public int Add(XE xe) { using (QLXeKhachEntities context = new QLXeKhachEntities()) { var user = HttpContext.Current.Session[GlobalConstant.USER]; if (user != null) { NHANVIEN currentUser = (NHANVIEN)user; xe.createUser = currentUser.MaNV; xe.lastupdateUser = currentUser.MaNV; } DateTime current = DateTime.Now; xe.createDate = current; xe.lastupdateDate = current; var result = context.XEs.Add(xe); context.SaveChanges(); LOAIXE loaiXe = context.LOAIXEs.Find(xe.LoaiXe); for (int i = 0; i < loaiXe.SLGhe; i++) { GHE ghe = new GHE(); ghe.createDate = DateTime.Now; ghe.lastupdateDate = DateTime.Now; ghe.MaGhe = i + 1; ghe.MaXe = xe.MaXe; context.GHEs.Add(ghe); context.SaveChanges(); } return(1); } }
private static void StripNamespacesFromXml(XDocument xml) { foreach (XElement XE in xml.Root.DescendantsAndSelf()) { // Stripping the namespace by setting the name of the element to it's localname only if (XE.Name.Namespace.NamespaceName.Equals("")) { XE.Name = $"b.{XE.Name.LocalName}"; } else if (XE.Name.Namespace.NamespaceName.Equals("")) { XE.Name = $"m.{XE.Name.LocalName}"; } else if (XE.Name.Namespace.NamespaceName.Equals("")) { XE.Name = $"d.{XE.Name.LocalName}"; } else { XE.Name = XE.Name.LocalName; } // replacing all attributes with attributes that are not namespaces and their names are set to only the localname XE.ReplaceAttributes((from xattrib in XE.Attributes().Where(xa => !xa.IsNamespaceDeclaration) select new XAttribute(xattrib.Name.LocalName, xattrib.Value))); } }
public static XDocument Serialize <T>(T value, bool useDataContract = false) { XDocument doc = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", "no")); if (!useDataContract) { XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T)); using (var writer = doc.CreateWriter()) xmlSerializer.Serialize(writer, value); } else { DataContractSerializer xmlSerializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(T)); using (var writer = doc.CreateWriter()) xmlSerializer.WriteObject(writer, value); } foreach (XElement XE in doc.Root.DescendantsAndSelf()) { // Stripping the namespace by setting the name of the element to it's localname only XE.Name = XE.Name.LocalName; // replacing all attributes with attributes that are not namespaces and their names are set to only the localname XE.ReplaceAttributes((from xattrib in XE.Attributes().Where(xa => !xa.IsNamespaceDeclaration) select new XAttribute(xattrib.Name.LocalName, xattrib.Value))); } return(doc); }
private void WriteFeedFile(XmlWriter xmlWriter, FeedGenerationFileInstruction fileInstruction) { var countRec = new Tuple <int, int, int>(0, 0, 0); xmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); xmlWriter.WriteDocType("product_catalog_data", null, DocTypeSystemId, null); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("product_catalog_data"); var header = new XE("header"); header.Add(new XE("cid", Cid)); header.Add(new XE("subid", SubId)); //header.Add(new XE("datefmt", DateFormatString)); header.Add(new XE("processtype", (_isIncrementalRun) ? "UPDATE" : "OVERWRITE")); header.Add(new XE("aid", fileInstruction.Aid)); header.WriteTo(xmlWriter); //<feedGenerationFileLineItem isIncluded="true" catalog="books" storedProcedureName="uspCJFeedBooks" catalogattributesection="booksattributes" ranges="00-04;05-09" /> foreach (var fileComponent in fileInstruction.LineItems) { WriteFileComponent(xmlWriter, fileComponent, ref countRec); } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { XE xE = db.XEs.Find(id); db.XEs.Remove(xE); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "MaXe,LoaiXe,BienSoXe,HangXe,createUser,lastupdateUser,createDate,lastupdateDate,isDeleted")] XE xE) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(xE).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(xE)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "MaXe,LoaiXe,BienSoXe,HangXe,createUser,lastupdateUser,createDate,lastupdateDate,isDeleted")] XE xE) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.XEs.Add(xE); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(xE)); }
public static string GetBienSo(int?maxe) { using (QLXeKhachEntities context = new QLXeKhachEntities()) { XE x = context.XEs.Find(maxe); if (x != null) { return(x.BienSoXe); } return(""); } }
public void UpdateXe(XE xe) { var query = (from c in _dataContext.XEs where c.MaXe == xe.MaXe select c).Single(); query.BienSoXe = xe.BienSoXe; query.MaLoaiXe = xe.MaLoaiXe; query.MaTaiXe = xe.MaTaiXe; query.NgayNhap = xe.NgayNhap; query.TinhTrang = xe.TinhTrang; _dataContext.SubmitChanges(); }
