public void InvokeWordTypedResult(WordResult wordResult) { if (wordTypedResult != null) { wordTypedResult.Invoke(wordResult); } }
public IList <WordResult> Execute(IWordDictionary dictionary) { var result = new WordResult("Length"); var nospaceResult = new WordResult("Length (without word including space)"); var list = new List <WordResult>(); if (_settings.IncludeSpace != "no") { list.Add(result); } if (_settings.IncludeSpace != "yes") { list.Add(nospaceResult); } foreach (var word in dictionary.Words) { var lengthStr = word.Length.ToString("0000"); if (_settings.IncludeSpace != "no") { result.CountUp(lengthStr); } if (_settings.IncludeSpace != "yes" && !word.Any(x => char.IsWhiteSpace(x))) { nospaceResult.CountUp(lengthStr); } } return(list); }
private void AssociateWordResultsWithBehaviours() { List <Word> list = new List <Word>(this.mWaitingQueue); foreach (Word word in list) { if (this.mTrackedWords.ContainsKey(word.ID)) { WordResult wordResult = this.mTrackedWords[word.ID]; if (this.AssociateWordBehaviour(wordResult) != null) { this.mWaitingQueue.Remove(word); } } else { this.mWaitingQueue.Remove(word); } } foreach (WordResult result2 in this.mNewWords) { if (this.AssociateWordBehaviour(result2) == null) { this.mWaitingQueue.Add(result2.Word); } } }
public static void main(string[] args) { [email protected]("Loading models..."); Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.setAcousticModelPath("resource:/edu/cmu/sphinx/models/en-us/en-us"); configuration.setDictionaryPath("resource:/edu/cmu/sphinx/models/en-us/cmudict-en-us.dict"); Context context = new Context(configuration); context.setLocalProperty("decoder->searchManager", "allphoneSearchManager"); Recognizer recognizer = (Recognizer)context.getInstance(ClassLiteral <Recognizer> .Value); InputStream resourceAsStream = ClassLiteral <AllphoneDemo> .Value.getResourceAsStream("/edu/cmu/sphinx/demo/aligner/10001-90210-01803.wav"); resourceAsStream.skip((long)((ulong)44)); recognizer.allocate(); context.setSpeechSource(resourceAsStream, TimeFrame.INFINITE); Result result; while ((result = recognizer.recognize()) != null) { SpeechResult speechResult = new SpeechResult(result); [email protected]("Hypothesis: %s\n", new object[] { speechResult.getHypothesis() }); [email protected]("List of recognized words and their times:"); Iterator iterator = speechResult.getWords().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { WordResult wordResult = (WordResult); [email protected](wordResult); } } recognizer.deallocate(); }
private WordAbstractBehaviour AssociateWordBehaviour(WordResult wordResult) { List <WordAbstractBehaviour> list; string key = wordResult.Word.StringValue.ToLowerInvariant(); if (this.mWordBehaviours.ContainsKey(key)) { list = this.mWordBehaviours[key]; } else if (this.mWordBehaviours.ContainsKey("Template_ID")) { list = this.mWordBehaviours["Template_ID"]; } else { Debug.Log("No prefab available for string value " + key); return(null); } foreach (WordAbstractBehaviour behaviour in list) { if (behaviour.Trackable == null) { return(this.AssociateWordBehaviour(wordResult, behaviour)); } } if (list.Count < this.mMaxInstances) { WordAbstractBehaviour item = InstantiateWordBehaviour(list.First <WordAbstractBehaviour>()); list.Add(item); return(this.AssociateWordBehaviour(wordResult, item)); } return(null); }
public WordResult CheckWordsFormationByString(string sentence, StringBuilder sb) { //base case if (sentence.Length == 0) { return(new WordResult(true, sb.ToString())); } //find all the possible prefixes for the given ilike //i , il, ili, ilk, ilike using string.substring for (int i = 1; i <= sentence.Length; i++) { //sec pram is length string prefix = sentence.Substring(0, i); if (IsWordExistsInDictionary(prefix)) { sb.Append(prefix).Append(" "); WordResult result = CheckWordsFormationByString(sentence.Substring(i, sentence.Length - i), sb); if (result.CanFormWords) { return(result); } else { sb.Clear(); } } } //we checked all the possible prefixes no words can be formed return(new WordResult(false, string.Empty)); }
