/// <summary> Dispose by parent. </summary>
        public override void DisposeByParent()
            // Free shared ressources.
            if (_gc != IntPtr.Zero)
                X11lib.XFreeGC(_display, _gc);
                _gc = IntPtr.Zero;

        /// <summary> Initialize local ressources for all constructors. </summary>
        /// <param name="assignedPosition"> The position of the top left top corner assigned by the window manager (for shell widgets) or geometry management (by non-shell widgets). Passed as reference to avoid structure copy constructor calls. <see cref="TPoint"/> </param>
        public void InitializeTransientShellResources(ref TPoint offset)
            /* Get the colors black and white. */
            TPixel black = X11lib.XBlackPixel(_display, _screenNumber);                 /* get color black */
            TPixel white = X11lib.XWhitePixel(_display, _screenNumber);                 /* get color white */

            /* Once the display is initialized, create the window.
             * It will have the foreground white and background black */

            _window = X11lib.XCreateSimpleWindow(_display, X11lib.XDefaultRootWindow(_display), (TInt)offset.X, (TInt)offset.Y, (TUint)_assignedSize.Width, (TUint)_assignedSize.Height, 0, 0, black);
            if (_window == IntPtr.Zero)
                Console.WriteLine(CLASS_NAME + "::InitializeTransientShellResources () ERROR. Can not create transient shell.");

            X11lib.XSelectInput(_display, _window,
                                EventMask.StructureNotifyMask | EventMask.ExposureMask |
                                EventMask.ButtonPressMask | EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask |
                                EventMask.EnterWindowMask | EventMask.LeaveWindowMask |
                                EventMask.PointerMotionMask | EventMask.FocusChangeMask |
                                EventMask.KeyPressMask | EventMask.KeyReleaseMask |

            _hasOwnWindow = true;

            /* Hook the closing event from windows manager. */
            _wmDeleteMessage = X11lib.XInternAtom(_display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", false);
            if (X11lib.XSetWMProtocols(_display, _window, ref _wmDeleteMessage, (X11.TInt) 1) == 0)
                Console.WriteLine(CLASS_NAME + "::InitializeTransientShellResources () WARNING: Failed to register 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW' event.");

            X11lib.XSetTransientForHint(_display, _window, Parent.Window);

            /* Recreate the foreground Graphics Context with. */
            if (_gc != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (XrwApplicationSettings.VERBOSE_OUTPUT_TO_CONSOLE)
                    Console.WriteLine(CLASS_NAME + "::InitializeTransientShellResources () Replace the foreground GC.");
                X11lib.XFreeGC(_display, _gc);
                _gc = IntPtr.Zero;
            _gc = X11lib.XCreateGC(_display, _window, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
            X11lib.XSetForeground(_display, _gc, white);
예제 #3
        /// <summary> Initialize local ressources for all constructors. </summary>
        /// <param name="assignedPosition"> The position of the top left top corner assigned by the window manager (for shell widgets) or geometry management (by non-shell widgets). Passed as reference to avoid structure copy constructor calls. <see cref="TPoint"/> </param>
        public void InitializeOverrideShellResources(ref TPoint assignedPosition)
            TInt depth = X11lib.XDefaultDepth(_display, _screenNumber);

            X11lib.WindowAttributeMask  mask       = X11lib.WindowAttributeMask.CWOverrideRedirect | X11lib.WindowAttributeMask.CWSaveUnder;
            X11lib.XSetWindowAttributes attributes = new X11lib.XSetWindowAttributes();
            attributes.override_redirect = (TBoolean)1;
            attributes.save_under        = (TBoolean)1;
            _window = X11lib.XCreateWindow(_display, X11lib.XDefaultRootWindow(_display), (TInt)assignedPosition.X, (TInt)assignedPosition.Y, (TUint)_assignedSize.Width, (TUint)_assignedSize.Height,
                                           0, depth, (TUint)X11lib.WindowClass.InputOutput, IntPtr.Zero, mask, ref attributes);
            if (_window == IntPtr.Zero)
                Console.WriteLine(CLASS_NAME + "::InitializeOverrideShellResources () ERROR. Can not create menu shell.");

            _hasOwnWindow = true;

            X11lib.XSelectInput(_display, _window,
                                EventMask.ExposureMask | EventMask.ButtonPressMask | EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask |
                                EventMask.EnterWindowMask | EventMask.LeaveWindowMask | EventMask.PointerMotionMask |
                                EventMask.FocusChangeMask | EventMask.KeyPressMask | EventMask.KeyReleaseMask |

            /* Create the foreground Graphics Context. */
            if (_gc != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (XrwApplicationSettings.VERBOSE_OUTPUT_TO_CONSOLE)
                    Console.WriteLine(CLASS_NAME + "::InitializeOverrideShellResources () Replace the foreground GC.");
                X11lib.XFreeGC(_display, _gc);
                _gc = IntPtr.Zero;
            _gc = X11lib.XCreateGC(_display, _window, 0, IntPtr.Zero);