// GET: XEs/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } XE xE = db.XEs.Find(id); if (xE == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(xE)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "MaXe,LoaiXe,BienSoXe,HangXe,createUser,lastupdateUser,createDate,lastupdateDate,isDeleted")] XE xE) { string thuocXe = Request.Form["xeDropList"]; if (ModelState.IsValid) { xE.isDeleted = 0; xE.LoaiXe = Int32.Parse(thuocXe); service.Add(xE); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(xE)); }
public void ThatShit() { //string input = Input.Text.Trim().Replace("&", "&"); string input = Input.Text.Trim(); List <string> activationList = new List <string>(); while (true) { int startIndex = input.IndexOf("<ACTIVATION_CODE>"); if (startIndex < 0) { break; } int endIndex = input.IndexOf("</ACTIVATION_CODE>"); int length = endIndex - (startIndex + 17); activationList.Add(input.Substring(startIndex + 17, length)); input = input.Remove(startIndex, length + 35); } try { XElement str = XElement.Parse(input); // find specific tag foreach (XElement XE in str.Elements("ITEM_DETAILS")) { string number = XE.Descendants("ITEM_NUMBER").FirstOrDefault()?.Value; string xmltag = XE.Descendants("XML_TAG").FirstOrDefault()?.Value; itemNumbers.Add(number); } Output.Text += "Item Numbers found:" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (string item in itemNumbers) { Output.Text += item + Environment.NewLine; } Output.Text += "End of item numbers found." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; Output.Text += "Start of activation code list." + Environment.NewLine; foreach (string act in activationList) { Output.Text += act + Environment.NewLine; } Output.Text += "End of activation code list." + Environment.NewLine; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Exception thrown when parsing. Message: " + ex.Message.ToString()); } }
private void AddRootNode() { _catFeedXml = new XD(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null)); _feedElement = new XE(_gNsAtom + "feed", new object[] { new XA(XN.Xmlns + "g", _gNsG), new XA(XN.Xmlns + "c", _gNsC), new XA(XN.Xmlns + "gd", _gNs) }); var titleElement = new XE(_gNsAtom + "title", "Category Feed XML"); var nameElement = new XE(_gNsAtom + "name", "TEST Feed"); var authorElement = new XE(_gNsAtom + "author", nameElement); var idElement = new XE(_gNsAtom + "id", string.Format(",{0}:/support/products", DateTime.Now.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-MM-dd")))); _feedElement.Add(new object[] { titleElement, authorElement, idElement }); }
public static string Convert(string xml) { var doc = XDocument.Parse(xml); doc.Declaration = null; foreach (XElement XE in doc.Root.DescendantsAndSelf()) { XE.Name = XE.Name.LocalName; XE.ReplaceAttributes((from xattrib in XE.Attributes().Where(xa => !xa.IsNamespaceDeclaration) select new XAttribute(xattrib.Name.LocalName, xattrib.Value))); } var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.LoadXml(doc.ToString()); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(xmlDocument); return(Regex.Replace(json, "(?<=\")(@)(?!.*\":\\s )", string.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)); }
// GET: TRAMXEs/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } IList <XE> xE = service.Detail(id); XE xe = new XE(); ViewBag.loaixe = xE[0].LOAIXE1.TenLoai; if (xE == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } xe = xE[0]; return(View(xe)); }
public void Delete(XE xe) { var user = HttpContext.Current.Session[GlobalConstant.USER]; if (user != null) { NHANVIEN currentUser = (NHANVIEN)user; xe.lastupdateUser = currentUser.MaNV; } DateTime current = DateTime.Now; xe.lastupdateDate = current; using (QLXeKhachEntities context = new QLXeKhachEntities()) { context.Entry(xe).State = EntityState.Modified; context.SaveChanges(); } }