public WordResult IntToWord([FromBody] IntInput numberInput) { var wordResult = new WordResult(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(numberInput.Number)) { wordResult.Message = "Please provide a valid number that larger than 0."; Response.StatusCode = 400; return(wordResult); } try { wordResult.Result = NumberTextConverter.IntegerToWritten(numberInput.Number); } catch (NumberTextConverterException e) { wordResult.Message = e.Message; Response.StatusCode = 400; return(wordResult); } catch { wordResult.Message = "Internal Server Error"; Response.StatusCode = 500; return(wordResult); } return(wordResult); }
//[Authorize] public async Task <IActionResult> Get(String word, [FromQuery] Int32 hid = 0, [FromQuery] Int32 sid = 0) { if (hid <= 0) { return(BadRequest("Not HID inputted")); } // Basic check WordSource src = (WordSource)sid; switch (src) { case WordSource.Bing: case WordSource.Iciba: { // Fetch the result WordResult wr = await this.FetchWordFromSourceAsync(word, src); // After then, return(new JsonResult(wr)); } default: return(BadRequest("No such source yet!")); } }
private void ApplyWordResult(WordResult wordResult) { if (viewerWordInformation.Visibility != Visibility.Visible) { viewerWordInformation.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; panelRetrivationFailed.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } string word = wordResult.Word; textWordTitle.Text = word; WordPronunciationsCollection pron = wordResult.Pronunciations; if (pron.HasUKPronunciation) { buttonUKPron.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; textUKPhoentic.Text = $"[{pron.UKPronunciation.PhoneticSymbol}]"; } else { buttonUKPron.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } if (pron.HasUSPronunciation) { buttonUSPron.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; textUSPhoentic.Text = $"[{pron.USPronunciation.PhoneticSymbol}]"; } else { buttonUSPron.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } panelDefinitions.Children.Clear(); Grid definitionBlock; foreach (WordDefinition definition in wordResult.Definitions) { definitionBlock = wordDefinitionTemplate.LoadContent() as Grid; (definitionBlock.FindName("textWordPosition") as TextBlock).Text = definition.Position; (definitionBlock.FindName("textWordDefinition") as Run).Text = definition.Definition; panelDefinitions.Children.Add(definitionBlock); } StackPanel sentenceBlock; Paragraph eng, chn; panelSentences.Children.Clear(); foreach (SentenceSample sentence in wordResult.Samples) { sentenceBlock = sentenceDefinitionTemplate.LoadContent() as StackPanel; eng = (Paragraph)sentenceBlock.FindName("paragraphEnglish"); chn = (Paragraph)sentenceBlock.FindName("paragraphChinese"); RenderSentence(word, sentence, eng, chn); panelSentences.Children.Add(sentenceBlock); } }
// when a new word is detected public void OnWordDetected(WordResult wordResult) { // stores word from wordResult var word = wordResult.Word; // add the new word detected to debug log Debug.Log("Text: New word: " + wordResult.Word.StringValue); }
public JsonResult IsWinnerResultSt(int St) { WordResult result = new WordResult { Result = false, Message = "" }; result.Result = service.IsWinnerResultSt(St); return(Json(result)); }
