public override void scan(int sleepTime = 0) { DriverWrapper driver = null; ScoreBoardFinder sbf = new ScoreBoardFinder(sleepTime); sbf.Start(); while (true) { try { if (driver == null) { driver = driverCreator.CreateDriver(""); } var hstats = new Dictionary <string, int>(); var astats = new Dictionary <string, int>(); var copyOfTheList = sbf.GetWebBlobs(); log.Debug("There are " + copyOfTheList.Count() + " games in the blob list"); if (copyOfTheList.Count() == 0) { var downTime = 20000; log.Debug("Going to sleep for " + downTime + " miiliseconds"); driver.ForceSleep(downTime); continue; } foreach (var blob in copyOfTheList) { log.Debug("On the blob loop..."); string homeTeamName = blob.HomeTeam; string awayTeamName = blob.AwayTeam; string league = blob.League; string scoreUrl = blob.Url; driver.Url = scoreUrl; driver.DirtySleep(sleepTime); string text = driver.GetElementText("//*[@id=\"commentaryContent\"]"); int totalDAs = -1; int totalAs = -1; int totalCs = -1; int totalBs = -1; int homeDAs = -1; int homeAs = -1; int homeCs = -1; int homeBs = -1; int homeSonTs = -1; int homeSoffTs = -1; int awayDAs = -1; int awayAs = -1; int awayCs = -1; int awayBs = -1; int awaySonTs = -1; int awaySoffTs = -1; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) == false) { var splits = text.Split('\n').ToList(); splits.RemoveAll(x => String.IsNullOrEmpty(x)); splits.RemoveAll(x => x[0] == ' '); splits.RemoveAll(x => char.IsDigit(x[0])); var distinct = splits.Distinct(); var query = distinct.Select(g => new { Name = g, Count = g.Count() }); splits.ForEach(x => x.Trim()); totalDAs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Dangerous Attack by")); totalAs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Attack by")); totalCs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Clearance by")); totalBs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Blocked Shot for")); homeDAs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Dangerous Attack by " + homeTeamName)); homeAs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Attack by " + homeTeamName)); homeCs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Clearance by " + homeTeamName)); homeBs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Blocked Shot for " + homeTeamName)); homeSonTs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Shot On Target for " + homeTeamName)); homeSoffTs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Shot Off Target for " + homeTeamName)); awayDAs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Dangerous Attack by " + awayTeamName)); awayAs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Attack by " + awayTeamName)); awayCs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Clearance by " + awayTeamName)); awayBs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Blocked Shot for " + awayTeamName)); awaySonTs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Shot On Target for " + awayTeamName)); awaySoffTs = splits.Count(x => x.StartsWith("Shot Off Target for " + awayTeamName)); if (homeDAs + awayDAs != totalDAs) { if (homeDAs == 0) { homeDAs = totalDAs - awayDAs; } if (awayDAs == 0) { awayDAs = totalDAs - homeDAs; } } if (homeAs + awayAs != totalAs) { if (homeAs == 0) { homeAs = totalAs - awayAs; } if (awayAs == 0) { awayAs = totalAs - homeAs; } } if (homeCs + awayCs != totalCs) { if (homeCs == 0) { homeCs = totalCs - awayCs; } if (awayCs == 0) { awayCs = totalCs - homeCs; } } if (homeBs + awayBs != totalBs) { if (homeBs == 0) { homeBs = totalBs - awayBs; } if (awayBs == 0) { awayBs = totalBs - homeBs; } } } log.Debug("Game:\t\t" + homeTeamName + " v " + awayTeamName); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(scoreUrl) == false) { string previewText = driver.GetElementText("//*[@id=\"previewContents\"]"); string time = driver.GetElementText("//*[@id=\"time\"]"); string