public static void GetDataFileZilla(string PathFZ, string SaveFile, string RS = "RecentServers", string Serv = "Server") { try { if (File.Exists(PathFZ)) { try { var xf = new XmlDocument(); xf.Load(PathFZ); foreach (XmlElement XE in ((XmlElement)xf.GetElementsByTagName(RS)[0]).GetElementsByTagName(Serv)) { var Host = XE.GetElementsByTagName("Host")[0].InnerText; var Port = XE.GetElementsByTagName("Port")[0].InnerText; var User = XE.GetElementsByTagName("User")[0].InnerText; var Pass = (Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(XE.GetElementsByTagName("Pass")[0].InnerText))); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Host) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Port) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(User) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Pass)) { SB.AppendLine($"Host: {Host}"); SB.AppendLine($"Port: {Port}"); SB.AppendLine($"User: {User}"); SB.AppendLine($"Pass: {Pass}\r\n"); count++; } else { break; } } if (SB.Length > 0) { try { File.AppendAllText(SaveFile, SB.ToString()); } catch { } } } catch { } } } catch { } }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "MaXe,LoaiXe,BienSoXe,HangXe,createUser,lastupdateUser,createDate,lastupdateDate,isDeleted")] XE xE) { int thuocXe; int.TryParse(Request.Form["xeDropList"], out thuocXe); if (ModelState.IsValid) { ILoaiXeService loaiXeService = new LoaiXeService(); LOAIXE lx = loaiXeService.Detail(thuocXe); IList <XE> xe = service.Detail(xE.MaXe); xe[0].LoaiXe = thuocXe; xe[0].LOAIXE1 = lx; xe[0].BienSoXe = xE.BienSoXe; xe[0].HangXe = xE.HangXe; service.Update(xe[0]); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(xE)); }
private static XE GetDeletedElement(DeletedProductInfo deletedProductInfo) { var entry = new XE("product"); var name = new XE("name", deletedProductInfo.Name); entry.Add(name); var keywords = new XE("keywords", deletedProductInfo.Keywords); entry.Add(keywords); var description = new XE("description", deletedProductInfo.Description); entry.Add(description); var gaId = new XE("sku", deletedProductInfo.Pid); entry.Add(gaId); var buyUrl = new XE("buyurl", deletedProductInfo.BuyUrl); entry.Add(buyUrl); var available = new XE("available", deletedProductInfo.IsAvailable); entry.Add(available); var price = new XE("price", deletedProductInfo.Price); entry.Add(price); var merchandiseType = new XE("merchandisetype", ZeroCommissionListName); entry.Add(merchandiseType); return(entry); }
public ActionResult Themxe(XE xe, FormCollection fc, HttpPostedFileBase fileUpload) { ViewBag.MaLX = new SelectList(data.LOAIXEs.ToList().OrderBy(n => n.MALOAIXE), "MALOAIXE", "TENLOAIXE"); if (fileUpload == null) { ViewBag.Thongbao = "Vui lòng chọn ảnh bìa"; return(View()); } else { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileUpload.FileName); var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Hinhxe"), fileName); if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) { ViewBag.Thongbao = "Hình ảnh đã tồn tại"; return(View()); } else { xe.HINHXE = fileName; xe.MATINHTRANG = 1; xe.MALOAIXE = Convert.ToInt32(fc["MaLX"]); xe.HANBAOHIEM = Convert.ToDateTime(fc["hanbaohiem"]); xe.HANBAOHIEM = Convert.ToDateTime(fc["hanluuhanh"]); data.XEs.Add(xe); data.SaveChanges(); fileUpload.SaveAs(path); } } return(RedirectToAction("Thongtinxe")); } }
public void InsertXe(XE xe) { _dataContext.XEs.InsertOnSubmit(xe); _dataContext.SubmitChanges(); }
private void AddNodeToFeed(string parentId, XContainer node) { //Get node values var idAttribute = node.XPathSelectElement("./DVAL/DVAL_ID").Attribute("ID"); if (idAttribute == null) { return; } var id = idAttribute.Value; var displayName = node.XPathSelectElement("./DVAL/SYN[@DISPLAY='TRUE']").Value; foreach (var synonym in node.XPathSelectElements("./DVAL/SYN[@DISPLAY='FALSE'][@CLASSIFY='TRUE']")) { if (synonym.Value == id) { continue; } if (_synonymsDict.Keys.Contains(synonym.Value)) { _synonymsDict[synonym.Value] = new Category(displayName, id); } else { _synonymsDict.Add(synonym.Value, new Category(displayName, id)); } } //Create node var current = new XE(_gNsAtom + DefaultNodeName); var idElement = new XE(_gNsAtom + "id", id); var titleElement = new XE(_gNsAtom + "title", displayName); //link?? - is it mandatory? var linkElement = new XE(_gNsAtom + "link"); var linkAttr = new XA("href", _indigoLink); linkElement.Add(linkAttr); var parentsElement = new XE(_gNsG + "parents", parentId); var groupElement = new XE(_gNsG + "group", _taxonomyVersionName); current.Add(new object[] { idElement, titleElement, linkElement, parentsElement, groupElement }); //Add node to the feed _feedElement.Add(current); // Add the node info to the breadcrumbs list if (_categoryBreadcrumbs.ContainsKey(parentId)) { _categoryBreadcrumbs.Add(id, _categoryBreadcrumbs[parentId] + " > " + displayName); } else { _categoryBreadcrumbs.Add(id, "{TOP_LEVEL}"); } //Add childrens as well foreach (var child in node.Elements("DIMENSION_NODE")) { AddNodeToFeed(id, child); } }
