public static void Main(string[] args) { try { //Based on the code from Console.WriteLine("Current user: "******"GARNET", "TestAdmin1", "password123"); context.Enter(); // Execute code under other uses context Console.WriteLine("Current user: "******"sc \\GARNET stop W3SVC" //Also, make sure the user on the remote server has access for //services granted as described here: //Otherwise you may see an error along the lines of: //Cannot open W3SVC service on computer '<SERVER>'. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Access is denied //For my configuration I had to run the command: // SUBINACL /SERVICE \\GARNET\W3SVC /GRANT=GARNET\TestAdmin=TO //It's entirely possible that running this command will allow your existing code to work without using impersonation. //You may need to install SUBINACL //By default SUBINACL will install to C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools //so CD to that directory and then run the SUBINACL command above. //Also worked with the IP address of GARNET (which was the machine name). var sc = new ServiceController("W3SVC", "GARNET"); sc.Start(); sc.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Running); sc.Stop(); sc.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped); //END - code to execute. context.Leave(); Console.WriteLine("Your code ran successfully. Current user: "******"An exception occured - details as follows: {0}", ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("The full stack trace is: {0}", ex); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void ShouldCreateLocalGroup() { var path = "WinNT://" + Environment.MachineName + ",computer"; const string groupName = "Test"; var imptCtxt = new WrapperImpersonationContext("MSHARONOV", "sdl.core", "P@ssw0rd"); imptCtxt.Enter(); var result = _target.CreateGroup(path, groupName).Sid; imptCtxt.Leave(); result.Should().NotBeNullOrEmpty(); }
public void ShouldResolveImpersonated() { var currentUserName = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name; var imptCtxt = new WrapperImpersonationContext("MSHARONOV", "sdl.core", "P@ssw0rd"); imptCtxt.Enter(); var impersonatedUserName = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name; impersonatedUserName.Should().NotStartWith(currentUserName); var result = _target.Get(impersonatedUserName); imptCtxt.Leave(); result.Should().NotBeNull(); }
public void ShouldResolveDomainUser() { var currentUserName = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name; var imptCtxt = new WrapperImpersonationContext("MSHARONOV", "sdl.core", "P@ssw0rd"); imptCtxt.Enter(); System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetPrincipalPolicy(PrincipalPolicy.WindowsPrincipal); var impersonatedUserName = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name; impersonatedUserName.Should().NotStartWith(currentUserName); var result = _target.Get(currentUserName); imptCtxt.Leave(); result.Should().NotBeNull(); }
private static void ImpersonateCurrentProcess() { Console.WriteLine("WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name: " + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name); Console.WriteLine(); var context = new WrapperImpersonationContext("Nikolay-PC", UserName, Password); context.Enter(); Console.WriteLine("... context.Enter(); ..."); // Execute code under other uses context Console.WriteLine("WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name: " + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name); Console.WriteLine("Environment.UserName: "******"SandboxExecutorProofOfConcept.exe.config"); Console.WriteLine(); context.Leave(); Console.WriteLine("... context.Leave(); ..."); Console.WriteLine("WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name: " + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name); }
public void EnterContextUnitTest() { Console.WriteLine(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); Console.WriteLine("identity=" + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name + "."); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(@"c:\temp\impersonationtest.txt")) { Console.WriteLine(sr.ReadToEnd()); } WrapperImpersonationContext context = new WrapperImpersonationContext(null, "sipsorcery-appsvr", "password"); context.Enter(); Console.WriteLine("identity=" + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name + "."); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(@"c:\temp\impersonationtest.txt")) { Console.WriteLine(sr.ReadToEnd()); } context.Leave(); Console.WriteLine("identity=" + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name + "."); }
