예제 #1
 public static ExecutionID XamGetExecutionId(XboxConsole Console)
     var ppExecutionId = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<uint>(0, ArgumentType.Out);
     var returnVal = Console.ExecuteRPC<uint>(XDRPCMode.Title, "xam.xex", 640, ppExecutionId);
     if (returnVal != 0x00000000) throw new COMException("Exception from HRESULT: " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", returnVal), (int)returnVal);
     if (ppExecutionId.Value == 0) throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XamGetExecutionId: Invalid pointer returned.");
     //The above only gets the pointer in console memory to the Execution ID. We still have to grab it below.
     //Props to MS devs for making a really nice function to do this.
     using (var refr = new XDRPCReference(Console, ppExecutionId.Value, 24)) return refr.Get<ExecutionID>();
예제 #2
        public static ExecutionID XamGetExecutionId(XboxConsole Console)
            var ppExecutionId = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint>(0, ArgumentType.Out);
            var returnVal     = Console.ExecuteRPC <uint>(XDRPCMode.Title, "xam.xex", 640, ppExecutionId);

            if (returnVal != 0x00000000)
                throw new COMException("Exception from HRESULT: " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", returnVal), (int)returnVal);
            if (ppExecutionId.Value == 0)
                throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XamGetExecutionId: Invalid pointer returned.");
            //The above only gets the pointer in console memory to the Execution ID. We still have to grab it below.
            //Props to MS devs for making a really nice function to do this.
            using (var refr = new XDRPCReference(Console, ppExecutionId.Value, 24)) return(refr.Get <ExecutionID>());