public virtual void decode() { LinkedList linkedList = new LinkedList(); int num = 0; this.hypothesisTranscript = new FileWriter(this.hypothesisFile); this.recognizer.allocate(); Result result; List list; while ((result = this.recognizer.recognize()) != null) { this.numUtterances++; string bestResultNoFiller = result.getBestResultNoFiller(); [email protected](new StringBuilder().append("\nHYP: ").append(bestResultNoFiller).toString()); [email protected](new StringBuilder().append(" Sentences: ").append(this.numUtterances).toString()); linkedList.add(bestResultNoFiller); Iterator iterator = result.getTimedBestResult(false).iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { WordResult wordResult = (WordResult); this.hypothesisTranscript.write(wordResult.toString()); this.hypothesisTranscript.write(32); } this.hypothesisTranscript.write(10); this.hypothesisTranscript.flush(); if (this.alignInterval > 0) { bool flag = this.numUtterances != 0; int num2 = this.alignInterval; if (num2 == -1 || (flag ? 1 : 0) % num2 == 0) { list = this.referenceSource.getReferences(); List list2 = list.subList(num, list.size()); this.alignResults(linkedList, list2); linkedList = new LinkedList(); num = list.size(); } } } this.hypothesisTranscript.close(); List references = this.referenceSource.getReferences(); list = references.subList(num, references.size()); if (!linkedList.isEmpty() || !list.isEmpty()) { this.alignResults(linkedList, list); } [email protected]("# ------------- Summary Statistics -------------"); this.aligner.printTotalSummary(); this.recognizer.deallocate(); this.showLiveSummary(); [email protected](); }
/// <summary> /// This method is called whenever a new word has been detected /// </summary> /// <param name="wordResult">New trackable with current pose</param> public void OnWordDetected(WordResult wordResult) { var word = wordResult.Word; if (ContainsWord(word)) { Debug.LogError("Word was already detected before!"); } Debug.Log("Text: New word: " + wordResult.Word.StringValue + "(" + wordResult.Word.ID + ")"); AddWord(wordResult); }
private WordResult getNext(bool best, WordResult iReferenceWord = null) { WordResult wRetValue = null; lock (mOngoingResults) { var t = mOngoingResults.Except(mGivenWords); if (best) { if (iReferenceWord != null) { //var res2 = t.OrderBy(x => LevenshteinDistance(iReferenceWord.Word, x.Value.Word)).FirstOrDefault(); var res2 = t.OrderByDescending(x => Scoring(iReferenceWord.Word, x.Value.Word)).FirstOrDefault(); if (res2.Value != null) { wRetValue = res2.Value; } var res = t.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Score).FirstOrDefault(); if (res.Value != null && res.Value.Score > (wRetValue.Score + 3)) { wRetValue = res.Value; } } else { var res = t.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Score).FirstOrDefault(); if (res.Value != null) { //wRetValue.Score wRetValue = res.Value; } } } else { var res = t.OrderBy(x => x.Value.Score).FirstOrDefault(); if (res.Value != null) { wRetValue = res.Value; } } } if (wRetValue != null) { mGivenWords.Add(wRetValue.Word, wRetValue); } return(wRetValue); }
public IList <WordResult> Execute(IWordDictionary dictionary) { var result = new WordResult("Using Character"); var nospaceResult = new WordResult("Using Character (without word including space)"); var list = new List <WordResult>(); if (_settings.IncludeSpace != "no") { list.Add(result); } if (_settings.IncludeSpace != "yes") { list.Add(nospaceResult); } foreach (var word in dictionary.Words) { var pairs = word.Aggregate(new Dictionary <char, int>(), (acc, x) => { if (acc.ContainsKey(x)) { acc[x]++; } else { acc[x] = 1; } return(acc); }); var nospace = !word.Any(x => char.IsWhiteSpace(x)); foreach (var pair in pairs) { var key = pair.Key.ToString(); if (_settings.IncludeSpace != "no") { result.AddCount(key, pair.Value); } if (_settings.IncludeSpace != "yes" && nospace) { nospaceResult.AddCount(key, pair.Value); } } } return(list); }
