn = new XNAButton[NUM_BTN]; //set up panels Texture2D invBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 44); pnlInventory = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, invBG.Width, invBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = invBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D spellsBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 62); pnlActiveSpells = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, spellsBG.Width, spellsBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = spellsBG, Visible = false }; pnlPassiveSpells = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, spellsBG.Width, spellsBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = spellsBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D chatBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 28); pnlChat = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, chatBG.Width, chatBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = chatBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D statsBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 34); pnlStats = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, statsBG.Width, statsBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = statsBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D onlineBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 36); pnlOnline = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, onlineBG.Width, onlineBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = onlineBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D partyBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 42); pnlParty = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, partyBG.Width, partyBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = partyBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D settingsBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 47); pnlSettings = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, settingsBG.Width, settingsBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = settingsBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D helpBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 63); pnlHelp = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, helpBG.Width, helpBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = helpBG, Visible = false }; Texture2D newsBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 48); pnlNews = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, newsBG.Width, newsBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = newsBG }; //for easy update of all panels via foreach List <XNAPanel> pnlCollection = new List <XNAPanel>(10) { pnlInventory, pnlActiveSpells, pnlPassiveSpells, pnlChat, pnlStats, pnlOnline, pnlParty, pnlSettings, pnlHelp, pnlNews }; //pnlCollection.Add(pnlMacro); //if this ever happens... pnlCollection.ForEach(_pnl => World.IgnoreDialogs(_pnl)); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BTN; ++i) { Texture2D _out = new Texture2D(g.GraphicsDevice, mainButtonTexture.Width / 2, mainButtonTexture.Height / NUM_BTN); Texture2D _ovr = new Texture2D(g.GraphicsDevice, mainButtonTexture.Width / 2, mainButtonTexture.Height / NUM_BTN); Rectangle _outRec = new Rectangle(0, i * _out.Height, _out.Width, _out.Height); Rectangle _ovrRec = new Rectangle(_ovr.Width, i * _ovr.Height, _ovr.Width, _ovr.Height); Color[] _outBuf = new Color[_outRec.Width * _outRec.Height]; Color[] _ovrBuf = new Color[_ovrRec.Width * _ovrRec.Height]; mainButtonTexture.GetData(0, _outRec, _outBuf, 0, _outBuf.Length); _out.SetData(_outBuf); mainButtonTexture.GetData(0, _ovrRec, _ovrBuf, 0, _ovrBuf.Length); _ovr.SetData(_ovrBuf); //0-5: left side, starting at 59, 327 with increments of 20 //6-10: right side, starting at 587, 347 Vector2 btnLoc = new Vector2(i < 6 ? 62 : 590, (i < 6 ? 330 : 350) + ((i < 6 ? i : i - 6) * 20)); mainBtn[i] = new XNAButton(new [] { _out, _ovr }, btnLoc); World.IgnoreDialogs(mainBtn[i]); } //left button onclick events mainBtn[0].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Inventory); mainBtn[1].OnClick += (s, e) => World.Instance.ActiveMapRenderer.ToggleMapView(); mainBtn[2].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Active); mainBtn[3].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Passive); mainBtn[4].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Chat); mainBtn[5].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Stats); //right button onclick events mainBtn[6].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Online); mainBtn[7].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Party); //mainBtn[8].OnClick += OnViewMacro; //not implemented in EO client mainBtn[9].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Settings); mainBtn[10].