예제 #1
        private void btnDeploy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ////retrieve the application
            WqlResultObject application = GetApplicationWQLFromName(txtSCCMApplicationName.Text);

            if (application != null)
                ////get the collection we want to apply to the deployment
                string collectionQuery            = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "SELECT * FROM SMS_Collection Where Name = '{0}'", cmbCollection.Items[cmbCollection.SelectedIndex]);
                WqlQueryResultsObject collections = this.sccmConnection.QueryProcessor.ExecuteQuery(collectionQuery) as WqlQueryResultsObject;
                WqlResultObject       result      = null;
                foreach (WqlResultObject collection in collections)
                    result = collection;

                ////create an assignment (deployment) using the application and collection details
                if (result != null)
                    IResultObject applicationAssignment = this.sccmConnection.CreateInstance("SMS_ApplicationAssignment");
                    DateTime      time = DateTime.Now;
                    //// assign the application information to the assignment
                    applicationAssignment["ApplicationName"].StringValue     = application.PropertyList["LocalizedDisplayName"];
                    applicationAssignment["AssignedCI_UniqueID"].StringValue = application.PropertyList["CI_UniqueID"];
                    applicationAssignment["AssignedCIs"].IntegerArrayValue   = new int[] { int.Parse(application.PropertyList["CI_ID"]) };
                    applicationAssignment["AssignmentName"].StringValue      = this.txtSCCMApplicationName.Text + "_Deployment";
                    ////use the collection name
                    applicationAssignment["CollectionName"].StringValue        = result.PropertyList["Name"];
                    applicationAssignment["DisableMomAlerts"].BooleanValue     = true;
                    applicationAssignment["AssignmentDescription"].StringValue = "Created by a web form application";
                    applicationAssignment["EnforcementDeadline"].DateTimeValue = time;
                    applicationAssignment["NotifyUser"].BooleanValue           = false;
                    applicationAssignment["OfferFlags"].LongValue                       = 1;
                    applicationAssignment["DesiredConfigType"].LongValue                = 1;
                    applicationAssignment["OverrideServiceWindows"].BooleanValue        = false;
                    applicationAssignment["RebootOutsideOfServiceWindows"].BooleanValue = false;
                    applicationAssignment["RequireApproval"].BooleanValue               = false;
                    applicationAssignment["StartTime"].DateTimeValue                    = time;
                    applicationAssignment["SuppressReboot"].LongValue                   = 0;
                    ////use the collection id
                    applicationAssignment["TargetCollectionID"].StringValue = result.PropertyList["CollectionID"];
                    applicationAssignment["UseGMTTimes"].BooleanValue       = false;
                    applicationAssignment["UserUIExperience"].BooleanValue  = false;
                    applicationAssignment["WoLEnabled"].BooleanValue        = false;
                    applicationAssignment["LocaleID"].LongValue             = 1033;
예제 #2
        private void btnAddRequirement_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ////retrieve the global condition to be associated by name
            WqlQueryResultsObject results = this.sccmConnection.QueryProcessor.ExecuteQuery(string.Format("SELECT * FROM SMS_GlobalCondition Where LocalizedDisplayName = '{0}'", cmbConditions.Items[cmbConditions.SelectedIndex])) as WqlQueryResultsObject;
            IResultObject         result  = null;

            foreach (IResultObject item in results)
                result = item;
            ////retrieve the application to add the global condition onto be name
            sccm.Application application = GetApplicationFromName(txtSCCMApplicationName.Text);
            if (result != null && application != null && application.DeploymentTypes.Any())
                ////need to get all the information for the result otherwise the call to the dcmobjectwrapper wont work
                ////Get the full id from the property of the result object
                string ciuniqueid = result.PropertyList["CI_UniqueID"];
                ////It will contain the scope and ID which, both of which are needed seperately so split them on their seperator
                string[] ids   = ciuniqueid.Split("/".ToCharArray());
                string   scope = ids[0];
                string   id    = ids[1];

