public void TestWoopsaClientSubscriptionToProperty() { bool isValueChanged = false; TestObjectServer objectServer = new TestObjectServer(); using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer)) { using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient("http://localhost/woopsa")) { WoopsaBoundClientObject root = client.CreateBoundRoot(); WoopsaClientProperty propertyVotes = root.Properties.ByName("Votes") as WoopsaClientProperty; WoopsaClientSubscription subscription = propertyVotes.Subscribe((sender, e) => { isValueChanged = true; }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20)); objectServer.Votes = 2; Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); while ((!isValueChanged) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20))) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (isValueChanged) { Console.WriteLine("Notification after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); } else { Console.WriteLine("No notification received"); } subscription.Unsubscribe(); Assert.AreEqual(true, isValueChanged); } } }
public void TestWoopsaClientSubscriptionToProperty() { bool isVotesChanged = false; bool isStringValueChanged = false; TestObjectServer objectServer = new TestObjectServer(); using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer, TestingPort)) { using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient(TestingUrl)) { int newVotes = 0; string newStringValue = string.Empty; WoopsaBoundClientObject root = client.CreateBoundRoot(); WoopsaClientProperty propertyVotes = root.Properties.ByName("Votes") as WoopsaClientProperty; WoopsaClientSubscription subscription = propertyVotes.Subscribe((sender, e) => { newVotes = e.Notification.Value; isVotesChanged = true; }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20)); WoopsaClientProperty propertyString = root.Properties.ByName("StringValue") as WoopsaClientProperty; WoopsaClientSubscription subscription2 = propertyString.Subscribe((sender, e) => { var t = client.ClientProtocol.Read("Votes"); newStringValue = e.Notification.Value; isStringValueChanged = true; }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20)); objectServer.Votes = 2; objectServer.StringValue = "Test"; Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); while ((!isVotesChanged || !isStringValueChanged) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20))) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (isVotesChanged) { Console.WriteLine("Notification after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); } else { Console.WriteLine("No notification received"); } subscription.Unsubscribe(); Assert.AreEqual(true, isVotesChanged); Assert.AreEqual(true, isStringValueChanged); Assert.AreEqual(2, newVotes); Assert.AreEqual("Test", newStringValue); } } }
public void TestWoopsaClientSubscriptionChannelServerRestartAfter() { bool isValueChanged = false; TestObjectServer objectServer = new TestObjectServer(); using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient(TestingUrl)) { WoopsaUnboundClientObject root = client.CreateUnboundRoot(""); WoopsaClientSubscription subscription = root.Subscribe(nameof(TestObjectServer.Votes), (sender, e) => { isValueChanged = true; }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20)); using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer, TestingPort)) { objectServer.Votes = 2; Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); while ((!isValueChanged) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2))) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (isValueChanged) { Console.WriteLine("Notification after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); } else { Console.WriteLine("No notification received"); } Assert.AreEqual(true, isValueChanged); } isValueChanged = false; using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer, TestingPort)) { objectServer.Votes = 3; Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); while ((!isValueChanged) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2))) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (isValueChanged) { Console.WriteLine("Notification after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); } else { Console.WriteLine("No notification received"); } Assert.AreEqual(true, isValueChanged); } subscription.Unsubscribe(); } }