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Help); SpriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(g.GraphicsDevice); state = InGameStates.News; chatRenderer = new EOChatRenderer(); chatRenderer.SetParent(pnlChat); chatRenderer.AddTextToTab(ChatTabs.Global, World.GetString(DATCONST2.STRING_SERVER), World.GetString(DATCONST2.GLOBAL_CHAT_SERVER_MESSAGE_1), ChatType.Note, ChatColor.Server); chatRenderer.AddTextToTab(ChatTabs.Global, World.GetString(DATCONST2.STRING_SERVER), World.GetString(DATCONST2.GLOBAL_CHAT_SERVER_MESSAGE_2), ChatType.Note, ChatColor.Server); newsTab = new ChatTab(pnlNews); chatTextBox = new ChatTextBox(new Rectangle(124, 308, 440, 19), g.Content.Load <Texture2D>("cursor"), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.0f) { Selected = true, Visible = true, MaxChars = 140 }; World.IgnoreDialogs(chatTextBox); chatTextBox.OnEnterPressed += _doTalk; chatTextBox.OnClicked += (s, e) => { //make sure clicking on the textarea selects it (this is an annoying problem in the original client) if (((EOGame)g).Dispatcher.Subscriber != null) { ((XNATextBox)(g as EOGame).Dispatcher.Subscriber).Selected = false; } (g as EOGame).Dispatcher.Subscriber = chatTextBox; chatTextBox.Selected = true; }; chatTextBox.OnTextChanged += (s, e) => { if (chatTextBox.Text.Length <= 0) { if (modeTextureLoaded && modeTexture != null) { modeTextureLoaded = false; modeTexture.Dispose(); modeTexture = null; currentChatMode = ChatMode.NoText; } return; } if (chatTextBox.Text.Length == 1 && chatTextBox.Text[0] == '~' && World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.CurrentMap == World.Instance.JailMap) { chatTextBox.Text = ""; SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_WARNING, DATCONST2.JAIL_WARNING_CANNOT_USE_GLOBAL); return; } switch (chatTextBox.Text[0]) { case '!': currentChatMode = ChatMode.Private; break; case '@': //should show global if admin, otherwise, public/normal chat if (World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.AdminLevel == AdminLevel.Player) { goto default; } currentChatMode = ChatMode.Global; break; case '~': currentChatMode = ChatMode.Global; break; case '+': { if (World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.AdminLevel == AdminLevel.Player) { goto default; } currentChatMode = ChatMode.Admin; } break; case '\'': currentChatMode = ChatMode.Group; break; case '&': { if (World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.GuildName == "") { goto default; } currentChatMode = ChatMode.Guild; } break; default: currentChatMode = ChatMode.Public; break; } }; ((EOGame)g).Dispatcher.Subscriber = chatTextBox; m_muteTimer = new Timer(s => { chatTextBox.IgnoreAllInput = false; currentChatMode = ChatMode.NoText; m_muteTimer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); }, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); statusLabel = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(97, 455, 1, 1), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 7f); clockLabel = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(558, 455, 1, 1), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 7f); StatusBars[0] = new HudElementHP(); StatusBars[1] = new HudElementTP(); StatusBars[2] = new HudElementSP(); StatusBars[3] = new HudElementTNL(); m_whoIsOnline = new EOOnlineList(pnlOnline); m_party = new EOPartyPanel(pnlParty); m_friendList = new XNAButton(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27, false, true), new Vector2(592, 312), new Rectangle(0, 260, 17, 15), new Rectangle(0, 276, 17, 15)) { Visible = true, Enabled = true }; m_friendList.OnClick += (o, e) => EOFriendIgnoreListDialog.Show(m_packetAPI, false); m_friendList.OnMouseOver += (o, e) => SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_BUTTON, DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_FRIEND_LIST); m_ignoreList = new XNAButton(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27, false, true), new Vector2(609, 312), new Rectangle(17, 260, 17, 15), new Rectangle(17, 276, 17, 15)) { Visible = true, Enabled = true }; m_ignoreList.OnClick += (o, e) => EOFriendIgnoreListDialog.Show(m_packetAPI, true); m_ignoreList.OnMouseOver += (o, e) => SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_BUTTON, DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_IGNORE_LIST); m_expInfo = new XNAButton(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 58), new Vector2(55, 0), new Rectangle(331, 30, 22, 14), new Rectangle(331, 30, 22, 14)); m_expInfo.OnClick += (o, e) => EOSessionExpDialog.Show(); m_questInfo = new XNAButton(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 58), new Vector2(77, 0), new Rectangle(353, 30, 22, 14), new Rectangle(353, 30, 22, 14)); //no need to make this a member variable //it does not have any resources to dispose and it is automatically disposed by the framework // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable EOSettingsPanel settings = new EOSettingsPanel(pnlSettings); }