                ////wrap up the wmi object in a wrapper object so it is possible to read out particular seetings
                DcmObjectWrapper dcmwrapper      = DcmObjectWrapper.WrapExistingConfigurationItem(result) as DcmObjectWrapper;
                ComplexSetting   complexsettings = dcmwrapper.InnerConfigurationItem.Settings;
                string           name            = complexsettings.ChildSimpleSettings[0].LogicalName;

                ////create the operands object which will set up ther comparison information
                CustomCollection <ExpressionBase> operands = new CustomCollection <ExpressionBase>();
                ////Add the reference information to the global setting - note the assumption it is a string (this could also be read out of the object above)
                GlobalSettingReference setting = new GlobalSettingReference(scope, id, ScalarDataType.String, name, ConfigurationItemSettingSourceType.CIM);
                setting.SettingSourceType = ConfigurationItemSettingSourceType.Registry;
                setting.MethodType        = ConfigurationItemSettingMethodType.Value;
                ////add the value into the value for the registry entry, note this example just focuses on string registry settings
                ConstantValue value = new ConstantValue(txtRequirementValue.Text, ScalarDataType.String);
                ////for this example this requirement will check to see if something is of a particular value
                Expression exp = new Expression(ExpressionOperator.IsEquals, operands);
                ////Create a rule to add to the deplyment types requirement list
                Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.DesiredConfigurationManagement.Rules.Rule rule = new Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.DesiredConfigurationManagement.Rules.Rule("Rule_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B").Replace("{", string.Empty).Replace("}", string.Empty), Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.DesiredConfigurationManagement.Rules.NoncomplianceSeverity.None, null, exp);
                ////save the changes back to SCCM
예제 #3
        private WqlResultObject GetApplicationWQLFromName(string applicationName)
            ////get the application based on the display name
            string wmiQuery = string.Format("SELECT * FROM SMS_Application WHERE SMS_APPLICATION.IsLatest = 1 AND LocalizedDisplayName='{0}'", applicationName.Trim());
            WqlQueryResultsObject applicationResults = this.sccmConnection.QueryProcessor.ExecuteQuery(wmiQuery) as WqlQueryResultsObject;

            ////return the first instance of the application found based on the query - note this assumes the name is unique!
            foreach (WqlResultObject appReference in applicationResults)

            ////didn't find anything with the name
예제 #4
        private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ////before deleting the application we need to delete any deployments we created
            string deploysql = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "SELECT * FROM SMS_ApplicationAssignment WHERE AssignmentName='{0}'", this.txtSCCMApplicationName.Text + "_Deployment");
            WqlQueryResultsObject deployments = this.sccmConnection.QueryProcessor.ExecuteQuery(deploysql) as WqlQueryResultsObject;

            foreach (WqlResultObject deployment in deployments)

            ////as the app maybe have been saved a few times it is necessary to retrive all versions
            string query = string.Format("SELECT * FROM SMS_Application WHERE LocalizedDisplayName='{0}'", txtSCCMApplicationName.Text);
            WqlQueryResultsObject  applications    = this.sccmConnection.QueryProcessor.ExecuteQuery(query) as WqlQueryResultsObject;
            List <WqlResultObject> applicationList = new List <WqlResultObject>();

            ////sort the list so that the older versions of the application are deleted first, trying to delete the latest version without deleteing the older ones results in an error
            foreach (WqlResultObject application in applications)

            applicationList = applicationList.OrderBy(item => item["CIVersion"].LongValue).ToList();
            foreach (WqlResultObject application in applicationList)
                ////if it is the latest version then it must be retired before deletion
                if (application["IsLatest"].BooleanValue == true)
                    Dictionary <string, object> parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    parameters["Expired"] = true;
                    application.ExecuteMethod("SetIsExpired", parameters);

