예제 #1
        public DataTable InputValidation1(DataTable dtInputfile, string Uploadtype, string Extracttype, string Path, int Skiprowsval, string uploadtype)
            DataTable dtresult = new DataTable();

            DataTable dtValidationColumns = new DataTable();

                dtInputfile.Columns.Add("Error", typeof(string));
                //dtresult = dtInputfile.Clone();

                //Get the columnnames for which the validations has to be done for the selected Upload type
                dtValidationColumns = XMLBo.GetUploadInpuValidationColumns1(Uploadtype, Extracttype, Path, uploadtype);

                //Loop through the rows for which the validations must be done for the selected upload type
                if (uploadtype == "NSE")
                    foreach (DataRow drValidations in dtValidationColumns.Rows)
                        string columnname = drValidations["ColumnName"].ToString();
                        //Loop through the column names in the input table

                        foreach (DataColumn dcInputFile in dtInputfile.Columns)
                            if (dcInputFile.ColumnName.ToString() == drValidations["ColumnName"].ToString())
                                int rowindex = Skiprowsval;
                                //Perform null check for the columnname if flag is set as 1 for the selected column
                                foreach (DataRow drInputfile in dtInputfile.Rows)
                                    //if (drValidations["CheckNull"].ToString() == "1")

                                    //    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(drInputfile[columnname].ToString()))
                                    //    {
                                    //        drInputfile["Error"] = drInputfile["Error"].ToString()+"Invalida data in " + columnname + ",Line:"+rowindex+";";
                                    //        continue;
                                    //    }


                                    //Perform Is Numeric check for the columnname if flag is set as 1 for the selected column
                                    if (drValidations["CheckNumeric"].ToString() == "1")
                                        double Num;
                                        //Update value as zero if null
                                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(drInputfile[columnname].ToString()))
                                            drInputfile[columnname] = 0;
                                        //Update Error field if not numeric
                                        if (double.TryParse(drInputfile[columnname].ToString(), out Num) == false)
                                            drInputfile["Error"] = drInputfile["Error"].ToString() + "Invalida data in " + columnname + ",Line:" + rowindex + ";";

                                    //Perform Date check for the columnname if flag is set as 1 for the selected column
                                    if (drValidations["CheckDate"].ToString() == "1")
                                        DateTime date;
                                        if (DateTime.TryParse(drInputfile[columnname].ToString(), out date) == false)
                                            drInputfile["Error"] = drInputfile["Error"].ToString() + "Invalida data in " + columnname + ",Line:" + rowindex + ";";

                                    //Perform Length check for the columnname if flag is set as 1 for the selected column
                                    if (drValidations["CheckLengthVal"].ToString() != "0")
                                    if (drValidations["CheckValue"].ToString() == "1")
                                        //    string m = drInputfile[columnname].ToString();
                                        //    string n = m.TrimEnd(new char[] { ' ' });
                                        //    n = m.TrimEnd(new char[] { '\n' });
                                        //    if ( n !=  "Margin")
                                        //    {

                                        //        drInputfile["Error"] = "Wrong file format, does not contain all columns";
                                        //        //drInputfile["Error"] = drInputfile["Error"].ToString() + "Invalida data in " + columnname + ",Line:" + rowindex + ";";

                                        //        continue;
                                        //    }
                                    if (drValidations["CheckValue"].ToString() == "2")
                                        if (drInputfile[columnname].ToString() != "1" && drInputfile[columnname].ToString() != "2")
                                            drInputfile["Error"] = drInputfile["Error"].ToString() + "Invalida data in " + columnname + ",Line:" + rowindex + ";";

                    foreach (DataRow drValidations in dtValidationColumns.Rows)
                        string columnname = drValidations["ColumnName"].ToString();
                        //Loop through the column names in the input table

                        foreach (DataColumn dcInputFile in dtInputfile.Columns)
                            if (dcInputFile.ColumnName.ToString() == drValidations["ColumnName"].ToString())
                                int rowindex = Skiprowsval;
                                //Perform null check for the columnname if flag is set as 1 for the selected column
                                foreach (DataRow drInputfile in dtInputfile.Rows)
                                    //if (drValidations["CheckNull"].ToString() == "1")

                                    //    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(drInputfile[columnname].ToString()))
                                    //    {
                                    //        drInputfile["Error"] = drInputfile["Error"].ToString()+"Invalida data in " + columnname + ",Line:"+rowindex+";";
                                    //        continue;
                                    //    }


                                    //Perform Is Numeric check for the columnname if flag is set as 1 for the selected column
                                    if (drValidations["CheckNumeric"].ToString() == "1")
                                        double Num;
                                        //Update value as zero if null
                                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(drInputfile[columnname].ToString()))
                                            drInputfile[columnname] = 0;
                                        //Update Error field if not numeric
                                        if (double.TryParse(drInputfile[columnname].ToString(), out Num) == false)
                                            drInputfile["Error"] = drInputfile["Error"].ToString() + "Invalida data in " + columnname + ",Line:" + rowindex + ";";

                                    //Perform Date check for the columnname if flag is set as 1 for the selected column
                                    if (drValidations["CheckDate"].ToString() == "1")
                                        DateTime date;
                                        if (DateTime.TryParse(drInputfile[columnname].ToString(), out date) == false)
                                            drInputfile["Error"] = drInputfile["Error"].ToString() + "Invalida data in " + columnname + ",Line:" + rowindex + ";";

                                    //Perform Length check for the columnname if flag is set as 1 for the selected column
                                    if (drValidations["CheckLengthVal"].ToString() != "0")
                                    if (drValidations["CheckValue"].ToString() == "1")
                                        if (drInputfile[columnname].ToString() != "Margin")
                                            drInputfile["Error"] = "Wrong file format, does not contain all columns";
                                            //drInputfile["Error"] = drInputfile["Error"].ToString() + "Invalida data in " + columnname + ",Line:" + rowindex + ";";

                                    if (drValidations["CheckValue"].ToString() == "2")
                                        if (drInputfile[columnname].ToString() != "1" && drInputfile[columnname].ToString() != "2")
                                            drInputfile["Error"] = drInputfile["Error"].ToString() + "Invalida data in " + columnname + ",Line:" + rowindex + ";";

                //Select error rows and assign to resultant table
                DataRow[] drresults = dtInputfile.Select("Error is not null");
                foreach (DataRow dr in drresults)
            catch (BaseApplicationException Ex)
                throw Ex;
            catch (Exception Ex)
                BaseApplicationException exBase       = new BaseApplicationException(Ex.Message, Ex);
                NameValueCollection      FunctionInfo = new NameValueCollection();

                FunctionInfo.Add("Method", "UploadValidationBo.cs:InputValidation()");

                object[] objects = new object[5];
                objects[0] = dtInputfile;
                objects[1] = Uploadtype;
                objects[2] = Extracttype;
                objects[3] = Path;
                objects[4] = Skiprowsval;

                FunctionInfo = exBase.AddObject(FunctionInfo, objects);
                exBase.AdditionalInformation = FunctionInfo;
                throw exBase;