private WordAbstractBehaviour AssociateWordBehaviour(WordResult wordResult, WordAbstractBehaviour wordBehaviourTemplate) { if (this.mActiveWordBehaviours.Count >= this.mMaxInstances) { return(null); } Word word = wordResult.Word; WordAbstractBehaviour behaviour = wordBehaviourTemplate; IEditorWordBehaviour behaviour2 = behaviour; behaviour2.SetNameForTrackable(word.StringValue); behaviour2.InitializeWord(word); this.mActiveWordBehaviours.Add(word.ID, behaviour); return(behaviour); }
/// <summary> /// This method is called whenever a new word has been detected /// </summary> /// <param name="wordResult">New trackable with current pose</param> public void OnWordDetected(WordResult wordResult) { var word = wordResult.Word; if (ContainsWord(word)) { Debug.LogError("Word was already detected before!"); } Debug.Log("Text: New word: " + wordResult.Word.StringValue + "(" + wordResult.Word.ID + ")"); AddWord(wordResult); status = true; myWord = wordResult.Word.StringValue.ToLower(); Debug.Log("myword is " + myWord + "."); }
/// <summary> /// This method is called whenever a new word has been detected /// </summary> /// <param name="wordResult">New trackable with current pose</param> public void OnWordDetected(WordResult wordResult) { var word = wordResult.Word; if (ContainsWord(word)) { Debug.LogError("Word was already detected before!"); } Debug.Log("Text: New word: " + wordResult.Word.StringValue + "(" + wordResult.Word.ID + ")"); AddWord(wordResult); wordRequest.checkWord_LoadScene(wordResult.Word.StringValue); //SceneManager.LoadScene ("game"); }
private void UpdateWordBehaviourPoses() { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, WordAbstractBehaviour> pair in this.mActiveWordBehaviours) { if (this.mTrackedWords.ContainsKey(pair.Key)) { WordResult result = this.mTrackedWords[pair.Key]; Vector3 position = result.Position; Quaternion orientation = result.Orientation; Vector2 size = result.Word.Size; pair.Value.transform.rotation = orientation; Vector3 vector3 = (Vector3)(pair.Value.transform.rotation * new Vector3(-size.x * 0.5f, 0f, -size.y * 0.5f)); pair.Value.transform.position = position + vector3; pair.Value.OnTrackerUpdate(result.CurrentStatus); } } }
public JsonResult Entry(WordEntry entry) { WordResult result = new WordResult { Result = false, Message = "" }; try { WordEvent wordEvent = service.EntryWord(entry, Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]); Session["Word_Id"] = wordEvent.Id; result.Result = true; result.Message = "정상적으로 처리 되었습니다."; } catch (Exception e) { result.Result = false; result.Message = e.Message; } return(Json(result)); }
public IList <WordResult> Execute(IWordDictionary dictionary) { var length = 2; if (!(_settings.Length is null) && _settings.Length >= 2) { length = _settings.Length.Value; } var result = new WordResult("Concat Character"); var nospaceResult = new WordResult("Concat Character (without word including space)"); var list = new List <WordResult>(); if (_settings.IncludeSpace != "no") { list.Add(result); } if (_settings.IncludeSpace != "yes") { list.Add(nospaceResult); } foreach (var word in dictionary.Words) { var nospace = !word.Any(x => char.IsWhiteSpace(x)); for (int i = 0; i < (word.Length - length); i++) { var substr = word.Substring(i, length); if (_settings.IncludeSpace != "no") { result.CountUp(substr); } if (_settings.IncludeSpace != "yes" && nospace) { nospaceResult.CountUp(substr); } } } return(list); }
private WordBehaviour AssociateWordBehaviour(WordResult wordResult, WordBehaviour wordBehaviourTemplate) { if (mActiveWordBehaviours.Count >= mMaxInstances) { return(null); } var word = wordResult.Word; var wordBehaviour = wordBehaviourTemplate; var ewb = (IEditorWordBehaviour)wordBehaviour; ewb.SetNameForTrackable(word.StringValue); ewb.InitializeWord(word); mActiveWordBehaviours.Add(word.ID, wordBehaviour); return(wordBehaviour); }
