예제 #1
        async private void PrimesOrderedButton_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var nativeObject = new WinRT_CPP.Class1();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("Primes found (ordered): ");

            PrimesOrderedResult.Text = sb.ToString();

            // Call the asynchronous method
            var asyncOp = nativeObject.GetPrimesOrdered(2, 100000);

            // Before awaiting, provide a lambda or named method
            // to handle the Progress event that is fired at regular
            // intervals by the asyncOp object. This handler updates
            // the progress bar in the UI.
            asyncOp.Progress = (asyncInfo, progress) =>
                PrimesOrderedProgress.Value = progress;

            // Wait for the operation to complete
            var asyncResult = await asyncOp;

            // Convert the results to strings
            foreach (var result in asyncResult)
                sb.Append(result).Append(" ");

            // Display the results
            PrimesOrderedResult.Text = sb.ToString();
예제 #2
        private void PrimesUnOrderedButton_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var nativeObject = new WinRT_CPP.Class1();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("Primes found (unordered): ");
            PrimesUnOrderedResult.Text = sb.ToString();

            // primeFoundEvent is a user-defined event in nativeObject
            // It passes the results back to this thread as they are produced
            // and the event handler that we define here immediately displays them.
            nativeObject.primeFoundEvent += (n) =>
                sb.Append(n.ToString()).Append(" ");
                PrimesUnOrderedResult.Text = sb.ToString();

            // Call the async method.
            var asyncResult = nativeObject.GetPrimesUnordered(2, 100000);

            // Provide a handler for the Progress event that the asyncResult
            // object fires at regular intervals. This handler updates the progress bar.
            asyncResult.Progress += (asyncInfo, progress) =>
                PrimesUnOrderedProgress.Value = progress;
예제 #3
        private void Button1_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Create the object
            var nativeObject = new WinRT_CPP.Class1();

            // Call the synchronous method. val is an IList that
            // contains the results.
            var           val    = nativeObject.ComputeResult(0);
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var v in val)
            this.Result1.Text = result.ToString();