period = driver.GetElementText("//*[@id=\"period\"]"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(time)) { time = period; } //"Ivory Coast\r\nTogo\r\n56%\r\n44%" //"TotalNormal Time1st Half2nd Half\r\nIvory Coast 2 0 5 5 1 5 18 22 1 0\r\nTogo 1 0 4 9 0 6 16 21 3 0" bool clickedOk = driver.ClickElement("//*[@id=\"statisticsTab\"]"); if (!clickedOk) { log.Error("======> Click failed"); } var previewSplits = Regex.Split(previewText, "\r\n").ToList(); string aPossession = previewSplits.Last().Replace("%", ""); previewSplits.RemoveAt(previewSplits.Count() - 1); string hPossession = previewSplits.Last().Replace("%", ""); string statsText = driver.GetElementText("//*[@id=\"statsTable\"]/tbody"); string homeStatsText = Regex.Split(statsText, "\r\n").ToList().ElementAt(0); string awayStatsText = Regex.Split(statsText, "\r\n").ToList().ElementAt(1); var homeStatsList = Regex.Split(homeStatsText, " ").ToList(); var justHomeStats = homeStatsList.GetRange(homeStatsList.Count() - 10, 10); var awayStatsList = Regex.Split(awayStatsText, " ").ToList(); var justAwayStats = awayStatsList.GetRange(awayStatsList.Count() - 10, 10); hstats[statType[0]] = ParseInt(statType[0], hPossession); for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i) { int parseResult = ParseInt(statType[i + 1], justHomeStats[i]); if (parseResult == -1 && (i == 0 || i == 5 || i == 8 || i == 9)) { hstats[statType[i + 1]] = 0; } else { hstats[statType[i + 1]] = parseResult; } } if (hstats[statType[3]] == -1) { hstats[statType[3]] = homeSonTs; } if (hstats[statType[4]] == -1) { hstats[statType[4]] = homeSoffTs; } hstats[statType[11]] = homeAs; hstats[statType[12]] = homeDAs; hstats[statType[13]] = homeBs; hstats[statType[14]] = homeCs; astats[statType[0]] = ParseInt(statType[0], aPossession); for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i) { int parseResult = ParseInt(statType[i + 1], justAwayStats[i]); if (parseResult == -1 && (i == 0 || i == 5 || i == 8 || i == 9)) { astats[statType[i + 1]] = 0; } else { astats[statType[i + 1]] = parseResult; } } if (astats[statType[3]] == -1) { astats[statType[3]] = awaySonTs; } if (astats[statType[4]] == -1) { astats[statType[4]] = awaySoffTs; } astats[statType[11]] = awayAs; astats[statType[12]] = awayDAs; astats[statType[13]] = awayBs; astats[statType[14]] = awayCs; homeTeamName = DoSubstitutions(homeTeamName); awayTeamName = DoSubstitutions(awayTeamName); league = DoSubstitutions(league); bool homeTeamLongest = homeTeamName.Length > awayTeamName.Length; log.Info("League:\t\t" + league + " at " + time); log.Info(homeTeamName.PadRight(homeTeamLongest ? homeTeamName.Length + 1 : awayTeamName.Length + 1) + String.Join(" ", hstats.Values)); log.Info(awayTeamName.PadRight(homeTeamLongest ? homeTeamName.Length + 1 : awayTeamName.Length + 1) + String.Join(" ", astats.Values)); if (hstats.Keys.Any(x => x == "-1") || astats.Keys.Any(x => x == "-1")) { log.Warn("Bad Stat detected.... skipping"); continue; } string today = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("ddMMyy"); string yesterday = (DateTime.Today.ToUniversalTime() - TimeSpan.FromDays(1)).ToString("ddMMyy"); string finalName = Path.Combine(xmlPath, league, homeTeamName + " v " + awayTeamName + "_" + today + ".xml"); bool exists = File.Exists(finalName); //edge case of games going over midnight bool bOverMidnight = false; if (exists == false) { string anotherName = Path.Combine(xmlPath, league, homeTeamName + " v " + awayTeamName + "_" + yesterday + ".xml"); if (File.Exists(anotherName)) { finalName = anotherName; exists = true; bOverMidnight = true; } } SendToWebDelegate sd = new SendToWebDelegate(SendToWeb); sd.BeginInvoke(league, bOverMidnight ? DateTime.Today.ToUniversalTime() - TimeSpan.FromDays(1) : DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), homeTeamName, awayTeamName, hstats, astats, time, null, null); WriteXmlDelegate wd = new WriteXmlDelegate(WriteXml); wd.BeginInvoke(xmlPath, hstats, astats, homeTeamName, awayTeamName, league, time, exists, finalName, null, null); } } } catch (Exception ce) { log.Error("Exception caught: " + ce); if (driver != null) { driver.Quit(); driver.Dispose(); driver = null; } } } }
