public override void DrawMiddle(float x, ref float y, float width) { WindowUtil.PlusMinusLabel(x, ref y, width, "Components", delegate { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_StoryTellerComponentDialog(v => { if (v == null) { return("Component must be set"); } AcceptanceReport r = this.IsUnique(v); if (!r.Accepted) { return(r); } this.comps.Add(new StorytellerCompPropertiesWidget(v)); base.Def.comps.Add(v); return(true); })); }, delegate { WindowUtil.DrawFloatingOptions( new WindowUtil.FloatOptionsArgs <StorytellerCompPropertiesWidget>() { items = this.comps, getDisplayName = c => c.DisplayLabel, onSelect = c => { for (int i = 0; i < this.comps.Count; ++i) { if (this.comps[i] == c) { this.comps.RemoveAt(i); base.Def.comps.RemoveAt(i); } } } }); }); foreach (var v in this.comps) { v.Draw(x + 10, ref y, width); } }
protected override void DrawInputs(float x, ref float y, float width) { if (this.curve != null) { WindowUtil.PlusMinusLabel(x, ref y, width,, () => { MinMaxFloatStats p = new MinMaxFloatStats(0, 0); this.points.Add(p); this.pointsInputs.Add(this.CreateFloatInput(p)); }, () => WindowUtil.DrawFloatingOptions(pointsArgs)); SimpleCurveDrawer.DrawCurve(new Rect(x + 20, y, width, 100), curve); y += 110; if (this.innerY > 300) { Widgets.BeginScrollView( new Rect(x + 20, y, width - 16, 300), ref this.scroll, new Rect(0, 0, width - 32, this.innerY)); this.innerY = 0; foreach (var v in this.pointsInputs) { v.Draw(10, ref this.innerY, width - 60); } Widgets.EndScrollView(); y += 332; } else { this.innerY = 0; foreach (var v in this.pointsInputs) { float orig = y; v.Draw(10, ref y, width - 60); this.innerY += y - orig; } } } }
public void Draw(float x, ref float y, float width) { WindowUtil.DrawLabel(x, y, width, this.DisplayLabel, true); y += 40; x += 10; WindowUtil.DrawLabel(x, y, 100, "Min"); if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(110f, y, 100, 30), this.QualityRange.min.GetLabel())) { WindowUtil.DrawFloatingOptions(this.MinQualityRange); } y += 40; WindowUtil.DrawLabel(x, y, 100, "Max"); if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(110f, y, 100, 30), this.QualityRange.max.GetLabel())) { WindowUtil.DrawFloatingOptions(this.MaxQualityRange); } y += 40; }
private void DrawTools(float x, ref float y, float width) { WindowUtil.PlusMinusLabel(x, ref y, width, "Tools", delegate { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_Name( "Name the new tool", delegate(string name) { Tool t = new Tool() { label = name };; this.ToolWidgets.Add(new ToolWidget(t)); }, delegate(string name) { foreach (Tool t in { if (t.label.Equals(name)) { return("Tool with name \"" + name + "\" already exists."); } } return(true); })); }, delegate { WindowUtil.DrawFloatingOptions( new WindowUtil.FloatOptionsArgs <Tool>() { items =, getDisplayName = delegate(Tool t) { return(t.label); }, onSelect = delegate(Tool t) { for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) { if ([i].label.Equals(t.label)) {; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < this.ToolWidgets.Count; ++i) { if (this.ToolWidgets[i].Tool.label.Equals(t.label)) { this.ToolWidgets.RemoveAt(i); break; } } } }); }); y += 10; x += 10; foreach (ToolWidget w in this.ToolWidgets) { w.Draw(x, ref y, width - x); } }