public void TestWoopsaClientSubscriptionChannel5000SubscriptionsObservableCollection() { const int objectsCount = 5000; int totalNotifications = 0; ObservableCollection <ManySubscriptionTestObject> list = new ObservableCollection <ManySubscriptionTestObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < objectsCount; i++) { list.Add(new ManySubscriptionTestObject() { Trigger = i }); } using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(new WoopsaObjectAdapter(null, "list", list, null, null, WoopsaObjectAdapterOptions.None, WoopsaVisibility.DefaultIsVisible | WoopsaVisibility.IEnumerableObject), TestingPort)) { using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient(TestingUrl, null, objectsCount)) { WoopsaBoundClientObject root = client.CreateBoundRoot(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { int index = i; WoopsaClientSubscription subscription = root.Subscribe( WoopsaUtils.CombinePath( WoopsaObjectAdapter.EnumerableItemDefaultName(i), nameof(ManySubscriptionTestObject.Trigger)), (sender, e) => { list[index].HasNotified = true; totalNotifications++; }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200)); } Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); while ((totalNotifications < objectsCount) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(500))) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (totalNotifications == objectsCount) { Console.WriteLine("All notification after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} notification received, {1} expected", totalNotifications, objectsCount); } Assert.AreEqual(objectsCount, totalNotifications); } } }
public void TestWoopsaIsLastCommunicationSuccessful() { bool isSuccessfull = false; TestObjectServer objectServer = new TestObjectServer(); using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient("http://localhost/woopsa")) { WoopsaUnboundClientObject root = client.CreateUnboundRoot("root"); WoopsaClientSubscription subscription = root.Subscribe(nameof(TestObjectServer.Votes), (sender, e) => { }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20)); client.ClientProtocol.IsLastCommunicationSuccessfulChange += (sender, e) => { isSuccessfull = client.ClientProtocol.IsLastCommunicationSuccessful; }; Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer)) { watch.Restart(); while ((!isSuccessfull) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20))) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (isSuccessfull) { Console.WriteLine("Sucessful after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); } else { Console.WriteLine("No successful communication"); } Assert.IsTrue(isSuccessfull); } watch.Restart(); while ((isSuccessfull) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20))) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (!isSuccessfull) { Console.WriteLine("Communication loss detected after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); } else { Console.WriteLine("No communication loss detection"); } Assert.IsFalse(isSuccessfull); subscription.Unsubscribe(); } }
public void TestWoopsaMultiRequest() { WoopsaObject serverRoot = new WoopsaObject(null, ""); TestObjectMultiRequest objectServer = new TestObjectMultiRequest(); WoopsaObjectAdapter adapter = new WoopsaObjectAdapter(serverRoot, "TestObject", objectServer); using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(serverRoot)) { using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient("http://localhost/woopsa")) { ExecuteMultiRequestTestSerie(client, objectServer); } } }
public void TestWoopsaMultiRequestNoRemoteMultiRequestService() { WoopsaObject serverRoot = new WoopsaObject(null, ""); TestObjectMultiRequest objectServer = new TestObjectMultiRequest(); WoopsaObjectAdapter adapter = new WoopsaObjectAdapter(serverRoot, "TestObject", objectServer); using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer((IWoopsaContainer)serverRoot, TestingPort)) { using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient(TestingUrl)) { ExecuteMultiRequestTestSerie(client, objectServer); } } }
public RaspberryPi(ILogger <RaspberryPi> logger, IGpio gpio, ICamera camera) { _logger = logger; _woopsaServer = new WoopsaServer(this); _woopsaServer.Authenticator = new SimpleAuthenticator("Raspberry", (sender, e) => e.IsAuthenticated = e.Username == "admin" && e.Password == "admin"); _gpio = gpio; _camera = camera; _logger.LogDebug("Raspberry pi created"); //TODO : to that more dynamically _woopsaServer.WebServer.Routes.Add("camera", HTTPMethod.GET, new RouteHandlerFileSystem(Camera.SharedFolder)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var root = new WoopsaObject(null, "Gateway.IoT"); WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient("", root); client.Username = "******"; client.Password = "******"; client.CreateBoundRoot("device_garage"); var woopsaServer = new WoopsaServer(root, 10443); woopsaServer.Authenticator = new SimpleAuthenticator("Raspberry", (sender, e) => e.IsAuthenticated = e.Username == "admin" && e.Password == "admin"); }
public void TestWoopsaProtocolRootContainer() { WoopsaRoot serverRoot = new WoopsaRoot(); TestObjectServer objectServer = new TestObjectServer(); WoopsaObjectAdapter adapter = new WoopsaObjectAdapter(serverRoot, "TestObject", objectServer); using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(serverRoot)) { using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient("http://localhost/woopsa")) { WoopsaBoundClientObject root = client.CreateBoundRoot(); (root.Items.ByName("TestObject") as WoopsaObject).Properties.ByName("Votes").Value = 17; Assert.AreEqual(objectServer.Votes, 17); } } }
