protected void btn_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Panel_StatusError.Visible = false; Panel_StatusSuccess.Visible = false; lblStatusError.Text = ""; lblStatusSuccess.Text = ""; WomenFashionEntities entity = new WomenFashionEntities(); int SelectedItemID = int.Parse(GridView_FashionItems.SelectedValue.ToString()); // selected value from grid Fashion_Item objFashion = new Fashion_Item { Fashion_item_Id = SelectedItemID }; entity.Fashion_Item.Attach(objFashion); entity.Fashion_Item.Remove(objFashion); entity.SaveChanges(); lblStatusSuccess.Text = "Deleting Done SuccessFully"; Panel_StatusSuccess.Visible = true; FillFashionGridView(); Clear(); ImgShow.Visible = false; Panel_FashionitemData.Visible = false; }
protected void btn_Edit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Panel_StatusError.Visible = false; Panel_StatusSuccess.Visible = false; lblStatusError.Text = ""; lblStatusSuccess.Text = ""; WomenFashionEntities entity = new WomenFashionEntities(); int SelectedItemID = int.Parse(GridView_FashionItems.SelectedValue.ToString()); var SelectedFashionItem = (from tab in entity.Fashion_Item where (tab.Fashion_item_Id == SelectedItemID) select tab).FirstOrDefault(); //ha5od l values l user 3amlha update w a7otha tany fl controls bt3ty 3shan a3ml save b3d kda SelectedFashionItem.Fashion_Type_Id = int.Parse(ddl_FashionType.SelectedValue.ToString()); SelectedFashionItem.BrandID = int.Parse(ddl_Brand.SelectedValue.ToString()); SelectedFashionItem.ColorId = int.Parse(ddl_Color.SelectedValue.ToString()); SelectedFashionItem.Item_Description = txtbox_Description.Text.Trim(); SelectedFashionItem.Price = double.Parse(txtbox_Price.Text); SelectedFashionItem.categoryid = int.Parse(ddl_Rating.SelectedValue); if (FileUpload_images.HasFile != false) { string NewPath = "~/WebImages/" + FileUpload_images.FileName; string type = NewPath.Substring(NewPath.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).ToLower(); if (type == "jpeg".ToLower() || type == "png".ToLower() || type == "gif".ToLower() || type == "jpg".ToLower()) { SelectedFashionItem.ImageURL = NewPath; FileUpload_images.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(NewPath)); } else { lblStatusError.Text = "File Extention Not Valid ! "; Panel_StatusError.Visible = true; return; } } //b3ml save lel values el gdeda entity.SaveChanges(); ImgShow.ImageUrl = SelectedFashionItem.ImageURL; ImgShow.Visible = true; lblStatusSuccess.Text = "Editing Done SuccessFully"; Panel_StatusSuccess.Visible = true; // w b3den arg3 a3ml filling tany lel grid bl values l gdeda FillFashionGridView(); Panel_FashionitemData.Visible = false; Clear(); // reset to The Whole page again ( refill Dropwon Lists , Clear textbox , etc.... ) }
//===================================================== //{ ddl_FashionType_SelectedIndexChanged } ->> da m3na eny awl ma adoos 3la l ddl bt3t l fashion type y7sl action //tab ana 3yzah y7sal eh ? --> 3yza awl ma a5tar noo3 l item el howa ya2ma clothes ya2ma makeup ya2ma accessories //yroo7 y3bele l ddl bt3t l brand based 3la l type el ana a5tro mn l ddl bt3t l fashion de //===================================================== protected void btn_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Panel_StatusError.Visible = false; Panel_StatusSuccess.Visible = false; lblStatusError.Text = ""; lblStatusSuccess.Text = ""; // if (FileUpload_images.HasFile == false) { lblStatusError.Text = "You Must Choose Image !"; Panel_StatusError.Visible = true; return; } WomenFashionEntities entity = new WomenFashionEntities(); Fashion_Item fashiontype_tbl = new Fashion_Item(); //object from table bs lessa fady wna h3mlo fill //bageb l values l howa da5laha fashiontype_tbl.Fashion_Type_Id = int.Parse(ddl_FashionType.SelectedValue.ToString()); fashiontype_tbl.BrandID = int.Parse(ddl_Brand.SelectedValue.ToString()); fashiontype_tbl.ColorId = int.Parse(ddl_Color.SelectedValue.ToString()); fashiontype_tbl.Item_Description = txtbox_Description.Text.Trim(); fashiontype_tbl.Price = double.Parse(txtbox_Price.Text); fashiontype_tbl.categoryid = int.Parse(ddl_Rating.SelectedValue); //IMAGE LOAD if (FileUpload_images.HasFile != false)// DA5LT SOORA { //lw da5l soora , fa ana ha create new path l hwa l path l mwgood 3ndy fl projec { folder esmo webimages } w ha7ot wrah esm l soora string NewPath = "~/WebImages/" + FileUpload_images.FileName; //hageeb l extension bta3 l soora l howa b3d l . w ashoof no3o string type = NewPath.Substring(NewPath.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).ToLower(); if (type == "jpeg".ToLower() || type == "png".ToLower() || type == "gif".ToLower() || type == "jpg".ToLower()) { //lw tmaam yb2a ha7ot el path da fl table fashiontype_tbl.ImageURL = NewPath; FileUpload_images.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(NewPath)); } else { lblStatusError.Text = "File Extention Not Valid ! "; Panel_StatusError.Visible = true; return; } } entity.Fashion_Item.Add(fashiontype_tbl); entity.SaveChanges(); ImgShow.ImageUrl = fashiontype_tbl.ImageURL; ImgShow.Visible = true; lblStatusSuccess.Text = "Adding Done SuccessFully"; Panel_StatusSuccess.Visible = true; Clear(); // reset to The Whole page again ( refill Dropwon Lists , Clear textbox , etc.... ) }