public ActionResult SaveWhiteListNumber(WhiteListViewModel vm)
            ControllerReturnStatus status = ControllerReturnStatus.Success;
            string additionalErrInfo      = string.Empty;

            var ad = GetAdInfo();

            string fullName      = ad [0];
            string loginIdentity = ad [1];
            string department    = ad [2];

            try {
                var repo = new WhiteListRepository();
                repo.AddWhiteListPhoneNumber(vm.PhoneNumber, loginIdentity, fullName, department, vm.Notes, vm.DncOverride);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                status = ControllerReturnStatus.Fail;
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    if (ex.InnerException.ToString().Contains("duplicate"))
                        additionalErrInfo = " was NOT added to white list because it already is in the white list - by user ";

            // Tell the modal what happened when we tried to save.
            string formattedPhone = Helpers.FormatPhoneNumber(vm.PhoneNumber);

            string message = "Phone number: " + formattedPhone;

            if (additionalErrInfo == string.Empty)
                additionalErrInfo = " was NOT added to white list by user ";
            message += (status == 0 ? " was successfully added to white list by user " + fullName + " DNC-Override set to:" + vm.DncOverride : additionalErrInfo + fullName + " DNC-Override set to:" + vm.DncOverride);

            string title = (status == 0 ? "Success on adding phone number " + formattedPhone : "Error on adding phone number " + formattedPhone);

            var result = new { Status = status, Title = title, Message = message };

            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        // GET: WhiteList
        public ActionResult Index()
            WhiteListViewModel model = new WhiteListViewModel();

예제 #3
 public WhiteListPage()
     BindingContext = new WhiteListViewModel();