                ////delete the application
예제 #5
        private void btnDistribute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WqlResultObject application = GetApplicationWQLFromName(txtSCCMApplicationName.Text);

            if (application != null)
                ////get the package ids associated with the application
                string        packageQuery = "SELECT PackageID FROM SMS_ObjectContentInfo WHERE ObjectID='" + application.PropertyList["ModelName"] + "'";
                IResultObject packages     = this.sccmConnection.QueryProcessor.ExecuteQuery(packageQuery);
                List <string> idList       = new List <string>();
                if (packages != null)
                    foreach (IResultObject package in packages)

                ////return the selected distribution point group
                string dpgQuery = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Select * From SMS_DistributionPointGroup Where Name = '{0}'", cmbDPGNames.Items[cmbDPGNames.SelectedIndex]);
                WqlQueryResultsObject dpgresults = this.sccmConnection.QueryProcessor.ExecuteQuery(dpgQuery) as WqlQueryResultsObject;
                WqlResultObject       result     = null;
                foreach (WqlResultObject dpgresult in dpgresults)
                    result = dpgresult;

                if (result != null)
                    ////send them to the distribution point group
                    Dictionary <string, object> methodParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    methodParams["PackageIDs"] = idList.ToArray();
                    result.ExecuteMethod("AddPackages", methodParams);
예제 #6
        public Form1()
            ////connect to sccm
            ////retrieve the current applications and add them to the supersedence/dependency drop downs
            string wmiQuery = "SELECT * FROM SMS_Application WHERE SMS_APPLICATION.IsLatest = 1";
            WqlQueryResultsObject applicationResults = this.sccmConnection.QueryProcessor.ExecuteQuery(wmiQuery) as WqlQueryResultsObject;

            foreach (WqlResultObject appReference in applicationResults)

            ////get the global conditions and them to the global conditions drop down
            string condtionQuery = string.Format("SELECT * FROM SMS_GlobalCondition");
            WqlQueryResultsObject queryResults = this.sccmConnection.QueryProcessor.ExecuteQuery(condtionQuery) as WqlQueryResultsObject;

            foreach (IResultObject condition in queryResults)
                ////retireve the lazy properties from the global condition
                ////load into wrapper objects so we can read out the properties in more detail
                DcmObjectWrapper wraper            = DcmObjectWrapper.WrapExistingConfigurationItem(condition) as DcmObjectWrapper;
                ComplexSetting   conditionSettings = wraper.InnerConfigurationItem.Settings;
                if (conditionSettings.ChildSimpleSettings.Any())
                    ////if the condition contains simplechild settings assume this is a registry setting
                    RegistrySetting registrySetting = conditionSettings.ChildSimpleSettings[0] as RegistrySetting;
                    if (registrySetting != null)
                        ScalarDataType type = registrySetting.SettingDataType as ScalarDataType;
                        ////only add string based registry conditions
                        if (type == ScalarDataType.String)

            ////get the available distribution point groups and add them to the drop down
            string dpgQuery            = "Select * From SMS_DistributionPointGroup";
            WqlQueryResultsObject dpgs = this.sccmConnection.QueryProcessor.ExecuteQuery(dpgQuery) as WqlQueryResultsObject;

            foreach (WqlResultObject dpg in dpgs)

            ////get a list of the avialable collections
            string collectionQuery            = "SELECT * FROM SMS_Collection";
            WqlQueryResultsObject collections = this.sccmConnection.QueryProcessor.ExecuteQuery(collectionQuery) as WqlQueryResultsObject;

            foreach (WqlResultObject collection in collections)

            if (this.cmbSuperseded.Items.Count > 0)
                this.cmbSuperseded.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.cmbDependency.SelectedIndex = 0;

            if (this.cmbConditions.Items.Count > 0)
                this.cmbConditions.SelectedIndex = 0;

            if (this.cmbDPGNames.Items.Count > 0)
                this.cmbDPGNames.SelectedIndex = 0;

            if (this.cmbCollection.Items.Count > 0)
                this.cmbCollection.SelectedIndex = 0;