public string InsertSQL() { String sql = "insert into workorder (productorder,type,scheduledate,lenth,width," + "thickness,gross,done,undone,completedate,machinecode,worker,worth,remark,status,receivedate,grosswidth) " + "values ('{0}','{1}','{2}',{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},'{9}','{10}','{11}',{12},'{13}',{14},'{15}',{16})"; return(String.Format(sql, ProductOrder, Type, ScheduleDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Length.ToString(), Width.ToString(), Thickness.ToString(), Gross.ToString(), Done.ToString(), Undo.ToString(), CompleteDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), MachineCode, Worker, Worth.ToString(), Remark, Status.ToString(), ReceiveDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), GrossWidth.ToString())); }
public string UndateSQL() { String sql = "update workorder set productorder = '{0}',type = '{1}',scheduledate='{2}',lenth={3},width = {4}," + "thickness={5},gross={6},done={7},undone={8},completedate='{9}',machinecode='{10}',worker='{11}'," + "worth={12},remark='{13}',status={14} ,receivedate = '{15}',grosswidth = {16} where id = {17} "; return(String.Format(sql, ProductOrder, Type, ScheduleDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Length.ToString(), Width.ToString(), Thickness.ToString(), Gross.ToString(), Done.ToString(), Undo.ToString(), CompleteDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), MachineCode, Worker, Worth.ToString(), Remark, Status.ToString(), ReceiveDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), GrossWidth.ToString(), id.ToString())); }
private int CurrentWorthValue(Worth worth) { if (worth <= Worth.Nine) { return((int)worth + Variables.ValueCorrection); } if (worth == Worth.Ace) { return(Variables.AceValue); } return(Variables.FaceCardValue); }
public void GenerateReport(string filepath) { // Clear file if (File.Exists(filepath)) { File.WriteAllText(filepath, string.Empty); } StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(filepath); refresh(); List <String> report = new List <string>(); report.Add("Auto Generated report for: " + Username); report.Add(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()); report.Add("------------------------------------------------"); report.Add(""); report.Add("Net Worth:\t" + Worth.ToString("C2")); report.Add("Cash on Hand:\t" + Cash.ToString("C2")); report.Add("Cash Borrowed:\t" + borrowedCash.ToString("C2")); report.Add("Num of Transactions: \t" + Transactions.Count.ToString()); report.Add(""); report.Add("Holdings"); report.Add("--------"); for (int i = 0; i < Holdings.Count; i++) { report.Add("\t" + (i + 1).ToString() + ". " + Holdings[i].companyName + " - " + Holdings[i].stockSymbol); report.Add("\t\tPerformance: " + Holdings[i].GetPerformance().ToString("P")); report.Add("\t\tNumber of Shares: " + Holdings[i].numOfShares); report.Add("\t\tWorth: " + Holdings[i].worth.ToString("C2")); report.Add("\t\tTotal Invested: " + Holdings[i].totalInvested.ToString("C2")); } for (int i = 0; i < report.Count; i++) { file.WriteLine(report[i]); } file.Close(); }
public bool Equals(DummyTestClass other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return(string.Equals(FirstName, other.FirstName) && string.Equals(LastName, other.LastName) && Age == other.Age && Height.Equals(other.Height) && Worth.Equals(other.Worth) && Weight == other.Weight && DateOfBirth.TrimMilliseconds().Equals(other.DateOfBirth.TrimMilliseconds()) && Initial == other.Initial && Equals(Parents, other.Parents) && IdNumber.Equals(other.IdNumber)); }
private void FillDesk() { Worth worth = Worth.Two; Suite suite = Suite.Clubs; while (worth <= Worth.Ace) { _desk.Push(new Card { Suite = suite, Worth = worth, Value = CurrentWorthValue(worth) }); suite++; if (suite == Suite.Spades) { _desk.Push(new Card { Suite = suite, Worth = worth, Value = CurrentWorthValue(worth) }); worth++; suite = Suite.Clubs; } } }
public override void OnAdded(object parent) #endif { base.OnAdded(parent); if (!AccountGold.Enabled) { return; } Mobile owner = null; SecureTradeInfo tradeInfo = null; Container root = parent as Container; while (root != null && root.Parent is Container) { root = (Container)root.Parent; } parent = root ?? parent; if (parent is SecureTradeContainer && AccountGold.ConvertOnTrade) { var trade = (SecureTradeContainer)parent; if (trade.Trade.From.Container == trade) { tradeInfo = trade.Trade.From; owner = tradeInfo.Mobile; } else if (trade.Trade.To.Container == trade) { tradeInfo = trade.Trade.To; owner = tradeInfo.Mobile; } } else if (parent is BankBox && AccountGold.ConvertOnBank) { owner = ((BankBox)parent).Owner; } if (owner == null || owner.Account == null || !owner.Account.DepositGold(Worth)) { return; } if (tradeInfo != null) { if (owner.NetState != null && !owner.NetState.NewSecureTrading) { var total = Worth / Math.Max(1.0, Account.CurrencyThreshold); var plat = (int)Math.Truncate(total); var gold = (int)((total - plat) * Account.CurrencyThreshold); tradeInfo.Plat += plat; tradeInfo.Gold += gold; } if (tradeInfo.VirtualCheck != null) { tradeInfo.VirtualCheck.UpdateTrade(tradeInfo.Mobile); } } owner.SendLocalizedMessage(1042763, Worth.ToString("#,0")); Delete(); ((Container)parent).UpdateTotals(); }