// Use this for initialization void Awake() { m_isInit = true; pathInfo = new XMLLoader <XMLDataPathInfo>(XMLConfigPath.PathInfo); cityPoints = new XMLLoader <XMLDataCityPoints>(XMLConfigPath.CityPoints); }
private void populateLists(XMLLoader loader) // XMLLoader loader { // Loader alle ingredienser i en liste foreach (Ingredient ing in loader.Ingredients.Ingredient) { ingredients.Add(ing); } foreach (Pizza m_product in pizzas) // køere gennem alle produkter { ListViewItem Item = new ListViewItem(m_product.name); // Laver nyt listviewitem til produkt or giver den navnet på produktet Item.SubItems.Add(ingredientList(m_product.ingredients, ingredients)); // Giver listviewitemet ingredienser Item.SubItems.Add(getPizzaPrice(m_product)); // og pris pizzaMenu.Items.Add(Item); // Putter data på spreadsheet } // Loader dej og sovs og putter dem i deres dropdown menuer foreach (Dough Dough in loader.Doughs.Dough) { pizzaDough.Items.Add(Dough.name); } foreach (Sauce Sauce in loader.Sauces.Sauce) { pizzaSauce.Items.Add(Sauce.name); } }
private void Start() { Logger = base.Logger; Util.Logger.logger = Logger; IsVerbose = Config.Bind("Heelz", "Heelz Verbose Mode", false, new ConfigDescription("Make Heelz Plugin print all of debug messages in console. Useless for most of users.")); LoadDevXML = Config.Bind("Heelz", "Load Developer XML", false, new ConfigDescription("Make Heelz Plugin load heel_manifest.xml file from game root folder. Useful for developing heels. Useless for most of users.")); CharacterApi.RegisterExtraBehaviour <HeelsController>(GUID); HarmonyWrapper.PatchAll(typeof(HSHeelz)); Logger.LogInfo("[Heelz] Heels mode activated: destroy all foot"); var loadedManifests = Sideloader.Sideloader.Manifests.Values; foreach (var manifest in loadedManifests) { XMLLoader.LoadXML(manifest.manifestDocument); } if (LoadDevXML.Value) { XMLLoader.StartWatchDevXML(); } }
IEnumerator FadingText(XElement convo) { TextBoxManager.player.DisablePartyMovement(); fadeText.gameObject.SetActive(true); convoRunning = true; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); var lines = XMLLoader.GetLines(convo); foreach (XElement line in lines) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); fadeText.text = XMLLoader.GetSpeakerDialog(line); Color textColor = fadeText.color; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { textColor.a += .05f; fadeText.color = textColor; yield return(null); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2)); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { textColor.a -= .05f; fadeText.color = textColor; yield return(null); } } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); convoRunning = false; fadeText.enabled = false; }
public Extra(List <Ingredient> ing, XMLLoader Loader, Pizza pizza, pizzaApp returnto) { ingredients = ing; // Sætter lokal liste over ingredienser til liste a ingredienser der bliver passet loader = Loader; // Sætter lokal variable med xml fil informationen til den der er blevet passet returnTo = returnto; // bruges til at returne den nye pizza InitializeComponent(); populateLists(); // Hvis en pizza bliver passed if (pizza != null) { // Vælger de ingredienser, krydderier, sovs, dej og størrelse der er på pizzaen der er blevet passed foreach (string i in pizza.ingredients.Split(',')) { toppingBox.SetItemCheckState(Convert.ToInt32(i), CheckState.Checked); } foreach (string i in pizza.spices.Split(',')) { spiceBox.SetItemCheckState(Convert.ToInt32(i), CheckState.Checked); } pizzaDough.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(pizza.dough); pizzaSauce.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(pizza.sauce); if (pizza.size != -1) { pizzaSize.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(pizza.size); } else // Hvis ikke pizzaen har en størrelse sættes den til lille som standard { pizzaSize.SelectedIndex = 2; } } }