/// <summary> /// Associate a word result with a word behaviour /// </summary> private WordBehaviour AssociateWordBehaviour(WordResult wordResult) { //find possible word prefabs based on string value of word trackable var stringValue = wordResult.Word.StringValue.ToLowerInvariant(); List <WordBehaviour> wordBehaviours; if (mWordBehaviours.ContainsKey(stringValue)) { wordBehaviours = mWordBehaviours[stringValue]; } else if (mWordBehaviours.ContainsKey(TEMPLATE_IDENTIFIER)) { wordBehaviours = mWordBehaviours[TEMPLATE_IDENTIFIER]; } else { Debug.Log("No prefab available for string value " + stringValue); return(null); } //go over all existing word-behaviour in scene foreach (var wordBehaviour in wordBehaviours) { if (wordBehaviour.Trackable == null) { //found corresponding word-behaviour that is not already used return(AssociateWordBehaviour(wordResult, wordBehaviour)); } } //no word-behaviour could be used, so we instantiate a new one if (wordBehaviours.Count < mMaxInstances) { var wb = InstantiateWordBehaviour(wordBehaviours.First()); wordBehaviours.Add(wb); return(AssociateWordBehaviour(wordResult, wb)); } //no word-behaviour available and pool of possible behaviours is full return(null); }
public JsonResult Share(WordShare entry) { WordResult result = new WordResult { Result = false, Message = "" }; try { entry.WordEventId = (int)Session["Word_Id"]; entry.Ip = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]; service.ShareWord(entry); result.Result = true; result.Message = "정상적으로 처리 되었습니다."; } catch (Exception) { result.Result = false; result.Message = "쿠키가 만료 되었습니다. 페이지 새로고침 후 다시 시도해 주세요"; } return(Json(result)); }
private void AddWord(WordResult wordResult) { //add new word into sorted list var cmp = new ObbComparison(); int i = 0; while (i < mSortedWords.Count && cmp.Compare(mSortedWords[i], wordResult) < 0) { i++; } if (i < mSortedWords.Count) { mSortedWords.Insert(i, wordResult); } else { mSortedWords.Add(wordResult); } }
private WordResult BuildWordResult(string whole, string denominationText) { bool amountIsZero = true; bool amountIsGreaterThanOne = false; var triples = ToTriplesLeastSignificantFirst(whole); var triplesAsWords = new List <string>(); for (var i = 0; i < triples.Count; i++) { var triple = triples[i]; var number = int.Parse(triple); if (number > 0) { amountIsZero = false; } if (number > 1 || (number == 1 && i > 0)) { amountIsGreaterThanOne = true; } var threeDigitNumber = ThreeDigitNumber.FromInt(number); triplesAsWords.Add(threeDigitNumber.ToWords()); } var result = new WordResult { AmountIsZero = amountIsZero, AmountIsGreaterThanOne = amountIsGreaterThanOne, }; if (!amountIsZero && amountIsGreaterThanOne) { var formatter = new WordPartsFormatter(); result.Words = formatter.Format(triplesAsWords) + " " + denominationText; } return(result); }
public TokenOverlayInfo(WordResult entity) { Initialize(entity.Text, entity.BoundingBox); }
public TokenOverlayInfo(WordResult entity, double width, double height) { Initialize(entity.Text, entity.BoundingBox, width, height); }
public static void main(string[] args) { [email protected]("Loading models..."); Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.setAcousticModelPath("resource:/edu/cmu/sphinx/models/en-us/en-us"); configuration.setDictionaryPath("resource:/edu/cmu/sphinx/models/en-us/cmudict-en-us.dict"); configuration.setLanguageModelPath("resource:/edu/cmu/sphinx/models/en-us/en-us.lm.bin"); StreamSpeechRecognizer streamSpeechRecognizer = new StreamSpeechRecognizer(configuration); InputStream resourceAsStream = ClassLiteral <TranscriberDemo> .Value.getResourceAsStream("/edu/cmu/sphinx/demo/aligner/10001-90210-01803.wav"); resourceAsStream.skip((long)((ulong)44)); streamSpeechRecognizer.startRecognition(resourceAsStream); SpeechResult result; while ((result = streamSpeechRecognizer.getResult()) != null) { [email protected]("Hypothesis: %s\n", new object[] { result.getHypothesis() }); [email protected]("List of recognized words and their times:"); Iterator iterator = result.getWords().