예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            X = new XMain(graphics.GraphicsDevice, Services, "", freeCamera);
            //We are going to use a right hand corrdinate system switch default cull mode to refelect this
            //NOTE: Using the default model processor will not work with this since its winding order is backwards
            X.GraphicsDevice.RenderState.CullMode = CullMode.CullClockwiseFace;
            XDebugVolumeRenderer.InitializeBuffers(X.GraphicsDevice, 50);
            X.FrameRate.DisplayFrameRate = true;
            X.Console.AutoDraw           = false;
            X.Debug.StartPosition.Y      = 200;

            resources = new XResourceGroup(ref X);
            input     = new InputProcessor(ref X, this);
            menus     = new MenuManager(ref X);
            //menu to the debugnodraw list

            //Make some Cameras
            freeCamera          = new XFreeLookCamera(ref X, .1f, 1000f);
            freeCamera.Position = new Vector3(0, 10, 50);
            driverCamera        = new XFreeLookCamera(ref X, .1f, 1000f);
            chase           = new XChaseCamera(ref X, .1f, 1000f);
            currentCamera   = chase;
            X.DefaultCamera = freeCamera;

예제 #2
        public MenuManager(ref XMain X) : base(ref X)
            DrawOrder = 500;

            Buttons.Add("Button 1");
            Buttons.Add("Button 2");
예제 #3
        public ComponentPluginManager(XMain X)
            this.X = X;

            Plugins.Add(new XDynamicSky_Plugin(X));
            Plugins.Add(new XEnvironmentParameters_Plugin(X));
            Plugins.Add(new XHeightMap_Plugin(X));
            Plugins.Add(new XWater_Plugin(X));
            Plugins.Add(new XModel_Plugin(X));
            Plugins.Add(new XActor_Plugin(X));
            Plugins.Add(new XProp_Plugin(X));
            Plugins.Add(new XCamera_Plugin(X));
            Plugins.Add(new XTree_Plugin(X));
            Plugins.Add(new XTreeSystem_Plugin(X));
            Plugins.Add(new XSkyBox_Plugin(X));
            Plugins.Add(new XWaterFast_Plugin(X));
            Plugins.Add(new XTreeModel_Plugin(X));
            Plugins.Add(new XCubeTriggerVolume_Plugin(X));
            Plugins.Add(new XAnimatedActor_Plugin(X));

            // Add any custom plugins for custom components here
예제 #4
        protected override void Initialize()
            time = new XEditorGameTime();
            X    = new XMain(this.GraphicsDevice, this.Services, ContentRootDir, camera);
            //setup some basic usefull settings
            X.Gravity       = new Vector3(0, -40, 0);
            X.UpdatePhysics = false;
            X.FrameRate.DisplayFrameRate = true;
            X.Console.AutoDraw           = false;
            X.Debug.StartPosition.Y      = 200;

            camera = new XFreeLookCamera(ref X, 0.1f, 1000f);
            //set the initial position of the camera such that we are looking at the center of the game world (0,0,0)
            camera.Position = new Vector3(30f, 15f, 40f);
            //so we look at center add in a rotation (trial and error)
            camera.Rotate(new Vector3(MathHelper.ToRadians(-10f), MathHelper.ToRadians(40f), 0));


            X.Physics.EnableFreezing = true;


            hasFocus        = false;
            dragdroprelease = false;

            //Begin draw timer!
            //redraw = new Timer();
            //redraw.Interval = 1;

            //redraw.Tick += new EventHandler(redraw_Tick);
            // Hook the idle event to constantly redraw our animation.
            Application.Idle += delegate { Invalidate(); };
예제 #5
 public XEnvironmentParameters_Plugin(XMain X)
     : base(X)
     type  = typeof(XEnvironmentParameters);
     group = "Environment";
예제 #6
 public XWater_Plugin(XMain X)
     : base(X)
     type  = typeof(XWater);
     group = "Environment";
예제 #7
 public XModel_Plugin(XMain X) : base(X)
     this.type = typeof(XModel);
     group     = "Models";
예제 #8
 public XTree_Plugin(XMain X)
     : base(X)
     type  = typeof(XTree);
     group = "Actors";
예제 #9
 public ComponentPlugin(XMain X)
     this.X = X;
예제 #10
 public XHeightMap_Plugin(XMain X) : base(X)
     type  = typeof(XHeightMap);
     group = "Environment";
예제 #11
        public ModelDraw(ref XMain X, Model m, string name)
            this.X = X;
            name_  = name;
            model_ = m;
            world_ = Matrix.Identity;

