private static void NormalizeWaveform(Waveform waveform)
            // Normalize the waveform data
            float[] magnitudeArray = ComplexSingle.GetMagnitudes(waveform.WaveformData.GetRawData());
            float   magnitudeMax   = magnitudeArray.Max();
            WritableBuffer <ComplexSingle> waveformBuffer = waveform.WaveformData.GetWritableBuffer();

            for (int i = 0; i < waveformBuffer.Count(); i++)
                waveformBuffer[i] = ComplexSingle.FromPolar(waveformBuffer[i].Magnitude / magnitudeMax, waveformBuffer[i].Phase);

            // Calculate PAPR over only the burst length
            double burstPowerSum    = 0;
            int    burstSampleCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < waveform.BurstStartLocations.Length; i++)
                int offset = waveform.BurstStartLocations[i];
                int count  = waveform.BurstStopLocations[i] - offset;
                burstSampleCount += count;
                foreach (ComplexSingle iqPoint in waveformBuffer.Skip(offset).Take(count))
                    burstPowerSum += iqPoint.Real * iqPoint.Real + iqPoint.Imaginary * iqPoint.Imaginary;

            // RMS = sqrt(1/n*(|x_0|^2+|x_1|^2...|x_n|^2))
            // |x_n| = sqrt(i_n^2 + q_n^2) therefore |x_n|^2 = i_n^2 + q_n^2
            // RMS Power = v_rms^2 = 1/n*(|x_0|^2+|x_1|^2...|x_n|^2) hence p_rms = p_avg

            // averagePower = burstPowerSum / burstSampleCount;

            // PAPR (Peak to Average Power Ratio) = Peak Power/Avg Power
            // PAPR (dB) = 10*log(Peak Power/Avg Power)
            // Since we already scaled the data, the max value is simply 1
            // instead of doing waveform.PAPR_dB = 10 * Math.Log10(1 / averagePower) we will save a divide and invert the averagePower calculation

            waveform.PAPR_dB = 10 * Math.Log10(burstSampleCount / burstPowerSum);