public void Save(Stream systemStream, Direct2DImageFormat format, string text, string faceName, float fontSize, out int width, out int height) { #if BENCHMARK using (var handler = Benchmark.Instance.Start("DirectWrite", "Save")) #endif using (var layout = new TextLayout(factoryManager.DwFactory, text, new TextFormat(factoryManager.DwFactory, faceName, fontSize * 1.3f), 4000, 4000)) { width = (int)Math.Ceiling(layout.Metrics.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace); height = (int)Math.Ceiling(layout.Metrics.Height); using (var wicBitmap = new SharpDX.WIC.Bitmap(factoryManager.WicFactory, width, height, SharpDX.WIC.PixelFormat.Format32bppPRGBA, BitmapCreateCacheOption.CacheOnLoad)) { var renderTargetProperties = new RenderTargetProperties(RenderTargetType.Default, new SharpDX.Direct2D1.PixelFormat(Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, SharpDX.Direct2D1.AlphaMode.Unknown), imageDpi, imageDpi, RenderTargetUsage.None, FeatureLevel.Level_DEFAULT); using (var renderTarget = new WicRenderTarget(factoryManager.D2DFactory, wicBitmap, renderTargetProperties)) using (var brush = new SolidColorBrush(renderTarget, SharpDX.Color.White)) using (var encoder = new BitmapEncoder(factoryManager.WicFactory, Direct2DConverter.ConvertImageFormat(format))) { renderTarget.BeginDraw(); renderTarget.Clear(new Color4(1, 1, 1, 0)); renderTarget.DrawTextLayout(Vector2.Zero, layout, brush); renderTarget.EndDraw(); var stream = new WICStream(factoryManager.WicFactory, systemStream); encoder.Initialize(stream); using (var bitmapFrameEncode = new BitmapFrameEncode(encoder)) { bitmapFrameEncode.Initialize(); bitmapFrameEncode.SetSize(width, height); bitmapFrameEncode.WriteSource(wicBitmap); bitmapFrameEncode.Commit(); } encoder.Commit(); } } } }
protected override void DrawOntoOutputTarget(WicRenderTarget target) { foreach (var text in ItemArray) { var location = ImagePlacement[text.Key]; var t = text.Value; using (var brush = new SolidColorBrush(target, t.Background)) target.FillRectangle(location, brush); using (var brush = new SolidColorBrush(target, t.Foreground)) target.DrawTextLayout(new Vector2(location.Left + text.Value.Padding.X, location.Top + text.Value.Padding.Y), t.TextLayout, brush, DrawTextOptions.None); } }
internal CCTexture2D CreateTextSprite(string text, CCFontDefinition textDefinition) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { return(new CCTexture2D()); } int imageWidth; int imageHeight; var textDef = textDefinition; var contentScaleFactorWidth = CCLabel.DefaultTexelToContentSizeRatios.Width; var contentScaleFactorHeight = CCLabel.DefaultTexelToContentSizeRatios.Height; textDef.FontSize *= (int)contentScaleFactorWidth; textDef.Dimensions.Width *= contentScaleFactorWidth; textDef.Dimensions.Height *= contentScaleFactorHeight; bool hasPremultipliedAlpha; var font = CreateFont(textDef.FontName, textDef.FontSize); var _currentFontSizeEm = textDef.FontSize; var _currentDIP = ConvertPointSizeToDIP(_currentFontSizeEm); var fontColor = textDef.FontFillColor; var fontAlpha = textDef.FontAlpha; var foregroundColor = new Color4(fontColor.R / 255.0f, fontColor.G / 255.0f, fontColor.B / 255.0f, fontAlpha / 255.0f); // alignment var horizontalAlignment = textDef.Alignment; var verticleAlignement = textDef.LineAlignment; var textAlign = (CCTextAlignment.Right == horizontalAlignment) ? TextAlignment.Trailing : (CCTextAlignment.Center == horizontalAlignment) ? TextAlignment.Center : TextAlignment.Leading; var paragraphAlign = (CCVerticalTextAlignment.Bottom == vertAlignment) ? ParagraphAlignment.Far : (CCVerticalTextAlignment.Center == vertAlignment) ? ParagraphAlignment.Center : ParagraphAlignment.Near; // LineBreak var lineBreak = (CCLabelLineBreak.Character == textDef.LineBreak) ? WordWrapping.Wrap : (CCLabelLineBreak.Word == textDef.LineBreak) ? WordWrapping.Wrap : WordWrapping.NoWrap; // LineBreak // TODO: Find a way to specify the type of line breaking if possible. var dimensions = new CCSize(textDef.Dimensions.Width, textDef.Dimensions.Height); var layoutAvailable = true; if (dimensions.Width <= 0) { dimensions.Width = 8388608; layoutAvailable = false; } if (dimensions.Height <= 0) { dimensions.Height = 8388608; layoutAvailable = false; } var fontName = font.FontFamily.FamilyNames.GetString(0); var textFormat = new TextFormat(FactoryDWrite, fontName, _currentFontCollection, FontWeight.Regular, FontStyle.Normal, FontStretch.Normal, _currentDIP); textFormat.TextAlignment = textAlign; textFormat.ParagraphAlignment = paragraphAlign; var textLayout = new TextLayout(FactoryDWrite, text, textFormat, dimensions.Width, dimensions.Height); var boundingRect = new RectangleF(); // Loop through all the lines so we can find our drawing offsets var textMetrics = textLayout.Metrics; var lineCount = textMetrics.LineCount; // early out if something went wrong somewhere and nothing is to be drawn if (lineCount == 0) { return(new CCTexture2D()); } // Fill out the bounding rect width and height so we can calculate the yOffset later if needed boundingRect.X = 0; boundingRect.Y = 0; boundingRect.Width = textMetrics.Width; boundingRect.Height = textMetrics.Height; if (!layoutAvailable) { if (dimensions.Width == 8388608) { dimensions.Width = boundingRect.Width; } if (dimensions.Height == 8388608) { dimensions.Height = boundingRect.Height; } } imageWidth = (int)dimensions.Width; imageHeight = (int)dimensions.Height; // Recreate our layout based on calculated dimensions so that we can draw the text correctly // in our image when Alignment is not Left. if (textAlign != TextAlignment.Leading) { textLayout.MaxWidth = dimensions.Width; textLayout.MaxHeight = dimensions.Height; } // Line alignment var yOffset = (CCVerticalTextAlignment.Bottom == verticleAlignement || boundingRect.Bottom >= dimensions.Height) ? dimensions.Height - boundingRect.Bottom // align to bottom : (CCVerticalTextAlignment.Top == verticleAlignement) ? 0 // align to top : (imageHeight - boundingRect.Bottom) * 0.5f; // align to center SharpDX.WIC.Bitmap sharpBitmap = null; WicRenderTarget sharpRenderTarget = null; SolidColorBrush solidBrush = null; try { // Select our pixel format var pixelFormat = SharpDX.WIC.PixelFormat.Format32bppPRGBA; // create our backing bitmap sharpBitmap = new SharpDX.WIC.Bitmap(FactoryImaging, imageWidth, imageHeight, pixelFormat, BitmapCreateCacheOption.CacheOnLoad); // Create the render target that we will draw to sharpRenderTarget = new WicRenderTarget(Factory2D, sharpBitmap, new RenderTargetProperties()); // Create our brush to actually draw with solidBrush = new SolidColorBrush(sharpRenderTarget, foregroundColor); // Begin the drawing sharpRenderTarget.BeginDraw(); if (textDefinition.isShouldAntialias) { sharpRenderTarget.AntialiasMode = AntialiasMode.Aliased; } // Clear it sharpRenderTarget.Clear(TransparentColor); // Draw the text to the bitmap sharpRenderTarget.DrawTextLayout(new Vector2(boundingRect.X, yOffset), textLayout, solidBrush); // End our drawing which will commit the rendertarget to the bitmap sharpRenderTarget.EndDraw(); // Debugging purposes //var s = "Label4"; //SaveToFile(@"C:\Xamarin\" + s + ".png", _bitmap, _renderTarget); // The following code creates a .png stream in memory of our Bitmap and uses it to create our Textue2D Texture2D tex = null; using (var memStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (var encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder(FactoryImaging, memStream)) using (var frameEncoder = new BitmapFrameEncode(encoder)) { frameEncoder.Initialize(); frameEncoder.WriteSource(sharpBitmap); frameEncoder.Commit(); encoder.Commit(); } // Create the Texture2D from the png stream tex = Texture2D.FromStream(CCDrawManager.SharedDrawManager.XnaGraphicsDevice, memStream); } // Return our new CCTexture2D created from the Texture2D which will have our text drawn on it. return(new CCTexture2D(tex)); } catch (Exception exc) { CCLog.Log("CCLabel-Windows: Unable to create the backing image of our text. Message: {0}", exc.StackTrace); } finally { if (sharpBitmap != null) { sharpBitmap.Dispose(); sharpBitmap = null; } if (sharpRenderTarget != null) { sharpRenderTarget.Dispose(); sharpRenderTarget = null; } if (solidBrush != null) { solidBrush.Dispose(); solidBrush = null; } if (textFormat != null) { textFormat.Dispose(); textFormat = null; } if (textLayout != null) { textLayout.Dispose(); textLayout = null; } } // If we have reached here then something has gone wrong. return(new CCTexture2D()); }
/// <summary> /// 从rss生成图像 /// </summary> /// <param name="channel">从rss源获得的数据</param> /// <param name="path">保存图像的路径</param> private void GetImageFromRss(object obj) { ImageObj image = (ImageObj)obj; RssInfo rssInfo = image.rssInfo; RssMedia rssMedia = image.rssMedia; string fileName = ""; if (rssInfo == null || rssMedia == null) { return; } List <Page> pages = GetPageListFromRss(rssInfo, rssMedia); var wicFactory = new ImagingFactory(); var d2dFactory = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.Factory(); var dwFactory = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Factory(); var renderTargetProperties = new RenderTargetProperties(RenderTargetType.Default, new SharpDX.Direct2D1.PixelFormat(Format.Unknown, SharpDX.Direct2D1.AlphaMode.Unknown), 0, 0, RenderTargetUsage.None, FeatureLevel.Level_DEFAULT); var wicBitmap = new SharpDX.WIC.Bitmap(wicFactory, pageWidth, pageHeight, SharpDX.WIC.PixelFormat.Format32bppBGR, BitmapCreateCacheOption.CacheOnLoad); var d2dRenderTarget = new WicRenderTarget(d2dFactory, wicBitmap, renderTargetProperties); d2dRenderTarget.AntialiasMode = AntialiasMode.PerPrimitive; var solidColorBrush = new SolidColorBrush(d2dRenderTarget, new SharpDX.Color(this.backgroundColor.R, this.backgroundColor.G, this.backgroundColor.B, this.backgroundColor.A)); var textBodyBrush = new SolidColorBrush(d2dRenderTarget, new SharpDX.Color(rssMedia.RssBodyProp. TextColor.R, rssMedia.RssBodyProp.TextColor.G, rssMedia.RssBodyProp.TextColor.B, rssMedia.RssBodyProp.TextColor.A)); var titleColorBrush = new SolidColorBrush(d2dRenderTarget, new SharpDX.Color(rssMedia.RssTitleProp.TextColor.R, rssMedia.RssTitleProp.TextColor.G, rssMedia.RssTitleProp.TextColor.B, rssMedia.RssTitleProp.TextColor.A)); var publishDateColorBrush = new SolidColorBrush(d2dRenderTarget, new SharpDX.Color(rssMedia.RssPublishTimeProp.TextColor.R, rssMedia.RssPublishTimeProp.TextColor.G, rssMedia.RssPublishTimeProp.TextColor.B, rssMedia.RssPublishTimeProp.TextColor.A)); TextLayout textLayout; try { int count = 0; foreach (Page page in pages) { d2dRenderTarget.BeginDraw(); d2dRenderTarget.Clear(new SharpDX.Color(this.backgroundColor.R, this.backgroundColor.G, this.backgroundColor.B, this.backgroundColor.A)); foreach (Line line in page.lines) { foreach (Block block in line.content) { TextFormat textFormat = new TextFormat(dwFactory, block.font.FontFamily.Name, block.font.Size); textLayout = new