private async Task ScanNetwork(bool firstStart) { RunOnUiThread(() => { SetScanState(true); FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.lvDevices).Adapter = null; }); try { mlock.Acquire(); await finder.DiscoverBoards(); } finally { mlock.Release(); } RunOnUiThread(() => { SetScanState(false); FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.lvDevices).Adapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, finder.Boards.ToList()); if (firstStart && finder.Boards.Count == 1) { // If the app is starting and there is only one device available, connect to it immediately GoToIP(finder.Boards[0].IPAddress); } }); }
protected override void OnDestroy() { if (mlock != null) { mlock.Release(); mlock = null; } base.OnDestroy(); }
protected override void OnDestroy() { //base.OnDestroy(); if (_mlock != null) { _mlock.Release(); _mlock = null; } base.OnDestroy(); }
public void Dispose() { if (_mcLock != null) { _mcLock.Release(); _mcLock.Dispose(); } if (_httpServer != null) { _httpServer.Dispose(); } if (_udpServer != null) { _udpServer.Dispose(); } }