public void TestWoopsaClientSubscriptionDisappearingProperty() { bool isValueChanged = false; MainClass objectServer = new MainClass(); InnerClass inner = new InnerClass(); objectServer.Inner = inner; using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer, TestingPort)) { using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient(TestingUrl)) { WoopsaBoundClientObject root = client.CreateBoundRoot(); WoopsaObject Inner = root.Items.ByName(nameof(MainClass.Inner)) as WoopsaObject; WoopsaClientProperty propertyInfo = Inner.Properties.ByName(nameof(InnerClass.Info)) as WoopsaClientProperty; WoopsaClientSubscription subscription = propertyInfo.Subscribe( (sender, e) => { isValueChanged = true; }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20)); inner.Info = "Test"; Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); while ((!isValueChanged) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20))) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (isValueChanged) { Console.WriteLine("Notification after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); } else { Console.WriteLine("No notification received"); } isValueChanged = false; objectServer.Inner = new BaseInnerClass(); // objectServer.Inner = new object(); while ((!isValueChanged) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20))) { Thread.Sleep(10); } subscription.Unsubscribe(); Assert.AreEqual(true, isValueChanged); } } }
public void Load() { _rootWoopsaObject = new WoopsaObject(null, "root"); _woopsaServer = new WoopsaServer(_rootWoopsaObject, port); _woopsaServer.WebServer.Routes.Add("/Pages", HTTPMethod.GET, new RouteHandlerFileSystem(folderPathWebPages)); Thread thread; #region infoDebug DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("\nWoopsa server listening on http://localhost:" + _woopsaServer.WebServer.Port + _woopsaServer.RoutePrefix); DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("Some examples of what you can do directly from your browser:"); DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" * View the object hierarchy of the root object:"); DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" http://localhost:" + _woopsaServer.WebServer.Port + _woopsaServer.RoutePrefix + "meta/"); DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" * Read the value of a property:"); DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" http://localhost:" + _woopsaServer.WebServer.Port + _woopsaServer.RoutePrefix + "read/Temperature "); DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" * Surfing on the web pages found in the directory \n specified in Advanced Settings :"); DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" http://localhost:" + _woopsaServer.WebServer.Port + "/Pages/ \n"); #endregion bool allThreadAreAbort; do { lock (_thisLock) { allThreadAreAbort = _allThreadAreAbort; } }while (!allThreadAreAbort); DiagnosticWindow.ResetPlcStatus(); _woopsaAdsThreadList = new List <Thread>(); lock (plcParameterList) { _shouldStop = false; } foreach (PlcParameter parameter in plcParameterList) { thread = new Thread(Start); thread.Name = "WoopsaAdsController - " +; thread.Start(parameter); _woopsaAdsThreadList.Add(thread); } lock (_thisLock) { _allThreadAreAbort = false; } isRunning = true; }
public void TestWoopsaProtocolUnboundClient() { TestObjectServer objectServer = new TestObjectServer(); using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient("http://localhost/woopsa")) { WoopsaUnboundClientObject root = client.CreateUnboundRoot("root"); WoopsaProperty propertyVote = root.GetProperty("Votes", WoopsaValueType.Integer, false); using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer)) { propertyVote.Value = new WoopsaValue(123); Assert.AreEqual(objectServer.Votes, 123); var result = propertyVote.Value; Assert.AreEqual(result.ToInt64(), 123); } } }
public void ShutDown() { lock (plcParameterList) { _shouldStop = true; } // Thread to liberate de mainThread because another thread use Dispatcher.Invoke Thread joinWoopsaAdsThread = new Thread(() => JoinWoopsaAdsThread(_woopsaAdsThreadList)); joinWoopsaAdsThread.Name = "Join WoopsaAdsThread"; joinWoopsaAdsThread.Start(); isRunning = false; _woopsaServer.Dispose(); _woopsaServer = null; }