TextLayout(dwFactory, block.content, textFormat, block.width, block.height); switch (block.type) { case RssBodyType.Title: textLayout.SetUnderline(rssMedia.RssTitleProp.TextFont.Underline, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); textLayout.SetFontStyle(rssMedia.RssTitleProp.TextFont.Italic ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Normal, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); textLayout.SetFontWeight(rssMedia.RssTitleProp.TextFont.Bold ? FontWeight.Bold : FontWeight.Normal, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); d2dRenderTarget.DrawTextLayout(new Vector2(block.left,, textLayout, titleColorBrush); break; case RssBodyType.Time: textLayout.SetUnderline(rssMedia.RssPublishTimeProp.TextFont.Underline, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); textLayout.SetFontStyle(rssMedia.RssPublishTimeProp.TextFont.Italic ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Normal, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); textLayout.SetFontWeight(rssMedia.RssPublishTimeProp.TextFont.Bold ? FontWeight.Bold : FontWeight.Normal, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); d2dRenderTarget.DrawTextLayout(new Vector2(block.left,, textLayout, publishDateColorBrush); break; case RssBodyType.Body: textLayout.SetUnderline(rssMedia.RssBodyProp.TextFont.Underline, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); textLayout.SetFontStyle(rssMedia.RssBodyProp.TextFont.Italic ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Normal, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); textLayout.SetFontWeight(rssMedia.RssBodyProp.TextFont.Bold ? FontWeight.Bold : FontWeight.Normal, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); d2dRenderTarget.DrawTextLayout(new Vector2(block.left,, textLayout, textBodyBrush); break; default: break; } textFormat.Dispose(); textFormat = null; } } d2dRenderTarget.EndDraw(); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } fileName = string.Format("{0}{1}.jpg", path, DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()); var stream = new WICStream(wicFactory, fileName, NativeFileAccess.Write); var encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder(wicFactory); encoder.Initialize(stream); var bitmapFrameEncode = new BitmapFrameEncode(encoder); bitmapFrameEncode.Initialize(); bitmapFrameEncode.SetSize(pageWidth, pageHeight); var pixelFormatGuid = SharpDX.WIC.PixelFormat.FormatDontCare; bitmapFrameEncode.SetPixelFormat(ref pixelFormatGuid); bitmapFrameEncode.WriteSource(wicBitmap); bitmapFrameEncode.Commit(); encoder.Commit(); bitmapFrameEncode.Dispose(); encoder.Dispose(); stream.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("*********image count is : " + count++); //发送单个图片生成事件 if (SingleGenerateCompleteEvent != null) { SingleGenerateCompleteEvent(fileName); } } //发送生成完成事件 if (GenerateCompleteEvent != null) { GenerateCompleteEvent(path); //停止线程,从字典删除 StopGenerate(rssMedia.CachePath); } } catch (ThreadAbortException aborted) { Trace.WriteLine("rss 图片生成线程终止 : " + aborted.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine("rss 图片生成遇到bug : " + ex.Message); } finally { wicFactory.Dispose(); d2dFactory.Dispose(); dwFactory.Dispose(); wicBitmap.Dispose(); d2dRenderTarget.Dispose(); solidColorBrush.Dispose(); textBodyBrush.Dispose(); titleColorBrush.Dispose(); publishDateColorBrush.Dispose(); rssInfo.Dispose(); rssMedia.Dispose(); wicFactory = null; d2dFactory = null; dwFactory = null; wicBitmap = null; d2dRenderTarget = null; solidColorBrush = null; textBodyBrush = null; titleColorBrush = null; publishDateColorBrush = null; rssInfo = null; rssMedia = null; pages.Clear(); pages = null; } }