public static string PutQueue(AVOAIALifeEntities entity, string RequestText, string strCorrelId, string callingFunc, string responseFunc) { WrapperImpersonationContext context = new WrapperImpersonationContext(); context.Enter(); string MessageText = string.Empty; MQQueueManager mqQMgr; MQQueue requestQueue; MQMessage requestMessage; QueueModel.MQRCText mqrcText = new QueueModel.MQRCText(); Hashtable props = new Hashtable(); var queueInfo = entity.tblSubFunctionMappings.Where(a => a.IntegrationFunctionName == callingFunc).FirstOrDefault(); var resQueueInfo = entity.tblSubFunctionMappings.Where(a => a.IntegrationFunctionName == responseFunc).FirstOrDefault(); string MQChannel = queueInfo.MQChannel; string RequestQueue = queueInfo.Queue; string ResponseQueue = resQueueInfo.Queue; string strRequestText = RequestText; //Step 1. Connect Queue Manager Object on the remote host. try { props.Add(MQC.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY, _mqHostServer); props.Add(MQC.CHANNEL_PROPERTY, MQChannel); props.Add(MQC.PORT_PROPERTY, _portNumber); // port number props.Add(MQC.TRANSPORT_PROPERTY, MQC.TRANSPORT_MQSERIES_CLIENT); props.Add(MQC.USER_ID_PROPERTY, _userName); props.Add(MQC.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, _password); mqQMgr = new MQQueueManager(_mqManager, props); } catch (IBM.WMQAX.MQException mqe) { string strError = mqrcText.getMQRCText(mqe.Reason); MessageText = "Error trying to create Queue Manager Object. Error: " + mqe.Message + ", Details: " + strError; return(MessageText); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageText = "Error trying to create Queue Manager Object. Error: " + ex.Message; return(MessageText); } //Step 2. Open Request Queue for writing our request try { requestQueue = mqQMgr.AccessQueue(RequestQueue, MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT + MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING); // but not if MQM stopping } catch (MQException mqe) { string strError = mqrcText.getMQRCText(mqe.Reason); MessageText = "Error trying to open Request Queue for writing. Error: " + mqe.Message + ", Details: " + strError; if (mqQMgr.IsConnected) { mqQMgr.Disconnect(); } return(MessageText); } //Step 4. PUT Request Message in Request Queue. Note the options needed to be set. //Note that once PUT is successful, you can close the Request Queue. Note that you are //asking whoever receives this request to copy the MSG ID to CORREL ID so that //you can later "match" the response you get with the request you sent. requestMessage = new MQMessage(); try { requestMessage.CharacterSet = 437; requestMessage.WriteString(RequestText); requestMessage.Format = MQC.MQFMT_STRING; requestMessage.MessageType = MQC.MQMT_REQUEST; requestMessage.Report = MQC.MQRO_COPY_MSG_ID_TO_CORREL_ID; requestMessage.ReplyToQueueName = ResponseQueue; requestMessage.ReplyToQueueManagerName = _mqManager; //Damo: Fix for multi thread Q mode. Assign the Correlation and MSG ID to the same reference key for the retrival. //requestMessage.CorrelationId = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strCorrelId); //requestMessage.MessageId = requestMessage.CorrelationId; requestMessage.CorrelationId = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strCorrelId); requestMessage.MessageId = requestMessage.CorrelationId; requestQueue.Put(requestMessage); if (requestQueue.OpenStatus) { requestQueue.Close(); } } catch (MQException mqe) { string strError = mqrcText.getMQRCText(mqe.Reason); MessageText = "Error trying to PUT Message to Request Queue. Error: " + mqe.Message + ", Details: " + strError; return(MessageText); } catch (Exception) { } context.Leave(); return(MessageText); }
public static string GetQueue(AVOAIALifeEntities entity, byte[] CorId, string responseFunc) { WrapperImpersonationContext context = new WrapperImpersonationContext(); context.Enter(); MQQueueManager mqQMgr; MQQueue requestQueue; QueueModel.MQRCText mqrcText = new QueueModel.MQRCText(); MQMessage requestMessage; var respQueueInfo = entity.tblSubFunctionMappings.Where(a => a.IntegrationFunctionName == responseFunc).FirstOrDefault(); string Message = string.Empty; string strRequestQueueName = respQueueInfo.Queue; Hashtable props = new Hashtable(); string MQChannel = respQueueInfo.MQChannel; //Step 1. Create Queue Manager Object. This will also CONNECT the Queue Manager try { props.Add(MQC.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY, _mqHostServer); props.Add(MQC.CHANNEL_PROPERTY, MQChannel); props.Add(MQC.PORT_PROPERTY, _portNumber); // port number props.Add(MQC.TRANSPORT_PROPERTY, MQC.TRANSPORT_MQSERIES_CLIENT); props.Add(MQC.USER_ID_PROPERTY, _userName); props.Add(MQC.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, _password); mqQMgr = new MQQueueManager(_mqManager, props); } catch (MQException mqe) { string strError = mqrcText.getMQRCText(mqe.Reason); Message = "Error trying to create Queue Manager Object. Error: " + mqe.Message + ", Details: " + strError; context.Leave(); return(Message); } //Step 2. Open Request Queue for reading/ getting the request try { requestQueue = mqQMgr.AccessQueue(strRequestQueueName, MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF // open queue for input + MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING); // but not if MQM stopping } catch (MQException mqe) { string strError = mqrcText.getMQRCText(mqe.Reason); Message = "Error trying to open Request Queue for reading. Error: " + mqe.Message + ", Details: " + strError; if (mqQMgr.IsConnected) { mqQMgr.Disconnect(); } context.Leave(); return(Message); } //Step 3. GET the request message. Note that you decide how long you wait for a message //to show up. As you are the server now, you do no matching - you must serve to all //clients. Guess why this method needed a separate