private void Deserialize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (rslt2 == null || rslt2.Reports == null || rslt2.Reports.Report == null || rslt2.Reports.Report[0].FileContent == null) { // Error OAC response or member is null LogBox.Text += "Error: OAC response or member is null.." + Environment.NewLine; return; } // File content contains base 64 encoded xml to retrieve info string encoded = rslt2.Reports.Report[0].FileContent; LogBox.Text += "File Content: " + Environment.NewLine; LogBox.Text += encoded + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; // Decode the message into byte array var decoded = Convert.FromBase64String(encoded); // Convert byte array to string string xmlMessage = Encoding.Default.GetString(decoded); if (xmlMessage.Trim() == "") { LogBox.Text += "**** xml message is empty ****" + Environment.NewLine; } LogBox.Text += "xml message decoded is: " + Environment.NewLine; LogBox.Text += xmlMessage + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; while (true) { int startIndex = xmlMessage.IndexOf("<ACTIVATION_CODE>"); if (startIndex < 0) { break; } int endIndex = xmlMessage.IndexOf("</ACTIVATION_CODE>"); int length = endIndex - (startIndex + 17); xmlMessage = xmlMessage.Remove(startIndex, length + 35); } itemNumbers.Clear(); // Parse the message (in XML) MAKE SURE xmlMessage is NOT NULL try { XElement str = XElement.Parse(xmlMessage); LogBox.Text += "xml parsed." + Environment.NewLine; //itemNumbers.Clear(); // find specific tag foreach (XElement XE in str.Elements("ITEM_DETAILS")) { string number = XE.Descendants("OPTION_CODE").FirstOrDefault()?.Value; string xmltag = XE.Descendants("XML_TAG").FirstOrDefault()?.Value; if (xmltag != "SWOPT") { if (!itemNumbers.Contains(number)) { itemNumbers.Add(number); } } else { string opt = XE.Descendants("OPTION_NAME").FirstOrDefault()?.Value; if (opt.Contains("Vivid")) { string[] pns = number.Split(','); foreach (string pn in pns) { if (!itemNumbers.Contains(pn)) { itemNumbers.Add(pn); } } } } } txtResponse.Text += "Item numbers found: " + (itemNumbers.Count == 0 ? "None" : "") + Environment.NewLine; foreach (string item in itemNumbers) { txtResponse.Text += item + Environment.NewLine; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogBox.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Exception thrown when parsing. Message: " + ex.Message.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Exception when deserializing. Message: " + ex.Message.ToString()); } }
private XE EntryAttribute(string catalog, IDataReader reader, StringDictionary dict , string gId , string sanitizedTitle , string linkCatalog , string linkSku , string gPrice , string gAdjustedPrice , string gAvailability , string gBrandName, string publisherName, XE contributors, string breadcrumb, bool isZeroCommissionProduct, string merchandiseType, IRuleEvaluationResult promotionalTextEvaluationResult, string description) { //entry var entry = new XE("product"); sanitizedTitle = GetCjString(sanitizedTitle, MaxTitleLength); var name = new XE("name", sanitizedTitle); entry.Add(name); var keywordsValue = string.Empty; // First get the major contributor text if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gBrandName)) { keywordsValue = gBrandName; } else if (contributors != null) { keywordsValue = contributors.Value; } // Now add the breadcrumb if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keywordsValue)) { keywordsValue += ", "; } keywordsValue += string.Join(", ", breadcrumb.Split(new[] { BreadcrumbTrailSplitter }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) + ", "; keywordsValue += sanitizedTitle; var keywords = new XE("keywords", GetCjString(keywordsValue, MaxKeywordLength)); entry.Add(keywords); var descriptionValue = GetCjString(FeedUtils.RemoveHtmlTags(description), MaxDescriptionLength); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(descriptionValue)) { descriptionValue = sanitizedTitle; } var descriptionXe = new XE("description", descriptionValue); entry.Add(descriptionXe); var gaId = new XE("sku", gId); entry.Add(gaId); var aLink = FeedEntryLink(GetFeedEntryLinkValue(reader, linkCatalog, linkSku)); entry.Add(aLink); var available = new XE("available", "Yes"); entry.Add(available); var aImgLink = EntryImageLink(reader, linkSku); entry.Add(aImgLink); Decimal price; bool isSpecial = false; if (DisplaySalePriceInfo) { if (Decimal.TryParse(gPrice, out price)) { var gaPrice = new XE("price", price.ToString("F", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); entry.Add(gaPrice); Decimal salePrice; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gAdjustedPrice) && Decimal.TryParse(gAdjustedPrice, out salePrice) && salePrice != price) { isSpecial = true; var