public EOInventory(XNAPanel parent, PacketAPI api) : base(null, null, parent) { m_api = api; //load info from registry Dictionary <int, int> localItemSlotMap = new Dictionary <int, int>(); m_inventoryKey = _tryGetCharacterRegKey(); if (m_inventoryKey != null) { const string itemFmt = "item{0}"; for (int i = 0; i < INVENTORY_ROW_LENGTH * 4; ++i) { int id; try { id = Convert.ToInt32(m_inventoryKey.GetValue(string.Format(itemFmt, i))); } catch { continue; } localItemSlotMap.Add(i, id); } } //add the inventory items that were retrieved from the server List <InventoryItem> localInv = World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Inventory; if (localInv.Find(_item => == 1).id != 1) { localInv.Insert(0, new InventoryItem { amount = 0, id = 1 }); //add 0 gold if there isn't any gold } bool dialogShown = false; foreach (InventoryItem item in localInv) { ItemRecord rec = World.Instance.EIF.GetItemRecordByID(; int slot = localItemSlotMap.ContainsValue( ? localItemSlotMap.First(_pair => _pair.Value == : GetNextOpenSlot(rec.Size); if (!dialogShown && !AddItemToSlot(slot, rec, item.amount)) { dialogShown = true; EODialog.Show("Something doesn't fit in the inventory. Rearrange items or get rid of them.", "Warning", XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } } //coordinates for parent of EOInventory: 102, 330 (pnlInventory in InGameHud) //extra in photoshop right now: 8, 31 //current weight label (member variable, needs to have text updated when item amounts change) m_lblWeight = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(385, 37, 88, 18), "Microsoft Sans MS", 8f) { ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 0xc8, 0xc8, 0xc8), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, Visible = true, AutoSize = false }; m_lblWeight.SetParent(this); UpdateWeightLabel(); Texture2D thatWeirdSheet = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27); //oh my gawd the offsets on this bish //(local variables, added to child controls) //'paperdoll' button m_btnPaperdoll = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(385, 9), /*new Rectangle(39, 385, 88, 19)*/ null, new Rectangle(126, 385, 88, 19)); m_btnPaperdoll.SetParent(this); m_btnPaperdoll.OnClick += (s, e) => m_api.RequestPaperdoll((short)World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.ID); //'drop' button //491, 398 -> 389, 68 //0,15,38,37 //0,52,38,37 m_btnDrop = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(389, 68), new Rectangle(0, 15, 38, 37), new Rectangle(0, 52, 38, 37)); m_btnDrop.SetParent(this); m_btnDrop.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOPaperdollDialog)); m_btnDrop.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOChestDialog)); //'junk' button - 4 + 38 on the x away from drop m_btnJunk = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(431, 68), new Rectangle(0, 89, 38, 37), new Rectangle(0, 126, 38, 37)); m_btnJunk.SetParent(this); m_btnJunk.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOPaperdollDialog)); m_btnJunk.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOChestDialog)); }
private void CreatePanels() { Texture2D invBG = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 44); pnlInventory = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, invBG.Width, invBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = invBG, Visible = false, DrawOrder = HUD_CONTROL_DRAW_ORDER }; Texture2D spellsBG = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 62); pnlActiveSpells = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, spellsBG.Width, spellsBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = spellsBG, Visible = false, DrawOrder = HUD_CONTROL_DRAW_ORDER }; pnlPassiveSpells = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, spellsBG.Width, spellsBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = spellsBG, Visible = false, DrawOrder = HUD_CONTROL_DRAW_ORDER }; Texture2D chatBG = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 28); pnlChat = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, chatBG.Width, chatBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = chatBG, Visible = false, DrawOrder = HUD_CONTROL_DRAW_ORDER }; Texture2D statsBG = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 34); pnlStats = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, statsBG.Width, statsBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = statsBG, Visible = false, DrawOrder = HUD_CONTROL_DRAW_ORDER }; Texture2D onlineBG = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 36); pnlOnline = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, onlineBG.Width, onlineBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = onlineBG, Visible = false, DrawOrder = HUD_CONTROL_DRAW_ORDER }; Texture2D partyBG = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 42); pnlParty = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, partyBG.Width, partyBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = partyBG, Visible = false, DrawOrder = HUD_CONTROL_DRAW_ORDER }; Texture2D settingsBG = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 47); pnlSettings = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, settingsBG.Width, settingsBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = settingsBG, Visible = false, DrawOrder = HUD_CONTROL_DRAW_ORDER }; Texture2D helpBG = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 63); pnlHelp = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, helpBG.Width, helpBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = helpBG, Visible = false, DrawOrder = HUD_CONTROL_DRAW_ORDER }; Texture2D newsBG = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 48); pnlNews = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, newsBG.Width, newsBG.Height)) { BackgroundImage = newsBG, DrawOrder = HUD_CONTROL_DRAW_ORDER }; //for easy update of all panels via foreach List<XNAPanel> pnlCollection = new List<XNAPanel>(10) { pnlInventory, pnlActiveSpells, pnlPassiveSpells, pnlChat, pnlStats, pnlOnline, pnlParty, pnlSettings, pnlHelp, pnlNews }; //pnlCollection.Add(pnlMacro); //if this ever happens... pnlCollection.ForEach(World.IgnoreDialogs); }
public override void Initialize() { sm = StatisticsManager.Instance; string strLblEconomy = "ECONOMY"; string strLblAvgEconomy = "Average economy:"; if (ClientConfiguration.Instance.UseBuiltStatistic) { strLblEconomy = "BUILT"; strLblAvgEconomy = "Avg. number of objects built:"; } Name = "StatisticsWindow"; BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.LoadTexture("scoreviewerbg.png"); ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 700, 521); tabControl = new XNAClientTabControl(WindowManager); tabControl.Name = "tabControl"; tabControl.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, 10, 0, 0); tabControl.SoundOnClick = AssetLoader.LoadSound("button.wav"); tabControl.FontIndex = 1; tabControl.AddTab("Game Statistics", 133); tabControl.AddTab("Total Statistics", 133); tabControl.SelectedIndexChanged += TabControl_SelectedIndexChanged; XNALabel lblFilter = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblFilter.Name = "lblFilter"; lblFilter.FontIndex = 1; lblFilter.Text = "FILTER:"; lblFilter.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(527, 12, 0, 0); cmbGameClassFilter = new XNAClientDropDown(WindowManager); cmbGameClassFilter.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(585, 11, 105, 21); cmbGameClassFilter.Name = "cmbGameClassFilter"; cmbGameClassFilter.AddItem("All games"); cmbGameClassFilter.AddItem("Online games"); cmbGameClassFilter.AddItem("Online PvP"); cmbGameClassFilter.AddItem("Online Co-Op"); cmbGameClassFilter.AddItem("Skirmish"); cmbGameClassFilter.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbGameClassFilter.SelectedIndexChanged += CmbGameClassFilter_SelectedIndexChanged; XNALabel lblGameMode = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblGameMode.Name = "lblGameMode"; lblGameMode.FontIndex = 1; lblGameMode.Text = "GAME MODE:"; lblGameMode.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(294, 12, 0, 0); cmbGameModeFilter = new XNAClientDropDown(WindowManager); cmbGameModeFilter.Name = "cmbGameModeFilter"; cmbGameModeFilter.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(381, 11, 114, 21); cmbGameModeFilter.SelectedIndexChanged += CmbGameModeFilter_SelectedIndexChanged; var btnReturnToMenu = new XNAClientButton(WindowManager); btnReturnToMenu.Name = "btnReturnToMenu"; btnReturnToMenu.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(270, 486, 160, 23); btnReturnToMenu.Text = "Return to Main Menu"; btnReturnToMenu.LeftClick += BtnReturnToMenu_LeftClick; var btnClearStatistics = new XNAClientButton(WindowManager); btnClearStatistics.Name = "btnClearStatistics"; btnClearStatistics.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(12, 486, 160, 23); btnClearStatistics.Text = "Clear Statistics"; btnClearStatistics.LeftClick += BtnClearStatistics_LeftClick; btnClearStatistics.Visible = false; chkIncludeSpectatedGames = new XNAClientCheckBox(WindowManager); AddChild(chkIncludeSpectatedGames); chkIncludeSpectatedGames.Name = "chkIncludeSpectatedGames"; chkIncludeSpectatedGames.Text = "Include spectated games"; chkIncludeSpectatedGames.Checked = true; chkIncludeSpectatedGames.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle( Width - chkIncludeSpectatedGames.Width - 12, cmbGameModeFilter.Bottom + 3, chkIncludeSpectatedGames.Width, chkIncludeSpectatedGames.Height); chkIncludeSpectatedGames.CheckedChanged += ChkIncludeSpectatedGames_CheckedChanged; #region Match statistics panelGameStatistics = new XNAPanel(WindowManager); panelGameStatistics.Name = "panelGameStatistics"; panelGameStatistics.BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.LoadTexture("scoreviewerpanelbg.png"); panelGameStatistics.