public void Submit(object sender, EventArgs e) { string query = "select cmel, solod, voda from beer"; string[,] matrix = new string[Convert.ToInt32(text2.Text), 3]; WithMSSQL con1 = new WithMSSQL(); matrix = con1.commandSQL(query, con1.connectToSQL(auth_str)); /*WithMSSQL con1 = new WithMSSQL();*/ query = "select light, dark, smooth from calendar where week between " + text1.Text + " and " + (text1.Text + text2.Text + 2) + "order by week"; string[,] matrix2 = new string[3, 3]; matrix2 = con1.commandSQL(query, con1.connectToSQL(auth_str)); Label2.Text = "<table border='0' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' width='100%' bgcolor='#ffffff'>"; Label2.Text += "<tr style='color:#666; font-size: 100%;'><td>Номер недели/Сорт пива</td><td>Светлое</td><td>Тёмное</td><td>Нефильтрованное</td>"; int help = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (Convert.ToInt32(text2.Text) + 2); i++) { if (i == Convert.ToInt32(text2.Text)) { Label2.Text += "<tr><td style='color:#777; font-size: 80%;'> И поставки на следующие 2 недели</td></tr>"; } Label2.Text += "<tr style='color:#999; font-size: 80%;'>"; help = Convert.ToInt32(text1.Text) + i; Label2.Text += "<td>" + help + "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { Label2.Text += "<td>" + matrix2[i, j] + "</td>"; } Time.Text += "</tr>"; } int cmel = 0; int solod = 0; int voda = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt32(text2.Text); i++) { cmel += Convert.ToInt32(matrix[0, 0]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 0]) + Convert.ToInt32(matrix[1, 0]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 1]) + Convert.ToInt32(matrix[2, 0]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 2]); solod += Convert.ToInt32(matrix[0, 1]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 0]) + Convert.ToInt32(matrix[1, 1]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 1]) + Convert.ToInt32(matrix[2, 1]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 2]);; voda += Convert.ToInt32(matrix[0, 2]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 0]) + Convert.ToInt32(matrix[1, 2]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 1]) + Convert.ToInt32(matrix[2, 2]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 2]);;; } Label1.Text = "<p>Итого: к " + text1.Text + "ой неделе понадобится единиц ХМЕЛЯ, СОЛОДА и ВОДЫ соответственно"; Label1.Text += cmel + " " + solod + " " + voda + "</p>"; }
public void Submit(object sender, EventArgs e) { string query = "select cmel, solod, voda from beer"; string[,] matrix = new string[Convert.ToInt32(text2.Text), 3]; WithMSSQL con1 = new WithMSSQL(); matrix = con1.commandSQL(query, con1.connectToSQL(auth_str)); /*WithMSSQL con1 = new WithMSSQL();*/ query = "select light, dark, smooth from calendar where week between " + text1.Text + " and " + (text1.Text + text2.Text + 2) + "order by week"; string[,] matrix2 = new string[3, 3]; matrix2 = con1.commandSQL(query, con1.connectToSQL(auth_str)); Label2.Text = "<table border='0' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' width='100%' bgcolor='#ffffff'>"; Label2.Text += "<tr style='color:#666; font-size: 100%;'><td>Номер недели/Сорт пива</td><td>Светлое</td><td>Тёмное</td><td>Нефильтрованное</td>"; int help = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (Convert.ToInt32(text2.Text) + 2); i++) { if (i == Convert.ToInt32(text2.Text)) Label2.Text += "<tr><td style='color:#777; font-size: 80%;'> И поставки на следующие 2 недели</td></tr>"; Label2.Text += "<tr style='color:#999; font-size: 80%;'>"; help = Convert.ToInt32(text1.Text) + i; Label2.Text += "<td>" + help + "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { Label2.Text += "<td>" + matrix2[i, j] + "</td>"; } Time.Text += "</tr>"; } int cmel = 0; int solod = 0; int voda = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt32(text2.Text); i++) { cmel += Convert.ToInt32(matrix[0, 0]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 0]) + Convert.ToInt32(matrix[1, 0]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 1]) + Convert.ToInt32(matrix[2, 0]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 2]); solod += Convert.ToInt32(matrix[0, 1]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 0]) + Convert.ToInt32(matrix[1, 1]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 1]) + Convert.ToInt32(matrix[2, 1]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 2]); ; voda += Convert.ToInt32(matrix[0, 2]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 0]) + Convert.ToInt32(matrix[1, 2]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 1]) + Convert.ToInt32(matrix[2, 2]) * Convert.ToInt32(matrix2[i, 2]); ; ; } Label1.Text = "<p>Итого: к " + text1.Text + "ой неделе понадобится единиц ХМЕЛЯ, СОЛОДА и ВОДЫ соответственно"; Label1.Text += cmel + " " + solod + " " + voda + "</p>"; }
public void Add(object sender, EventArgs e) { string query = "insert into [planing].[dbo].[calendar]([week],[light],[smooth],[dark])values(" + TextBox4.Text + "," + TextBox1.Text + "," + TextBox2.Text + "," + TextBox3.Text + ")"; string[,] matrix = new string[3, 3]; WithMSSQL con1 = new WithMSSQL(); matrix = con1.commandSQL(query, con1.connectToSQL(auth_str)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); //builder["Provider"] = "provider=SQLOLEDB.1"; builder["Server"] = "(local)"; builder["Integrated Security"] = "true"; //builder["User Instance"] = "false"; builder["Database"] = "planing"; //builder["uid"] = "a"; //builder["password"] = ""; //builder["Pooling"] = "False"; auth_str = builder.ConnectionString; //Console.WriteLine(builder.ConnectionString); WithMSSQL con1 = new WithMSSQL(); string query = "select cmel, solod, voda from beer"; string[,] matrix = new string[3, 3]; matrix = con1.commandSQL(query, con1.connectToSQL(auth_str)); Time.Text = "<table border='0' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' width='100%' bgcolor='#ffffff'>"; Time.Text += "<tr style='color:#666; font-size: 100%;'><td>Сорт пива/Ингридиенты</td><td>Хмель</td><td>Солод</td><td>Вода</td>"; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Time.Text += "<tr style='color:#999; font-size: 80%;'>"; if (i == 0) { Time.Text += "<td>Светлое</td>"; } if (i == 1) { Time.Text += "<td>Тёмное</td>"; } if (i == 2) { Time.Text += "<td>Нефильтрованное</td>"; } for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { Time.Text += "<td>" + matrix[i, j] + "</td>"; } Time.Text += "</tr>"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); //builder["Provider"] = "provider=SQLOLEDB.1"; builder["Server"] = "(local)"; builder["Integrated Security"] = "true"; //builder["User Instance"] = "false"; builder["Database"] = "planing"; //builder["uid"] = "a"; //builder["password"] = ""; //builder["Pooling"] = "False"; auth_str = builder.ConnectionString; //Console.WriteLine(builder.ConnectionString); WithMSSQL con1 = new WithMSSQL(); string query = "select cmel, solod, voda from beer"; string[,] matrix = new string[3, 3]; matrix = con1.commandSQL(query, con1.connectToSQL(auth_str)); Time.Text = "<table border='0' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' width='100%' bgcolor='#ffffff'>"; Time.Text += "<tr style='color:#666; font-size: 100%;'><td>Сорт пива/Ингридиенты</td><td>Хмель</td><td>Солод</td><td>Вода</td>"; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { Time.Text += "<tr style='color:#999; font-size: 80%;'>"; if (i == 0) Time.Text += "<td>Светлое</td>"; if (i == 1) Time.Text += "<td>Тёмное</td>"; if (i == 2) Time.Text += "<td>Нефильтрованное</td>"; for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { Time.Text += "<td>" + matrix[i,j] + "</td>"; } Time.Text += "</tr>"; } }