public override void scan(int sleepTime) { DriverWrapper driverWrapper = null; int idx = -1; if (driverWrapper == null) { string agentString = "--user-agent=\"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.6; en-us; Nexus S Build/GRK39F) AppleWebKit/533/1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1\""; driverWrapper = DriverFactory.getDriverWaiter(BrowserAutomation.DriverFactory.Browser.Chrome, agentString); } int badLoopCounter = 0; string botID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); while (true) { idx++; try { if (driverWrapper == null) { string agentString = "--user-agent=\"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.6; en-us; Nexus S Build/GRK39F) AppleWebKit/533/1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1\""; driverWrapper = driverCreator.CreateDriver(agentString); if (driverWrapper == null) { log.Error("Failed to make a Selenium Driver"); continue; } } //load the main page driverWrapper.Url = ";key=1;ip=1;lng=1"; //driverWrapper.Url = ";key=1;ip=0;lng=1"; bool inPlayElement = false; try { inPlayElement = driverWrapper.WaitUntil(ExpectedBotCondition.VerifyInplayScreen(), 60); } catch (WebDriverTimeoutException) { log.Debug("No games in play, going to sleep for a bit...."); driverWrapper.Quit(); driverWrapper.Dispose(); driverWrapper = null; continue; } List <IWebElement> fixtureElements = null; if (inPlayElement) { fixtureElements = driverWrapper.FindElements(By.ClassName("Fixture")).ToList(); int removed = fixtureElements.RemoveAll(x => x.GetAttribute("class") != "Fixture"); log.Warn("Fixtures: " + fixtureElements.Count); log.Warn("Removed: " + removed); var fixtureList = driverWrapper.FindElement(By.ClassName("FixtureList")); var fText = fixtureList.Text; var fixtureSplits = Regex.Split(fText, "\r\n").ToList(); fixtureSplits.RemoveAll(x => excludeString.Contains(x.ToUpper())); var competitionName = ""; competitions.Clear(); while (fixtureSplits.Count() != 0) { var tempBuf = new List <string>(); fixtureSplits.RemoveAll(x => x == "VIDEO"); Game a = null; while (fixtureSplits.Count() != 0) { if (fixtureSplits.First().StartsWith(" ")) { tempBuf.Add(Chomp(fixtureSplits)); break; } else { tempBuf.Add(Chomp(fixtureSplits)); } } if (tempBuf.Count() == 2) { var team1 = tempBuf[0]; var team2 = tempBuf[1]; if (team1.Contains(":")) { team1 = team1.Substring(team1.IndexOf(' ')); } a = new Game(); a.competitionName = competitionName.Trim(); a.team1 = team1.Trim(); a.team2 = team2.Trim(); } else if (tempBuf.Count() == 3) { competitionName = tempBuf[0]; var team1 = tempBuf[1]; var team2 = tempBuf[2]; if (team1.Contains(":")) { team1 = team1.Substring(team1.IndexOf(' ')); } a = new Game(); a.competitionName = competitionName.Trim(); a.team1 = team1.Trim(); a.team2 = team2.Trim(); } else { log.Info("Unexpected number of string in temp buf"); } if (a != null) { competitions.Add(a); } } } else { continue; } if (idx == -1) { Random random = new Random(); idx = random.Next(0, fixtureElements.Count()); } int elementCount = 0; fixtureElements.ForEach(x => { if (idx == elementCount) { log.Warn(x.Text); } else { } // log.Debug(x.Text); ++elementCount; }); log.Info("Scanning game " + idx + " of " + fixtureElements.Count() + " games in play at " + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()); if (idx < fixtureElements.Count()) { var hstats = new Dictionary <string, int>(); var astats = new Dictionary <string, int>(); int attempts = 3; fixtureElements.ElementAt(idx).Click(); string clockText = ""; try { bool clockIsOnScreen = driverWrapper.WaitUntil(ExpectedBotCondition.ThereIsAClock(), 20); if (clockIsOnScreen) { var clock = driverWrapper.FindElement(By.Id("mlClock")); if (clock.Text.Contains(':')) { clockText = clock.Text; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(clockText)) { log.Error("No time avaiable!!!!"); throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception vr) { log.Warn("cleanScores == null - " + vr); ++badLoopCounter; if (badLoopCounter == 5) { log.Warn("Bad loop counter reset..."); badLoopCounter = 0; driverWrapper.Quit(); driverWrapper.Dispose(); driverWrapper = null; } continue; } try { driverWrapper.WaitUntil(ExpectedBotCondition.ThereIsAnIdWithAttributeWithValue("arena", "style", "height: 144px;"), 5); } catch { log.Warn("Couldn't find stats areas, continuing...."); continue; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(400); IJavaScriptExecutor js = driverWrapper.Driver as IJavaScriptExecutor; js.ExecuteScript("document.getElementsByClassName('carousel')[0].setAttribute('style', '-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, 0px);')"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(400); string hCardsAndCornersText = ""; string aCardsAndCornersText = ""; Func <IWebDriver, bool> f1 = driver => { ReadOnlyCollection <IWebElement> elems = null; try { elems = driver.FindElements(By.Id("team1IconStats")); } catch { } if (elems.Count != 0) { hCardsAndCornersText = elems.First().Text; } return(hCardsAndCornersText.Split(' ').Count() == 3); }; Func <IWebDriver, bool> f2 = driver => { ReadOnlyCollection <IWebElement> elems = null; try { elems = driver.FindElements(By.Id("team2IconStats")); } catch { } if (elems.Count != 0) { aCardsAndCornersText = elems.First().Text; } return(aCardsAndCornersText.Split(' ').Count() == 3); }; try { driverWrapper.WaitUntilConditionIsTrue(f1, 2); driverWrapper.WaitUntilConditionIsTrue(f2, 2); } catch { try { js.ExecuteScript("document.getElementsByClassName('carousel')[0].setAttribute('style', '-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, 0px);')"); driverWrapper.WaitUntilConditionIsTrue(f1, 3); driverWrapper.WaitUntilConditionIsTrue(f2, 3); } catch { } } if (hCardsAndCornersText == "" || aCardsAndCornersText == "") { log.Warn("hCardsAndCorners == null"); log.Warn("Resetting driver..."); ++badLoopCounter; if (badLoopCounter == 5) { badLoopCounter = 0; driverWrapper.Quit(); driverWrapper.Dispose(); driverWrapper = null; } continue; } var inPlayTitles = driverWrapper.GetValuesByClassName("EventViewTitle", attempts, 1, new char[] { '@' }); if (inPlayTitles == null) { log.Warn("inPlayTitles == null"); continue; } bool rballOkay = true; List <string> shotsOnTarget = null; List <string> shotsOffTarget = null; List <string> attacks = null; List <string> dangerousAttacks = null; shotsOnTarget = driverWrapper.GetValuesById("stat1", attempts, 3, "\r\n"); if (shotsOnTarget == null) { IWebElement noStats = driverWrapper.FindElement(By.Id("noStats")); if (noStats != null) { log.Debug("shotsOnTarget == null Message: " + noStats.Text); } else { log.Warn("shotsOnTarget == null Expected no statistics but it's not displayed for some other reason"); } rballOkay = false; } if (rballOkay == true) { shotsOffTarget = driverWrapper.GetValuesById("stat2", attempts, 3, "\r\n"); if (shotsOffTarget == null) { log.Warn("shotsOffTarget == null"); rballOkay = false; } attacks = driverWrapper.GetValuesById("stat3", attempts, 3, "\r\n"); if (attacks == null) { log.Warn("attacks == null"); rballOkay = false; } dangerousAttacks = driverWrapper.GetValuesById("stat4", attempts, 3, "\r\n"); if (dangerousAttacks == null) { log.Warn("dangerousAttacks == null"); rballOkay = false; } } string inPlayTitle = inPlayTitles.ElementAt(0); if (inPlayTitle.Contains("\r\n")) { inPlayTitle = inPlayTitle.Substring(0, inPlayTitle.IndexOf("\r\n")); } var vals = new