private bool OpenVideoFromFile() { bool result = false; XDebugger.Log("m_Control =" + m_Control); // Open the video file if (m_Control != null) { CloseVideo(); m_VideoOpened = true; m_AutoStartTriggered = !m_AutoStart; m_EventFired_MetaDataReady = false; m_EventFired_ReadyToPlay = false; m_EventFired_Started = false; m_EventFired_FirstFrameReady = false; // Potentially override the file location string fullPath = GetPlatformFilePath(GetPlatform(), ref m_VideoPath, ref m_VideoLocation); XDebugger.Log("fullPath =" + fullPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_VideoPath)) { bool checkForFileExist = true; if (fullPath.Contains("://")) { checkForFileExist = false; } #if (UNITY_ANDROID) checkForFileExist = false; #endif if (checkForFileExist && !System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath)) { Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] File not found: " + fullPath, this); XDebugger.Log("[AVProVideo] File not found: " + fullPath); } else { Debug.Log("[AVProVideo] Opening " + fullPath); XDebugger.Log("[AVProVideo] Opening " + fullPath); if (!m_Control.OpenVideoFromFile(fullPath)) { Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] Failed to open " + fullPath, this); XDebugger.Log("[AVProVideo] Failed to open " + fullPath); } else { SetPlaybackOptions(); result = true; } } } else { Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] No file path specified", this); XDebugger.Log("[AVProVideo] No file path specified"); } } return(result); }
private string GetPlatformFilePath(Platform platform, ref string filePath, ref FileLocation fileLocation) { string result = string.Empty; XDebugger.Log(" GetPlatformFilePath.path "); // Replace file path and location if overriden by platform options if (platform != Platform.Unknown) { PlatformOptions options = GetPlatformOptions(platform); XDebugger.Log(" options = " + options); if (options != null) { if (options.overridePath) { XDebugger.Log(" options.path =" + options.path); XDebugger.Log(" options.pathLocation =" + options.pathLocation); filePath = options.path; fileLocation = options.pathLocation; } } } result = GetFilePath(filePath, fileLocation); XDebugger.Log("GetFilePath() result=" + result); return(result); }
void IOSBack2(string videoTime) { debug.text += "视频时长:" + videoTime; XDebugger.Log("视频时长:" + videoTime); XDebugger.Log("真机的宽高:" + Screen.width + "," + Screen.height); XDebugger.Log("dpi:" + Screen.dpi); }
public bool OpenVideoFromFile(FileLocation location, string path, bool autoPlay = true) { m_VideoLocation = location; m_VideoPath = path; m_AutoStart = autoPlay; XDebugger.Log("m_VideoPath =" + m_VideoPath); if (m_Control == null) { Initialise(); } return(OpenVideoFromFile()); }
IEnumerator LoadVideo2(string url) { try { mediaPlayer.m_VideoPath = url; //"video_1.mp4"; bool isOpenVideoFromFile = mediaPlayer.OpenVideoFromFile(mediaPlayer.m_VideoLocation, mediaPlayer.m_VideoPath, mediaPlayer.m_AutoStart); mediaPlayer.Control.MuteAudio(false); mediaPlayer.Control.SetLooping(true); XDebugger.Log("isOpenVideoFromFile =" + isOpenVideoFromFile); } catch (System.Exception e) { XDebugger.Log("Exception =" + e.Message); } yield return(mediaPlayer); }
IEnumerator LoadVideo(string url) { byte[] bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(url); WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); form.AddBinaryData("myFile", bytes, "Temp.mp4"); using (var w = UnityWebRequest.Post("", form)) { yield return(w.SendWebRequest()); if (w.isNetworkError || w.isHttpError) { debug.text = w.error; XDebugger.Log(w.error); } else { debug.text = "Finished Uploading Screenshot"; XDebugger.Log("Finished Uploading Screenshot"); } } }
private int ScaleFactor = 2; //设备分辨率/逻辑分辨率 private void Start() { XDebugger.Log("Start"); }