private void LocateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WindowTree.SelectedNode != null) { string[] SplitCharacters = { ":" }; string[] Handles = WindowTree.SelectedNode.Name.Split(SplitCharacters, StringSplitOptions.None); IntPtr ParentHandle = new IntPtr(int.Parse(Handles[0])); IntPtr Handle = new IntPtr(int.Parse(Handles[1])); if (NM.IsWindow(Handle) && NM.IsWindowVisible(Handle)) { if (ParentHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { NM.BringWindowToTop(Handle); } else { NM.BringWindowToTop(ParentHandle); } NM.tagRect area = Display.GetWindowRectangleDIP(Handle); IntPtr hWindowDC = NM.GetDC(IntPtr.Zero); IntPtr hRectanglePen = NM.CreatePen(NM.PenStyle.PS_SOLID, 3, (uint)ColorTranslator.ToWin32(Color.Red)); IntPtr hPrevPen = NM.SelectObject(hWindowDC, hRectanglePen); IntPtr hPrevBrush = NM.SelectObject(hWindowDC, NM.GetStockObject(NM.StockObjects.HOLLOW_BRUSH)); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { NM.Rectangle(hWindowDC, area.left,, area.right, area.bottom); Thread.Sleep(300); ClearHighlight(area); if (i < 2) { Thread.Sleep(300); } } NM.SelectObject(hWindowDC, hPrevPen); NM.SelectObject(hWindowDC, hPrevBrush); NM.ReleaseDC(Handle, hWindowDC); } else { BuildTree(); } } WindowTree.Focus(); }
private void ObjectSpy_Activate(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { WindowTree.Focus(); }
private void IdentifyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_CurrentAttached = (KeyValuePair <Process, string>)WinformsProcessesCombobox.SelectedItem; if (m_CurrentAttached.Key.HasExited) { WinformsProcessesCombobox.SelectedIndex = 0; Populate(); return; } IdentifyButton.Enabled = false; WinformsProcessesCombobox.Enabled = false; label1.Text = "Move the mouse cursor over the desired window and then press the control key"; //install hotkey hook for control key if (!NM.RegisterHotKey(this.Handle, 1, NM.MOD_CONTROL, NM.VK_CONTROL)) { throw new Exception("Failed to register hotkey"); } m_ControlKey = false; IntPtr OldHandle = IntPtr.Zero; while (m_ControlKey == false) { Point cursorPosition = Cursor.Position; NM.tagPoint screenLocation; NM.tagPoint Location; IntPtr Handle; IntPtr ChildWindow; IntPtr parent = NM.GetDesktopWindow(); screenLocation.x = cursorPosition.X; screenLocation.y = cursorPosition.Y; while (true) { Location = screenLocation; NM.ScreenToClient(parent, ref Location); ChildWindow = NM.RealChildWindowFromPoint(parent, Location); if (ChildWindow == IntPtr.Zero || parent == ChildWindow) { Handle = parent; break; } parent = ChildWindow; } uint Pid; NM.GetWindowThreadProcessId(Handle, out Pid); if (Handle != OldHandle) { if (OldHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { ClearHighlight(m_Area); } if (m_CurrentAttached.Key.Id == Pid) { PopulatePropertyListbox(NM.GetAncestor(Handle, NM.GetAncestorFlags.GetRoot), Handle); Highlight(Handle); OldHandle = Handle; } else { OldHandle = IntPtr.Zero; } } Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep(100); } if (OldHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { ClearHighlight(m_Area); TreeNode[] Nodes = WindowTree.Nodes.Find(m_Identity.ParentHandle.ToString() + ":" + m_Identity.Handle.ToString(), true); if (Nodes.GetLength(0) == 0) { BuildTree(); Nodes = WindowTree.Nodes.Find(m_Identity.ParentHandle.ToString() + ":" + m_Identity.Handle.ToString(), true); } if (Nodes.GetLength(0) > 0) { WindowTree.SelectedNode = Nodes[0]; WindowTree.Focus(); } } if (!m_Closing) { NM.UnregisterHotKey(this.Handle, 1); label1.Text = ""; IdentifyButton.Enabled = true; WinformsProcessesCombobox.Enabled = true; } }