public void PlaybackSource_IsAudioEffectDefinitionPropertiesNotNull()
     Windows.Foundation.Collections.IPropertySet props = null;
     _audioNode.EffectAdded += new TypedEventHandler <FakeAudioNode, IAudioEffectDefinition>(
         (node, effectDefinition) =>
         props = effectDefinition.Properties;
        public static void CreateSchedule()
            appSettings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values;

            #region Show the date PopUp if there isn't a saved date
            if (!appSettings.ContainsKey(dateKey))
                // No date is registered 
                //graduation_date = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year + 1, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day); 
                string date = appSettings[dateKey].ToString();
                var tempArray = date.Split(' ');    // Results in  tempArray[0] = xx/xx/xx
                var dateArray = tempArray[0].Split('/');
                int month = Convert.ToInt32(dateArray[0]);
                int day = Convert.ToInt32(dateArray[1]);
                int year = Convert.ToInt32(dateArray[2]);
                graduation_date = new DateTime(year, month, day);
                //Clock.WinRT.ClockTileScheduler.SetGraduationDate(year, month, day); 
            int CurrentYear = DateTime.Now.Year;                // Current year
            DateTime NewYear = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year + 1, 1, 1);       // January 1st of the next year

            var tileUpdater = TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForApplication();
            var plannedUpdated = tileUpdater.GetScheduledTileNotifications();

            string language = GlobalizationPreferences.Languages.First();
            CultureInfo cultureInfo = new CultureInfo(language);

            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime planTill = now.AddHours(4);

            DateTime updateTime = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, 0).AddMinutes(1);
            if (plannedUpdated.Count > 0)
                updateTime = plannedUpdated.Select(x => x.DeliveryTime.DateTime).Union(new[] { updateTime }).Max();

            // Here is where I define a number of different live tiles 
            // This is the special tile that will display on Christmas day 
            const string Christmas_xml = @"<tile><visual>
                                        <binding template=""TileSquareText04""><text id=""1"">Merry Christmas!</text></binding>
                                        <binding template=""TileWideText03""><text id=""1"">Merry Christmas!</text></binding>

            // Tile 1: XX days until Christmas!
            const string xml = @"<tile><visual>
                                        <binding template=""TileSquareText01""><text id=""1"">{0}</text><text id=""2"">until graduation!</text></binding>
                                        <binding template=""TileWideText01""><text id=""1"">{0}</text><text id=""2"">until graduation!</text></binding>

            // Tile 2: XX days, YY hours until Christmas! 
            const string xml_2 = @"<tile><visual>
                                        <binding template=""TileSquareText01"">
                                            <text id=""1"">{0}</text>
                                            <text id=""2"">{1}</text>
                                            <text id=""3"">{2}</text>
                                        <binding template=""TileWideText05"">
                                            <text id=""1"">{0}</text>
                                            <text id=""2"">{1}</text>
                                            <text id=""3"">{2}</text>

            // Tile 3: XX days, YY hours, ZZ minutes until Christmas!
            const string xml_3 = @"<tile><visual>
                                        <binding template=""TileSquareText01"">
                                            <text id=""1"">{0}</text>
                                            <text id=""2"">{1}</text>
                                            <text id=""3"">{2}</text>
                                            <text id=""4"">until Christmas!</text>
                                        <binding template=""TileWideText05"">
                                            <text id=""1"">{0}</text>
                                            <text id=""2"">{1}</text>
                                            <text id=""3"">{2}</text>
                                            <text id=""4"">until Christmas!</text>

            var timeLeft = graduation_date - DateTime.Now;
            var tileXmlCountdown = "";
            if (Live_Tile_Style == 1)
                tileXmlCountdown = string.Format(xml, timeLeft.Days.ToString() + " days");
            else if (Live_Tile_Style == 2)
                tileXmlCountdown = string.Format(xml_2, timeLeft.Days.ToString() + " days,", timeLeft.Hours == 1 ? timeLeft.Hours.ToString() + " hour" : timeLeft.Hours.ToString() + " hours", "until Christmas!");
            else if (Live_Tile_Style == 3)
                tileXmlCountdown = string.Format(xml_3, timeLeft.Days.ToString() + " days,", timeLeft.Hours == 1 ? timeLeft.Hours.ToString() + " hour," : timeLeft.Hours.ToString() + " hours,", timeLeft.Minutes == 1 ? timeLeft.Minutes.ToString() + " minute" : timeLeft.Minutes.ToString() + " minutes");
            else    // default to style 1 
                tileXmlCountdown = string.Format(xml, timeLeft.Days.ToString() + " days");

            if (timeLeft.Days < 0)
                tileXmlCountdown = "No graduation date set."; 