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { WordResult wordResult = (WordResult); [email protected](wordResult); } [email protected]("Best 3 hypothesis:"); iterator = result.getNbest(3).iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { string text = (string); [email protected](text); } } streamSpeechRecognizer.stopRecognition(); resourceAsStream = ClassLiteral <TranscriberDemo> .Value.getResourceAsStream("/edu/cmu/sphinx/demo/aligner/10001-90210-01803.wav"); resourceAsStream.skip((long)((ulong)44)); Stats stats = streamSpeechRecognizer.createStats(1); streamSpeechRecognizer.startRecognition(resourceAsStream); while ((result = streamSpeechRecognizer.getResult()) != null) { stats.collect(result); } streamSpeechRecognizer.stopRecognition(); Transform transform = stats.createTransform(); streamSpeechRecognizer.setTransform(transform); resourceAsStream = ClassLiteral <TranscriberDemo> .Value.getResourceAsStream("/edu/cmu/sphinx/demo/aligner/10001-90210-01803.wav"); resourceAsStream.skip((long)((ulong)44)); streamSpeechRecognizer.startRecognition(resourceAsStream); while ((result = streamSpeechRecognizer.getResult()) != null) { [email protected]("Hypothesis: %s\n", new object[] { result.getHypothesis() }); } streamSpeechRecognizer.stopRecognition(); }
/// <summary> /// This method will be called whenever a new word has been detected /// </summary> /// <param name="wordResult">New trackable with current pose</param> public void OnWordDetected(WordResult wordResult) { var word = wordResult.Word; if (ContainsWord(word)) Debug.LogError("Word was already detected before!"); Debug.Log("Text: New word: " + wordResult.Word.StringValue + "(" + wordResult.Word.ID + ")"); AddWord(wordResult); }
/// <summary> /// Associate a word result with a word behaviour /// </summary> private WordBehaviour AssociateWordBehaviour(WordResult wordResult) { //find possible word prefabs based on string value of word trackable var stringValue = wordResult.Word.StringValue.ToLowerInvariant(); List<WordBehaviour> wordBehaviours; if (mWordBehaviours.ContainsKey(stringValue)) wordBehaviours = mWordBehaviours[stringValue]; else if (mWordBehaviours.ContainsKey(TEMPLATE_IDENTIFIER)) wordBehaviours = mWordBehaviours[TEMPLATE_IDENTIFIER]; else { Debug.Log("No prefab available for string value " + stringValue); return null; } //go over all existing word-behaviour in scene foreach (var wordBehaviour in wordBehaviours) { if (wordBehaviour.Trackable == null) { //found corresponding word-behaviour that is not already used return AssociateWordBehaviour(wordResult, wordBehaviour); } } //no word-behaviour could be used, so we instantiate a new one if (wordBehaviours.Count < mMaxInstances) { var wb = InstantiateWordBehaviour(wordBehaviours.First()); wordBehaviours.Add(wb); return AssociateWordBehaviour(wordResult, wb); } //no word-behaviour available and pool of possible behaviours is full return null; }
private WordBehaviour AssociateWordBehaviour(WordResult wordResult, WordBehaviour wordBehaviourTemplate) { if (mActiveWordBehaviours.Count >= mMaxInstances) return null; var word = wordResult.Word; var wordBehaviour = wordBehaviourTemplate; var ewb = (IEditorWordBehaviour) wordBehaviour; ewb.SetNameForTrackable(word.StringValue); ewb.InitializeWord(word); mActiveWordBehaviours.Add(word.ID, wordBehaviour); return wordBehaviour; }