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(10, 55, 680, 425); AddChild(panelGameStatistics); XNALabel lblMatches = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblMatches.Text = "GAMES:"; lblMatches.FontIndex = 1; lblMatches.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(4, 2, 0, 0); lbGameList = new XNAMultiColumnListBox(WindowManager); lbGameList.Name = "lbGameList"; lbGameList.BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.CreateTexture(new Color(0, 0, 0, 128), 1, 1); lbGameList.DrawMode = PanelBackgroundImageDrawMode.STRETCHED; lbGameList.AddColumn("DATE / TIME", 130); lbGameList.AddColumn("MAP", 200); lbGameList.AddColumn("GAME MODE", 130); lbGameList.AddColumn("FPS", 50); lbGameList.AddColumn("DURATION", 76); lbGameList.AddColumn("COMPLETED", 90); lbGameList.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(2, 25, 676, 250); lbGameList.SelectedIndexChanged += LbGameList_SelectedIndexChanged; lbGameList.AllowKeyboardInput = true; lbGameStatistics = new XNAMultiColumnListBox(WindowManager); lbGameStatistics.Name = "lbGameStatistics"; lbGameStatistics.BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.CreateTexture(new Color(0, 0, 0, 128), 1, 1); lbGameStatistics.DrawMode = PanelBackgroundImageDrawMode.STRETCHED; lbGameStatistics.AddColumn("NAME", 130); lbGameStatistics.AddColumn("KILLS", 78); lbGameStatistics.AddColumn("LOSSES", 78); lbGameStatistics.AddColumn(strLblEconomy, 80); lbGameStatistics.AddColumn("SCORE", 100); lbGameStatistics.AddColumn("WON", 50); lbGameStatistics.AddColumn("SIDE", 100); lbGameStatistics.AddColumn("TEAM", 60); lbGameStatistics.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(2, 280, 676, 143); panelGameStatistics.AddChild(lblMatches); panelGameStatistics.AddChild(lbGameList); panelGameStatistics.AddChild(lbGameStatistics); #endregion #region Total statistics panelTotalStatistics = new XNAPanel(WindowManager); panelTotalStatistics.Name = "panelTotalStatistics"; panelTotalStatistics.BackgroundTexture = AssetLoader.LoadTexture("scoreviewerpanelbg.png"); panelTotalStatistics.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(10, 55, 680, 425); AddChild(panelTotalStatistics); panelTotalStatistics.Visible = false; panelTotalStatistics.Enabled = false; int locationY = TOTAL_STATS_FIRST_ITEM_Y; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblGamesStarted", "Games started:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X1, locationY)); lblGamesStartedValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblGamesStartedValue.Name = "lblGamesStartedValue"; lblGamesStartedValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X1, locationY, 0, 0); lblGamesStartedValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblGamesFinished", "Games finished:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X1, locationY)); lblGamesFinishedValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblGamesFinishedValue.Name = "lblGamesFinishedValue"; lblGamesFinishedValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X1, locationY, 0, 0); lblGamesFinishedValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblWins", "Wins:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X1, locationY)); lblWinsValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblWinsValue.Name = "lblWinsValue"; lblWinsValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X1, locationY, 0, 0); lblWinsValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblLosses", "Losses:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X1, locationY)); lblLossesValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblLossesValue.Name = "lblLossesValue"; lblLossesValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X1, locationY, 0, 0); lblLossesValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblWinLossRatio", "Win / Loss ratio:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X1, locationY)); lblWinLossRatioValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblWinLossRatioValue.Name = "lblWinLossRatioValue"; lblWinLossRatioValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X1, locationY, 0, 0); lblWinLossRatioValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblAverageGameLength", "Average game length:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X1, locationY)); lblAverageGameLengthValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblAverageGameLengthValue.Name = "lblAverageGameLengthValue"; lblAverageGameLengthValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X1, locationY, 0, 0); lblAverageGameLengthValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblTotalTimePlayed", "Total time played:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X1, locationY)); lblTotalTimePlayedValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblTotalTimePlayedValue.Name = "lblTotalTimePlayedValue"; lblTotalTimePlayedValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X1, locationY, 0, 0); lblTotalTimePlayedValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblAverageEnemyCount", "Average number of enemies:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X1, locationY)); lblAverageEnemyCountValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblAverageEnemyCountValue.Name = "lblAverageEnemyCountValue"; lblAverageEnemyCountValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X1, locationY, 0, 0); lblAverageEnemyCountValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblAverageAllyCount", "Average number of allies:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X1, locationY)); lblAverageAllyCountValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblAverageAllyCountValue.Name = "lblAverageAllyCountValue"; lblAverageAllyCountValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X1, locationY, 0, 0); lblAverageAllyCountValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; // SECOND COLUMN locationY = TOTAL_STATS_FIRST_ITEM_Y; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblTotalKills", "Total kills:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X2, locationY)); lblTotalKillsValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblTotalKillsValue.Name = "lblTotalKillsValue"; lblTotalKillsValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X2, locationY, 0, 0); lblTotalKillsValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblKillsPerGame", "Kills / game:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X2, locationY)); lblKillsPerGameValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblKillsPerGameValue.Name = "lblKillsPerGameValue"; lblKillsPerGameValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X2, locationY, 0, 0); lblKillsPerGameValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblTotalLosses", "Total losses:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X2, locationY)); lblTotalLossesValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblTotalLossesValue.Name = "lblTotalLossesValue"; lblTotalLossesValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X2, locationY, 0, 0); lblTotalLossesValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblLossesPerGame", "Losses / game:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X2, locationY)); lblLossesPerGameValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblLossesPerGameValue.Name = "lblLossesPerGameValue"; lblLossesPerGameValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X2, locationY, 0, 0); lblLossesPerGameValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblKillLossRatio", "Kill / loss ratio:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X2, locationY)); lblKillLossRatioValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblKillLossRatioValue.Name = "lblKillLossRatioValue"; lblKillLossRatioValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X2, locationY, 0, 0); lblKillLossRatioValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblTotalScore", "Total score:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X2, locationY)); lblTotalScoreValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblTotalScoreValue.Name = "lblTotalScoreValue"; lblTotalScoreValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X2, locationY, 0, 0); lblTotalScoreValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblAverageEconomy", strLblAvgEconomy, new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X2, locationY)); lblAverageEconomyValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblAverageEconomyValue.Name = "lblAverageEconomyValue"; lblAverageEconomyValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X2, locationY, 0, 0); lblAverageEconomyValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblFavouriteSide", "Favourite side:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X2, locationY)); lblFavouriteSideValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblFavouriteSideValue.Name = "lblFavouriteSideValue"; lblFavouriteSideValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X2, locationY, 0, 0); lblFavouriteSideValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; AddTotalStatisticsLabel("lblAverageAILevel", "Average AI level:", new Point(TOTAL_STATS_LOCATION_X2, locationY)); lblAverageAILevelValue = new XNALabel(WindowManager); lblAverageAILevelValue.Name = "lblAverageAILevelValue"; lblAverageAILevelValue.ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(TOTAL_STATS_VALUE_LOCATION_X2, locationY, 0, 0); lblAverageAILevelValue.RemapColor = UISettings.AltColor; locationY += TOTAL_STATS_Y_INCREASE; panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblGamesStartedValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblGamesFinishedValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblWinsValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblLossesValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblWinLossRatioValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblAverageGameLengthValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblTotalTimePlayedValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblAverageEnemyCountValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblAverageAllyCountValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblTotalKillsValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblKillsPerGameValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblTotalLossesValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblLossesPerGameValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblKillLossRatioValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblTotalScoreValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblAverageEconomyValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblFavouriteSideValue); panelTotalStatistics.AddChild(lblAverageAILevelValue); #endregion AddChild(tabControl); AddChild(lblFilter); AddChild(cmbGameClassFilter); AddChild(lblGameMode); AddChild(cmbGameModeFilter); AddChild(btnReturnToMenu); AddChild(btnClearStatistics); base.Initialize(); CenterOnParent(); sides = ClientConfiguration.Instance.GetSides().Split(','); sideTextures = new Texture2D[sides.Length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < sides.Length; i++) { sideTextures[i] = AssetLoader.LoadTexture(sides[i] + "icon.png"); } sideTextures[sides.Length] = AssetLoader.LoadTexture("spectatoricon.png"); mpColors = MultiplayerColor.LoadColors(); ReadStatistics(); ListGameModes(); ListGames(); StatisticsManager.Instance.GameAdded += Instance_GameAdded; }
public OldActiveSpells(XNAPanel parent, PacketAPI api) : base(null, null, parent) { _api = api; _childItems = new List <ISpellIcon>(SPELL_NUM_ROWS * SPELL_ROW_LENGTH); RemoveAllSpells(); var localSpellSlotMap = new Dictionary <int, int>(); _spellsKey = _tryGetCharacterRegKey(); if (_spellsKey != null) { const string spellFmt = "item{0}"; for (int i = 0; i < SPELL_ROW_LENGTH * 4; ++i) { int id; try { id = Convert.ToInt32(_spellsKey.GetValue(String.Format(spellFmt, i))); } catch { continue; } localSpellSlotMap.Add(i, id); } } var localSpells = OldWorld.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Spells; // ReSharper disable once LoopCanBeConvertedToQuery foreach (var spell in localSpells) { var rec = OldWorld.Instance.ESF[spell.ID]; int slot = localSpellSlotMap.ContainsValue(spell.ID) ? localSpellSlotMap.First(_pair => _pair.Value == spell.ID).Key : _getNextOpenSlot(); if (slot < 0 || !_addNewSpellToSlot(slot, rec, spell.Level)) { EOMessageBox.Show("You have too many spells! They don't all fit.", "Warning", EODialogButtons.Ok, EOMessageBoxStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); break; } if (slot >= SPELL_ROW_LENGTH * (SPELL_NUM_ROWS / 2)) { _childItems.Last().Visible = false; } } _setSize(parent.DrawArea.Width, parent.DrawArea.Height); _functionKeyGraphics = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 58, true); _functionKeyRow1SourceRect = new Rectangle(148, 51, 18, 13); _functionKeyRow2SourceRect = new Rectangle(148 + 18 * 8, 51, 18, 13); _selectedSpellName = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(9, 50, 81, 13), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Visible = false, Text = "", AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleCenter, ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText }; _selectedSpellName.SetParent(this); _selectedSpellLevel = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(32, 78, 42, 15), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Visible = true, Text = "0", AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText }; _selectedSpellLevel.SetParent(this); var skillPoints = OldWorld.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Stats.SkillPoints; _totalSkillPoints = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(32, 96, 42, 15), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Visible = true, Text = skillPoints.ToString(), AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText }; _totalSkillPoints.SetParent(this); var buttonSheet = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27, true); _levelUpButton1 = new XNAButton(buttonSheet, new Vector2(71, 77), new Rectangle(215, 386, 19, 15), new Rectangle(234, 386, 19, 15)) { FlashSpeed = 500, Visible = false }; _levelUpButton1.OnClick += LevelUp_Click; _levelUpButton1.SetParent(this); _levelUpButton2 = new XNAButton(buttonSheet, new Vector2(71, 95), new Rectangle(215, 386, 19, 15), new Rectangle(234, 386, 19, 15)) { FlashSpeed = 500, Visible = false }; _levelUpButton2.OnClick += LevelUp_Click; _levelUpButton2.SetParent(this); _scroll = new OldScrollBar(this, new Vector2(467, 2), new Vector2(16, 115), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 2 }; _scroll.UpdateDimensions(4); foreach (var child in children.Where(x => !(x is EmptySpellIcon))) { OldWorld.IgnoreDialogs(child); } }