/// <summary> /// Convert a collection from to a nettiers collection to a the ws proxy collection. /// </summary> public static WsProxy.StoreContact[] Convert(Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList <StoreContact> items) { WsProxy.StoreContact[] outItems = new WsProxy.StoreContact[items.Count]; int count = 0; foreach (Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact item in items) { outItems[count++] = Convert(item); } return(outItems); }
/// <summary> /// Convert a nettiers entity to the ws proxy entity. /// </summary> public static WsProxy.StoreContact Convert(Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact item) { WsProxy.StoreContact outItem = new WsProxy.StoreContact(); outItem.CustomerId = item.CustomerId; outItem.ContactId = item.ContactId; outItem.ContactTypeId = item.ContactTypeId; outItem.Rowguid = item.Rowguid; outItem.ModifiedDate = item.ModifiedDate; outItem.OriginalCustomerId = item.OriginalCustomerId; outItem.OriginalContactId = item.OriginalContactId; return(outItem); }
/// <summary> /// Gets rows from the datasource based on the PK_StoreContact_CustomerID_ContactID index. /// </summary> /// <param name="start">Row number at which to start reading.</param> /// <param name="pageLength">Number of rows to return.</param> /// <param name="_customerId">Store identification number. Foreign key to Customer.CustomerID.</param> /// <param name="_contactId">Contact (store employee) identification number. Foreign key to Contact.ContactID.</param> /// <param name="transactionManager"><see cref="TransactionManager"/> object</param> /// <param name="count">out parameter to get total records for query</param> /// <remarks></remarks> /// <returns>Returns an instance of the <see cref="Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact"/> class.</returns> public override Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact GetByCustomerIdContactId(TransactionManager transactionManager, System.Int32 _customerId, System.Int32 _contactId, int start, int pageLength, out int count) { try { WsProxy.AdventureWorksServices proxy = new WsProxy.AdventureWorksServices(); proxy.Url = Url; WsProxy.StoreContact items = proxy.StoreContactProvider_GetByCustomerIdContactId(_customerId, _contactId, start, pageLength, out count); return(Convert(items)); } catch (SoapException soex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(soex); throw soex; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex); throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact object into the datasource using a transaction. /// </summary> /// <param name="transactionManager"><see cref="TransactionManager"/> object</param> /// <param name="entity">Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact object to insert.</param> /// <remarks></remarks> /// <returns>Returns true if operation is successful.</returns> public override bool Insert(TransactionManager transactionManager, Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact entity) { WsProxy.AdventureWorksServices proxy = new WsProxy.AdventureWorksServices(); proxy.Url = Url; try { WsProxy.StoreContact result = proxy.StoreContactProvider_Insert(Convert(entity)); Convert(entity, result); return(true); } catch (SoapException soex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(soex); throw soex; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex); throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// Convert a nettiers collection to the ws proxy collection. /// </summary> public static Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact Convert(Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact outItem, WsProxy.StoreContact item) { if (item != null && outItem != null) { outItem.CustomerId = item.CustomerId; outItem.ContactId = item.ContactId; outItem.ContactTypeId = item.ContactTypeId; outItem.Rowguid = item.Rowguid; outItem.ModifiedDate = item.ModifiedDate; outItem.OriginalCustomerId = item.CustomerId; outItem.OriginalContactId = item.ContactId; outItem.AcceptChanges(); } return(outItem); }
/// <summary> /// Convert a nettiers collection to the ws proxy collection. /// </summary> public static Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact Convert(WsProxy.StoreContact item) { Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact outItem = item == null ? null : new Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact(); Convert(outItem, item); return(outItem); }
/// <summary> /// Convert a collection from to a nettiers collection to a the ws proxy collection. /// </summary> public static WsProxy.StoreContact[] Convert(Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList<StoreContact> items) { WsProxy.StoreContact[] outItems = new WsProxy.StoreContact[items.Count]; int count = 0; foreach (Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact item in items) { outItems[count++] = Convert(item); } return outItems; }
/// <summary> /// Convert a nettiers entity to the ws proxy entity. /// </summary> public static WsProxy.StoreContact Convert(Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact item) { WsProxy.StoreContact outItem = new WsProxy.StoreContact(); outItem.CustomerId = item.CustomerId; outItem.ContactId = item.ContactId; outItem.ContactTypeId = item.ContactTypeId; outItem.Rowguid = item.Rowguid; outItem.ModifiedDate = item.ModifiedDate; outItem.OriginalCustomerId = item.OriginalCustomerId; outItem.OriginalContactId = item.OriginalContactId; return outItem; }