/** entry point of the application */ public static void Main() { wifi = new WiFiESP12F(IO.Port1); wifi.reset(); Thread.Sleep(1000); wifi.setWifiMode(WiFiESP12F.wifiMode.SOFTAP); wifi.setAP("WifiTest", "Password1", 1, WiFiESP12F.SecurityType.WPA_WPA2_PSK); Thread.Sleep(1000); // Required after calling setAP #if (UDP) wifi.startUDP(4, "", 11000, 11001); #endif #if (TCPServer) wifi.openTCPServer(11001); #endif #if (TCP) wifi.startTCP(0, "", 11000); #endif /* temporary array */ byte[] scratch = new byte[1]; /* loop forever */ while (true) { /* read bytes out of uart */ if (wifi.processInput()) { /*transfer processed data to cache*/ cacheSize = wifi.transferDataCache(_cache); for (int j = 0; j < cacheSize; j++) { PushByte(_cache[j]); } } /* if there are bufferd bytes echo them back out */ if (_txCnt > 0) { scratch = new byte[_txCnt]; PopTX(scratch); #if (UDP) wifi.sendUDP(4, scratch); #endif #if (TCPServer || TCP) wifi.sendTCP(0, scratch); //The '0' id assumes you only have one connection on the TCP server. A list of connections can be obtained using 'AT+CIPSTATUS'. #endif } } }