List <string>(); Action <Dictionary <string, int>, StatAlias, string, int> setStat = (Dictionary <string, int> d, StatAlias alias, string val, int at) => { string statString = stat(alias); d[statString] = ParseInt(statString, val); }; Action <Dictionary <string, int>, StatAlias[], List <string> > setStat2 = (Dictionary <string, int> d, StatAlias[] alias, List <string> list) => { for (int i = 0; i < alias.Length; ++i) { string statString = stat(alias[i]); d[statString] = ParseInt(statString, list.ElementAt(i)); } }; StatAlias[] aliases = { StatAlias.RedCards, StatAlias.YellowCards, StatAlias.Corners }; setStat2(hstats, aliases, hCardsAndCornersText.Split(' ').ToList()); setStat2(astats, aliases, aCardsAndCornersText.Split(' ').ToList()); if (rballOkay) { aliases = new StatAlias[] { StatAlias.ShotsOnTarget, StatAlias.ShotsOffTarget, StatAlias.Attacks, StatAlias.DangerousAttacks }; Func <List <string>, string> h = x => x.ElementAt(0); setStat2(hstats, aliases, new List <string> { h(shotsOnTarget), h(shotsOffTarget), h(attacks), h(dangerousAttacks) }); Func <List <string>, string> a = x => x.ElementAt(2); setStat2(astats, aliases, new List <string> { a(shotsOnTarget), a(shotsOffTarget), a(attacks), a(dangerousAttacks) }); } var team1score = driverWrapper.FindElement(By.Id("team1score")).Text; var team2score = driverWrapper.FindElement(By.Id("team2score")).Text; setStat(hstats, StatAlias.Goals, team1score, 0); setStat(astats, StatAlias.Goals, team2score, 1); var teams = Regex.Split(inPlayTitle, " v "); string homeTeamName = DoSubstitutions(teams.ElementAt(0)); string awayTeamName = DoSubstitutions(teams.ElementAt(1)); string today = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("ddMMyy"); Game maybeGame = null; try { maybeGame = competitions.SingleOrDefault(x => x.team1.ToUpper().StartsWith(homeTeamName.ToUpper()) && x.team2.ToUpper().StartsWith(awayTeamName.ToUpper())); } catch (Exception ce) { log.Warn("Exception thrown in your shit code!:" + ce); } string league = "All"; if (maybeGame != null) { league = DoSubstitutions(maybeGame.competitionName); } string yesterday = (DateTime.Today.ToUniversalTime() - TimeSpan.FromDays(1)).ToString("ddMMyy"); string finalName = ""; try { finalName = Path.Combine(xmlPath, league, homeTeamName + " v " + awayTeamName + "_" + today + ".xml"); } catch (Exception ce) { log.Warn("Another exception thrown in your shit code!:" + ce); throw ce; } bool exists = File.Exists(finalName); //edge case of games going over midnight bool bOverMidnight = false; if (exists == false) { string anotherName = Path.Combine(xmlPath, league, homeTeamName + " v " + awayTeamName + "_" + yesterday + ".xml"); if (File.Exists(anotherName)) { finalName = anotherName; exists = true; bOverMidnight = true; } } SendToWebDelegate sd = new SendToWebDelegate(SendToWeb); sd.BeginInvoke(league, bOverMidnight ? DateTime.Today.ToUniversalTime() - TimeSpan.FromDays(1) : DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), homeTeamName, awayTeamName, hstats, astats, clockText, null, null); //SendToWeb(league, bOverMidnight ? DateTime.Today - TimeSpan.FromDays(1) : DateTime.Now, homeTeamName, awayTeamName, hstats, astats, clockText); WriteXmlDelegate wd = new WriteXmlDelegate(WriteXml); wd.BeginInvoke(xmlPath, hstats, astats, homeTeamName, awayTeamName, league, clockText, exists, finalName, null, null); } else { idx = -1; } } catch (System.Net.WebException we) { log.Warn("Caught Web Exception: " + we); continue; } catch (OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException we) { log.Error("Exception thrown: " + we); if (driverWrapper != null) { driverWrapper.Quit(); driverWrapper.Dispose(); driverWrapper = null; } } catch (Exception we) { log.Error("Exception thrown: " + we); if (driverWrapper != null) { driverWrapper.Quit(); driverWrapper.Dispose(); driverWrapper = null; } } } }