예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// References the data store for user permissions and gets the user's associated permission level. Returns <see cref="DefaultPermissionLevel"/> if the value does not exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId">The ID of the user to get permissions of.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The bot context to grab the information from.</param>
        /// <exception cref="MalformedConfigDataException"/>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static byte GetPermissionLevelOfUser(ulong userId, BotContext context)
            XConfiguration cfg     = XConfiguration.GetConfigurationUtility(context, "userPerms.permissions");
            string         permLvl = cfg.GetConfigurationValue(userId.ToString(), DefaultPermissionLevel.ToString(), reloadConfigFile: true);

            if (byte.TryParse(permLvl, out byte perms))
                // Catch case
                byte returnValue = perms;

                if (context.DefaultUserPermissions.TryGetValue(userId, out byte contextPermissionLevel))
                    if (contextPermissionLevel == 255)
                        XanBotLogger.WriteDebugLine($"Note: The user [{userId}] has permission level 255 for BotContext [{context.Name}], which is intended for use in the backend console only. If any commands rely on 255 being console-only, this may cause problems!");

                    returnValue = contextPermissionLevel;

            throw new MalformedConfigDataException("The data stored for the permission level of user [" + userId + "] is malformed. Reason: Could not cast " + permLvl + " into a byte.");
예제 #2
        public override async Task ExecuteCommandAsync(BotContext context, XanBotMember executingMember, DiscordMessage originalMessage, string[] args, string allArgs)
            if (args.Length == 0)
                throw new CommandException(this, "Invalid argument count. Expected at least one argument.");
            else if (args.Length >= 1)
                XConfiguration targetConfig = XConfiguration.GetConfigurationUtility(context);

                // If there is 1 or more arguments...
                string subCommand = args[0].ToLower();

                // >> config list
                if (subCommand == "list")
                    string   message = "**Configuration Values:**\n```lua\n";
                    string[] keys    = targetConfig.Keys.ToArray();
                    foreach (string key in keys)
                        message += "[\"" + key + "\"]=" + targetConfig.GetConfigurationValue(key) + "\n";
                    message += "```";
                    await ResponseUtil.RespondToAsync(originalMessage, message);

                    // >> config get
                else if (subCommand == "get")
                    if (args.Length != 2)
                        throw new CommandException(this, "Expected two arguments for operation \"get\" -- get <key>");
                    if (args[1].Contains(' '))
                        throw new CommandException(this, "Config keys cannot contain spaces.");
                    string value = targetConfig.GetConfigurationValue(args[1]);
                    if (value != null)
                        await ResponseUtil.RespondToAsync(originalMessage, "```\n[" + args[1] + "]=" + value + "\n```");
                        await ResponseUtil.RespondToAsync(originalMessage, "The specified key does not exist in the configuration.");

                    // >> config set
                else if (subCommand == "set")
                    if (args.Length != 3)
                        throw new CommandException(this, "Expected two arguments for operation \"set\" -- set <key> <value>");
                    if (args[1].Contains(' '))
                        throw new CommandException(this, "Config keys cannot contain spaces.");
                    targetConfig.SetConfigurationValue(args[1], args[2]);
                    await ResponseUtil.RespondToAsync(originalMessage, "Set [`" + args[1] + "`] to: `" + args[2] + "`");

                    // >> config remove
                else if (subCommand == "remove")
                    if (args.Length != 2)
                        throw new CommandException(this, "Expected two arguments for operation \"remove\" -- remove <key>");
                    if (args[1].Contains(' '))
                        throw new CommandException(this, "Config keys cannot contain spaces.");
                    bool wasRemoved = targetConfig.RemoveConfigurationValue(args[1]);
                    if (wasRemoved)
                        await ResponseUtil.RespondToAsync(originalMessage, $"Removed configuration entry `{args[1]}`");
                        await ResponseUtil.RespondToAsync(originalMessage, $"Could not remove configuration entry `{args[1]}` -- it doesn't exist in the first place.");

                    // something else
                    throw new CommandException(this, string.Format("Invalid operation \"{0}\" (expected get, set, remove, or list)", subCommand));