gaSalePrice = new XE("saleprice", salePrice.ToString("F", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); entry.Add(gaSalePrice); } } } else { price = Decimal.Parse(gAdjustedPrice); var gaPrice = new XE("price", price.ToString("F", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); entry.Add(gaPrice); } entry.Add(new XE("currency", "CAD")); // CJ expects the optional xml nodes in a certain order var isBook = catalog.Equals("books", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (!isBook && (linkSku.Length == 12 || linkSku.Length == 13)) { entry.Add(new XE("upc", linkSku)); } if (promotionalTextEvaluationResult.HasMatch) { if (!promotionalTextEvaluationResult.IsDefaultMatch) { isSpecial = true; } var promoTextValue = GetCjString(promotionalTextEvaluationResult.MatchingRulePayLoads.First(), MaxPromotionalTextLength); entry.Add(new XE("promotionaltext", promoTextValue)); } var advertiserCategoryText = breadcrumb.Replace(BreadcrumbTrailSplitter, ">"); entry.Add(new XE("advertisercategory", GetCjString(advertiserCategoryText, MaxAdvertiserCategoryLength))); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gBrandName)) { var manufacturer = GetCjString(gBrandName, MaxManufacturerLength); entry.Add(new XE("manufacturer", manufacturer)); entry.Add(new XE("manufacturerid", linkSku)); } if (isBook) { entry.Add(new XE("isbn", linkSku)); if (contributors != null) { entry.Add(new XE("author", GetCjString(contributors.Value, MaxManufacturerLength))); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(publisherName)) { entry.Add(new XE("publisher", GetCjString(publisherName, MaxManufacturerLength))); } } else { if (contributors != null) { entry.Add(new XE("artist", GetCjString(contributors.Value, MaxManufacturerLength))); } } entry.Add(new XE("title", sanitizedTitle)); if (!isBook) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(publisherName)) { entry.Add(new XE("label", GetCjString(publisherName, MaxManufacturerLength))); } if (dict.ContainsKey("format")) { var format = reader[dict["format"]].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(format)) { entry.Add(new XE("format", format)); } } } entry.Add(new XE("special", (isSpecial) ? "Yes" : "No")); if (catalog.Equals("generalmerchandise", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { entry.Add(new XE("gift", "Yes")); } entry.Add(new XE("instock", (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gAvailability)) ? "No" : "Yes")); entry.Add(new XE("condition", "New")); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DefaultShippingCost)) { entry.Add(new XE("standardshippingcost", DefaultShippingCost)); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(merchandiseType)) { entry.Add(new XE("merchandisetype", ZeroCommissionListName)); } else { if (isZeroCommissionProduct) { entry.Add(new XE("merchandisetype", ZeroCommissionListName)); // If the merchandise type has a different value and it's not equal to zero commission list // and if we're putting the item on the zero commission list, add it to the list of items to be // updated inside the if (!merchandiseType.Equals(ZeroCommissionListName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { _updatedMerchandiseTypeProductPids.Add(decimal.Parse(gId)); } Log.DebugFormat("Product {0} was put in zero commission list.", gId); } else { entry.Add(new XE("merchandisetype", merchandiseType)); } } return(entry); }
public void InsertXe(XE xe) { _xeDao.InsertXe(xe); }
public void UpdateXe(XE xe) { _xeDao.UpdateXe(xe); }
public static IProductData GetProductData(StringDictionary dict, IDataReader reader, string sku, string catalog, string brandName, XE contributorElement, IIndigoBreadcrumbCategory defaultCategory) { var browseCategories = new List <int>(); string secondarySku = null; string author = null; if (dict.ContainsKey("gProductType")) { var browseCategoriesValue = reader[dict["gProductType"]]; if (browseCategoriesValue != null) { browseCategories.AddRange(browseCategoriesValue.ToString().Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(int.Parse)); } } // For books and ebooks, set the secondary sku too if (catalog.Equals("books", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || catalog.Equals("ebooks", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { secondarySku = reader[dict["secondarySku"]].ToString(); if (contributorElement != null) { author = contributorElement.Value; } } return(IndigoBreadcrumbRepositoryUtils.GetProductData(sku, secondarySku, brandName, author, defaultCategory, browseCategories)); }