예제 #1
    private Vector3 getPortalPos(int y)
        WorldGrid.Cell cell;
        WorldGrid.Cell cellPlus;
            cell = WorldData.worldGrid.getRandomCell(false, y);

            if (y + 1 < WorldData.worldGrid.yOffsets.Length)
                cellPlus = WorldData.worldGrid.getCell(cell.x, y + 1, cell.z);
                cellPlus         = new WorldGrid.Cell();
                cellPlus.blocked = true;
        } while (takenCells.Contains(cell));

        int        layermask = (1 << 19);
        Ray        ray       = new Ray(cell.pos + Vector3.up * 5, Vector3.down);
        RaycastHit hit;

        Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 10, layermask);
예제 #2
파일: NPCBrain.cs 프로젝트: magweng/imt3601
        protected WorldGrid.Cell findTargetCell(Vector3 prefDir)
            WorldGrid.Cell target = null;
            Vector3        testDir;
            float          degInc = 180 / 8;
            float          start  = 5;

            while (target == null && start < 200)
                target = probeDir(prefDir, start);
                if (target != null)
                for (float deg = degInc; deg < 180; deg += degInc)
                    testDir = Quaternion.AngleAxis(deg, Vector3.up) * prefDir;
                    target  = probeDir(testDir, start);
                    if (target != null)
                    testDir = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-deg, Vector3.up) * prefDir;
                    target  = probeDir(testDir, start);
                    if (target != null)
                start += 10;
            return(target); //This shouldn't happen
예제 #3
    //Determines if there are any colliders inside a cell
    bool obstacleInCell(WorldGrid.Cell cell)
        float   modifier    = 1.0f;
        Vector3 halfExtents = new Vector3(WorldData.cellSize / 2, WorldData.cellSize / 2, WorldData.cellSize / 2) * modifier;
        int     layer       = (1 << 19);

        return(Physics.CheckBox(cell.pos, halfExtents, Quaternion.identity, layer));
예제 #4
    //This is basically a*, if it cant find a path from startPos to any target node, then all the nodes in
    //  the closed list are blocked nodes.
    void fillAreaIfBlocked(int level, WorldGrid.Cell startCell, WorldGrid.Cell[] targets)
        WorldGrid grid = WorldData.worldGrid;
        Dictionary <Vector3, WorldGrid.Cell> closed = null;

        foreach (var target in targets)
            SortedList <float, WorldGrid.Cell> open =
                new SortedList <float, WorldGrid.Cell>(new WorldGrid.DuplicateKeyComparer <float>()); //For quickly finding best node to visit
            closed = new Dictionary <Vector3, WorldGrid.Cell>();                                      //For quickly looking up closed nodes

            var goal    = target;
            var current = startCell;

            current.g = 0;
            open.Add(current.f, current); //Push the start node
            while (open.Count > 0)
                do   //Outdated cells might still be in the list
                    current = open.Values[0];
                } while (closed.ContainsKey(current.pos) && open.Count > 0);

                if (current.pos == goal.pos)    //Victor
                    return;                     // The node is connected to the target, just return
                if (open.Count == 0 && closed.ContainsKey(current.pos))
                //Close current tile
                closed.Add(current.pos, current);

                for (int i = 0; i < current.plusNeighbours.Count; i++)
                    var cell = current.plusNeighbours[i];
                    if (!closed.ContainsKey(cell.pos) && !cell.blocked)
                        float g = current.g + 1;
                        if (g < cell.g)   //New and better G value?
                            cell.h = Mathf.Abs(goal.x - cell.x) + Mathf.Abs(goal.y - cell.y);
                            cell.g = g;
                            open.Add(cell.f, cell);
        // If the search made it this far, that means the node is blocked in
        for (int i = 0; i < closed.Count; i++)
            closed.ElementAt(i).Value.blocked = true;
예제 #5
    private void RpcRespawnNPC(GameObject npc)
        int y = (Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) < 0.3f) ? Random.Range(1, WorldData.yOffsets.Length) : 1;

        WorldGrid.Cell cell = WorldData.worldGrid.getRandomCell(false, y);
        //Angle is used to generate a direction
        float   angle = Random.Range(0, Mathf.PI * 2);
        Vector3 dir   = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(angle), 0, Mathf.Sin(angle));