public static Ships loadShipsForChosenSide() { string chosenSide = LocalDataWrapper.getPlayer().getChosenSide(); /*********************************TODO remove when testing is done!!*/ if (chosenSide == null || chosenSide.Equals("")) { chosenSide = "Rebels"; } /*********************************TODO remove when testing is done!!*/ Ships ships = new Ships(); switch (chosenSide) { case "Rebels": ships = XMLLoader.getShips("rebel_ships.xml"); break; case "Empire": ships = XMLLoader.getShips("imperial_ships.xml"); break; } return(ships); }
static int LoadXML(IntPtr L) { LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); XMLLoader <XMLDataBattle> obj = LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject <XMLLoader <XMLDataBattle> >(L, 1); string arg0 = LuaScriptMgr.GetLuaString(L, 2); obj.LoadXML(arg0); return(0); }
public void OpenForm(string xmlFile) { IBlockWeb bw = XMLLoader.LoadBlockWeb(xmlFile, "a", blockWeb.Broker); string formId = bw.GetConnector("FormId").GetValue <string>(); Form frm = bw[formId].ProcessRequest("GetUIElement") as Form; frm.ShowDialog(); }
static int ReflectionFields(IntPtr L) { LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); XMLLoader <XMLDataBattle> obj = LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject <XMLLoader <XMLDataBattle> >(L, 1); Type arg0 = LuaScriptMgr.GetTypeObject(L, 2); IDictionary <string, FieldInfo> o = obj.ReflectionFields(arg0); LuaScriptMgr.PushObject(L, o); return(1); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RuntimeBlockBroker broker = initBroker(); IBlockWeb bw = XMLLoader.LoadBlockWeb("blockWeb-copy.xml", "a", broker, null); string formId = bw.GetConnector("FormId").GetValue <string>(); System.Windows.Forms.Form frm = bw[formId].ProcessRequest("GetUIElement") as System.Windows.Forms.Form; frm.ShowDialog(); }
static int GetInfoById(IntPtr L) { LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); XMLLoader <XMLDataBattle> obj = LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject <XMLLoader <XMLDataBattle> >(L, 1); int arg0 = (int)LuaScriptMgr.GetNumber(L, 2); XMLDataBattle o = obj.GetInfoById(arg0); LuaScriptMgr.PushObject(L, o); return(1); }
static int GetInfoByName(IntPtr L) { LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); XMLLoader <XMLDataBattle> obj = LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject <XMLLoader <XMLDataBattle> >(L, 1); string arg0 = LuaScriptMgr.GetLuaString(L, 2); XMLDataBattle o = obj.GetInfoByName(arg0); LuaScriptMgr.PushObject(L, o); return(1); }
void Start() { Me = this; XMLLoader xmlLoader = new XMLLoader(); GameModel = xmlLoader.LoadGame(Resources.Load <TextAsset>("model").text); Debug.Log("loaded " + GameModel.Scenes.Count + " scenes"); AudioSources = Camera.main.GetComponents <AudioSource> (); PrepareNewScene("Cud mniemany"); }
void Start() { if (instance) { Destroy(this); } else { instance = this; Initiate(Application.systemLanguage); } }
public TlBaseXML(string Filename, bool Custom) : base("xml") { XMLLoader.Load(Filename, T, Custom); Name = T.ToolName; foreach (var A in T.ControllerTypes) { Arch.Add(A); } foreach (var T in T.Tags) { Tags.Add(T); } }
static int get_Data(IntPtr L) { object o = LuaScriptMgr.GetLuaObject(L, 1); if (o == null) { LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "unknown member name Data"); } XMLLoader <XMLDataBattle> obj = (XMLLoader <XMLDataBattle>)o; LuaScriptMgr.PushObject(L, obj.Data); return(1); }
