public static void AddHeaderFooterForSections() { WordDocument document = new WordDocument(); WordDocumentBuilder builder = new WordDocumentBuilder(document); //One section can contains a range of pages //Insert one section with single page Section sectionSinglePage = builder.InsertSection(); builder.InsertText("First page in section 1"); //Add header for single page section Header headerSinglePage = sectionSinglePage.Headers.Add(); headerSinglePage.Blocks.AddParagraph().Inlines.AddText("header for single page section"); //Insert one section with multiple pages Section sectionMultipage = builder.InsertSection(); //Create first page in section builder.InsertText("First page in section 2"); builder.InsertBreak(BreakType.PageBreak); //Create second page in section builder.InsertText("Second page in section 2"); //Defaults, all the secions's header and footer will inherit the rules in the first section //If you want to use blank header in the second section, you need initialize a new Header object with nothing to do Header headerMultipage = sectionMultipage.Headers.Add(); //Add footer for multiple page section Footer footerMultipage = sectionMultipage.Footers.Add(); footerMultipage.Blocks.AddParagraph().Inlines.AddText("footer for multiple page section"); WordFile wordFile = new WordFile(); using (var stream = File.OpenWrite("AddHeaderFooterForSections.docx")) { wordFile.Export(document, stream); } }
public static void AddLinkInsideDocument() { WordDocument document = new WordDocument(); WordDocumentBuilder builder = new WordDocumentBuilder(document); //Add hyperlink navigate to bookmark inside this document by bookmark's name builder.InsertHyperlinkToBookmark("this is hyerlink", "bookmark1", "go to bookmark1"); //Add a bookmark in the second page builder.InsertBreak(BreakType.PageBreak); TextInline textBookmark = builder.InsertText("This is bookmark1. "); builder.InsertBookmark("bookmark1", textBookmark, textBookmark); WordFile wordFile = new WordFile(); using (var stream = File.OpenWrite("AddLinkInsideDocument.docx")) { wordFile.Export(document, stream); } }
public static WordDocument CreateMailMergeTemplate() { WordDocument document = new WordDocument(); WordDocumentBuilder builder = new WordDocumentBuilder(document); //Insert salutation builder.InsertText("Hello "); builder.InsertField("MERGEFIELD CustomerFirstName", ""); builder.InsertText(" "); builder.InsertField("MERGEFIELD CustomerLastName", ""); builder.InsertText(","); //Insert a blank line builder.InsertParagraph(); //Insert mail body builder.InsertParagraph(); builder.InsertText("Thanks for purchasing our "); builder.InsertField("MERGEFIELD ProductName ", ""); builder.InsertText(", please download your Invoice at "); builder.InsertField("MERGEFIELD InvoiceURL", ""); builder.InsertText(". If you have any questions please call "); builder.InsertField("MERGEFIELD SupportFhone", ""); builder.InsertText(", or email us at "); builder.InsertField("MERGEFIELD SupportEmail", ""); builder.InsertText("."); //Insert a blank line builder.InsertParagraph(); //Insert mail ending builder.InsertParagraph(); builder.InsertText("Best regards,"); builder.InsertBreak(BreakType.LineBreak); builder.InsertField("MERGEFIELD EmployeeFullname", ""); builder.InsertText(" "); builder.InsertField("MERGEFIELD EmployeeDepartment", ""); return(document); }