private async Task <WordResult> FetchWordFromSourceAsync(String strword, WordSource wordsrc) { var client = new HttpClient(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add( new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("text/html")); //Boolean useBing = true; // //Boolean useIciba = false; // //Boolean useYoudao = false; // US pron: String resString = String.Empty; WordResult wr = new WordResult(); try { Regex regex = new Regex(@"<[^>]*>"); Regex regex2 = new Regex(@"</[^>]*>"); if (wordsrc == WordSource.Bing) { String strword2 = strword.Replace(" ", "+"); resString = await client.GetStringAsync("" + strword2); wr.WordString = strword; Int32 iPos = resString.IndexOf("<div class=\"lf_area\">"); Int32 iPos2 = resString.IndexOf("<div class=\"sidebar\">"); if (iPos == -1 || iPos2 == -1) { // Error occurs } else { String strContent = resString.Substring(iPos, iPos2 - iPos); iPos = strContent.IndexOf("<div class=\"qdef\">"); iPos2 = strContent.IndexOf("<div class=\"se_div\">"); if (iPos != -1 && iPos2 != -1) { String strdef = strContent.Substring(iPos, iPos2 - iPos); String strsent = strContent.Substring(iPos2); // Pron iPos = strdef.IndexOf("hd_prUS\">"); if (iPos != -1) { iPos2 = strdef.IndexOf('<', iPos); wr.WordPronUS = strdef.Substring(iPos + 9, iPos2 - iPos - 9).Replace(" ", ""); iPos = strdef.IndexOf("https:", iPos2); iPos2 = strdef.IndexOf(".mp3'", iPos); wr.WordPronUSFile = strdef.Substring(iPos, iPos2 + 4 - iPos); iPos = iPos2; } iPos = strdef.IndexOf("hd_pr\">", iPos == -1 ? 0 : iPos); if (iPos != -1) { iPos2 = strdef.IndexOf('<', iPos); wr.WordPronUK = strdef.Substring(iPos + 7, iPos2 - iPos - 7).Replace(" ", ""); iPos = strdef.IndexOf("https:", iPos2); iPos2 = strdef.IndexOf(".mp3'", iPos); wr.WordPronUKFile = strdef.Substring(iPos, iPos2 + 4 - iPos); iPos = iPos2; } // Explains iPos = strdef.IndexOf("<ul>", iPos == -1 ? 0 : iPos); if (iPos != -1) { iPos2 = strdef.IndexOf("</ul>", iPos); String strexp = strdef.Substring(iPos, iPos2 - iPos); iPos = strexp.IndexOf("<li>"); while (iPos != -1) { iPos2 = strexp.IndexOf("</li>", iPos); String expit = strexp.Substring(iPos, iPos2 - iPos); expit = regex.Replace(expit, ""); expit = regex2.Replace(expit, ""); wr.WordExplains.Add(expit); iPos = strexp.IndexOf("<li>", iPos2); } iPos = iPos2; } // Forms iPos = strdef.IndexOf("<div class=\"hd_if\">", iPos == -1 ? 0 : iPos); if (iPos != -1) { iPos2 = strdef.IndexOf("</div>", iPos); string strform = strdef.Substring(iPos, iPos2 - iPos); string[] forms = strform.Split(" "); foreach (var frm in forms) { var frm2 = regex.Replace(frm, ""); frm2 = regex2.Replace(frm2, ""); frm2 = frm2.Replace("  ", ""); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(frm2)) { wr.WordForms.Add(frm2); } } iPos = iPos2; } // Sentences iPos = strsent.IndexOf("<div id=\"sentenceSeg\">"); if (iPos != -1) { iPos = strsent.IndexOf("<div class=\"se_li\">", iPos); while (iPos != -1) { iPos = strsent.IndexOf("<div class=\"sen_en\">", iPos); iPos2 = strsent.IndexOf("</div>", iPos); WordRefSent wrs = new WordRefSent(); wrs.EnSent = strsent.Substring(iPos, iPos2 - iPos); wrs.EnSent = regex.Replace(wrs.EnSent, ""); wrs.EnSent = regex2.Replace(wrs.EnSent, ""); iPos = strsent.IndexOf("<div class=\"sen_cn\">", iPos2); iPos2 = strsent.IndexOf("</div>", iPos); wrs.CnSent = strsent.Substring(iPos, iPos2 - iPos); wrs.CnSent = regex.Replace(wrs.CnSent, ""); wrs.CnSent = regex2.Replace(wrs.CnSent, ""); wr.WordSentences.Add(wrs); iPos = strsent.IndexOf("<div class=\"se_li\">", iPos2); } } } } } else if (wordsrc == WordSource.Iciba) { // Check whether there is a SPACE inside String strword2 = strword.Trim(); strword2 = strword2.Replace(" ", "%20"); resString = await client.GetStringAsync("" + strword2); Boolean bfailed = false; wr.WordString = strword; // Pron. Int32 iPos = resString.IndexOf("<div class=\"base-speak\">"); Int32 iPos2 = -1; if (iPos != -1) { iPos += "<div class=\"base-speak\">".Length; iPos2 = resString.IndexOf("</div>", iPos); String usPron = resString.Substring(iPos, iPos2 - iPos); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(usPron)) { iPos = usPron.IndexOf("<span>"); if (iPos != -1) { iPos += "<span>".Length; } if (iPos != -1) { usPron = usPron.Remove(0, iPos); iPos = usPron.IndexOf("<span>"); if (iPos != -1) { iPos2 = usPron.IndexOf("</span>", iPos); wr.WordPronUK = usPron.Substring(iPos + 6, iPos2 - iPos - 6); usPron = usPron.Remove(0, iPos2 + "</span>".Length); iPos = usPron.IndexOf("('"); iPos2 = usPron.IndexOf("')"); wr.WordPronUKFile = usPron.Substring(iPos + 2, iPos2 - iPos - 2); usPron = usPron.Remove(0, iPos2 + 2); iPos = usPron.IndexOf("<span>"); usPron = usPron.Remove(0, iPos + "<span>".Length); iPos = usPron.IndexOf("<span>"); iPos2 = usPron.IndexOf("</span>"); wr.WordPronUS = usPron.Substring(iPos + 6, iPos2 - iPos - 6); usPron = usPron.Remove(0, iPos2 + "</span>".Length); iPos = usPron.IndexOf("('"); iPos2 = usPron.IndexOf("')"); wr.WordPronUSFile = usPron.Substring(iPos + 2, iPos2 - iPos - 2); } else { wr.WordPronUS = usPron; } } } else { bfailed = true; } } // Explain if (!bfailed) { iPos = resString.IndexOf("<ul class=\"base-list switch_part\" class=\"\">"); if (iPos != -1) { iPos2 = resString.IndexOf("</ul>", iPos) + "</ul>".Length; String expStr = resString.Substring(iPos, iPos2 - iPos); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(expStr)) { iPos = expStr.IndexOf("<li"); while (iPos != -1) { iPos2 = expStr.IndexOf("</li>", iPos); String expitem = expStr.Substring(iPos + 3, iPos2 - iPos); Int32 j1 = expitem.IndexOf("<span"); Int32 j2 = -1; String strexp = ""; while (j1 != -1) { j2 = expitem.IndexOf("</span>", j1); j1 = expitem.IndexOf(">", j1); strexp += expitem.Substring(j1 + 1, j2 - j1 - 1); j1 = expitem.IndexOf("<span", j2); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strexp)) { wr.WordExplains.Add(strexp); } iPos = expStr.IndexOf("<li", iPos2); } } else { bfailed = true; } } } // Transforms iPos = resString.IndexOf("<h1 class=\"base-word abbr chinese change-base\">"); if (iPos != -1) { iPos = resString.IndexOf("<p>", iPos); iPos += 3; iPos2 = resString.IndexOf("</p>", iPos); String strForms = resString.Substring(iPos, iPos2 - iPos); iPos = strForms.IndexOf("<span>"); while (iPos != -1) { iPos += 6; // "<span>".Length iPos2 = strForms.IndexOf("</span>", iPos); String strfi = strForms.Substring(iPos, iPos2 - iPos); strfi = strfi.Trim(); Int32 f1 = strfi.IndexOf("<"); Int32 f2 = strfi.IndexOf(">", f1); Int32 f3 = strfi.IndexOf("</a>", f2); wr.WordForms.Add(strfi.Substring(0, f1).Trim() + " " + strfi.Substring(f2 + 1, f3 - f2 - 1).Trim()); iPos = strForms.IndexOf("<span>", iPos2); } } // Sentences iPos = resString.IndexOf("<div class='sentence-item'>"); while (iPos != -1) { iPos2 = resString.IndexOf("</div>", iPos); String strSent = resString.Substring(iPos, iPos2 - iPos); Int32 s1 = strSent.IndexOf("<p class='family-english'>"); s1 = strSent.IndexOf("<span>", s1); Int32 s2 = strSent.IndexOf("</span>", s1); WordRefSent wrs = new WordRefSent(); wrs.EnSent = strSent.Substring(s1 + 6, s2 - s1 - 6); wrs.EnSent = wrs.EnSent.Replace("<b>", ""); wrs.EnSent = wrs.EnSent.Replace("</b>", ""); s1 = strSent.IndexOf("<p class='family-chinese size-chinese'>", s2); s1 += "<p class='family-chinese size-chinese'>".Length; s2 = strSent.IndexOf("</p>", s1); wrs.CnSent = strSent.Substring(s1, s2 - s1); wrs.CnSent = wrs.CnSent.Replace("<b>", ""); wrs.CnSent = wrs.CnSent.Replace("</b>", ""); wr.WordSentences.Add(wrs); iPos = resString.IndexOf("<div class='sentence-item'>", iPos2); } } else { } } catch (Exception exp) { Console.WriteLine("Error on " + strword + " : " + exp.Message); } return(wr); }