thread? Because the GET() can hang the //thread if it is long enough. Note that request queue is NOT closed after GET is over. try { requestMessage = new MQMessage(); MQGetMessageOptions gmo = new MQGetMessageOptions(); gmo.Options = MQC.MQGMO_WAIT; // must be specified if you use wait interval gmo.WaitInterval = MQC.MQWI_UNLIMITED; gmo.WaitInterval = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WaitTime2"]); // Copy correlationID of the message you want to receive requestMessage.MessageId = CorId; requestQueue.Get(requestMessage, gmo); Message = requestMessage.ToString(); Message = requestMessage.ReadString(requestMessage.MessageLength); return(Message); } catch (MQException mqe) { string strError = mqrcText.getMQRCText(mqe.Reason); Message = "Error trying to GET message from Request Queue. Error: " + mqe.Message + ", Details: " + strError; if (requestQueue.OpenStatus) { requestQueue.Close(); } if (mqQMgr.IsConnected) { mqQMgr.Disconnect(); } context.Leave(); return(Message); } }
public ActionResult Dashboard(Models.ResourceModel resource) { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { Response.Redirect("/client"); } // extract img srcs from the thingy //string pattern = @"<img.*?src=""(?<url>.*?)"".*?>"; string pattern = @"<img.+?src=[\""'](.+?)[\""'].*?>"; Regex r = new Regex(pattern); string domain = "GISPLANNING"; string username = "******"; string password = "******"; WrapperImpersonationContext impContext = new WrapperImpersonationContext(domain, username, password); impContext.Enter(); // extract image tags foreach (Match match in r.Matches(resource.ResourceHtml)) { // get the src data string base64ImageString = match.Groups[1].Value; var isJpeg = false; var isPng = false; var isTiff = false; var isGif = false; string replaceString = string.Empty; // check to see which format it is...jpeg,png,tiff,gif if (base64ImageString.Contains("data:image/jpeg;base64,")) { isJpeg = true; replaceString = "data:image/jpeg;base64,"; } if (base64ImageString.Contains("data:image/png;base64,")) { isPng = true; replaceString = "data:image/png;base64,"; } if (base64ImageString.Contains("data:image/tiff;base64,")) { isTiff = true; replaceString = "data:image/tiff;base64,"; } if (base64ImageString.Contains("data:image/gif;base64,")) { isGif = true; replaceString = "data:image/gif;base64,"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(replaceString)) { // remove the data:image/png;base64, from it base64ImageString = base64ImageString.Replace(replaceString, ""); // save the img to disk Bitmap bmpFromString = null; byte[] byteBuffer = Convert.FromBase64String(base64ImageString); //byte[] byteBuffer = Serializer.FromBase64(base64ImageString); var myUniqueFileName = string.Format(@"{0}.jpg", Guid.NewGuid()); string imageServerPath = ""; string imageFilePath = "\\\\\\d$\\images\\"; string path = string.Empty; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(byteBuffer)) { memoryStream.Position = 0; bmpFromString = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(memoryStream); while (System.IO.File.Exists(myUniqueFileName)) { myUniqueFileName = string.Format(@"{0}.jpg", Guid.NewGuid()); } var context = System.Web.HttpContext.Current; path = string.Format(@"{0}/{1}", imageServerPath, myUniqueFileName); //System.IO.FileStream fs // = new System.IO.FileStream(path, System.IO.FileMode.Create // , System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite); string filePath = string.Format(@"{0}{1}", imageFilePath, myUniqueFileName); if (isJpeg == true) { bmpFromString.Save(filePath, ImageFormat.Jpeg); } if (isPng == true) { bmpFromString.Save(filePath, ImageFormat.Png); } if (isTiff == true) { bmpFromString.Save(filePath, ImageFormat.Tiff); } if (isGif == true) { bmpFromString.Save(filePath, ImageFormat.Gif); } //byte[] matriz = memoryStream.ToArray(); //fs.Write(matriz, 0, matriz.Length); memoryStream.Close(); //fs.Close(); } byteBuffer = null; // replace base64 in html with new path resource.ResourceHtml = resource.ResourceHtml.Replace(string.Format("{0}{1}", replaceString, base64ImageString), path); } } impContext.Leave(); if (resource.SaveHtml == true) { Guid g_ClientID; Guid.TryParse(resource.ClientId, out g_ClientID); if (resource.ClientId != "") { using (var context = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext) { var result = context.ClientResourceStrings.Where(x => x.ClientID == g_ClientID).FirstOrDefault(); if (result != null) { switch (resource.Section) { case "revenue": result.DashboardRevenue = resource.ResourceHtml; break; case "salary": result.DashboardSalary = resource.ResourceHtml; break; case "employees": result.DashboardAverageEmployees = resource.ResourceHtml; break; case "costeffectiveness": result.DashboardCostEffectiveness = resource.ResourceHtml; break; case "turnover": result.DashboardTurnover = resource.ResourceHtml; break; case "healthcare": result.DashboardHealthcare = resource.ResourceHtml; break; case "workerscomp": result.DashboardWorkersComp = resource.ResourceHtml; break; default: result.DashboardRevenue = resource.ResourceHtml; break; } context.SaveChanges(); } } } } // save all the resource to the database return(Content(resource.ResourceHtml)); //return View(); }