            //  I'll need the world-space pose of each bone
            matrices_ = new Matrix[m.Bones.Count];

            //  inverse bind pose for skinning pose only
            object ibp;
            Dictionary <string, object> tagDict = m.Tag as Dictionary <string, object>;

            if (tagDict == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Model {0} wasn't processed with the AnimationProcessor.", name);
            if (tagDict.TryGetValue("InverseBindPose", out ibp))
                inverseBindPose_ = ibp as SkinnedBone[];

            //  information about bounds, in case the bind pose contains scaling
            object bi;

            if (((Dictionary <string, object>)m.Tag).TryGetValue("BoundsInfo", out bi))
                boundsInfo_ = bi as BoundsInfo;
            if (boundsInfo_ == null)
                boundsInfo_ = new BoundsInfo(1, 0);

            //  pick apart the model, so I know how to draw the different pieces
            List <Chunk> chl = new List <Chunk>();

            foreach (ModelMesh mm in m.Meshes)
                int mmpIx = 0;
                foreach (ModelMeshPart mmp in mm.MeshParts)
                    //  chunk is used to draw an individual subset
                    Chunk ch = new Chunk();

                    //  set up all the well-known parameters through the EffectConfig helper.
                    //TODO: remove this line, ch.Fx gets replaced later on 2 lines down
                    //ch.Fx = new EffectConfig(ref X, mmp.Effect, mm.Name + "_" + mmpIx.ToString());
                    ch.SAS = new SASContainer(ref X);
                    ch.Fx  = mmp.Effect;

                    //  if this effect is skinned, set up additional data
                    if (mmp.Effect.Parameters["Pose"] != null)
                        //  If I haven't built the pose, then build it now
                        if (pose_ == null)
                            if (inverseBindPose_ == null)
                                throw new System.ArgumentNullException(String.Format(
                                                                           "The model {0} should have an inverse bone transform because it has a pose, but it doesn't.",
                            //  Send bones as sets of three 4-vectors (column major) to the shader
                            pose_ = new Vector4[inverseBindPose_.Length * 3];
                            for (int i = 0; i != inverseBindPose_.Length; ++i)
                                //  start out with the identity pose (which is terrible)
                                pose_[i * 3 + 0] = new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0);
                                pose_[i * 3 + 1] = new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 0);
                                pose_[i * 3 + 2] = new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0);
                        ch.SAS.Pose = pose_;

                    ch.Mesh = mm;
                    ch.Part = mmp;

                    //  check out whether the technique contains transparency
                    EffectAnnotation ea = mmp.Effect.CurrentTechnique.Annotations["transparent"];
                    if (ea != null && ea.GetValueBoolean() == true)
                        ch.Deferred = true;

            //  use a native array instead of a List<> for permanent storage
            chunks_ = chl.ToArray();
            //  calculate bounds information (won't take animation into account)
예제 #12
 public XDynamicSky_Plugin(XMain X)
     : base(X)
     type  = typeof(XDynamicSky);
     group = "Environment";
예제 #13
 public InputProcessor(ref XMain X, Game parent)
     this.X      = X;
     this.parent = parent;
 public XCubeTriggerVolume_Plugin(XMain X)
     : base(X)
     type  = typeof(XCubeTriggerVolume);
     group = "Game Logic";
예제 #15
 public XProp_Plugin(XMain X)
     : base(X)
     type  = typeof(XProp);
     group = "Actors";
예제 #16
 public XAnimatedActor_Plugin(XMain X)
     : base(X)
     type  = typeof(XAnimatedActor);
     group = "Actors";
예제 #17
 public XTreeSystem_Plugin(XMain X)
     : base(X)
     type  = typeof(XTreeSystem);
     group = "Environment";
예제 #18
 public XCamera_Plugin(XMain X)
     : base(X)
     type  = typeof(XCamera);
     group = "Cameras";
예제 #19
 public XSkyBox_Plugin(XMain X)
     : base(X)
     type  = typeof(XSkyBox);
     group = "Environment";