/// <summary> /// Draws a string that is not a number, at the location specified in <paramref name="origin"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="text">The text to draw.</param> /// <param name="origin">The location where to start drawing.</param> /// <param name="textStyle">Style to use for the text.</param> /// <param name="isFocused">true if the whole text has the focus.</param> public virtual void DrawText(string text, Point origin, TextStyles textStyle, bool isFocused) { Debug.Assert(WpfDrawingContext != null); if (isFocused && DisplayFocus) { ChangeFlashClockOpacity(isVisible: true); WpfDrawingContext.PushOpacity(1, FlashClock); } Brush Brush = GetBrush(StyleToForegroundBrush(textStyle)); FormattedText ft = CreateFormattedText(text, EmSize, Brush); double X = PagePadding.Left.Draw + origin.X.Draw; double Y = PagePadding.Top.Draw + origin.Y.Draw; double Width = ft.Width; double Height = LineHeight.Draw; if (textStyle == TextStyles.Comment) { X += CommentPadding.Left.Draw; Y += CommentPadding.Top.Draw; } WpfDrawingContext.DrawText(ft, new System.Windows.Point(X, Y)); if (isFocused && DisplayFocus) { WpfDrawingContext.Pop(); IsLastFocusedFullCell = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Draws a symbol, at the location specified in <paramref name="origin"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="symbol">The symbol to draw.</param> /// <param name="origin">The location where to start drawing.</param> /// <param name="size">The drawing size, padding included.</param> /// <param name="padding">The padding to use when drawing.</param> /// <param name="isFocused">true if the symbol text has the focus.</param> public virtual void DrawSymbol(Symbols symbol, Point origin, Size size, Padding padding, bool isFocused) { Debug.Assert(WpfDrawingContext != null); if (isFocused && DisplayFocus) { ChangeFlashClockOpacity(isVisible: true); WpfDrawingContext.PushOpacity(1, FlashClock); } switch (symbol) { default: case Symbols.LeftArrow: case Symbols.Dot: DrawTextSymbol(SymbolToText(symbol), origin, size, padding); break; case Symbols.InsertSign: if (isFocused && DisplayFocus) { DrawTextSymbol(SymbolToText(symbol), origin, size, padding); } break; case Symbols.LeftBracket: DrawGeometrySymbol(LeftBracketGeometry, origin, size, padding); break; case Symbols.RightBracket: DrawGeometrySymbol(RightBracketGeometry, origin, size, padding); break; case Symbols.LeftCurlyBracket: DrawGeometrySymbol(LeftCurlyBracketGeometry, origin, size, padding); break; case Symbols.RightCurlyBracket: DrawGeometrySymbol(RightCurlyBracketGeometry, origin, size, padding); break; case Symbols.LeftParenthesis: DrawGeometrySymbol(LeftParenthesisGeometry, origin, size, padding); break; case Symbols.RightParenthesis: DrawGeometrySymbol(RightParenthesisGeometry, origin, size, padding); break; case Symbols.HorizontalLine: DrawGeometrySymbol(HorizontalLineGeometry, origin, size, padding); break; } if (isFocused && DisplayFocus) { WpfDrawingContext.Pop(); IsLastFocusedFullCell = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the vertical separator above the specified origin and with the specified width. /// </summary> /// <param name="region">The region corresponding to the node that has a comment.</param> public virtual void DrawCommentIcon(Rect region) { if (CommentIcon != null) { WpfDrawingContext.PushOpacity(0.5); WpfDrawingContext.DrawImage(CommentIcon, new System.Windows.Rect(PagePadding.Left.Draw + region.X - (CommentIcon.Width / 2), PagePadding.Top.Draw + region.Y - (CommentIcon.Height / 2), CommentIcon.Width, CommentIcon.Height)); WpfDrawingContext.Pop(); } }
private bool PushOpacity(bool isFocused) { if (isFocused && DisplayFocus) { ChangeFlashClockOpacity(isVisible: true); WpfDrawingContext.PushOpacity(1, FlashClock); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary></summary> protected virtual void ShowNormalCaret(Point origin, string text, TextStyles textStyle, CaretModes mode, int position) { string LeftText = text.Substring(0, position); Brush Brush = GetBrush(StyleToForegroundBrush(textStyle)); FormattedText ft = CreateFormattedText(LeftText, EmSize, Brush); double X = origin.X.Draw + ft.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace; double Y = origin.Y.Draw; if (textStyle == TextStyles.Comment) { X += CommentPadding.Left.Draw; Y += CommentPadding.Top.Draw; } ChangeFlashClockOpacity(isVisible: true); if (mode == CaretModes.Insertion) { System.Windows.Rect CaretRect = new System.Windows.Rect(PagePadding.Left.Draw + X, PagePadding.Top.Draw + Y, InsertionCaretWidth, LineHeight.Draw); WpfDrawingContext.PushOpacity(1, FlashClock); WpfDrawingContext.DrawRectangle(GetBrush(BrushSettings.CaretInsertion), GetPen(PenSettings.CaretInsertion), CaretRect); WpfDrawingContext.Pop(); } else { string CaretText = text.Substring(position, 1); ft = CreateFormattedText(CaretText, EmSize, GetBrush(BrushSettings.CaretOverride)); System.Windows.Rect CaretRect = new System.Windows.Rect(PagePadding.Left.Draw + X, PagePadding.Top.Draw + Y, ft.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace, LineHeight.Draw); WpfDrawingContext.PushOpacity(1, FlashClock); WpfDrawingContext.DrawRectangle(GetBrush(BrushSettings.CaretOverride), GetPen(PenSettings.CaretOverride), CaretRect); WpfDrawingContext.Pop(); } }
/// <summary></summary> protected virtual void ShowNumberCaretParts(FormattedNumber fn, CaretModes mode, int position, double x, double y, double caretEmSize, double caretHeight) { if (mode == CaretModes.Insertion) { System.Windows.Rect CaretRect = new System.Windows.Rect(PagePadding.Left.Draw + x, PagePadding.Top.Draw + y, InsertionCaretWidth, caretHeight); WpfDrawingContext.PushOpacity(1, FlashClock); WpfDrawingContext.DrawRectangle(GetBrush(BrushSettings.CaretInsertion), GetPen(PenSettings.CaretInsertion), CaretRect); WpfDrawingContext.Pop(); } else { string CaretText; if (position < fn.SignificandPart.Length) { CaretText = fn.SignificandPart.Substring(position, 1); } else if (position < fn.SignificandPart.Length + fn.ExponentPart.Length) { CaretText = fn.ExponentPart.Substring(position - fn.SignificandPart.Length, 1); } else { CaretText = fn.InvalidText.Substring(position - fn.SignificandPart.Length - fn.ExponentPart.Length, 1); } FormattedText ftCaret = CreateFormattedText(CaretText, caretEmSize, GetBrush(BrushSettings.CaretOverride)); System.Windows.Rect CaretRect = new System.Windows.Rect(PagePadding.Left.Draw + x, PagePadding.Top.Draw + y, ftCaret.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace, caretHeight); WpfDrawingContext.PushOpacity(1, FlashClock); WpfDrawingContext.DrawRectangle(GetBrush(BrushSettings.CaretOverride), GetPen(PenSettings.CaretOverride), CaretRect); WpfDrawingContext.Pop(); } }