public void TestWoopsaDynamicNotificationUnexistingProperty() { TestObjectServer objectServer = new TestObjectServer(); using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer, TestingPort)) { // Solution with dynamic client using (dynamic dynamicClient = new WoopsaDynamicClient(TestingUrl)) { int channel = dynamicClient.SubscriptionService.CreateSubscriptionChannel(QUEUE_SIZE); // Subscription for an nonexistent variable (should work) dynamicClient.SubscriptionService.RegisterSubscription(channel, WoopsaValue.WoopsaRelativeLink("/Vote"), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(MONITOR_INTERVAL), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(PUBLISH_INTERVAL)); Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); WoopsaValue lastNotifications; WoopsaJsonData jsonData; int lastNotificationId; watch.Start(); do { lastNotifications = dynamicClient.SubscriptionService.WaitNotification(channel, 0); Assert.AreEqual(lastNotifications.Type, WoopsaValueType.JsonData); jsonData = lastNotifications.JsonData; if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000) { Assert.Fail("Timeout without receveiving any notification"); } }while (jsonData.Length == 0); lastNotificationId = jsonData[jsonData.Length - 1]["Id"]; Assert.AreEqual(lastNotificationId, 1); // Get again the same notification lastNotifications = dynamicClient.SubscriptionService.WaitNotification(channel, 0); jsonData = lastNotifications.JsonData; Assert.IsTrue(jsonData.IsArray); Assert.AreEqual(jsonData.Length, 1); Assert.IsTrue(jsonData[0].IsDictionary); lastNotificationId = jsonData[jsonData.Length - 1]["Id"]; Assert.AreEqual(lastNotificationId, 1); } } } //end TestWoopsaDynamicNotification
static void Main(string[] args) { int refresh = ManageRefreshArg(args); VerboseMode = ManageVerboseArg(args); try { JacuzziParameters parameters = JacuzziParameters.DeSerializeOrCreate(); Jacuzzi root = new Jacuzzi(parameters, ManageHostArg(args)); using (WoopsaServer woopsaServer = new WoopsaServer(root, 10001)) { woopsaServer.BeforeWoopsaModelAccess += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { Monitor.Enter(; }; woopsaServer.AfterWoopsaModelAccess += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { Monitor.Exit(; }; woopsaServer.WebServer.Routes.Add("web", HTTPMethod.GET, new RouteHandlerEmbeddedResources("HTML", Assembly.GetEntryAssembly())); woopsaServer.WebServer.Routes.Add("web", HTTPMethod.GET, new RouteHandlerEmbeddedResources("HTML.index.html", Assembly.GetEntryAssembly())); Console.WriteLine("Woopsa server started. Client at http://localhost:10001/web/"); for (;;) { try { lock ( root.CyclicUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { ManageException(e); Thread.Sleep(refresh * 3); } Thread.Sleep(refresh); } } } catch (Exception e) { ManageException(e); } }
public void TestWoopsaClientSubscriptionChannelUnexistingItem() { TestObjectServer objectServer = new TestObjectServer(); using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer, TestingPort)) { using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient(TestingUrl)) { WoopsaBoundClientObject root = client.CreateBoundRoot(); try { WoopsaClientSubscription sub = root.Subscribe("ThisDoesNotExistInTheServer", (sender, e) => { }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20)); Assert.Fail(); } catch (Exception) { } } } }
public void TestWoopsaClientSubscriptionChannelNoRemoteSubscriptionService() { bool isValueChanged = false; WoopsaObject objectServer = new WoopsaObject(null, ""); int votes = 0; WoopsaProperty propertyVotes = new WoopsaProperty(objectServer, "Votes", WoopsaValueType.Integer, (p) => votes, (p, value) => { votes = value.ToInt32(); }); using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer((IWoopsaContainer)objectServer, TestingPort)) { using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient(TestingUrl)) { WoopsaBoundClientObject root = client.CreateBoundRoot(); WoopsaClientSubscription subscription = root.Subscribe(nameof(TestObjectServer.Votes), (sender, e) => { isValueChanged = true; }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20)); votes = 2; Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); while ((!isValueChanged) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2000))) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (isValueChanged) { Console.WriteLine("Notification after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); } else { Console.WriteLine("No notification received"); } subscription.Unsubscribe(); Assert.AreEqual(true, isValueChanged); } } }
public void TestWoopsaIsLastCommunicationSuccessful() { bool isSuccessfull = false; int counter = 0; TestObjectServer objectServer = new TestObjectServer(); using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient(TestingUrl)) { Assert.IsFalse(client.ClientProtocol.IsLastCommunicationSuccessful); client.ClientProtocol.IsLastCommunicationSuccessfulChange += (sender, e) => { isSuccessfull = client.ClientProtocol.IsLastCommunicationSuccessful; counter++; }; // Initial & unsuccessful try { client.ClientProtocol.Read("Not existing"); } catch { } Assert.IsFalse(isSuccessfull); Assert.AreEqual(1, counter); WoopsaUnboundClientObject root = client.CreateUnboundRoot("root"); WoopsaClientSubscription subscription = root.Subscribe(nameof(TestObjectServer.Votes), (sender, e) => { }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20)); Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer, TestingPort)) { watch.Restart(); while ((!isSuccessfull) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20))) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (isSuccessfull) { Console.WriteLine("Sucessful after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); } else { Console.WriteLine("No successful communication"); } Assert.IsTrue(isSuccessfull); } watch.Restart(); while ((isSuccessfull) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20))) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (!isSuccessfull) { Console.WriteLine("Communication loss detected after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); } else { Console.WriteLine("No communication loss detection"); } Assert.IsFalse(isSuccessfull); subscription.Unsubscribe(); } }
public void TestWoopsaWaitNotification() { TestObjectServer objectServer = new TestObjectServer(); using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer, TestingPort)) { using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient(TestingUrl)) { WoopsaBoundClientObject root = client.CreateBoundRoot(); // Just to show how to see all items foreach (var item in root.Items) { Console.WriteLine("Item = " + item.Name); if (item.Name == "SubscriptionService") { Console.WriteLine("Trouvé"); } } // create a subscription object WoopsaObject subscription = root.Items.ByNameOrNull("SubscriptionService") as WoopsaObject; if (subscription != null) { int result = 0; WoopsaMethod methodCreateScubscriptionChannel = subscription.Methods.ByNameOrNull("CreateSubscriptionChannel"); if (methodCreateScubscriptionChannel != null) { // call the method "CreateSubscriptionChannel" on the server result = methodCreateScubscriptionChannel.Invoke(1000); // define the queue size } int channel = result; WoopsaMethod methodRegisterScubscription = subscription.Methods.ByNameOrNull("RegisterSubscription"); if (methodRegisterScubscription != null) { // call the method "registerScubscription" on the server result = methodRegisterScubscription.Invoke(channel, WoopsaValue.WoopsaRelativeLink("/Votes"), 0.01, 0.01); } int subscriptionNbr = result; WoopsaJsonData jData; WoopsaMethod methodWaitNotification = subscription.Methods.ByNameOrNull("WaitNotification"); if (methodWaitNotification != null) { Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); // call the method "WaitNotification" on the server Thread.Sleep(100); jData = methodWaitNotification.Invoke(channel, 0).JsonData; Assert.IsTrue(jData.Length > 0); int lastNotification; lastNotification = jData[0]["Id"]; Assert.AreEqual(lastNotification, 1); // Get notifications again Thread.Sleep(100); jData = methodWaitNotification.Invoke(channel, 0).JsonData; Assert.IsTrue(jData.Length > 0); lastNotification = jData[0]["Id"]; Assert.AreEqual(lastNotification, 1); } } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { WeatherStation root = new WeatherStation(); bool done = false; using (WoopsaServer woopsaServer = new WoopsaServer(root, 80)) { Console.WriteLine("Woopsa server listening on http://localhost:{0}{1}", woopsaServer.WebServer.Port, woopsaServer.RoutePrefix); Console.WriteLine("Some examples of what you can do directly from your browser:"); Console.WriteLine(" * View the object hierarchy of the root object:"); Console.WriteLine(" http://localhost:{0}{1}meta/", woopsaServer.WebServer.Port, woopsaServer.RoutePrefix); Console.WriteLine(" * Read the value of a property:"); Console.WriteLine(" http://localhost:{0}{1}read/Temperature", woopsaServer.WebServer.Port, woopsaServer.RoutePrefix); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Commands : QUIT, AUTH, NOAUTH"); do { Console.Write(">"); switch (Console.ReadLine().ToUpper()) { case "QUIT": done = true; break; case "AUTH": woopsaServer.Authenticator = new SimpleAuthenticator( "WoopsaDemoServer", (sender, e) => { e.IsAuthenticated = e.Username == "woopsa"; }); break; case "NOAUTH": woopsaServer.Authenticator = null; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid command"); break; } }while (!done); } } catch (SocketException e) { // A SocketException is caused by an application already listening on a port in most cases // Applications known to use port 80: // - On Windows 10, IIS is on by default on some configurations. Disable it here: // // - IIS // - Apache // - Nginx // - Skype Console.WriteLine("Error: Could not start Woopsa Server. Most likely because an application is already listening on port 80."); Console.WriteLine("Known culprits:"); Console.WriteLine(" - On Windows 10, IIS is on by default on some configurations."); Console.WriteLine(" - Skype"); Console.WriteLine(" - Apache, nginx, etc."); Console.WriteLine("SocketException: {0}", e.Message); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public