static void Print(IWorkbook workbook)
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            // Generate worksheet content - the simple multiplication table.
            CellRange columnHeadings = worksheet.Range.FromLTRB(1, 0, 40, 0);

            columnHeadings.Formula = "=COLUMN() - 1";
            CellRange rowHeadings = worksheet.Range.FromLTRB(0, 1, 0, 40);

            rowHeadings.Formula = "=ROW() - 1";
            CellRange tableRange = worksheet.Range.FromLTRB(1, 1, 40, 40);

            tableRange.Formula = "=(ROW()-1)*(COLUMN()-1)";

            // Format headers of the multiplication table.
            Formatting rangeFormatting = columnHeadings.BeginUpdateFormatting();

            rangeFormatting.Borders.BottomBorder.LineStyle = BorderLineStyle.Thin;
            rangeFormatting.Borders.BottomBorder.Color     = Color.Black;

            rangeFormatting = rowHeadings.BeginUpdateFormatting();
            rangeFormatting.Borders.RightBorder.LineStyle = BorderLineStyle.Thin;
            rangeFormatting.Borders.RightBorder.Color     = Color.Black;

            rangeFormatting = tableRange.BeginUpdateFormatting();
            rangeFormatting.Fill.BackgroundColor = Color.LightBlue;

            #region #WorksheetPrintOptions
            worksheet.ActiveView.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;
            //  Display row and column headings.
            worksheet.ActiveView.ShowHeadings = true;
            worksheet.ActiveView.PaperKind    = System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.A4;
            // Access an object that contains print options.
            WorksheetPrintOptions printOptions = worksheet.PrintOptions;
            //  Print in black and white.
            printOptions.BlackAndWhite = true;
            //  Do not print gridlines.
            printOptions.PrintGridlines = false;
            //  Scale the print area to fit to two pages wide.
            printOptions.FitToPage  = true;
            printOptions.FitToWidth = 2;
            //  Print a dash instead of a cell error message.
            printOptions.ErrorsPrintMode = ErrorsPrintMode.Dash;
            #endregion #WorksheetPrintOptions

            #region #PrintWorkbook
            // Invoke the Print Preview dialog for the workbook.
            using (LegacyPrintableComponentLink link = new LegacyPrintableComponentLink(workbook))
            #endregion #PrintWorkbook
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 출력 헤더 지정
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strSheetName">시트명칭</param>
        /// <param name="startRow"> 시작 줄수</param>
        /// <param name="endRow"> 종료 줄수</param>
        public void SetPrintTitle(string strSheetName, int startRow, int endRow)
            IWorkbook workbook = _pSpreadSheetControl.Document;

            Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[strSheetName];

            WorksheetPrintOptions printOptions = sheet.PrintOptions;

            printOptions.PrintTitles.SetRows(startRow, endRow);