public static void Loop() { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a block of text you'd like me to analyze:"); string userPhrase = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What word should I search for in this text?"); string userWord = Console.ReadLine(); WordCounterCalc wordCounterCalc = new WordCounterCalc(userWord, userPhrase); wordCounterCalc.PhraseContains(); int count = wordCounterCalc.Count; if (count > 0) { Console.WriteLine("I found that word in the text. Count: " + count); } else { Console.WriteLine("I'm sorry, I couldn't find that word in the text"); } Console.WriteLine("Would you like to try again? [Y/N]"); string userResponse = Console.ReadLine(); if (userResponse.ToLower() == "y" || userResponse.ToLower() == "yes") { Loop(); } }
public void PhraseContains_ReturnsWhetherPhraseContainsWord_BoolFalse() { // Arrange WordCounterCalc wordCounter = new WordCounterCalc("this", "that place"); // Act bool actual = wordCounter.PhraseContains(); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(false, actual); }
public void WordMatch_ReturnsWhetherPhraseMatchesWord_BoolFalse() { // Arrange WordCounterCalc wordCounter = new WordCounterCalc("hat", "pat"); // Act bool actual = wordCounter.WordMatch("hat", "pat"); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(false, actual); }
public void CharacterCleaner_IgnoresSpecialCharacters_StringCant() { // Arrange WordCounterCalc wordCounter = new WordCounterCalc("", ""); // Act string actual = wordCounter.CharacterCleaner("can't"); // Assert Assert.AreEqual("cant", actual); }
public void WordMatch_AccountsForCapitals_Int2() { // Arrange WordCounterCalc wordCounter = new WordCounterCalc("an", "An apple and an orange"); // Act wordCounter.PhraseContains(); int actual = wordCounter.Count; // Assert Assert.AreEqual(2, actual); }
public void PhraseContains_CountValueIgnoresPartialMatches_Int2() { // Arrange WordCounterCalc wordCounter = new WordCounterCalc("an", "an apple and an orange"); // Act wordCounter.PhraseContains(); int actual = wordCounter.Count; // Assert Assert.AreEqual(2, actual); }
public void PhraseContains_CountValueisIncreasedByMatches_Int2() { // Arrange WordCounterCalc wordCounter = new WordCounterCalc("an", "an apple, an orange"); // Act wordCounter.PhraseContains(); int actual = wordCounter.Count; // Assert Assert.AreEqual(2, actual); }
public void CharacterCleaner_IgnoresSpecialCharacters_Int1() { // Arrange WordCounterCalc wordCounter = new WordCounterCalc("cant", "I can't"); // Act wordCounter.PhraseContains(); int actual = wordCounter.Count; // Assert Assert.AreEqual(1, actual); }