        //Spawn npc
        npc.GetComponent <NPC>().spawn(cell.pos, dir);
예제 #6
    private void CmdSpawnNPC(GameObject npc, int syncFrame)
        int y = (Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) < 0.3f) ? Random.Range(1, WorldData.yOffsets.Length) : 1;

        var npcInstance = Instantiate(npc);

        WorldGrid.Cell cell = WorldData.worldGrid.getRandomCell(false, y);
        //Angle is used to generate a direction
        float   angle = Random.Range(0, Mathf.PI * 2);
        Vector3 dir   = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(angle), 0, Mathf.Sin(angle));

        //Spawn npc
        npcInstance.GetComponent <NPC>().spawn(cell.pos, dir, syncFrame);
예제 #7
파일: NPCBrain.cs 프로젝트: magweng/imt3601
        protected void AStar(WorldGrid.Cell startCell, WorldGrid.Cell goal)
            if (goal == null || startCell == null)

            Dictionary <Vector3, WorldGrid.Cell> closed =
                new Dictionary <Vector3, WorldGrid.Cell>();                                           //For quickly looking up closed nodes
            SortedList <float, WorldGrid.Cell> open =
                new SortedList <float, WorldGrid.Cell>(new WorldGrid.DuplicateKeyComparer <float>()); //For quickly finding best node to visit

            this._path.Clear();                                                                       //Clear any old paths
            this._goal = goal.pos;

            var current = startCell;

            current.g = 0;
            open.Add(current.f, current); //Push the start node
            while (open.Count > 0)
                do   //Outdated cells might still be in the list
                    current = open.Values[0];
                } while (closed.ContainsKey(current.pos) && open.Count > 0);

                if (current.pos == goal.pos)      //Victor
                    WorldGrid.Cell tmp = goal;
                    while (tmp.parent != null)
                        tmp = tmp.parent;
                if (open.Count == 0 && closed.ContainsKey(current.pos))

                //Close current tile
                closed.Add(current.pos, current);
                foreach (var cell in current.neighbours)
                    if (!closed.ContainsKey(cell.pos) && !cell.blocked)
                        float g = current.g + Vector3.Distance(cell.pos, current.pos);
                        if (g < cell.g)   //New and better G value?
                            cell.h      = Vector3.Distance(cell.pos, goal.pos);
                            cell.g      = g;
                            cell.parent = current;
                            open.Add(cell.f, cell);
예제 #8
    //Finds obstacles in every cell of WorldGrid, and marks them as blocked
    //Areas that are closed off by blocked cells will also be blocked
    private IEnumerator findObstacles(System.Action <float> progress)
        WorldGrid grid      = WorldData.worldGrid;
        int       Iter      = 0;
        int       totalIter = grid.yOffsets.Length * grid.cellCount * grid.cellCount * 2;
        int       yieldRate = grid.cellCount;

        for (int y = 0; y < grid.yOffsets.Length; y++)
            for (int z = 0; z < grid.cellCount; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < grid.cellCount; x++)
                    var cell = grid.getCell(x, y, z);
                    if (!cell.blocked)
                        cell.blocked = obstacleInCell(cell);
                    if (Iter % yieldRate == 0)
                        progress((float)Iter / (float)totalIter);
                        yield return(0);

        bool lastCellBlocked = false;

        for (int y = 0; y < grid.yOffsets.Length; y++)
            WorldGrid.Cell[] targets = new WorldGrid.Cell[this._islandData.connectPoints[y].childCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++)
                targets[i] = grid.getCell(this._islandData.connectPoints[y].GetChild(i).position);
            if (y == 1)

            for (int z = 0; z < grid.cellCount; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < grid.cellCount; x++)
                    var cell = grid.getCell(x, y, z);
                    if (!cell.blocked && lastCellBlocked)
                        this.fillAreaIfBlocked(y, cell, targets);
                    lastCellBlocked = cell.blocked;
                    if (Iter % yieldRate == 0)
                        progress((float)Iter / (float)totalIter);
                        yield return(0);