public static bool LoadXmlKeyValueStringToDict <T>(string path, string keyValue, ref Dictionary <string, T> dict) where T : class, new() { XmlElement root = null; if (!XMLLoader.LoadRootElement(PATH_DIR + path, out root)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to load" + path + "Table!"); return(false); } if (dict == null) { dict = new Dictionary <string, T>(); } else { dict.Clear(); } for (int dataIdx = 0; dataIdx < root.ChildNodes.Count; ++dataIdx) { XmlElement node = root.ChildNodes[dataIdx] as XmlElement; FieldInfo[] fieldArr = typeof(T).GetFields(); T data = new T(); string strValue = node.GetAttribute(keyValue); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to Dict Load key Name is :" + strValue); return(false); } else { for (int i = 0; i < fieldArr.Length; ++i) { FieldInfo fi = fieldArr[i]; string value = node.GetAttribute(fi.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { SetValue <T>(fi, data, value); } } dict.Add(strValue, data); } } return(true); }
void Start() { Sounds.Pain1 = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("music/sounds/bol"); Sounds.Pain2 = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("music/sounds/bol2"); Sounds.Step = Resources.Load <AudioClip> ("music/sounds/krok1"); Sounds.Shield = Resources.Load <AudioClip> ("music/sounds/tarcza"); Sounds.Hit = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("music/sounds/hit"); Sounds.Heal = Resources.Load <AudioClip> ("music/sounds/lvlUp"); Sounds.HitBlocked = Resources.Load <AudioClip> ("music/sounds/hit_blocked"); XmlLoader = new XMLLoader(); Me = this; PlayerGM = XmlLoader.CreatePlayer(); }
private void button2_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { SimpleBlockBroker broker = new SimpleBlockBroker(); RepositoryOptions ro = new RepositoryOptions(); ro.Folder = txtBlocksFolder.Text; broker.SetupBroker(ro); IBlockWeb bw = XMLLoader.LoadBlockWeb(txtFormFile.Text, txtBWID.Text, broker, null); string formId = bw.GetConnector("FormId").GetValue <string>(); System.Windows.Forms.Form frm = bw[formId].ProcessRequest("GetUIElement") as System.Windows.Forms.Form; frm.ShowDialog(); }
public static IEnumerator loadAll() { init(); for (int i = 0; i < _list.Count; i++) { ConfigDataVo cfgVo = _list[i]; XMLLoader loader = new XMLLoader(cfgVo.loadHandler, cfgVo.url); yield return(Client.ins.StartCoroutine(loader.doLoadAsync(Client.ins))); } do { yield return(null); } while (GameConfig.ins.PetMaxLevel != 0); //_list.clear(); }
private KryptonGroupBox _WarningGroupBox; // Groupbox containing warning. #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Navigator(XMLLoader.ButtonHelp buttonHelp, Delegate del) { _ButtonHelp = buttonHelp; InitializeComponent(); _ProcessHeaderGroupList = new List<KryptonHeaderGroup>(); CreateWarningGroupBox(); this.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; NavigatorControl.Button.ContextButton.Click += ContextButton_Click; ContextMenuStrip.ItemClicked += ContextMenuStrip_ItemClicked; ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Summary"); switchButtonSpec.Click += switchButtonSpec_Click; _ClearAllPG = del; }