void TestWoopsaDynamicNotification() { TestObjectServer objectServer = new TestObjectServer(); using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer, TestingPort)) { // Solution with dynamic client using (dynamic dynamicClient = new WoopsaDynamicClient(TestingUrl)) { int channel = dynamicClient.SubscriptionService.CreateSubscriptionChannel(QUEUE_SIZE); // Subscription for a valid variable dynamicClient.SubscriptionService.RegisterSubscription(channel, WoopsaValue.WoopsaRelativeLink("/Votes"), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(MONITOR_INTERVAL), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(PUBLISH_INTERVAL)); Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); WoopsaValue lastNotifications; WoopsaJsonData jsonData; int lastNotificationId; watch.Start(); do { lastNotifications = dynamicClient.SubscriptionService.WaitNotification(channel, 0); Assert.AreEqual(lastNotifications.Type, WoopsaValueType.JsonData); jsonData = lastNotifications.JsonData; if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000) { Assert.Fail("Timeout without receveiving any notification"); } }while (jsonData.Length == 0); lastNotificationId = jsonData[jsonData.Length - 1]["Id"]; Assert.AreEqual(lastNotificationId, 1); // Get again the same notification lastNotifications = dynamicClient.SubscriptionService.WaitNotification(channel, 0); jsonData = lastNotifications.JsonData; Assert.IsTrue(jsonData.IsArray); Assert.AreEqual(jsonData.Length, 1); Assert.IsTrue(jsonData[0].IsDictionary); lastNotificationId = jsonData[jsonData.Length - 1]["Id"]; Assert.AreEqual(lastNotificationId, 1); // Generate a new notification objectServer.Votes++; Thread.Sleep(PUBLISH_INTERVAL * 10); // Check we have now 2 lastNotifications = dynamicClient.SubscriptionService.WaitNotification(channel, 0); jsonData = lastNotifications.JsonData; Assert.IsTrue(jsonData.IsArray); Assert.AreEqual(jsonData.Length, 2); Assert.IsTrue(jsonData[0].IsDictionary); lastNotificationId = jsonData[jsonData.Length - 1]["Id"]; Assert.AreEqual(lastNotificationId, 2); // Check we can remove 1 and still have 1 lastNotifications = dynamicClient.SubscriptionService.WaitNotification(channel, 1); jsonData = lastNotifications.JsonData; Assert.AreEqual(jsonData.Length, 1); lastNotificationId = jsonData[jsonData.Length - 1]["Id"]; Assert.AreEqual(lastNotificationId, 2); // Enable the code below to test the wait of the timeout when they are 0 notifications pending /* * // Check we can remove 1 and have 0. This takes 5 seconds (we wait the timeout) * lastNotifications = dynamicClient.SubscriptionService.WaitNotification(channel, lastNotificationId); * jsonData = lastNotifications.JsonData; * Assert.AreEqual(jsonData.Length, 0); */ } } } //end TestWoopsaDynamicNotification
public void TestWoopsaSubscriptionRemovedWhenServerRestart() { bool isValueChanged = false; TestObjectServer objectServer = new TestObjectServer(); using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient(TestingUrl)) { using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer, TestingPort)) using (WoopsaBoundClientObject root = client.CreateBoundRoot()) { using (WoopsaClientSubscription subscription = root.Subscribe(nameof(TestObjectServer.Votes), (sender, e) => { isValueChanged = true; }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20))) { Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); while ((!isValueChanged) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))) { Thread.Sleep(10); } Assert.AreEqual(1, client.SubscriptionChannel.RegisteredSubscriptionCount); if (isValueChanged) { Console.WriteLine("Notification after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); } else { Console.WriteLine("No notification received"); } } } Assert.IsTrue(isValueChanged); Assert.AreEqual(1, client.SubscriptionChannel.SubscriptionsCount); Assert.AreEqual(1, client.SubscriptionChannel.RegisteredSubscriptionCount); isValueChanged = false; using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer, TestingPort)) using (WoopsaBoundClientObject root = client.CreateBoundRoot()) { using (WoopsaClientSubscription subscription = root.Subscribe(nameof(TestObjectServer.Votes), (sender, e) => { isValueChanged = true; }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20))) { Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); while ((!isValueChanged) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))) { Thread.Sleep(10); } Assert.AreEqual(1, client.SubscriptionChannel.RegisteredSubscriptionCount); if (isValueChanged) { Console.WriteLine("Notification after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); } else { Console.WriteLine("No notification received"); } } } Assert.IsTrue(isValueChanged); Assert.AreEqual(1, client.SubscriptionChannel.SubscriptionsCount); Assert.AreEqual(1, client.SubscriptionChannel.RegisteredSubscriptionCount); } }