            XmlDocument documentNow = new XmlDocument();

            tileUpdater.Update(new TileNotification(documentNow) { ExpirationTime = now.AddMinutes(1) });

            for (var startPlanning = updateTime; startPlanning < planTill; startPlanning = startPlanning.AddMinutes(1))


                    var tileXml = "";
                    if (Live_Tile_Style == 1)
                        tileXml = string.Format(xml, timeLeft.Days.ToString() + " days");
                    else if (Live_Tile_Style == 2)
                        tileXml = string.Format(xml_2, timeLeft.Days.ToString() + " days,", timeLeft.Hours == 1 ? timeLeft.Hours.ToString() + " hour" : timeLeft.Hours.ToString() + " hours", "until Christmas!");
                    else if (Live_Tile_Style == 3)
                        tileXml = string.Format(xml_3, timeLeft.Days.ToString() + " days,", timeLeft.Hours == 1 ? timeLeft.Hours.ToString() + " hour," : timeLeft.Hours.ToString() + " hours,", timeLeft.Minutes == 1 ? timeLeft.Minutes.ToString() + " minute" : timeLeft.Minutes.ToString() + " minutes");

                    if (timeLeft.Days < 0)
                        tileXml = "No graduation date set."; 
                    XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();

                    ScheduledTileNotification scheduledNotification = new ScheduledTileNotification(document, new DateTimeOffset(startPlanning)) { ExpirationTime = startPlanning.AddMinutes(1) };

                    Debug.WriteLine("schedule for: " + startPlanning);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.WriteLine("exception: " + e.Message);
        public static void CreateSchedule()
            appSettings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values;

            if (appSettings.ContainsKey(nameKey))    // If a name is given
                CountdownHasName = true;
                CountdownName = appSettings[nameKey].ToString();
                CountdownHasName = false;

            #region Get the date if there is one
            if (appSettings.ContainsKey(dateKey))

                string date = appSettings[dateKey].ToString();
                var tempArray = date.Split(' ');    // Results in  tempArray[0] = xx/xx/xx
                var dateArray = tempArray[0].Split('/');
                int month = Convert.ToInt32(dateArray[0]);
                int day = Convert.ToInt32(dateArray[1]);
                int year = Convert.ToInt32(dateArray[2]);
                end_date = new DateTime(year, month, day);
                // We don't have a date saved.

            var tileUpdater = TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForApplication();
            var plannedUpdated = tileUpdater.GetScheduledTileNotifications();

            string language = GlobalizationPreferences.Languages.First();
            CultureInfo cultureInfo = new CultureInfo(language);

            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime planTill = now.AddHours(4);

            DateTime updateTime = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, 0).AddMinutes(1);
            if (plannedUpdated.Count > 0)
                updateTime = plannedUpdated.Select(x => x.DeliveryTime.DateTime).Union(new [] { updateTime }).Max();

            const string xml = @"<tile><visual>
                                        <binding template=""TileSquareText01""><text id=""1"">{0} days</text><text id=""2"">until {1}!</text></binding>
                                        <binding template=""TileWideText01""><text id=""1"">{0} days</text><text id=""2"">until {1}!</text><text id=""3""></text><text id=""4""></text><text id=""5""></text></binding>

            var timeLeft = end_date - DateTime.Now;
            if (timeLeft.Days > 0)
                var tileXmlNow = string.Format(xml, timeLeft.Days.ToString(), CountdownName);
                XmlDocument documentNow = new XmlDocument();

                tileUpdater.Update(new TileNotification(documentNow) { ExpirationTime = now.AddMinutes(1) });

                for (var startPlanning = updateTime; startPlanning < planTill; startPlanning = startPlanning.AddMinutes(1))

                        var tileXml = string.Format(xml, timeLeft.Days.ToString(), CountdownName);
                        XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();

                        ScheduledTileNotification scheduledNotification = new ScheduledTileNotification(document, new DateTimeOffset(startPlanning)) { ExpirationTime = startPlanning.AddMinutes(1) };

                        Debug.WriteLine("schedule for: " + startPlanning);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Debug.WriteLine("exception: " + e.Message);
예제 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor for the plugin
    /// </summary>
    public HLSPlugin()
      // set this up in the constructor so that the property is available if the plugin is setup in code
      this._ControllerFactory = new HLSControllerFactory();

      this._ControllerFactoryPropertySet = 
        new Windows.Foundation.Collections.PropertySet() { {"ControllerFactory", this._ControllerFactory}};
예제 #5
 public CapturePhoto()
     appSettings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values;
 public CapturePhoto()
     appSettings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values;
     ResetButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
예제 #7
 private bool PromptForDelete(Windows.Foundation.Collections.IPropertySet values, string containerPath)
     return(Stdio.Prompt(String.Format("Delete all {0} {1} in the container {2} (Yes/No)? ", values.Count, "value".Plural(values.Count), containerPath)));
예제 #8
 public CapturePhoto()
     appSettings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values;