static void Main(string[] args) { ReplaceInFile("C:\\Users\\Javier\\Desktop\\hola.txt", "C:\\Users\\Javier\\Desktop\\hola3.txt", "las personas", "el mundo"); /////////////////////////// //Se prueba objeto entity /////////////////////////// //Método Set (no case sensitive) Entity e = new Entity(); e.Set("Nombre", "Javier"); e.Set("Nombre", "Alonso"); e.Set("Apellido", "Alvarez"); e.Set("edad", 20); e.Set("fecha_nacimiento", new DateTime(1992, 2, 2)); //Método Get (no case sensitive) Console.WriteLine("Información de Javier:"); Console.WriteLine("Nombre: " + (string)e.Get("Nombre")); Console.WriteLine("Apellido: " + (string)e.Get("apellido")); Console.WriteLine("Edad: " + (int)e.Get("edad")); Console.WriteLine("Fecha de Nacimiento: " + (DateTime)e.Get("fecha_nacimiento")); /////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// ManejadorBaseDatos.Instancia.EjecutarScript("AYA"); /////////////////////////// //Se prueba DA /////////////////////////// // Prueba Carga XML con DA Entities sp = new XMLLoader().loadXML("C://Users//Javier//.netbeans//7.1.2//config//GF3//domain1//tmsite//da//da.xml"); // Prueba Ejecutar SP con objeto entity Entity parametros = new Entity(); parametros.Set("pID", 1); parametros.Set("pCarro", "Toyota"); parametros.Set("pNombre", "Javier"); /////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { XMLLoader xml = new XMLLoader("C:\\Users\\praktykant\\source\\repos\\FlagLibrary2\\flags.xml"); List <FlagList> list = xml.GetFlagLists(); foreach (FlagList fl in list) { Console.WriteLine(fl.name); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (ParsedFlagData data in fl.Parse(7)) { Console.WriteLine(" " + "Wartość: " + data.value); Console.WriteLine(" " + "Opis: " + data.description); Console.WriteLine(" " + "Opcja: " + data.currentOption); Console.WriteLine(); } } }
public static Pilots loadPilotsForEachShip(Ships ships) { Pilots pilots = new Pilots(); foreach (Ship ship in ships.Ship) { if (pilots == null || pilots.Pilot == null || pilots.Pilot.Capacity == 0) { pilots = XMLLoader.getPilots(ship.ShipId.ToString() + "_pilots.xml"); } else { pilots.Pilot.AddRange(XMLLoader.getPilots(ship.ShipId.ToString() + "_pilots.xml").Pilot); } } return(pilots); }
private void Start() { Util.Log.Logger.logSource = Logger; ConfigUtility.Initialize(Config); CharacterApi.RegisterExtraBehaviour <HeelsController>(Constant.GUID); HarmonyWrapper.PatchAll(typeof(HeelzPlugin)); Logger.LogInfo("[Heelz] Heels mode activated: destroy all foot"); var loadedManifests = Sideloader.Sideloader.Manifests.Values; foreach (var manifest in loadedManifests) { XMLLoader.LoadXML(manifest.manifestDocument); } if (LoadDevXML.Value) { XMLLoader.StartWatchDevXML(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { ReplaceInFile("C:\\Users\\Javier\\Desktop\\hola.txt", "C:\\Users\\Javier\\Desktop\\hola3.txt", "las personas","el mundo"); /////////////////////////// //Se prueba objeto entity /////////////////////////// //Método Set (no case sensitive) Entity e = new Entity(); e.Set("Nombre", "Javier"); e.Set("Nombre", "Alonso"); e.Set("Apellido", "Alvarez"); e.Set("edad", 20); e.Set("fecha_nacimiento", new DateTime(1992,2,2)); //Método Get (no case sensitive) Console.WriteLine("Información de Javier:"); Console.WriteLine("Nombre: " + (string)e.Get("Nombre")); Console.WriteLine("Apellido: " + (string)e.Get("apellido")); Console.WriteLine("Edad: " + (int)e.Get("edad")); Console.WriteLine("Fecha de Nacimiento: " + (DateTime)e.Get("fecha_nacimiento")); /////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// ManejadorBaseDatos.Instancia.EjecutarScript("AYA"); /////////////////////////// //Se prueba DA /////////////////////////// // Prueba Carga XML con DA Entities sp = new XMLLoader().loadXML("C://Users//Javier//.netbeans//7.1.2//config//GF3//domain1//tmsite//da//da.xml"); // Prueba Ejecutar SP con objeto entity Entity parametros = new Entity(); parametros.Set("pID", 1); parametros.Set("pCarro","Toyota"); parametros.Set("pNombre","Javier"); /////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// Console.ReadKey(); }
