public IpSnifferWinPcap(string filter) { _filter = filter; BufferSize = 8192*1024; _devices = WinPcapDeviceList.New(); //BasicTeraData.LogError(string.Join("\r\n",_devices.Select(x=>x.Description)),true,true); //check for winpcap installed if not - exception to fallback to rawsockets _devices = null; }
private void PacketCapture_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.promiscuousCheckbox.Enabled = true; this.StopCaptureButton.Enabled = false; this.AmberPicture.Visible = true; this.GreenPicture.Visible = false; this.RedPicture.Visible = false; this.updater = this.UpdateUI; this.stopUpdater = this.PcapStopped; this.devices = WinPcapDeviceList.Instance; foreach (WinPcapDevice device in this.devices) { this.comboBox1.Items.Add(device.Description); } if (this.devices.Count > 0) this.comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 1; this.webBrowser1.DocumentStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Resources.Filtering)); } catch (Exception exc) { this.Enabled = false; if (exc is BadImageFormatException) { Log.Info("Terminals packet capture is not configured to work with this system (Bad Image Format Exception)", exc); MessageBox.Show("Terminals packet capture is not configured to work with this system (Bad Image Format Exception)", AssemblyInfo.Title, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else if (exc is DllNotFoundException) { Log.Info("Network.Pcap.PacketCapture_Info2", exc); if ( MessageBox.Show( "It appears that WinPcap is not installed. In order to use this feature within Terminals you must first install that product. " + "Do you wish to visit the download location right now?", "Download WinPcap?", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK) { Process.Start(""); } } else { Log.Info("Network.Pcap.PacketCapture_Info3", exc); } } this.PacketCapture_Resize(null, null); }
private void Finish() { Debug.Assert(_devices != null); foreach (var device in _devices.Where(device => device.Opened)) { device.StopCapture(); device.Close(); } _devices = null; }
private void Start() { Debug.Assert(_devices == null); _devices = WinPcapDeviceList.New(); var interestingDevices = _devices; foreach (var device in interestingDevices) { device.OnPacketArrival += device_OnPacketArrival; device.Open(DeviceMode.Promiscuous, 1000); device.Filter = _filter; device.StartCapture(); } }
private void Finish() { return; foreach (var device in _devices.Where(device => device.Opened)) { device.StopCapture(); device.Close(); } _devices = null; }
public Packet(WinPcapDeviceList Devices, int Num) { devices = Devices; num = Num; }
private void Start() { Debug.Assert(_devices == null); try { _devices = WinPcapDeviceList.New(); } catch (DllNotFoundException ex) { throw new NetworkSniffingException("WinPcap is not installed", ex); } var interestingDevices = _devices.Where(IsInteresting); foreach (var device in interestingDevices) { device.OnPacketArrival += device_OnPacketArrival; device.Open(DeviceMode.Promiscuous, 1000); device.Filter = _filter; if (BufferSize != null) device.KernelBufferSize = (uint)BufferSize.Value; device.StartCapture(); } }
public AdapterSelectionForm() { InitializeComponent(); _devices = WinPcapDeviceList.Instance; LoadAdapters(); }
private void Start() { Debug.Assert(_devices == null); _devices = WinPcapDeviceList.New(); var interestingDevices = _devices.Where(IsInteresting); foreach (var device in interestingDevices) { device.OnPacketArrival += device_OnPacketArrival; device.Open(DeviceMode.Promiscuous, 1000); device.Filter = _filter; if (BufferSize != null) { try { device.KernelBufferSize = (uint) BufferSize.Value; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Warn($"Failed to set KernelBufferSize to {BufferSize.Value} on {device.Name}. {e.Message}"); } } device.StartCapture(); } }
private void Finish() { Debug.Assert(_devices != null); foreach (var device in _devices.Where(device => device.Opened)) { try { device.StopCapture(); } catch { // ignored } //SharpPcap.PcapException: captureThread was aborted after 00:00:02 - it's normal when there is no traffic while stopping device.Close(); } _devices = null; }
private bool loadCaptureDeviceList() { try { capture_devices = LibPcapLiveDeviceList.Instance; if (System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) capture_devices_win = WinPcapDeviceList.Instance; } catch (Exception) { xbs_messages.addInfoMessage("!! ERROR while getting Pcap capture device list.", xbs_message_sender.GENERAL, xbs_message_type.FATAL_ERROR); } return (capture_devices.Count > 0); }
private void Start() { Debug.Assert(_devices == null); _devices = WinPcapDeviceList.New(); var interestingDevices = _devices.Where(IsInteresting); foreach (var device in interestingDevices) { device.OnPacketArrival += device_OnPacketArrival; device.Open(DeviceMode.Promiscuous, 1000); device.Filter = _filter; if (BufferSize != null) device.KernelBufferSize = (uint)BufferSize.Value; device.StartCapture(); } }