void CreateAndShowMainMenu() { CameraFreeze(); XMLLoader xmlLoader = new XMLLoader(); xmlLoader.Load("Profiles\\profiles.xml"); userList = new UsersList(xmlLoader.Document); mainMenu = new MainMenu(this.Game, ref userList); mainMenu.OnNewGameStartClick += new EventHandler <MainMenuEventArgs>(mainMenu_OnNewGameStartClick); mainMenu.OnExitClick += new EventHandler(mainMenu_OnExitClick); mainMenu.OnDeleteUserClick += new EventHandler <MainMenuEventArgs>(mainMenu_OnDeleteUSerClick); mainMenu.OnLoadGameClick += new EventHandler <MainMenuEventArgs>(mainMenu_OnLoadGameClick); pointer = new Sprite(this.Game, GraphicsCollection.GetPack("pointer")); pointer.XRelative = 0; pointer.YRelative = 0; pointer.DrawOrder = 10000; }
public void DataFromXML(string iFileContent) { XMLLoader <ModuleData> _DataLoader = new XMLLoader <ModuleData>(); _DataLoader.Initial(iFileContent, true); if (m_ModuleDatas != null) { m_ModuleDatas.Clear(); m_ModuleDatas = null; } m_ModuleDatas = new List <ModuleData>(); foreach (ModuleData _Data in _DataLoader.DataList) { m_ModuleDatas.Add(_Data); } _DataLoader = null; }
void Start() { //Initialize keySource = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); xml = gameObject.GetComponent <XMLLoader>(); console_Panel = log_Panel.transform.parent.gameObject; log_ActiveFields = new List <GameObject>(); log_TextFields = new TMP_Text[log_Panel.transform.childCount]; FillTextFieldArray(); //Turn off all text fields foreach (TMP_Text tmp in log_TextFields) { tmp.gameObject.SetActive(false); } SetFocus("input"); }
public static bool LoadXmlToList <T>(string path, ref List <T> list) where T : class, new() { XmlElement root = null; if (!XMLLoader.LoadRootElement(PATH_DIR + path, out root)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to load" + path + "Table!"); return(false); } if (list == null) { list = new List <T>(); } else { list.Clear(); } for (int dataIdx = 0; dataIdx < root.ChildNodes.Count; ++dataIdx) { XmlElement node = root.ChildNodes[dataIdx] as XmlElement; FieldInfo[] fieldArr = typeof(T).GetFields(); T data = new T(); for (int i = 0; i < fieldArr.Length; ++i) { FieldInfo fi = fieldArr[i]; string value = node.GetAttribute(fi.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { SetValue <T>(fi, data, value); } } list.Add(data); } return(true); }
public static Upgrades loadUpgrades(string side, string size) { Upgrades tempUpgrades = XMLLoader.getUpgrades(); Upgrades upgrades = new Upgrades(); upgrades.Upgrade = new System.Collections.Generic.List <UpgradesXMLCSharp.Upgrade>(); foreach (UpgradesXMLCSharp.Upgrade upgrade in tempUpgrades.Upgrade) { bool available = true; if (upgrade.SideRestriction != null && !upgrade.SideRestriction.Equals("")) { if (!upgrade.SideRestriction.Equals(LocalDataWrapper.getPlayer().getChosenSide())) { available = false; } } if (available) { if (upgrade.SizeRestriction != null && !upgrade.SizeRestriction.Equals("")) { if (!upgrade.SizeRestriction.Equals(LocalDataWrapper.getPlayer().getChosenSize())) { available = false; } } } if (available) { upgrades.Upgrade.Add(upgrade); } } return(upgrades); }
IEnumerator PlayingConvo(XElement convo, bool yesNoChoice = false) { yesNoPicked = false; convoRunning = true; endLine = 0; var lines = XMLLoader.GetLines(convo); foreach (XElement line in lines) { EnableTextBox(XMLLoader.GetSpeakerDialog(line), false); yield return(null); while (isTyping) { yield return(null); } if (yesNoChoice) { yesNoOptions.SetActive(true); cursor.SetActive(true); UpdateCursor(0); //After the text is displayed, give the player two options: yes and no. Each triggers a different cutscene. while (!yesNoPicked) { CheckInputSimple(); yield return(null); } } else { while (!Input.GetButtonDown("AButton")) { yield return(null); } } } convoRunning = false; }